Beach Bum

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My GF buries me up to my head in sand and makes me her bitch.
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"Chris, baby, can you dig me a hole?"

I looked at her incredulously as we both lay on our big beach blanket, basking in the hot summer heat.

"A hole? Why?"

"Um, so I can bury you in it! Duh!"

"Aaahh come on," I laughed. "Can't we just chill?"

"Nooo, don't be boring! Use your big strong muscles and dig me a hole. Pleeeeease? Don't be a bum!"

"Ha! Seriously? Well, it's really hard to say no to you..."

"Exactly," she said deviously. "Now DIG!"

We'd only been together a few weeks, but I still couldn't believe how lucky I'd gotten. Jessica was out of my league, the type of woman I'd never have the guts to approach. In fact, she had approached me. She sat down next to me at a mutual friend's party and we immediately hit it off. She was the smartest, funniest person I'd ever talked to. I learned later that she had a history of dating some really rough, problematic guys. I think my nerdiness and mild nature attracted her because it was so different than what she was used to, and a welcome change. She said she'd never dated a "sweet" guy before. I was ready to be whatever she wanted.

The biggest hurdle for me so far was feeling like I was enough for her. I was very much the opposite of a tough guy or any sort of masculine stereotype. Slightly below average height, a bit of a belly, no muscles. Socially, I was a bit awkward and reserved. I was inexperienced and neurotic in matters of sex. I'd had very few partners, and didn't consider myself to be very good in bed.

Truthfully, regular sex didn't even excite me all that much. Ever since I'd discovered porn, I was drawn to BDSM and fetish scenes, specifically where the woman had all the power. I always knew that an unusually cruel and dominant woman was my biggest turn on, but I was ashamed of it because it wasn't the norm. Also, I didn't know if I'd actually want that type of dynamic in real life. I kept my preferences to myself and tried to pursue normal relationships, with results varying anywhere from embarrassing to disastrous.

I didn't want to reveal my tastes to Jess because I was too scared of a possible rejection. Sex with her was amazing, but she was clearly more experienced and confident. In the very brief time we'd been together, there'd already been a few mishaps where I couldn't perform because I got too in my head. I wanted so badly to be everything she wanted in the bedroom that I'd end up overthinking and sabotage myself. But she was very understanding and did her best to help me through it, which just made me fall in love with her more. Being with her meant everything to me. I knew I had to do better if I wanted to keep her satisfied, I just wasn't sure how yet.

"Wow babe, you did so good!"

I had successfully dug the hole deep enough so that I could get in there on my hands and knees, leaving my head just above the sand. She quickly buried me and was now patting down the area around my head, making sure I was packed in as tight as possible. I felt a bit uncomfortable and vulnerable, but she seemed really excited about it so I wanted to play along.

"Thanks," I said sarcastically. "What now?"

"Hmm, good question. I dunno. What about this?"

She annoyingly flicked my nose with a mischievous grin on her face. She'd been acting extra bratty all day.

"Ow," I said flatly. She giggled and flicked it again, then again, then again.

"Ah! What the fuck!"

"What, you don't like it?"


"Oh, I'm sorry babe! How about this instead?"

She pinched my nose tightly between her index and middle finger and pulled on it.

"Ah! What the fuck's your problem?!"


She released me and gave me a firm slap on the face.

"No need to curse at me babe, I'm just having a little fun!"

"Very funny," I said, scrunching my nose up in pain. "Glad I could entertain you."

"Don't be grumpy! Oh, I have an awesome idea!"

She fumbled in her bag and pulled out a make-up kit.

"You gotta be kidding me."

"Don't fuss, I just wanna make you cute!"

"Babe, this isn't funny anymore!"

"Nooo, don't get mad! Please, can I just put a little bit on you? You're gonna look so beautiful! It'll make me super happy and turn me on. Please?"

I didn't like being messed with in a public place like this, but she was pleading with those gorgeous eyes.

"Oh my fucking god. You're evil! Fine! A little bit, but then will you please dig me out?"

She squealed with joy, ignoring my question and immediately setting to work. Of course, she went totally overboard. By the time she was done with me I had a full face. At one point an entire group of guys and girls our age walked by and noticed what was going on. Jess completely flustered me by calling more attention to us and playing it up, getting huge laughs.

"Doesn't he look pretty, guys? Don't worry, he fucking loves this!"

I turned beet red from embarrassment.

"Seriously? That's not fucking cool! Why'd you do that?"

"Woah woah, okay, I'm sorry! Babe, it's seriously not a big deal! Besides, aren't you like...into this?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Whaddaya think I mean?"

She was face to face with me, lying flat on her belly in the sand, grinning wide and looking at me searchingly, waiting for a response.

"You mean, like...wait, do you know something?"

