Becoming a Whore 03


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"So that's it, she's officially a whore right now?" It wasn't really a question.

"Yes" his answer was instant and clear as a bell.

"Dam it"

"I'll look after her." I didn't doubt that. Somehow that made me feel better. Now was time to get some questions out to understand this setup. What else was I going to do.

"I'd like to understand this a bit more. May I?" He understood and nodded.

"So you have these girls here" I waved my hand behind my head in the direction of the street "and others in hotels?"

"Look I'll be real if you can take it?" he waited for me, I nodded and he continued "These girls don't have the class of the others. The others are with politicians, celebrities etc. They need a certain level of skill, sophistication and discreetness." I nodded again "These girls are more raw and dirty."

It was weird and I don't know why but I liked that right now Emily was one of the nasty, girls with not enough class. "And Emily fits here?"

"You saw her earlier, god yes." he smirked "Only once before have we had a girl that was happy to eat a cream pie" he translated for me, but I already know "cum filled pussy from a hooker. Emily is genuinely special, in that respect."

"Shouldn't she have a stage name to protect her or something?"

"Hah, yes. We can do that, but it's kinda too late. Everyone here knows Emily, there's a queue of punters booked for tomorrow for her."

I hadn't thought about tomorrow "But tomorrow?" he waited for the real question "She wont be back tomorrow." who was I kidding.

"Yes she will."


"She'll be walking the streets at 6pm tomorrow until either she's had enough or I tell her to stop. That's how we work it here."

"But what about her other job, the main one."

"This doesn't have to affect that one." he then raised his eyebrow at me "Unless she wants it to?"

"What does that mean?"

"I know people were she works. People that come here. I can hide her from them, well try to, or I can take control of that." I couldn't quite get my head around that. He could see from my face. "If she wants I can set it that she has clients during her work day. It would very likely help her career and possibly even yours."

Ok, now I understood. I'd not thought of that. Interesting. I'd park that thought for now and come back to it. "What about disease, it seems to be crazy to allow this without condoms."

He frowned at me clearly a little pissed off "I very clearly tell all my girls to protect themselves and to always use condoms. There's always a supply of condoms everywhere they go."

I interuped him "But my.."

He interrupted me back "Some girls choose not to use them." and he shrugged his shoulders. "Look, there's a difference, it feels different for both the punter and the girl. If she wants to take the risk, I guess I could tell her to bugger off as I wont be part of it but I don't think that would be good business. So I let them take ownership of their own life and their decision."

Geezzz he made it sound like a womans lib thing. Like he was helping them out.

"Don't get me wrong, I think it's a little crazy when they take the risk but it's not my body that it's happening to. I do appreciated them and what they do." he again shrugged his shoulders again.

There was a pause while I soaked it up. When he'd decided I'd had enough time "It's the same sort of with pregnancy."

I raised my eyebrows, it wasn't really the same at all.

"It's the girls choice. They all have protection of some sort. Some of them lie that they don't to tease the punters, the men love it. Sometimes it fails and one of them becomes pregnant, and then they do what they want to do. Sometimes one of them comes along that.." he paused at this thinking of the best way to describe it I guess " ... has a pregnancy fetish and well we'll see."

"Ummm" was all I could manage, I shook my head. I knew what he was talking about.

And so did he "Look if I'm honest, if Emily gets knocked up and doesn't abort it, for a while she'll be more popular than you can possibly imagine." he just looked at me deadpan.

There was so much to unpick with that comment. I wasn't very happy about a lot of that.

"You can picture that can't you Chris?"

Somehow he was in my head. "Yes"

He smirked, "Well?"

I couldn't deal with that right now "What about the drugs you gave her?"

He appeared surprised that I was moving on so quickly, or may be it was disappointment. "It was a mix of ecstasy, and some spanish fly thing. It's not dangerous but some of the girls like it from time to time. That's all she had."

The way he said 'she' made me wonder "Others do more?"

"Sometimes yes"

"You deal drugs?"


I didn't understand, he could tell, and tried to help "Some of the girls like more hardcore things."

"Ohhh" I sounded a looked worried.

He smiled "It's ok. I wont work with anyone that puts themselves in danger."

