Be careful What You Wish For, Cuck


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"I could get used to this," she grumbled.

"I thought you said breakfast in bed?" Jorge asked.

"I just said wake me up with breakfast, but I guess I beat you to the punch. Good timing though."

Jorge nodded and shuffled toward the coffee machine. He made himself a cup and sat across from his wife. He could tell at least that she was enjoying the food he made her. They didn't speak much, if at all, as Flora ate and Jorge drank his coffee. There was an unspoken tension in the air. Jorge felt excited but nervous at the same time. This was really a first for him. He never really got to experiment with BDSM in the way that he wanted.

Flora took her time eating breakfast because she knew what would happen when they were done. She would have to take her husband to their bedroom and punish him. That wasn't even something she had thought through. How exactly was she going to follow through? Perhaps she should just spank him. That's all she really knew about anyway.

With breakfast almost over Flora stared deep into her coffee mug. Perhaps if she took long enough to drink it he would forget about this whole debacle. Deep down she knew she wouldn't be so lucky though.

It wasn't as if Flora didn't want to please her husband. She did. She really wanted to please him. This just didn't feel like her thing. It was fine though. She would follow through with it to please Jorge. She understood during sexual activities you didn't have to be into something to get pleasure out of it, sometimes giving something to your partner was good enough.

"I see you're finished. Can I clean up for you?" Jorge asked her. Flora jumped in her seat, he pulled her out of her deep thoughts. She nodded. Jorge grabbed the plate and mug before placing them in the sink.

"Are you ready to be punished?" Flora said. She felt like she was getting into some sort of goofy character. She struggled to take herself seriously.

"I am," Jorge replied.

"That's good. But even if you weren't, this is happening. Now, go to the bedroom. I will be there in a minute," Flora said. She still felt like she wasn't being herself but she figured this was an experiment. She could at least try for Jorge. Plus, she did enjoy forcing him to make her breakfast. At least that part of the deal was sufficiently satisfying.

Jorge half ran up to their bedroom. He was more excited for this than he ever was for regular sex, or to even get blown. Flora noticed and it made her roll her eyes out of annoyance. Why was he so much more into this than he was her and the regular sex she offered him? Was Flora not enough for him?

She sat there a few moments contemplating the reality of her situation. Flora decided though that it was just a novelty. Eventually, it would wear off and he would lose his enthusiasm for it. She shouldn't take it so seriously. To Jorge, this was the same as if Flora bought some sexy new lingerie and put on a show. Of course, it was better than regular sex because it didn't happen every other day.

Flora sighed. She pushed all those thoughts out of her mind and then forced herself to do a small meditation. She would really need to get into character for this. She would need to do something to keep her game face on. She just had to bite the bullet and get it all over and done with.

Jorge was practically holding his breath as he waited for his wife to come into the room. He could barely believe that she had agreed to this and now it was about to happen. He felt though that he was waiting for quite a while.

He figured she was doing it on purpose to keep him on his toes. He had read about this in erotica which kept his mind at ease. He wondered if that's why she was doing it, maybe Flora did some research the night before.

Jorge had no idea though. He was just letting his mind run wild as he waited for Flora to come into the room. He decided he should be extra submissive so he kneeled on the floor at the end of the bed. While he waited he rested his head but figured he would look up once he heard Flora come in.

Time came to a standstill. Jorge was about to get up and see what was taking her so long when the door was pushed open. His head popped up and he watched Flora walk in with a confidence he had hardly ever seen. Maybe he had but it wasn't the same. Besides, he was so stunned in the moment that he couldn't think.

Flora had taken off her nightgown and she was in nothing but a lacy two-piece set. The black fabric complimented her pale skin and made her hair stand out. He could barely imagine how good she would look in black latex if she was already that sexy in her pajamas.

"I'm glad to see you know your place," she said looking down at Jorge. His breath caught in his throat. Jorge just nodded. He could barely think he was so excited.