"Yeah baby, I know you're a pervy little beta boy."

My body went cold and my mind raced. What was happening? She giggled at my frozen, slack-jawed expression.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said beta. But yeah, honey, I know you like being dominated. You're not that good at hiding it. You also leave your phone open a lot."

"You looked through my phone?!"

"Yeah okay, could we just, like, skip over the part where you pretend to be mad? I know you're not mad."

I was speechless. She was right, I wasn't mad. I was terrified that she was about to break up with me for being a porn addicted loser and leave me buried.

"Sweetie, why are you still jacking your weener to icky porno when you have a perfectly good girlfriend to fuck? It's no wonder you've been having issues staying hard! In a way, it's kind of like you're being unfaithful to me."

"No! It's not like that, please don't say that! I'm not...I would never be unfaithful!"

"So, you're sorry for doing that to me?"

"Yeah, of course! I didn't realize you thought of it that way."

"Well yeah babe, I wanna be the only woman in your life. It hurts my feelings. I don't think that's enough, just saying you're sorry. You're gonna need to show me."

She got up on her knees and turned around so that her ass was right in my face, covered only by a skimpy thong bikini.

"I'm butthurt, baby. Kiss it better, please."

"Jess, come on. People can see us."

"Yeah, you're right."

She grabbed a beach towel and draped it around her waist, concealing and trapping me while she inched her ass even closer.

"Okay, now that we have some privacy, why don't you start kissing, and say you're sorry after every kiss. That'll make me feel better."

"Jess, seriously, this can't..."

"Chrissy...can I call you Chrissy? Chrissy, sweetie, I need you to stop your silly fussing and just do what I say. We both know you want to. Say you're sorry after every kiss. Now, please."

I couldn't deny that her patronizing tone and brazen confidence was casting a spell over me. I ceased any resistance and did exactly what she said. I planted kiss after kiss on her gorgeous butt as she daintily switched it back and forth under the blanket so I could cover both cheeks with lipstick while I apologized. It was a hot day, and the temperature under the blanket was sweltering. Salty beads of sweat dripped down her buttocks and slipped into my mouth with each kiss.

"That's good for now, Chrissy. I wanna have a chat with you, but I'm really comfy where I am so you're gonna have to talk into my butt, okay? Speak up."

"Okay..." I said feebly, making her chuckle.

"Why didn't you tell me you were into all this kinky stuff?"

"I'm sorry! I just thought you'd be weirded out, I thought you wouldn't like me because of it."

"Aw, sweetie. It's not that weird! My friend Rachel does sex work, guys pay her to call them names, take feet pics or whatever. I know a thing or two about it, I'm not some fucking prude. Honestly, I never really understood dudes like you. But now that I'm with you, I think I kinda get it. You're like a little puppy, right? Following me around, waiting for your next command. It's not what I usually go for, but yeah, it's actually really cute. Oops!"

To my absolute shock and disgust, she let out a quick, tiny fart right in my face. A foul, acrid scent filled up the already sweaty, claustrophobic space and burned my nostrils. I gagged and sputtered wildly.

"Ach! No! Oh god!"

Jess laughed loudly and made no attempt to take her ass away or move the towel.

"Shit! I didn't even mean to do that, I'm just so relaxed! Sorry baby!"

"It's okay," I said automatically, not even thinking.

"'s okay? Like, okay as in you like it?"

"No! No, I...I..."

"Don't even answer that, actually. Just smell the fart, bitch."

Her cruel, confident tone stunned me. I started feeling shaky and lightheaded as I obediently sniffed at her ass. It was like her total disregard for me had set off a switch in my brain, putting me under her spell. My dick was struggling to get hard in the tightly packed sand.

"You like that, when I call you a bitch?"

"Yeah...yeah, I do."

"Good. I guess we need something for you to call me. I never really liked the whole mistress thing. Kinda played out, ya know? How about...hmmm...boss could be fun. Yeah! Cuz I'm a fucking girl boss, and I'm definitely the boss of you now. Let's try that. Do you like kissing my ass, bitch?"


"Did you like that fart?"

"Yes, Boss."

"Oh, this is too fucking good. This is gonna be, like, the best ever! I'm gonna rock your fucking world, dude. Hang on, I need a little refresher on what really gets you going."

She finally threw the towel off and moved her ass away from my face, grabbing my phone from the blanket.

"Password, now."

I gave it up immediately. She lay down next to me and pressed her face next to mine so I could watch along as she scrolled through my phone and brought up my browser history.

"Like an open book! Let's see...spanking, ball, pegging! Yay! I always wanted to try that. I'm gonna fuck your little ass so hard."

I was dying of embarrassment but burning with desire for her. She was reading out my most private fantasies and saying she could make them come true. I didn't even know if I could handle this. I was confused, nervous, and deeply aroused.

