Becoming Abby Ch. 08

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How far would you go to save your best friends marriage?
13.3k words

Part 8 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/07/2018
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We had laid together for about an hour, but my mind would not shut off. Not to mention my belly was growling non-stop. I slipped out from under Missy's arm gently, and she rolled onto her back. I padded across the room, and grabbed my silk dressing gown from the back of the door. I looked back at Missy one last time, before pulling it on and heading down the stairs.

The clock on the wall told me it was just after four in the afternoon. That gave me plenty of time to find something to eat. I was bent over looking in the fridge when I heard the voice behind me.

"Couldn't sleep either?" Mary asked.

I pulled my head out, looking at her with a bit of ham still stuck between my teeth.

Mary giggled. "I love your tail."

Swallowing the bite of ham, my face turned red as I pulled my robe closed. "Thank you, Mary. I didn't think anyone else was here."

She pointed behind her, "We were using the guest room, but I just have so much on my mind right now, I couldn't sleep."

I moved around, putting the counter between us, "I understand. I'm worried about several things right now, myself. You and Chris, and my friend Holly, it really does make it hard to sleep."

Mary frowned, "Why are you worried about Holly? She seems like a wonderful person, and even though she tries not to show it, Jo loves her a lot."

"She really does," I said. "I wonder, if in the end, they won't have a relationship much like Missy and I."

"One can only hope to have the kind of relationship you and Missy have," Mary said with a big smile.

We both stood there in silence for a while, until my belly growled loudly.

Mary giggled, "Oh, that's what you were doing down here."

"Yeah," I said. "I don't know how many meals I have missed, but my belly is telling me it is many."

"Well, you should have more to eat than that little bit of ham," May said.

I grinned, "I was looking to see what we had that would be quick, but it looks like I might actually have to cook a little something."

"Can you make enough for two?" she asked.

"Of course," I answered. "How do your feel about a stir fry?"

Mary smiled. "I love stir fry, as long as it's not too spicy."

"Stir fry it is then," I said, grabbing my wok.

"Andy, I have to be honest," she said looking down. "I saw you coming down stairs, and I was hoping we could talk, you know, while we are alone."

I set the wok on the stove. "We can talk about anything you want, sweetie." Turning to the fridge, I took out some chicken and veggies to prep while my wok heated.

Mary watched me as I did my prep work, putting each item in its place before I started to cook. "What is it like when you go away like that?" she asked.

"Go away like what?" I asked looking at her. "When Abby comes out?"

"No, " she said thinking. "Like when you were riding that vibrator. You just sort of... I don't know, space out? The lights are on, but no one is at home?"

"Oh, that," I stopped what I was doing while I thought. "It's really hard to explain to someone who has not experienced it. Don't get me wrong, your turn is coming, I'm sure of it."

I dropped the chicken in the pan and thought of a better way to answer while it sizzled away.

"Have you ever wandered off into a daydream?" I asked.

"Sure, who hasn't," Mary responded.

"Well, it's like that, only better." I stirred my chicken around. "When I reach that point, where my mind is starting to wonder, my body is beyond my control. My mind is in such a state of bliss that I have no idea what is even going on. Only that I am happy beyond everything else."

Mary was nodding, taking in what I said. "Can anyone reach that point?"

"Sure," I said. "But, just as with everything else, you have to be willing to let go and give up the control." I went back to my cooking, adding the veggies once the chicken was mostly cooked.

Mary was quiet until I finished, and had dished up the stir fry in two bowls. "Thank you, Andy."

"For what?" I asked. "Cooking you some food?"

She smiled, "For everything. I don't know what we are going to do tonight, but I am so excited for it."

We took our bowls and moved over to the table. "Do you know what you will be wearing tonight?" Mary asked.

I shook my head, taking a bite. "No, but I am sure it will be something very slut like."

Mary and I laughed. We talked a little more while we ate. Mary asked me about things like eating my own cum, and my head space when I play a pup. I answered her to the best of my ability, but again told her that it was hard to describe to someone who hadn't experience such things.

"Can I ask you a really personal question?" she asked.

"Sure," I said with a smile. "I can't promise I will answer, but you can always ask."

Mary bit her lip. "On a scale of one to ten, how much do you like being spanked?"