The words felt foreign in Flora's mouth. She had googled a few things a dom might say to their submissive just so she could come into the room. She realised she sent Jorge upstairs but she had barely prepared herself. She decided ultimately she should just spank him. It seemed like the most simple basic BDSM thing people did together.

If you had asked Flora just a day or two ago about spanking, she'd have said it would be a fun thing Jorge could do while he was hitting it from behind or maybe a few when she was riding him. But this was a whole other story.

Jorge stared up at her with hopeful eyes. Flora took a deep breath. She had to stay in character.

"Get onto the bed, on your hands and knees," Flora said. She wondered if her voice sounded as shaky to Jorge as it did to her. She wasn't nervous she just felt so awkward.

Jorge did as he was told. He stood up from where he was kneeling, rather ungracefully. Then he crawled onto the bed and got into position.


Flora got up behind Jorge and pulled his boxers down. He had nothing else on but a t-shirt.

It all felt quite unceremonious and quite unsexy. Maybe they should have planned this out better. Maybe they should have dressed up, or something... Flora had no idea though.

Flora laid her palm against his bare ass. She had never really touched her husband in this way before. Yes, she grabbed his ass playfully. Yes, she might have touched it absentmindedly during sex and such but this was different.

She wasn't sure what would make this feel any better. All she was doing at that moment was trying not to freeze.

Flora pulled her hand back and spanked Jorge for the first time. She felt nothing but she kept going. She spanked him and spanked him again. Jorge shuddered beneath her palm. At this point he wasn't making any noises, he wasn't reacting. Was he meant to react? Flora stared down at him as she continued to slam her hand against his bare skin. She wondered if Jorge should be doing something more. Or if she should be making him be in more pain? Should she be talking during this? What was she meant to do?

It felt like doing nothing. Spanking Jorge was not a sexual act for her as it clearly was for him. She peered down toward his cock only to see it growing rock hard. He clearly loved it. She wished she could enjoy it and be turned on by it but it just wasn't something that she could be turned on by. It was akin to licking an elbow, sure it was an act, but it wasn't a sexual one.

She sighed but continued to swing her hand back and slamming it against Jorge's ass.

Jorge shuddered as another blow wracked through his body. Flora was so quiet. She wasn't saying much, no dirty talk. Jorge couldn't wrap his mind around it but at the same time, he was just enthralled by the fact that she was beating him.

Flora continued to spank Jorge. It felt like she was getting harder and harder as it went along. Jorge felt himself lurching forward. Flora's hands were small but she was stronger than Jorge realised. At first, he didn't feel the need to make much of a reaction but the more she hit him in the same place the more it hurt. The worse it became. He had no choice but to react.

He screamed as Flora landed one particularly hard hit. He lurched forward and then without warning Flora completely stopped. Jorge turned around and looked his wife up and down. She didn't quite seem that she was as into it as he was.

"I'm okay, you can keep going if you want," Jorge said to her. She shook her head.

"No. I'm done here. I just can't really get into it the way that you can," Flora replied. She stood there rubbing her hands together like she was trying to rip her own skin off.

Jorge wasn't sure how to react. He got up and pulled his boxers back on in the process. "I'm sorry baby."

"It's okay. Maybe we can try again another time. I just wasn't feeling it."

"What can we do to help you be into it?" Jorge asked his wife. She sat down on the bed beside him. Flora laid her head on Jorge's shoulder.

"I think it's something I'll have to think over. I think. I'm not sure. This just felt too sterile I think. It didn't feel sexual," Flora said. She was struggling through her sentence trying to explain to him.

"Oh..." Jorge trailed off. He understood it probably wasn't the kind of thing she fantasized about but was it really that bad for her?

Flora looked at Jorge, she really looked at him. It was as if she was trying to read his mind. She sucked her bottom lip into her mouth. "Maybe we can try again though," she finally said. "Maybe we should try during sex, not just a random punishment."