I showed my naivete "So none of them are hooked on cocaine?"

He laughed at me and I tried again "They don't use needles?"

He laughed again and leaned forward "So some of them do shoot up, and yes I do provide that if needed." he read the panic on my face "But it's only for fun and enjoyment, we don't want anyone strung out, looking like death or OD'ing on us."

I breathed a sigh of relief, he chuckled and added "Some are reliant on their fix. That can be fun sometimes." and he gave me a little evil grin.

I fidgeted in my seat, something about that had my attention. He then asked me "You don't want Emily to become some coke addict do you?" he was half joking.

"I don't want her to die or get hurt." was my pathetic reply.

He pushed me to understand "Wondering what a few more hits of E could do are we?"

We locked eyes but I didn't respond, he hadn't hit the button. I didn't even know what the button was.

He pushed again "Want to watch her snort a line?"

I didn't shake my head but my lack of reaction spurred him on "Or the ultimate of knowing that she's taken something directly into a vein?"

I gasped at that, I just couldn't imagine it. I closed my eyes and instantly saw my Emily in the back of that van outside. Still in her dress, the man mountain was naked with an obscenely huge cock point up. He was putting a needle into her arm and shooting her up. I watched my wife's eyes roll into the back of her head as she breathed out a deep sigh.

Casba's chuckle bought me back to the real world. "Are you sure?".

I opened my eyes and looked at him. I needed to change the subject again "What about the police?"

He smirked at me "Oh they don't like drugs."

Smart arse "No I mean the prostitution."

"Hang on a second I need to be clear on the other thing." Ok so he wasn't going to let that go. "Are you really excited to see your wife, to accept a hypodermic needle of cocaine injected into her body?"

I visibly shuddered, I couldn't help myself.

"Why?" he wanted to know. But I had no idea myself.

"I don't know ..." I felt so bad, so wrong. "It feels so wrong."

He nodded and moved on, clearly detecting that I was uncomfortable. "Yes she'll likely get picked up by the police at some point. Every girl here has a criminal record for prostitution." This felt positively tame compared to everything else that has happened in the last few hours. "It's part of the course but don't worry it means nothing. I'll sort it all out." and he grinned at me and sat back in his seat.

We continued to waffle a bit more covering his rules, how she would get paid, what the hours worked like and more. I realized that it was nicely distracting me from what was going on outside.

"Will you have sex with Emily?" I had to know. I don't know why but I had to know.

He shook his head "Nope, not now." and he sighed "I was actually looking forward to it." and he smiled. "You know I said no whoring tonight?"

I nodded and he continued "Well I want'ed to enjoy her before she started. I'm a bit particular about a fresh, clean woman." God he was saying that Emily was now dirty. Wow that made my cock throb. Even a pimp didn't want to fuck her now. God darn it why did I like that?

He picked up on it "There's a few girls here that are great fucks that I enjoy but they're condoms through and though."

I had to adjust my cock, he very clearly noticed.

"Chris if I may" and he nodded to get my approval, I gave it with a nod "Emily has been a fantastic mother and wife for a long time. She's a prim and proper wife. What is happening here, right now, is as far from your current normality as you can imagine it. This is why you are finding it so overwhelming and exciting." He paused and I realised that he was right, so right.

He smiled at me "I get it Chris, don't worry I'll look after her for you. It's in my interest after all."


Maybe 15mins after our chat wrapped up and maybe 45 mins after she'd entered the van I picked up on an applause. It was only subtle. I jumped up and headed to the window. Sure enough there was Emily walking across the road towards her fans.

She certainly had a sort of different walk, her hair was a little messed up, but her dress was in place as before. I noticed that her tights were missing then spotted them in her hand. For someone that was just fucked, she didn't look to bad, it wasn't that obvious. I had a vision of her walking more bo'legged due to the action down there, but I guess that was a comedy thing rather than real life. Or maybe, maybe she hadn't had sex with him. Maybe they just chatted and she took her tights off for whatever.

She'd reached the girls and they were chatting. She then started towards here, I think. Around that time Casba re-appeared smiling. "You be chill, ok?" I nodded, we had an agreement of sorts. I remained standing at the windows, he sat on the sofa opposite the door.

