All Comments on 'Becca XXX Ch. 13'

by Naughtybecca

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Well, this would make a perfect ending if you are tired of writing this story or a nice break point before you start up again. Mmmmmm, I think I'll just wait and see what you come up with.

Thanks for the good read!

KrystofDayneKrystofDayneover 5 years ago
All around great series

This feels a bit like a finale, doesn't it? I wouldn't mind if you moved on to other things, other characters and scenarios but I'm sure I'll enjoy anything you write.

The last few chapters had become a little too dark for my taste and I generally can't really enjoy actual hardcore raping, even if the protagonist enjoys it, but hey, that's just taste.

Other than that, I really enjoyed the natural flow with which your story progressed. Like her getting thrown in the dungeon was logical and not just done gratuitously. And I really loved the way she engineered her way out of it because even though it seemed impossible, it really wasn't an ex machina. The metal dildos were there, alluded to several times, and made sense for the story, so her using them to free herself and as a weapon just felt like satisfying closure on great foreshadowing. Yeah, Tony appearing out of nowhere was a bit of an ex machina, but still, she had freed herself from her shackles at least and subdued her captor, so her escape still felt earned.

Also loved the action scenes, although sometimes the guards felt a bit too much like red-shirts and Tony too much of a flawless super hero, but still, the action really took me in.

And yeah, the conclusion, that just had to happen. May be a bit cheesy, but sometimes that's alright, felt like nice detoxing from the sometimes sickening dungeon scenes ;-)

Yeah, really loved it, can't wait for future installments or other stories of yours!

DevilbobyDevilbobyabout 5 years ago

Glad he turned up,else we'd be short a couple of chapters.

Lic2pleaseLic2pleaseabout 4 years ago

Good job Becca!! I'm excited for tomorrow now.




This is like a novel to me now, one good long read.

DevilbobyDevilbobyover 1 year ago

This was my second read of your excellent story Becca. In Rebecca you have a heroine that could be placed into any scenario and her presence. Actions and reactions would seem credible a little too much sex for my taste but then I'm just an old man enjoying a good read and really as a one finger typist it takes me long enough to tap out this comment so to write my own stories would be a lifelong venture. Enough of this off to chapter 14, see ya there.

MikePaulWritesMikePaulWritesover 1 year ago

Best yet. I can't stop reading.

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Hi, Naughtybecca here. Thank you for choosing to read my erotic stories. Reading them in the correct order will improve your enjoyment through Becca’s sexual journey. Poor Becca. An eight part story explaining the origins of our sexy star. Becca XXX. Her first erotic missi...