That sounded even better to Jorge. He nodded.

"That sounds good. I will leave it in your hands. We'll only do this when you feel comfortable," Jorge told his wife.

"You are an amazing husband." Flora leaned in and pushed her lips into his. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held her body close to his.

Jorge kissed back. He was more excited now than he had been for a long time. He was just spanked and the residual feelings of pain heightened every small touch on his body. The pleasure seemed to double.

Flora pulled back. "We should probably go grocery shopping today, or we won't have a chance again until tomorrow and the supermarket is always so busy on a Sunday. You know how much I hate that."

Jorge really thought they would be having sex right then and there. Preferably, hot kinky, submissive sex, but he guessed wrong.

"Okay. I will go shower," Jorge sighed. His cock was hard as nails. Flora looked right at it but didn't say a word. Jorge waited. He thought perhaps if she knew he was hard she would initiate something. He also wanted to initiate but he didn't feel like he was in a position to do so.

"Okay good. I'll take one after you." Flora cocked her head to the side and smiled. Jorge sighed, stood up, and walked into their ensuite.


It had been a week since their first encounter. Jorge felt on edge. Was Flora ever going to initiate anything? Was she ever going to have regular sex with him again? She had barely touched him since the previous Saturday.

Jorge tried to ignore it though. He figured this was probably a lot of pressure on her and he shouldn't try to rush the situation. He was lucky that his wife was even considering doing all of this with him.

"Jorge," Flora yelled from the door. He shot up off the couch, shoving his semi-hard cock back into his pants. He made sure all his masturbatory material was put away before he ran toward the door. He pulled it open for his wife who was holding what looked like fifteen shopping bags.

"Oh my god, what did you buy?" Jorge said. He just stood there staring at her even as she was struggling to carry everything.

"Just help me, Jorge. Why are you just sitting there like that?"

Jorge shot her a glare without thinking. Flora's eyes widened.


He grabbed a few bags and walked into the house. Flora followed him inside huffing and puffing.

"You know we are saving up," Jorge said.

"We need new Christmas decorations and a few other things," Flora huffed out.

"I just don't understand. These things aren't really essentials," Jorge continued. He had completely forgotten how he was just trying to get off to a story just a few minutes ago.

"I think they are. You're being difficult and I don't understand why." Flora continued through the house and into the dining room where she set all the bags down. She then went back into the entryway and took the bags Jorge had grabbed from her before going back. Jorge followed her back and forth, incredulous.

Jorge watched as Flora started pulling items out of the bags one by one. She set them out on the table before putting the bag down. The bags began to pile. She had bought all sorts of things. Christmas decorations. What looked like houseware. Clothes. There was more but at that point, Jorge had zeroed in on Flora. He wasn't paying attention to the stuff anymore. "Is that it? You're just not going to take my opinion into consideration? How much did you even spend?"

"Well, it's my money too. I think I can do what I want without being interrogated the moment I step through the door."

"Honey, this isn't about spending money this is about spending what," Jorge paused and gestured toward the table. "Like, a thousand dollars? Or more maybe? I'm not dumb Flora, I know how much things cost."

Flora glared at Jorge. "We need these things for Christmas. You promised we would host this year. Without my permission by the way. So if you want to blame someone, blame yourself."

Jorge just blinked back at her. It wasn't like arguing would bring their savings for the month back. He turned around and walked back into their home. If Flora wanted to act this way well then she could.


Jorge didn't want to drop the issue. He was all for being submissive in the bedroom but this wasn't that. Flora had breached their trust, and more importantly their budget.

He couldn't drop it because he knew his wife too well. If Jorge dropped the issue and said, this is fine honey I'm sorry I ever said anything it would embolden her to do it again and again.

Jorge wasn't sure she would spend money until they were homeless, but the pair were saving for the future and Flora had the potential to jeopardize that.