I heard the door and clash downstairs again, for the thousands time since I'd been here. Then the clipping of heels, then the stairs and then she appeared.

"The girls told me I should come and check in with you." she said very matter-of-factly. She stood in the doorway. Looked at me, smiled and then back at Casba.

He studied her a moment, I thought he was going to ask if she was ok or something but instead "Do you want to go home?"

Her surprise also surprised me "Why? Have I messed up?"

She looked concerned for a few seconds, however even from the side of him I know he smiled at her as she relaxed "Not at all. You're right you still have a few hours on your shift."

She nodded and he continued "Do you want to sit down a second?"

She looked at the sofa in front of him and screwed up her face a little. A face I've not seen in years, it was very cute. "I don't think I should."

He laughed getting it straight away "It's wipeable, it's a regular problem in this line of work."

She smiled back at him. I got it also, but did that mean he had her bareback, oh god. "You took chuck, raw?" he asked.

She bowed her head and didn't answer. He surprised us both as he quickly snapped "Cut that coy shit out, you know there's no need for any of that. In fact, spread your legs and show me your cunt right now."

My god that surprised me, it made me jump. I was even more surprised as her head snapped up straight away. She instantly spread her legs and both hands reached for her skirt hem and lifted it up to show her pussy to us both. Not what I expected, but the fact that she had no knickers on was the first surprise. Even though I knew she didn't have any on when she went with him, it was still weird to see my wife without them on out in public. Then, I dunno I expected her pussy to look used or something, but it didn't. It did however look very slick, in fact a lot of that area looked slick and now I looked it was down her inner thighs also. So yes if she had sat, her dress and or the sofa would have been wet.

Standing like that she answer his question "Yes, he came inside me twice."

"That's better, no airs and graces here. Got it."

"Yup" and she nodded.

"Ok relax please."

And she let go of her dress it moved a little but didn't cover her pussy really, it was too tight on her. So she stood with her dripping pussy still on display and her legs spread. It was like she was trying to make a statement.

He quickly checked with her "You sure you understand the risks?"

She nodded "Yes, I could get a disease or pregnant." she almost smirked at that. Gezzz what the hell.

"And you know that you should really always ask for a condom, for your own safety?"

"Yes I understand" and she grinned.

"What's one of my main rules?" he asked her I think for my benefit. I think a lot of this was for my benefit. She was almost confirming her contract with him and for me to witness it.

"Do whatever the customer wants." then louder she repeated "Whatever".

He smiled "Word for word." she smiled "So your now actually a whore. How'd you feel?" that would have been my first question, well only the how'd you feel bit.

"I'm ashamed and excited and very turned on." all this time she hadn't really looked at me and even now she didn't, it was as if I wasn't here. She didn't want to associate me as being here in this new world of her.

"That'll pass" I wondered which bit, I guess all of it? "Ok get your yourself back down there, you have another two hours of working, whore unless you don't want to work with me protecting you?"

She didn't say a word, she just turned and left. He called after her "And clean your cunt up I don't want complaints that customers can't feel you etc." I heard her walking down the stairs. That was it. She properly understood what she was doing, and yet she wanted to carry on. God darn it, why was I proud of her.

He got up and joined me walking to the window. I turned to look out with him. A few moments later we saw my wife Emily, the newest hooker on the block joining her new friends. She adjusted her dress in front of everyone, no shame remember. And then went and stood by the curb next to someone else. They chatted.

We both stood there for a few minutes saying nothing just watching the girls doing whatever. It appeared pretty busy, at least someone going up to door man once every few minutes to transact. I was mainly focused on watching my wife and I suppose it wasn't a surprise when her first customer walked up to her. I would have loved to have heard the conversation. It was short, they both walked towards door man and a few moments later she was wondering down the ally towards the mattress. One was already occupied, with a couple.

Instead of taking the mattress furthest away she picked the one next to the other couple and laid down on it. She seductively spread her legs showing him everything, said something to him to which he replied. She then exposed her tits to him and he climbed on board, still fully dressed and they stared to kiss. He was an olderman, maybe in his 60s, darker skinned than us, so maybe from asia, white hair and he wasn't what I'd call fit. I weirdly watched her alternate between kissing her and slobbering all over her tits. She then helped him with his cock, some fumbling around and her eyes popped open as I guess he'd rammed it home. Gezz again she'd not used a condom, I hope he was a regular and safe. They were kissing loads.

