BDSM Manor Ch. 09: Inquisition


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Keira giggled and then went shy, I confirmed again that I was happy for them to date. We would see what happened.

What happened was what Keira described as an epic first date on Wednesday.

I actually thought this was a momentous step for her, she had always been a little socially awkward. So I took all three of them out on Friday night to dinner to celebrate.

Keira had tried to be discreet about the things she and Shey has discussed, but Casey soon got all of the details out of her.

At one point Alex had got up and kissed her, then Casey, then me, "I'm so happy for you Keira. I think you've found what we have," he said before turning and giving me googly eyes.

(He's not a big drinker and Casey had brought Champagne!)

I grinned and made a toast. To Keira, to Casey, her family, and the fact I would have all three of my mer-people in the water over the weekend, and to Alex, the fucking love of my life. Then I switched him back to water.

The rain had finally stopped (or paused), and the streets were wet, reflecting the city lights as we walked home.

It was late and both Keira and Casey were staying with us before we went to the manor in the morning.

We walked down the empty street arms linked like we were following a yellow brick road, before splitting to go around a puddle.

The next few moments seemed to happen in slow motion.

I turned at the sound of a revving engine, and my blood ran cold as I saw a car hurtling towards us.


Seconds only to decide who to push to safety, Alex, or the girls. I instinctively knew I didn't have time for both.

It felt like my decision took hours, but in fact I must have made it before my brain had even registered the danger.

I gave Casey a violent shove and she toppled to the ground, taking Keira with her.

Then the car hit me with a disabling shock of agony, and I spun to the tarmac.

As I rolled over my scream of pain was covered by the smashing of glass as the car ploughed through a shop window.

Alex was crumpled motionless on the ground.

Already people were shouting and running towards the chaos.

I tried to crawl towards Alex, but my leg was agony and stole my breath.

I saw Keira, cradling her wrist, fall to her knees by Alex. A passer-by crouched by her, "Don't touch him love."

"I won't, I won't. Oh God, Alex," she sobbed.

Casey appeared beside me, looking pale but unhurt, "Don't try and move, you need to stay still, your head's bleeding."

"I need to get to Alex."

"No, no stay still, please."

I tried to drag myself again, roaring in pain.

A man hunkered down next to me, "You shouldn't move."

Casey was crying.

I looked up at him, "Please, I need to get to my husband," I sobbed.

He looked at me, "Are you injured?"

"Just my leg, I don't care, please just drag me." I knew I sounded desperate, but I was. Alex still hadn't moved.

Making his decision he gripped under my arms, "I'm gonna drag you, it's just ten feet. Try not to scream, your friend here is really upset."

I nodded, looking at the tears falling down Casey's face.

My savior dragged me across to Alex and somehow, I managed not to scream, or to pass out.

I leaned over Alex, careful not to touch or move him. He looked so still.

I could hear sirens in the distance.

"Alex, please wake up," I begged.

A trickle of blood was coming from the corner of his mouth.

I felt my soul shake.

There was a small crowd around the car and a woman came over.

"The lady in the car has woken up, there's blood all over her chin, I think she bit her tongue, it looks like she might have had some kind of fit."

She touched my shoulder, "Help is coming."

No one to blame then.

I didn't care.

I didn't care about anything but Alex waking up.

His eyelids flickered slightly.

"Alex?" Keira whispered.

"Alex?" my voice was like gravel, "Alex, open your eyes right this fucking second," I demanded.

"Shit," he gasped, as his eyes opened.

"Don't move," someone advised him.

His eyes found mine, and he tried to smile.

"Oh God, Alex," I sobbed, "I'm so sorry."

I wasn't apologizing for my decision. He would have made the same decision a hundred times.

I wasn't apologizing for what happened, it wasn't my fault, most likely no one's fault.

I was apologizing for the fact that I couldn't stop crying.

For the fact that I wasn't able to throw out a force field like a superhero and have the car come to a gentle halt two inches from us.

For the fact that just when you think that your life cannot get any more amazing, it turns around and bites you in the ass.

Alex tried to talk but I couldn't hear him as the sirens were getting louder.

I leaned closer to him.

"I love you," he managed.

And then he was gone.

To be continued.

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emilyagilbertemilyagilbertabout 1 year agoAuthor

Hullo, FranziskaSissy

I did read all of your comments, but the next er....3 I decided just to reply here.

