Beautician and the Beast Pt. 02


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Chapter Seven

When Lovie first walked in she was in shock to see how stylish the environment was comparatively to what she pictured in her head. Instead, it was dark neutral colors on the walls with metal pillars that protruded from them, and in between the structures are pillow-topped benches with tons of silk throw pillows strewn over them. The lighting was intimate so she couldn't make out a lot of the figures on the benches but she could tell they're there. There are interrogation lights over the few tables that held couples. One woman had a collar on her gentleman caller and he sat at her feet as she spoke with someone else whom sat at the table. Havi read her mind and leaned in to say, "Expectin' women in cages and strung up along the walls with a shirtless man in a gimp mask?"

"Well...Kinda" Lovie giggled nervously as they moved in deeper.

"Oh honey...that's all in the back." Havi waved at familiar faces while Stelle was already through a door that left her to believe it lead to where all the sexy stuff was happening...or maybe the bathroom, who could tell? Unlike dinner with Quentin, Lovie was very aware of the eyes on her and she wrapped one arm across her body to link with her elbow of her other arm. Men and women leered and she swore she heard a "meow" from one of the dimly lit benches. Havi noticed finally and shooed Lovie ahead of her and through the door that Stelle entered earlier. It lead to a padded room and at the end of the hall was another door. The closer they got a rhythmic thump got louder. Lovie loved to dance and from the first appearances of the place it didn't look like she was going to get that itch scratched but as they reached the door Lovie grinned to her all knowing friend who said, "That was the Art gallery. The club is in the rear." With that she opened the door and more of her expectations revived as neon blue and pink lights splashed across cold brick walls and roman torsos and busts are on pedestals with various masks and chest pieces on them. They walked through a velvet-curtained archway to see more couples of different sexual orientations that kissed, hugged, and fondled each other. Lovie couldn't help but stare all around unabashedly just as they did her. It's wasn't until one walked right behind her and touched her hair that she jumped, right into Havi's side. Havi startled and looked to what made Lovie uneasy. She narrowed her eyes at the culprit, "Leonard you know better than that." She yelled over the music.

Leonard looked apologetic to Havi after she spoke but before, his eyes were glued to Lovie's frame. "I'm sorry Havi. Your new one?"

"No Leonard. She's-"

"Vanilla?" Leonard said with way too much excitement as he came closer. Lovie shrunk slightly; there was something about this character that didn't set well with her. He was clean-shaven bald, three inches shorter than her at least, glittered of gold from his neck, wrist, and pinkies. He tied it all in with leather pants with no shirt. He looked like he stepped out of some bondage magazine circa '92, otherwise extra sleazy.

"You wish. Quentin is training her." Havi spotted Stelle at the end of the club as she motioned them over to a private booth. "Excuse us we're needed...somewhere else." She took Lovie's hand and led her through the crowd over to Stelle. She already got drinks and they took them thankfully. Havi leaned into Stelle, "Leonard's on the prowl. He caught wind of this one and doesn't look like he's letting up." She pointed from Lovie to over her shoulder at Leonard who leaned against the wall and watched them. Stelle just gave him the finger and Lovie looked over her shoulder to see what they talked about.

"Who is that?"

"It's just some piece of shit he claims." Stelle sneered.

"He had that air about him." Lovie nodded with bemusement.

"Right now he's a threat so don't talk to him." Havi said.

"Why is he a threat?" Lovie eyed him again and she's pretty sure she could take him, easily.

"Well he has this thing about Quentin. He's always trying to turn his subs from him. Even tries to threaten them I've heard."

Lovie's eyes grew wide, "What?"

"Calm down. Quentin set him straight a long time ago but he still likes to taunt from time to time. Plus I'm sure Quentin will keep a close eye on you." With that Lovie took her straw out of her drink and started to swallow in large sips. She's wondered how she got herself in these situations once more.

In a huff she stood, "Fuck it, I want to dance. Anyone want to come?" Her drink started to do what it needed to and she was ready to relax and forget about how shitty her day had been. They all end on the dance floor and almost immediately Lovie was forgotten as Havi and Stelle grind into one another to the beat. She decided to get another drink to be a little looser and not feel too self-conscious. By the middle of the third drink she had a really good buzz. The house music allowed her body to be more languid and she looked ethereal, being the one of the only people in white. Mostly all the bystanders not caught up in their own thing at least caught glimpses of her moves and they all wanted her or wanted what she had.