"Pfft, that's an easy one," I answered. "Infinity, thats a number right?"

"Wait, What?" Mary looked stunned.

"Spanking is my most favorite thing ever." I took another bite while I let her think about it.

"Chris spanked me yesterday when we went home," she said. "I didn't want him to stop. He made me cum four times." Her face started turning red at this revelation.

"Missy has made me cum while spanking me. You guys actually saw it," I reminded her.

Her blush got brighter. "OK, so if that is your favorite, what's your second favorite?"

"Well, if I was forced to pick, it would be pegging," I answered.

Mary frowned, "I don't know that one. I don't think it's something we have talked about yet."

Shaking my head I told her, "No, it's nothing you would have talked about yet, because you can't be pegged. Only a male, even one that identifies as a female, can be pegged."

"Oh! You mean anal sex," she said with a smile.

I laughed, "Sort of. Pegging is when a woman uses a strap-on to fuck a man in the ass. Two guys having anal sex is still anal sex."

Mary's eyes were wide while she thought about it. "You mean..."

I nodded, "Yes, Mistress has pegged her pet many times. Even once in public."

"Can... you tell me about it?" she asked. "I mean, does it feel different for a guy?"

I thought about it for a moment. "I guess it is different for a guy, but only because we are different on the inside. For us, it's all about stimulation of the prostate gland, like earlier on the vibrating machine. The toy was right against my prostate, and if they had not been turning it off and on, then I would have just sat there and cum repeatedly."

"Guys can do that too?" Mary asked.

"Uh huh, if properly stimulated," I smiled. "Mind you, there tends to be less and less cum each time, but the feeling of the climax gets stronger."

When we finished eating, I took the bowls and cleaned them up, before putting them in the dishwasher.

"Andy, doesn't it bother you at all now, to walk around in front of me mostly naked?" Mary asked.

I looked down at myself, "I'm not naked, I have my robe on."

Mary grinned. "You know I can see everything right? That robe is mostly see through."

Laughing, I asked, "Does it bother you? Would you like me to cover up?" I held a hand towel over my chest.

She threw another towel at me. "No, silly, I was just wondering. Do you just get used to other people seeing you naked? I mean like at the club and stuff."

I thought about it a moment, "You know what? You just get used to it I guess." I pulled my robe a little tighter. "When I am in Abby mode, I just forget that I'm showing off everything that I have, most times. Besides, you have already seen me naked more in the last few days, then you ever did before."

I looked at the clock. "Looks like we still have a little time before everyone else gets up. Would you like a coffee?"

"Yes, a coffee would be wonderful," she said.

"So, do you have any other questions?" I asked while setting up the coffee pot.

"I have so many more questions, I don't even know where to start!" Mary responded.

I laughed a little. "OK, let me ask you a question then. Has Chris been trying to be more controlling?"

"He is still afraid he is going to hurt me, but less so now that we have the safe words," she said. "I think he wants this almost as much as I do, but is afraid to push too far too fast."

"I understand. Missy and I started out slow as well. You know I didn't know anything about her Domme past? I was just honest with her and told her about my crossdressing, and then one day I asked her if it would be OK to get a maids outfit. That of course, led to more questions, which led to more revelations, which led to Missy bringing out our first paddle."

"That was a quick leap, wasn't it?" Mary asked.

"Not as quick as you think," I said. "You see, I hate cleaning. I thought a little role play would make it more fun. Missy agreed, but said it would only work if it was Abby. So we started with the training I told you about before. Meditation, self-hypnosis, things like that, until in the end I learned how to just let go and become Abby."

"So when did the paddle come in?" she asked.

"Well, once Abby started doing house work as a maid, when she was finished with something, say cleaning the bathroom, Missy would come in and inspect. If she found something wrong, I would be spanked, then sent back to correct the problem. I didn't care for it, but Missy enjoyed the spanking, and soon, so did Abby."

Mary giggled. "Missy told us that you started doing silly things, making mistakes just so you would get a spanking."

Smiling I said, "Yes, Abby turned out to be quite a greedy little thing when it comes to her spankings. She can never get enough." I made us both a cup of coffee, then sat back at the table.

"I am really liking them myself," Mary said. "Chris, well, Chris is worried about how much I like them. He is afraid that I won't ask him to stop even if he is hurting me."