As in I'm glad you found my stories and are enjoying them. There are more to come.

All that bowing and kneeling though? Careful, you might give me ideas!


FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyabout 1 year ago


You are so kind, giving them a break ….. bowing my head and kneeling down, a real care taker …… 🫣


emilyagilbertemilyagilbertabout 1 year agoAuthor

Hi FranziskaSissy,

HAHA, can you imagine, hard core EVERY weekend. Well, it is fiction, but I do give them a break sometimes.



FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyabout 1 year ago

I understand you follow just a whole tale, you already have in your mind …. But a sub or slave abuse every weekend with torture and intense sex, thats over the top ….. ever been on the receiving end, a sub and it was cane or whipping day, then definitely a break is in order for some time …. Even being a sex maniac, after a Gang bang some holes needs relaxing time - smile ….. all in all you painting a wonderful BDSM scenario in a private club with the most important trust and safety, safety as in minders or nurses, so this is even just reading the tales a big safety airbag ….. absolutely talented writer Miss Emilya Gilbert …. Curtsey


emilyagilbertemilyagilbertabout 2 years agoAuthor

Hi Anonymous Slave V Sub,

Whoa, I've had this flurry of comments, not sure if it's someone catching up or someone new, but to answer your very interesting question.

Some of this has been touched on, but in little bits and spread over the BDSM Manor and even the Em and Mike stories, so to clarify (and yes, there are bound to be some discrepancies in places, always are!)


As an overview, BDSM Manor is basically like an exclusive country club for people who want to enjoy the lifestyle in a safe environment, as you know safety is very important and there are many rules (some of which Leslie/Master Aquarius has been known to ignore), to keep people safe.

Unlike in the Em and Mike series, the characters in BDSM Manor do not switch. They are either dominants or submissives.

All of the dominants are known as either Master or Mistress when on site, whether they have their own subs or if they borrow subs, or make temporary arrangements with a sub for a play session.

Some subs are permanently linked to a Master or Mistress, some are independent members.

This is basically a fun, recreational environment.

Some of the subs, will on occasion play a dominant role, during a role play, or special event, or maybe in the voyeurs room, but they are still effectively submitting to someone when doing so.

Limits and safe words are always, ALWAYS adhered to.

There is no scat play and things like humiliation, abusive language etc are pretty much unheard of. Basically because they don't turn me on so why would I write about them?!


The manor is in fact a working estate with farms, and land. The very private BDSM Manor part of the estate is mostly used at weekends (although Sadie and John live there full time), and does have full time staff, and is always available to members and staff if/when needed.

(Including the minders, people on the porn addiction programme who are often resident and have other jobs on site.)

The estate is owned and run by John, Sadie and Leslie, plus Alex (since his marriage) is now also a part owner/partner. (He got landed with the tenanted farms on the estate, moan, moan!)


Owned Slave or Submissive.

All of the slaves are also submissives and may be referred to as either, but there are not actually that many people who are slaves.

There are also people who may be called 'pain sluts' who may be either a slave or sub, although a high percentage of the owned slaves are pain sluts, which probably represents that fact that they are (or need to be?) deeper into a more extreme role to get true fulfillment.

In one of the Em and Mike stories, Emily says to Sadie and John that she sees being a slave as like an extreme role play. Neither of them are offended by that and in fact it is quite a good description.

Obviously, slavery is illegal and for very good reason, and sadly slavery does still exist. Nothing in any of these stories would condone 'real life' slavery, the stories are fiction and fantasy. Actual slavery, whether historical or current, is a disgusting abuse of power and should be acknowledged, remembered, and in the case of current cases, laid bare so that it can be dealt with and ended for good.

In these stories being an owned slave is a sexual kink, but it is not the same as being a sub.

Chris and Curtis for example are Master and sub (and boyfriends). Chris could stop a play at any time, or say no, without having to use his safe word. Just, nah, don't fancy that.

However, in (I think BDSM Manor ch 2) Casey explains to Alex that being a slave gives your owner complete control over your life.

There is no legal basis for this arrangement, but Casey confirms that she considers herself her master's property and if he sold her on, she would, (because her submission to him is so deep), accept that. It's an emotional bond.

She also says that the only reason she can live that way (the way she needs to live to be fulfilled), is because she knows she is safe with her master. Clearly as the stories have progressed, it has become very clear that Leslie wants only to help his slaves reach their full potential and live their best lives.