That night though Flora did something to make Jorge forget. She came onto him in bed. She started telling him what to do. She began to dominate him like it was straight out of a porno.

Jorge wasn't complaining.

In fact, he was forgetting about their fight.

The sex was hot, rough, and kinky.

He wondered why she would decide to do something like this with him again so soon. Without discussion either.

Some of it felt rehearsed, but Jorge couldn't care less. His submissive mind took over and he just let it happen.

It had been a few days since then and Jorge didn't bring up the shopping again. He wanted to but he wasn't sure if it was worth it. Flora seemed emboldened after that but Jorge didn't put two and two together. He noticed her slightly changed behaviour but he couldn't tell if it was out of the ordinary.

That day he was home from work early. He had to go in two hours early for some meetings, paired with skipping his lunch break he was home hours before Flora. Not that he would tell her. No, Jorge was going to use this time to get back into masturbating.

Since Flora found out about his habit she had been on top of him. He never really got a chance anymore. Not like he used to.

Jorge was picky so it wasn't a matter of finding a video in two minutes and cumming in 10 more. He had to take his time, stroke his cock, and peruse the internet for what he was craving at that particular moment. Sometimes he'd sit down for multiple hours. Playing with himself, looking for porn, edging as he did, and then starting all over again. For Jorge, this was far more satisfying than merely cumming.

That day he decided to go to their bedroom. He was home alone and while he didn't usually use their bed to do it, it was his bed too and Flora knew what he liked so that was that.

He had his laptop down beside him, he laid stark naked with some pillows propping his back up.

Jorge wasn't sure what was going on that day but he couldn't quite find what he was looking for. Even all his trusty old favorites weren't cutting it.

He was stuck.

He looked through catalogues and catalogues of pornography until he stumbled upon a sight that searched by tag.

You could put in your own search of course but it had all of these pre-made suggestions.

Jorge had been around long enough to know what intrigued him and what didn't.

He clicked on a few and some almost made him go wolf but they weren't 100% of the way there.

Then it hit him.

Cuck porn.

That was the ultimate humiliation.

Jorge went down a rabbit hole of cuck videos. He couldn't help but take note of the fact that most of the men who were fucking these women were black. Most of the women were white. And well, the cucks varied. The cucks could be anything. It almost didn't matter who or what the cucks were because in Jorge's mind, the cucks were him and the pretty blonde woman was Flora. Jorge's mind went wild with fantasies as he sucked in these videos.

The video he finally settled on had this pretty blonde woman. She reminded him so much of Flora. She had a ski slope nose and full pink lips. She was laying on her back with her legs in the air absolutely loving being fucked by this big man. His dark skin was such a contrast to hers. He wasn't a lot darker than Jorge but it didn't matter.

Jorge took to it.

He didn't quite understand why and he didn't seem to care.

The point was that the pleasure inside his body was at its highest peak.

It wasn't often Jorge came across a genre, or thing, that made him react so intensely. This was something else.

The black man in the video was completely dominating the little white woman. She seemed so submissive to him. His hand wrapped around her throat, almost pinning her as he drove his giant cock deep inside her body.

It made Jorge wild.

The woman whimpered beneath him. She clutched the sheets until her knuckles turned white and pink. She arched her back and he continued to pummel her until she unraveled beneath him. She came so hard.

In the corner, the cuck was still sitting there. He looked like he was in deep pain.

Jorge's eyes locked with the cuck's. He wasn't sure why.

The cuck seemed so stressed by what was happening. At the same time though he was aroused. His cock was hard and he was cumming all over himself as he watched his wife orgasm.

Jorge hoped they would hurt and humiliate the cuck for cumming.

His hand was tight around his cock. He had no choice but to make himself cum. The pressure in his body was all too much.

Jorge kept his eyes locked on the screen as he continued to pump his cock up. Sliding his now slick with precum hand up and down the shaft. He didn't quite understand why he found the whole experience so damned erotic, but he did.