"What else we got...chastity punishment, orgasm denial? Hmm...I dunno if I get that. You jack off all the time. You want to be told you can't?"

"I don't know," I said honestly. I'd never been put on the spot to explain any of it before. "It's just a fantasy, I guess. But the thought of it's hot."

"Well, I think that's a must. Cuz you're not allowed to watch porno anymore, and I can't have you just jacking it whenever you please. Yeah, no more touching your peen without permission, baby. And I'll look into one of these cage things. Sound good?"

"Uhmm...I don't know if I can handle that right away."

"Oh, baby. Sweet little boy. You're gonna handle a whole fucking lot if I'm gonna do all this weirdo shit for you. It has to be fun for me. You want this, don't you?"

"Yes," I said without hesitation.


"Yes, Boss!"

"Perfect! That's settled. Okay, what else...foot fetish, that's pretty funny...oh, shit! Cuck stuff?"

"Nooo!!! No! I don't want that!"

I had a mini panic attack. I had only just recently explored some cuckold porn out of curiosity, but having Jess do that to me would be an absolute nightmare. She got attention from men wherever we went and I was painfully aware of how she could easily score a much more desirable guy.

"P-please Jess I uh, seriously, it's...that's just a fantasy, I-I really don't want..."

She roared with laughter and tussled my hair as I tripped over my words, pleading with her hysterically. She had me so wrapped around her finger, it was unbelievable.

"You're so fucking cute, baby. Calm down, I'm not that mean. You're still my boyfriend, okay?"

Her words soothed me to my core. I couldn't even convey how relieved I was to hear that.

"Yeah, okay. Thank you. Seriously, I'm not really into that, like, in real life. That would kill me."

"It does make a lot of sense, though. You don't really like sex that much, do you, babe? Just be honest, you don't have to hide from me."

"Well...yeah, not really." It was weird to say it out loud.

"I can tell, ya know, when we're doing it. Your mind is somewhere else. You should've just told me right off the bat, dummy! You can't help it if that's not what you're into. But well...I do enjoy a good fuck, that' s the thing. I guess that could be a bit of a problem."

"I can still fuck you!"

"Yeah, but honey, it's not your thing, and we have all this other fun stuff we can do together. I dunno...maybe...I might have to do a little cucking. Just a little, teeny bit!"

"Jess, stop it. Stop. Don't! Please,, are you serious?"

She broke out in loud, boisterous laughter once again while I panicked.

"Babe, I'm fucking with you! I won't bone anybody, don't worry. But seriously, I've noticed how you act when we go out. You try and hide it, but you get really upset when other guys flirt with me. You gotta get over that. Guys are always gonna flirt with me, I'm hot as fuck. It's just flirting babe, it's not serious. Ya know what? From now on I'm gonna flirt back super hard since I know you're a lil closet cuck! Yeah, that'll be hilarious. New rule: I'm allowed to flirt with guys in front of you, like heavy flirting. And you're not allowed to say shit, ever. Kay?"

"Jess, please, I..."

"Uh-uh, we're not negotiating. You may say yes now."


"Correct! Very good. Oh, and also...I can give them blowjobs!"

"Nooo!!! Please!"

"Kidding! Baby, lighten up! Oh my god, you're so fucking gullible. Look how freaked out and twitchy you are. Are you gonna, like, pass out from overstimulation? This is so fucking funny. I broke your brain! Poor, sweet little bitch boy. It's making me fucking wet. We're gonna have such a good time together."

She was right, I was incredibly worked up from all this. She compounded things by starting to lovingly kiss the side of my face and speak sweetly in my ear.

"You're my property now. I fucking own you. You're gonna be such a good slut for me. I'm the boss now. I'm in charge. Say it back, bitch."

I moaned as she kissed and licked at my face cravenly.

"You're in charge. I...I'm your bitch. I'll do anything. Please...I really want this."

"I know you do, slutty boy. I got you all figured out. So glad we finally had this chat. Now our relationship can really begin. I'm so excited, Chrissy baby."

"I'm so fucking turned on. Please, will you dig me out?"

"No. Sorry honey. Not till it's time to go."

She suddenly sprang up and threw the towel back over my head, shrouding me in darkness once again.

"I'm gonna get some food on the boardwalk, check out all the hot dudes and stuff. I'll fart on you some more when I get back. Kay, byeeee!"

"No, wait! Jess! Come back! Please!"

But she was already gone, after completely turning my life upside down. I could see everything unfolding in front of my very eyes. She was going to make all my dreams come true at once, push me beyond my limits, break me, build me back up didn't matter. I was completely in love with her and in awe of her immense power. She was my everything. She was the boss.

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