Casba "Man she is going to earn so much money for me. Just compare to Jane next to her."

He was right, though Jane was hot and working hard, it was a different level. I was hard to describe it was more than just the kissing.

I can't believe I casually dropped this out there, "It's new and exciting for her."

He chimed in "Give her a week" and we both laughed. Though I had a feeling we both new it wasn't likely to be like that. Genuinely, it felt like she was going to really enjoy every second of every minute doing this.

The old man was going nice and slow into Emily, really enjoying himself. It looks like the other couple finished as the man got up and left. Handing his condom to Jane. Emily said something to Jane and they both looked over at the old man and his face, what I could see of him, he appeared to explode in joy. He propped himself up on his arms a bit more and stopped moving his cock. Jane then stood over Emilys head her feet either side, facing the old man. I heard Casba "Gezzeus, fantastic, I'll have them queuing down the street once word gets out about this sort of thing."

The old man then started to slowly thrust in and out as Jane lowered herself down over Emilys face. Jane's pussy had clearly made contact with my wifes tongue as her face lit up. The old man started to speed up. Jane started to sway and jiggle, clearly also enjoying herself. My wife was doing a great job making two people very happy.

A few moments more of this and the old man stopped and I guess filled Emily up. Jane soon stood back up also. The old man leaning forward and kissing Emily deeply, clearly enjoying Janes pussy juices over her face. He then stood up, dressed himself and left, after saying something to Emily and Jane. Jane helped Emily up, she sorted her dress and they started to wander back to the street hand in hand. Emily stopped half way back, reached under her dress and I guess scooped some jizz from her leaking cunt and licked it all up. Jane slapped her arm and they laughed at something Jane said. Emily then did it again and they moved on. Back at the street ready for whatever was next.

I sighed and smiled, for some reason.

"I'd suggest that you leave, I'll get her dropped back when she's done." I nodded. "I promise to keep her safe and will look after her."

I then weirdly said "Thank you"

He smiled at me "I've never offered this before but you can come back here to watch any time you want."

I nodded "Cheers" and I wandered out of the room, down the stairs, through the corridor and the glass door. I wanted to go to Emily to say bye and give her a kiss but I felt like that would be weird and yer it would have been. I turned to the street and saw her, we made eye contact and she smiled at me. I smiled back, turned and headed to the car.

I wasn't down-hearted, I was just confused as just like that I was now officially married to a whore.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Others have said it better: Great writing and story. Emily’s degradation into a drug addicted whore is well on its way. If your aim is to describe the destruction of an individual through their own choices, this is it.

auhound49auhound49over 1 year ago
Pregnancy risk is so damn hot!!!

PLEASE work more of this into your stories!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Time to dump the slut before she give you a STD or she gets pregnant or both. Go find a woman who gives a shit about you. She does not respect you (or herself) move on dude and get your head out of your ass about this cuckold shit.

FortyninemikeFortyninemikeover 1 year ago

Why aren’t there star ratings on your stories?

bu5ty_tightbu5ty_tightover 1 year ago

I loved the comments about give the slut lots of drugs ... hah ... I agree. Get her loaded. I'm living my fetlife as her through these stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loved this story! Give the slut lots of drugs so there are no inhibitions to turn into a premium prostitute!

shewantsmoreshewantsmorealmost 2 years ago

Brilliant story,emily certainly loves her new role. But shes still not sure, once she works regularly on streets for several weeks ,experience everything, taking a line,injecting,till shes addicted to her new life,a new emily. Chris is addicted too as a cuckold, cant waite for next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I really loved this story, it is a great progression from the first 2 chapters. I really hope this story continues and we hear about how Emily "develops" in her new place in life!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

She needs to get on the drugs to seal her fate...just like a Satan's! More please...shoot her the drugs removing her resistance and sealing her fate...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This is a huge turn on. Emily and the experiences in the raw street are fascinating. Perhaps tellng it in her voice as she continues or in recap would be great.

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