"That is understandable," I replied. "I have a very high threshold for pain. Other than when we first started, I can't remember a single time that I ever asked Missy to stop. I have begged her for more. I have fantasies about waking up the next day with bruises on my ass, but Missy says that bruising would mean she had gone too far, and we would not be able to have spanking fun again until they were fully healed."

Mary was smiling. "I didn't think about that. I asked Chris if he would bruise me so that I could remember it all day the next day."

I reached across and took her hand. "Trust me, Mary, when he learns to spank you the right way, there will be no bruises, but you will remember it for hours and hours. I have gotten up sore the next day. A dull ache in my ass that was a reminder of just how hard I was spanked."

She was almost giddy with joy at that. "I can't help myself Andy, I love where our path is taking us, and I have you and Missy to thank for it."

"Speaking of Missy," said Missy from the door. "Why are you mostly naked, and more importantly, why don't I have a cup of coffee in my hand yet?"

Smiling, I got up, pulling my robe closed again. "I am wearing a robe, I didn't know they were here, and because my body is weak and slow from under nourishment."

I thought Mary was going to fall over laughing from the unimpressed look Missy aimed in my direction, but she couldn't hold it for long and was kissing my cheek. "Coffee, please, my sexy hubby."

"Anything for you, my love" I said with a smile.

Missy sat down at the table, and I made her a coffee before sitting down beside her.

"So, have you two been having a nice little chat where none of the Doms can hear you?" she asked jokingly.

"Yes, we have actually. Just a little girl talk to pass the time while we could," I said.

Mary had turned red again. "I just wanted to know a little more about things."

"Mary, I'm joking. We are not in D/s mode right now, relax and talk to me like you used to," Missy said.

Mary was shaking her head. "I don't know if I can ever see you the same way that I used too."

Sighing, Missy responded. "I'm still just Missy. The exact same person you have known all your life, you just happen to know me a little better then most of the rest of the world. That shouldn't make you feel like you owe me more respect or anything. It should make you happy to know me so well."

"OK, I will try," Mary said.

"Good. That's all I can ask," Missy replied. "It actually took me a while to get Andy to stop treating me like a Mistress all the time when we first started. He was finding it hard to move from one head space to another. You have to think of it like playing a role. When I am Mistress M, then I am the center of his world. When I am Missy we are a loving couple and nothing more."

Mary was nodding. "Yes, I think I can do that. I did drama class in high school. It's just like playing a part."

"Exactly," said Missy. "Now, onto the business of the night. Mary, would you mind going and getting Chris? We need to talk about tonight."

"Sure, I can do that," she said. "I doubt he is asleep." She got up and headed upstairs.

Missy looked at me. "Chris is actually up, I talked to him in the hall and asked him to give us a few minutes after Mary comes up, so you and I can talk."

I looked at her in confusion. "OK, what's up that you couldn't talk in front of Mary?"

"I want to keep it a bit of a surprise for her, so I didn't need her asking questions," Missy said. "Jo, has set up some things at the club tonight, a private gathering, without all the normal drama of a club night."

"Wait," I said. "What about Jonathan? He never lets anyone have a private function at the club unless he is there."

"Well, it seems the dumbass has fled the country," she said. "His Gurls are in hysterics because he left them all behind, several of the Valkyrie have been taking care of them since yesterday."

"Wow," was all I could say.

"But, that's not what I wanted to talk to you about," she said bringing us back to the subject at hand. "Jo and I wanted to make tonight something more of a spectacle for Chris and Mary. And I know how disappointed you would be if you didn't get to participate at least a little."

"OK, what are you asking me to do?" I asked.

"Well, Holly has her part, and while you can't be a part of it, I thought it only fair if I gave you your own part tonight. Something we have not done much of," Missy said.

"OK, I'm bursting with suspense here," I said.

"What if I was to give you to Master Lee Yang for tonight?" she asked.

I'm sure I was having to pick my jaw up off the floor I was so surprised.

"Well," she asked. "Is that a yes or a no?"

I swallowed hard. "Isn't he the rope guy?"

"Shibari, yes," Missy said. "He has offered to give a demonstration of living art tonight. I thought you might want to be a piece of his display."

"As long as you are OK with it, then yes I would be happy to help," I said, excitement clearly showing on my face.