He was enamored by it. The dynamic ran circles in his mind.

A man, a married man, having his wife sleep with other men. A married man... not a boyfriend, not just a girl he has a crush on getting with a jock, but his actual wife. God. The last thing any person would want to have happen to them. And there he was, being turned on by it.

Perhaps the taboo is what got him. It was the worst thing that could ever happen to a person, psychologically. It was the deepest form of masochism Jorge could think of. Deep deep down Jorge was just that, a masochist. He was more of a masochist than he was a sub. He wanted to be hurt physically and mentally.

Jorge hadn't identified his kink as mental masochism, but that's what it was. No, Jorge was in pure masturbatory bliss. No longer was he thinking about why it turned him on as badly as it did.

He squeezed his length and cum exploded from the tip. It hit his stomach, thigh, the bed, a drop went onto his face. Yuck. Jorge grabbed the rag from his bedside table and cleaned himself up. He was always prepared for times like this.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The character of Jorge and Flora is very true to form of the average guy who needs to masterbate to a fantasy and a lovely women, perhaps naive, who loves her husband very much. It was very interesting to watch the transition in their relationship though the story took a long time to develope. I'm looking forward to seeing Flora's character development into a strong dominant women not fulfilling her husband's fantasies but discovering her own personhood and recognizing Jorge's limitations. I am very much like Jorge and can relate to both characters in this story. Furthermore I appreciate a women's perspective in this story.

Will527Will5277 months ago

This had a lot of potential and was written well but moved slowly and seemingly did not finish as it should have. Is there a sequel?

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Very very good…when you secretly need this from your sexy, self-centered wife, nothing comes close…I sense that the author understands…I’m sure that Jorge has many secret needs, but all in good wife’s spending is also out of control right now..why does my wedding ring feel so tight right now?…she seems happy though..


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This is one of the best introductions I have read here. I completely relate to Jorge as a man who struggles with this form of deviant porn, hidden from my wife.

I look forward to reading how you develop this. I hope Flora can be happy.

Thank you.

KarnevilKarnevil7 months ago

From the title I imagine Jorge will get taken further than he expects, further than he really wants. Flora is a decent charecter, a bit innocent and naive, but willing to try for the benefit of her marriage. All good so far.

However, it's about cuckolding, which is OK, but I hope we don't slip into the old cliché of the arrogant black man with the enormous cock. Jorge is primarily a masochist not just a cuckold so hopefully flora will become more dominant, and not just some slut fixated on BBC.

Well written and well set up. It seems obvious where its headed but it will also be interesting to read how it gets there.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I agree with greymangazer, a nice start but somewhat repetitive in the first 3 pages. The first page or page and a half had me convinced of the marital dynamic (Jorge’s secret kink and fear of telling his wife). This could easily been 2-3 pages. I’m looking forward to the next chapter.

Mxm19Mxm197 months ago

Excited to read the next part, this piece stands out from others in a positive way!

graymangazergraymangazer7 months ago

A nice start. Detailed and totally believable. Maybe a little slow with a few things repeated, but that didn't really detract from the story. I think it was probably my impatience to get to the juicy bits.

I believe many men will identify with Jorge, likewise many women will identify with Flora. Even after being married for years it's hard to disclose some true feelings, no matter how well you know your partner.

It's pretty obvious this is just the first part, though some indication might help, and hopefully Flora will take full advantage of her husband's fetish. Personally I hope she takes it to it's full extent whether he likes it or not, in fact this is hinted at in the title.

Try to stay away from clichés, write what turns you on and keep the characters and their actions believable and you'll have a very good and erotic story.

TheWonderingMistressTheWonderingMistress7 months agoAuthor

Yes JeremySplash and perroCastidad, I am planning on doing more chapters and this is my first time posting erotica. I am very happy that you enjoy this!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

why even be married to a pathetic piece of snail excrement like this idiot? Pointless.

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