Quentin was in the V.I.P. room with a two-way mirror and watched everything that transpired since Lovie sat at the booth. The more she danced the angrier he got. He didn't know if it was at her, at the situation, or him but he was angry nonetheless. Something twinkled out of the corner of his eyes and he followed it to Leonard's gaudy ring. He noticed him when he came in but he didn't see Quentin because he stared at something. He saw Leonard as he made his way to Lovie and the girls and he could take three guesses as to whom Leonard was staring at when Quentin entered. He decided to make his way down there. He didn't plan to blow his cover but with Leonard in the equation, it never ended well. As he made his way through the crowd, as he expected Leonard pulled on Lovie and she tumbled back into his short stature. She was in a daze but Havi was quickly by her side and pulled her from Leonard's arm. He pushed on her and Lovie stumbled more, now Stelle was on it and she helped Lovie away from him while Havi bent down. Quentin paused and slunk back into the shadows with his all-knowing smirk on his lips. The issue of the boots came up once before with him back when Havi would moonlight as a player for the site. She wore them for a scene for him and as she got flogged, the small heel tip came off and she nearly broke her arm from the ropes as she stumbled down. Quentin examined them closer and found the steel spikes at the end. When he asked her about them she only replied with, "A girl's virtue needs protectin'." Nothing more was said but now he thought he's about to get a first hand look at how passionate Havi was about protecting virtues. Leonard turned back to Havi, who straightened herself up once more. He pulled back as if he's about to hit her and before he could fully cock his arm, she stomped down and the motion was felt across the room to Quentin. He could only imagine the pain ole Leo went through right then. He still couldn't help but smile more as he saw the girls safely stumble out and a small crowd of people shrouded Leonard who crumpled on the floor. He staggered behind them and watched them gang into a cab and he made a dash for his car. He wanted to make it to Lovie's apartment before them, and the way he drove he's sure he could. In his car he decided to have a little fun with Ms. Independence. He thumbed through his phone until he spotted Lovie's number.

She picked up on the second ring and a hiccup, "Um...Hello."

"Hey, I'm sorry I missed your call. I was in a business dinner and couldn't get to my phone."

"O-oh that's fine I just wanted" Hiccup, " 'cuse me, I wanted to talk about..."

"This morning." He smiled.

"Yes but..."

"And that's why I'm on my way to your place right now." She began to sputter her refusals but he continued to talk over her as she explained that she's fine and didn't need to talk about it anymore. He knew all to well that she's gotten a taste of the life that wasn't so glamorous and knew how good she had it with him. He'll be glad to rock her back into comfort. "Are you at home?" He finished.

"No, I'm...close"

"You girls have a good night?"

With an uneasy laugh she answered, "Eventful."

"Mmm-hmm." He simply answered. That isn't exactly what he wanted to hear. He wanted to hear tears and trembling in her voice. He wanted her to need him. Instead she tried to keep him away and she laughed. Fuck all that noise, "I'll be there in about five minutes." She went to speak again but he hung up and put just a tad more pressure on the gas.


By the time the cab pulled up, Quentin sat on her stoop with a blank expression on his face. He got down to the curb as the door opened and Lovie staggered into his arms. Havi stuck her head out with an apologetic look in her eyes, "Be easy on her boss man."

Havi was a dominant herself and she knew that he knew what she meant but he only answered back with a stern stare and, "Night ladies." The comment was out of earshot of the others but she still slunk back in as if she'd just been scolded in front of everyone.

Lovie hiccupped and waved to the cab as it drove off then her hand slowly lowered down as Quentin turned back to her wobbly state. She hiccupped again as she stiffened her chin in his direction. "You came to..." hiccup. " talk?" Her hand on her hip served more of an anchor than an act of rebellion.

"Yeah, about this morning. Let's get inside huh?" She nodded and made her way up the stoop. Once in her apartment, she tried to flip a switch and nothing happened. She slurred a curse and explained that it happened a lot in the building as she stumbled in the dark. With the flick of a lighter, a traced outline of her glowed around the room to light candles. In her trail the walls danced with a more pronounced silhouette of her with each light.