But I think if you remember the little bit of Keira's back story, she was going into abusive relationships to try and achieve what she now has with Master Aquarius.

Both Casey and her husband Paul (owned by Sadie), have said that the important thing for them is not being able to make their own decisions (in their case, when at the manor), they want to be 'owned'.

I guess some other examples of how being a slave is different, more extreme, would be Kerry and Will. Will is a slave and he needed his master/owner's permission to get his nipples pierced.

Also when Alex became owned (even before he and Leslie married), Master Aquarius stopped him from free climbing because it was too dangerous. (He did allow climbing with safety equipment though, because he has the greatest of respect for Alex). Both Alex and Will get tremendous sexual arousal from their bodies being the property of their masters.

At the beginning of this chapter, Curtis has had a discussion and request from his sub Chris about Chris' birthday celebration. But no one bothers asking Alex whether he is happy to be used or not, because he is Leslie's property. So it goes much deeper than just a term, it's about how deep their needs go.

There is also a brief mention somewhere that people who do consider themselves owned slaves, are monitored by the welfare team, to make sure that their needs are being met and abuse is not taking place. Also if a slave on very rare occasions changes owners (perhaps if an owner is ill), it is with everyone's agreement and there is no financial element. Again, it's an emotional bond between a slave and an owner.

What a rambling explanation, but hopefully it makes sense.

You may also remember the gardener.

He was a rescued slave, his owner died, but Leslie hints it was not a healthy arrangement. He clearly has challenges and was most likely taken advantage of, but is now safe and cared for at the manor. I think his situation goes some way to explaining why Sadie, John and Leslie are so careful with their own and other people's 'owned' slaves.

I'm going to shut up now! Thanks for your question, I hope you are less confused, not more ^_^


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I have been wondering about it for a while. In this series the characters are careful to differentiate between 'subs' and 'slaves', but other than a preference to how they want to be called, what is the actual difference in the context of the manor?

Like, Leslie can ignore certain rules that applies to doms because he is the part owner, and there are specific rules for the guests. Is there some protocol difference between those that consider themselves submissives vs those that are 'owned slaves' which i believe is a term that's been used?

emilyagilbertemilyagilbertabout 2 years agoAuthor

Hi Anonymous Dead or Alive?

Awwwwww, you worried about Alex?

Chapter 10 is submitted so will most likely appear in the next few days.

Put you out of your misery.

But come on...I adore Alex.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Wait Wait is he dead or not?

Please no.

emilyagilbertemilyagilbertabout 2 years agoAuthor

Hey Talk Sexy,

Ohhh, you've got my number don'tcha!

Actually, the biggest challenge isn't pain, or even physical. The biggest challenge is something else entirely.

I also agree, Master Aquarius is pretty cool; not above making mistakes though!

I'm glad you are still enjoying them, thanks for getting in touch,


emilyagilbertemilyagilbertabout 2 years agoAuthor

Hi Anonymous I (don't) believe.

BUSTED! I know nothing about computers, how could you possibly tell?? ^_*

Honestly, I decided to go for entertaining rather than factual, clearly Alex is a lot smarter than I am!

I'm glad you enjoyed the story but you don't believe the end? think I'm teasing you? Would I ever do such a thing?

Maybe Leslie goes for a shower and realizes it was all a horrible dream.

Oh, no wait, someone did that plot already, darn it!

The fact is, bad things do happen.

But I was kind enough to finished ch 10 before I posted ch 9, so you won't have to wait too long to find out.

Until then, thanks for commenting,


TalkSexyToMe2029TalkSexyToMe2029about 2 years ago

Nooo! You evil sadistic writer you! I was thinking that everything was going too smoothly and I was right... This saga has me hooked like nothing else on this site. Poor Alex may finally reach his pain limits soon with physical therapy if my instinct is right. Otoh, I'm glad for Keira and her "boyfriend". Totally agree with @anonymous about Master Aquarius. A Master that has empathy, a wicked sense of humor, kinky skills, and a mother hen protectiveness = Where can I order one?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I wish Master Aquarius was my Master. I wish Leslie was my husband. Their relationship is so beautiful and funny and real. I do not believe the end. Alex is your main protagonist everything revolves around him. Despite the end. Which I do not believe. This is my favorite BDSM Manor story so far. It gets better and better. I will look forward to finding out what really happened. Mistress Emily. Thank for your stories but do you actually know anything about computers?

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