"Oh, I am ok with it," she said with a smile. "I will be the one helping him with you."

I grinned and leaned over, kissing her softly.

"Awwww," said Mary from the door. "Little love birds."

Chris came in behind her, and they both sat at the table. "So, what's the plan for tonight?" he asked.

"The plan is simple," Missy stated. "We are going to Valhalla." She held up her hand to stop the questions that were about to come up. "It is a private function set up by Jo and myself. We will not have to go through all the normal drama to get in, and no one, other than those we have invited, will be there, including Johnathan."

"So, I guess I need to put on all my leather again?" Chris asked.

Missy laughed. "Only if you want too. My dear Abby will not be caged or wearing the Valhalla collar tonight, nor will she be in service to the two of you. It's not a normal club night."

Mary looked confused. "OK, so what do we wear, then?"

"Well, Abby will wearing her collar, her tail, and her cloak," Missy said. "I will be in a simple black dress, and as for the two of you, I would recommend something comfortable."

Mary looked at me. "Is the dress I wore last time still here?" she asked.

"Yes, I still have it," I answered.

"I could wear that, if Chris would wear his leather stuff again," she said looking at Chris.

"That would actually be a very good choice," Missy said. "Mary would look her part, as would Chris."

"Wait, back up a second," Chris said. "Did you say Abby is going to be wearing a collar and her tail, and that's it?"

"No," Missy answered. "She gets her cloak as well. At least until we arrive. Trust me there is a very good reason, but if I tell you, it will ruin the surprise."

"Well, I guess it's a good thing I brought all that leather stuff with me in the car," Chris said standing up. "When are we supposed to go?"

"Jo is expecting us in about an hour. So, if you want to go get changed, that would be for the best," Missy said.

"OK, I will go get my stuff and Andy can show Mary where her dress is," Chris responded.

"It's hanging in the closet of the guest room," I told her.

Mary smiled at me and stood up, then kissed me on the cheek before heading for the guest room. Chris followed her, heading for their car.

Missy took my hand. "We are going to need Abby soon, my love."

I leaned over and kissed her softly. "She is always ready for you, my beautiful wifey."

Getting up from the table, I held my hand out to help Missy up, then kissed her softly before turning and heading for Abby's room. Missy got a playful smack in on my ass, which made me giggle and dance a little on my way out. She followed me up and pulled out the collar she wanted me to wear tonight. It was a baby pink lace about as wide as my little finger. She latched it around my neck and kissed me softly again.

"Remember what I said," she told me in a whisper. "Nothing but the collar and tail."

"I remember," I answered with a smile.

She turned and left and I moved over, sitting down in front of the vanity. Looking into my own eyes I traced my fingers over the lace of the collar. I could never stop myself from smiling when Missy put a collar on me.

Closing my eyes I focused on my breathing, pulling it under control, and slowing it slightly. The darkness moved in, smothering out all other thoughts. I looked for my rosebud in the darkness, but all I could find was Holly's smiling face. My worries over her were proving harder to let go of than I anticipated.

I cleared my mind again, focusing on the darkness, slowing my breathing even more. It felt like hours that I sat there, focusing, trying to find my center. Finally, slowly fading in out of the darkness was my table with the vase and rose bud. I pulled it closer, focusing on the rosebud. I watched it turn in my minds eye, picturing it in perfect detail. As it blossomed open I opened my eyes. Looking in the mirror, Abby looked back with lines of tears running down her face, and a smile.

"That took longer than normal my love," Missy said from behind me. "Are you OK? Why are you crying?"

I shook my head. "I don't know." I turned and smiled at her. "Andy is very worried for Holly. I am happy that I will get to see her soon. I don't know why it made me cry."

Mistress stepped closer, wrapping my head in a hug against her breasts. "I know you are worried for her, but you know Jo would never let anything happen to her. "

Nodding against her, I whispered, "I know Mistress, thank you."

She pushed me away and held my shoulders while looking into my eyes. "Dry your tears, my pet. We still need to do your makeup and hair, and you have been gone for twenty minutes."

I gasped at the time it took me, and quickly turned back to the mirror. "I will do your hair, while you take care of your makeup," Mistress instructed. "Pinks tonight, to match your collar."