At the end she's back at the sofa where he sat at the opposite end. She positioned her back up right and her legs crossed at her ankles as she looked away from him. "How was your dinner?"

"Good." He glided across the couch but still left a good amount of room between them. When her head whirled to him she was met with the scent of the night air lingering with his cologne. "'Bout this morning baby," Her focus on his hand as it traced indescribable shapes into her kneecap, shin, and calf that made its way to his lap. "I was such an asshole. You didn't deserve me snapping at you like that." As he talked his hands searched up her thigh. The moisture at her opening generated a heat that his fingertips could almost feel.

"I thought you were mad at me." She said in an unconscious voice.

"Mad? No, not that." His eyes stayed on hers as she started to shake her head yes.

He went right to his questions as he took off his sports coat and loosened his tie, "Where did you girls end up settling on?"

" of Havi and Stelle's places...I'm not sure...of the name" he went at the neck of his shirt and pulled at the buttons. Her juices flowed as the candlelight swayed across his broad chest. His dark locks lay across his forehead and drew attention to his fierce hunter green flecks buried under blue that hadn't blinked since he'd seen her. The intense stare made her unable to look him in the eyes. Now shirtless, he's almost unbearable to sit by. Her reaction to him also took a physical toll on him. Her nipples strained against her dress and his erection tightened against his pants so he unlatched the belt and unbuttoned to ease the strain. The lick of her lips caught a glimmer of light and for a second he imagined a drop of his come had lain across them and his cock twitched in his boxers.

"Was it...Off the Couth by any chance?" He stood her up and unzipped her dress to have it pool at her feet. Her first instinct was to cover herself and he frowned. She shook as her hands slid down by her sides. Even though they weren't in a scene she still felt like she was under his spell. He had a way of getting his way even when they weren't training and she took notice. He had a look that challenged her and that's why she never backed down. She wore matching lavender mesh lace Rio bikini and triangle bra. He turned her around so the swell of her ass sat right in his face. He bit the corner of his lip as his eyes traveled up the length of his her spine. He undid the bra and she allowed it to fall to the floor with her dress. Her arms gathered her ample bosom with no concern to what he thought. "Meet any interesting people?" He stood and moved close till she felt his dick pressed at her ass. Lovie went speechless with yearning. The alcohol took its toll; made her heat up to a fiery temperature and a lightheaded stance.

"I...I j-just had some drinks and I danced. I wasn't looking for anything else." The first part came out shaky and unsure but the last part, she faced him and stared in his eyes. He decided to accept her unspoken truce to him but he had to make sure.

He roughly grabbed her wrists then softened his hold once she winced, "Don't go back there." His monotone voice only made the weight of his words heavier. She slowly nodded in agreement, and he moved her arms back to his side. His brow relaxed then his eyes moved to her chest as it slowly heaved. His hands followed with his fingertips, ready to explore the protruded peaks. His tips on the left breast painted over the nipple. He noticed that her breaths then came out in short pants. He went to her like magnets and they fell back on her sofa and she immediately straddled him. His hands found her hips and ass in rough strokes and she reeked of alcohol but mingled with her scent of sweet vanilla toffee made him drunk. His palm smoothed the delicate skin from the back of her right thigh up to the full cheek of her ass. He squeezed so hard it got a moan from them both. The tip of his middle finger was dangerously close to the crotch of her underwear and they both paused for a moment as soon as the tip met the edge of lace. They looked at one another with a longing glance before she moved in for a powerful kiss. It was her way of telling him that she is ready. Ready to have him make love to her. He took the hint and pushed his hand in to lava-like wetness. To seal the deal she dug her hips into his strained erection. His other hand went roughly to her hair then as her rhythm began to take a proper pace; a strange feeling took over. couldn't be. His scrotum tingled and warned of what was coming up soon. Not since high school had he not been able to control his climax. Right before he knew he couldn't turn back, he tugged at the nape of her neck so that she looked at him with a dazed look. Her hips halted and as his stare went glassy she immediately took recognition. That glass was about to turn to steel and that pissed her off. She could understand if they played a scene so he could have his silly rules but this wasn't that time. It's them, Olivia and Quentin, not Lovely and Sir. Her jaw tightened and she jerked from his warm lap then his hard on deflated.

He opened his mouth to explain but she stopped him with a wave of her hand, "I'll see you tomorrow at work." With that she stood and tried to cover her copious mounds from his view. He felt like an idiot as she snatched her garments from the ground and started to blow out the candles. He couldn't even look at her as she moved around the room; he just slowly pulled on his discarded clothing. Once he moved to the door, she's back in that French lavender kimono robe again with a pissed off look.

"Lovie I..." He stopped once her silver eyes gleamed toward him and narrowed like a cat on its prey. She yanked her door open and waited as he left. The door didn't slam; it's more of a depressed slow click. In his car, he watched her in her window from across the street. At that point, her lights worked and he waited as she came into view in her bedroom. There's an invisible force that wouldn't allow him to move until he could get one more glimpse. Like divine right, Lovie came to light and better yet, she wasn't wearing the robe. He made out her frontal image perfectly with the mirror but he also got a delicious view of the top of her full bottom from behind. Instinctively, his hand massaged his strained hard on as her hands drifted up to her breasts. His eyes went heavy when she tweaked her nipples and leaned her head back. Her eyes were closed, mouth parted slightly and he smiled, as he knew she thought of him. He could almost hear her whimpered moans. Her left hand dripped down her ribcage while the right lingered on her breasts. "That's it." He whispered. His subconscious scolded his perverted transgression but his physical self began to unzip his pants. Lovie admired her reflection once more. Her hand soon moved down further and he made out the motion of her forearm moving up and down slightly. The other one feverishly roved her tits. His hand shamelessly tugged at the rod that protruded from his pants. He reflected her motions as if they were together. He imagined their naked bodies on a bed tangled and grinding against the candles from before. The shadows danced across the wall in an effort to catch up to their counterparts. His head slumped back on the headrest as she panted heavily up above. His breaths came shallower as she began to show the signs of orgasm. One hand on her left nipple and the other on her clit, no doubt, and he thought of him finally pumping into that body the way he wanted, not the first time but the second or third time; just too make sure she's used to the size made him seize his hips up in anticipation. He quirked his top lip as the tingle came back. The blissful ache only lasted for a few seconds before he released his load over the stirring wheel. He panted lightly, his vision blurred when he finally opened his eyes and caught a glimpse of her wrapping a sheet around herself. When the light went out he took one last look as he revved his engine. "Sweet dreams little one." He drove off and momentarily another set of headlights illuminated the streets path. Instead following Quentin it went in another direction.


Lovie's alarm clock felt like tiny chainsaws dancing in her head. She peeped past her pillow and whipped out of bed when she realized she'd hit snooze for an hour. By the time she whirled through the entrance of the company she was an hour and a half late. Havi got off the phone with a not so welcome look on her face, "Stelle just called down and said Drew is livid." Lovie barely missed the door for the elevator.

When she opened the door, there's no music, just clicking and flashing. Stelle looked over to the elevator and her brow went in a bit before paying attention to the lens once again. Her attempt to not let Drew see failed and he instantly turned behind him. He looked extremely pissed then glared at Lovie and said, "Go get a soda or something Stelle."

"Uh...I'm not thirsty."

"Well go get 'something' then Stelle." He slowly turned his gaze to her. She rolled her eyes and stepped from the platform, then looked to Lovie with an apologetic look. Once she was out of earshot, the fire in Drew's eyes radiated in Lovie's direction. "Your first official day and you can't get it together. What a surprise...should have known this would happen from your kind."

"What did you say?" Lovie prepared herself for anything Drew threw out but she never stood for racism and/or discrimination from anyone no matter what their natural disposition should be. Her eyes narrowed but Drew didn't budge, in fact his chest poked out more.

"You heard me, 'your kind'. You know just because Quentin is balling you, doesn't mean that this isn't a business. We have commitments and schedules to keep. You're on my time not CP. Now we can keep this between us because this will make us both look bad. Let's see if you're as good as Quentin thinks and salvage the rest of this shoot." He walked off and left her dumbfounded. "Don't just stand there! Go talk to Stelle about the next shots."