Becoming Monsters 2: Ch. 44


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Regardless, none of this concerned the present, aside from the fact that Banda probably shouldn't have doubled up on the Niagara Viagra blessing and Eve maybe shouldn't have fed Honoka all that honey.

"Hold onto your butts!" Honoka warned even as the bottom of her abdomen swelled with forthcumming gurgitation. She felt it, already white jizz leaking out the side of Quinn, baby batter glowing radioactive as Honoka's cock stepped it up a few notches brighter. The hormonal effect of the orgasm hadn't happened yet in her brain, but her body already tightly clenched in that final moment before...clenching tighter...more pressure...Honoka really hoped her dick didn't suddenly explode...

"HALLELUJAH!!" Quinn cried out, reaching the mythical double orgasm together with Honoka. She might have tried to enjoy it more, but pressure inside her tight snatch grew stronger than even twenty Strength could withstand. It was with some surprise that for the second time in a month, Quinn shot off the end of Honoka's dick from the force of an ejaculation.

This time, she shot five feet (1.5 m) into the air, flipped around three times, and landed screaming on the other side of the bath in a messy belly flop.

"Sweet Christmas!" Banda remarked in equal parts terror and awe, splashing through bathwater under a rain of spunk to offer any help to Quinn after her launch into orbit. The other two wives shaded hands above their eyes to discern what happened to Honoka, because light in the room rose to blinding brightness in a flash. It was too hard to see anything in the wash of white as bright as the sun, and only after they sloshed their ways to Honoka's side did the entire tableau reveal itself.

Honoka was seized in place, hands digging into the couch and face silently screaming, eyes rolled into the back of her head. Every muscle fought with itself, struggling to tear Honoka apart. The only part of her body showing any movement was her futa cock, which had transformed significantly (and to a family known for extreme transformations, this was saying something). Earlier today, Honoka measured erect sixteen inches long (41 cm) and thirteen inches around (33 cm). There was good reason to call her penis the Beast. Right now, without any allocation, it was twenty inches long (51 cm), but more alarming was what the wives witnessed past the blinding glow. The Beast was now as wide as the end of Padmava's tail, urethra stretched into a grotesque malformed pipeline connected directly with whatever dimension Honoka stored her spunk. From that gaping maw, a massive stream blasted straight upward and slammed into the ceiling fifteen feet above (4.6 m) with the force of a kamehameha, spreading and ricocheting like an avalanche of hot glowing yogurt.

Eve deduced the danger first, a bath quickly overflowing with jizz and lapping over Honoka's mouth and nose the most immediate danger. Diving in, the goblin got her hands under Honoka's tangled hair and attempted to push her up, unfortunately finding the rictus of Honoka's orgasm making her difficult to move. The goblin needed help. "Pad! Save Honoka from drowning!"

The naga wife quickly responded, using her long tail slithering through semen slurry to brace under Honoka and gain enough leverage to utilize her four arms and significant Strength to lift Honoka into the air. However, as any firewoman understands, that amount of thrust out of a nozzle is impossible to manage unless the hose line is properly secured. The moment Padmava heaved Honoka into the air, the angle of Honoka's dick changed direction and no longer was she a geyser, she was a splooge powered jet engine throwing potent baby syrup around the room at high speeds undirected, the pressure too much for an unprepared naga to control.

The first victim was Eve. When her head was engulfed and whiplashed into the stream, it hit her with such force that it concussioned the goblin instantly, flipping Eve around in the stream until she slammed into the far wall with the crunch of breaking bones.

Barely able to hold on at this point, Padmava found her scales slipping over floor tiles of the bath and spun around in a swirling arc, the next victim of the wildly spraying penis an unsuspecting holstaur. Banda was bent over, performing a blessing on the dazed Quinn when the cum cannon hit her directly in the butt, plowing the holstaur woman into Quinn and submerging both under the overflowing white glowing bath.

Which is when all the slick slime coating scales caused Padmava to lose fumble her ejaculating wife, Honoka completing her spinning arc in the air and tumbling out of the bath. In cosmic defiance to leave no pussy unpied, the last spurt caught Padmava in the abdomen and knocked the air out of the snake with a loud hiss.

With Honoka's orgasm at an end, the glow of the ejaculate and her penis faded. With every surface liberally coated in thick white fluids, the bath room grew dark, only the plopping of falling semen and the ragged breathing of spent women filled the room with otherwise silence. Only lasting five minutes from beginning to end, afterglow literally came to an end.

Despite her injuries - goblin regeneration for the win! - Eve was the first to recover. There wasn't a cavity unstuffed or a bit of skin unplastered in jizz. Snorting out one nostril to breathe, the little goblin took a gander around the room. Crimson eyes glimmered through the dark, not a true darkvision but enough light remained to diagnose a sitrep on everyone. Eve remained giddy from her injuries, wanting to wiggle her broken arm a little more so she could reach orgasm. It wasn't the time, though, fighting through goblin ADGD and focused on everyone else.

Honoka was outside the bath, on her side and breathing, though it smelled like she hit her mouth because Eve's goblin nose detected blood in Honoka's direction. Now that the goblin was paying attention, Eve noticed Honoka was a little bigger than earlier, but measurements could wait. The Beast flaccided to a more typical shape and otherwise the naked black woman appeared unconscious but not in critical condition.

Padmava managed to clamber her upper body onto the edge of the bath and flopped over the side. She still hadn't caught her breath, each gasp jittery as she recovered, though Pad's high Health would repair most damage sooner rather than later. Miracle of miracles, the hat was still on her head, though the floppy brim bent over from the weight of cum. A single scaled boob peeked out of the bandeau and the rest of her was marinating in a bath filled with more semen than water by content.

Banda and Quinn managed to untangle themselves and leaned upon each other when they breached the cream. Quinn's trikini was all skewampus and provided no modesty (ironically, every woman was technically plenty modest with all their bits covered in cum), only a tangled spandex mess. And while Banda's one piece survived the most intact, that last blast caught Banda in the pussy and the fabric that should have covered her crotch was pushed aside.

Working to scrape off love pudding, Eve discovered she was missing both pieces of her cute bikini. Shrugging, Eve hoped the dungeon didn't accidentally eat it. Said dungeon already worked overtime to suck every last white drop out of the room, accompanied with a comical faint slurping sound.

Dipping her fingers inside her vaginal hole, the little goblin wasn't surprised to find herself creampieing amid all the other stuff on top of her. Honoka's blast had been strong enough to ensure insemination. Scanning the wives as the lights gained strength and everyone else could see again, the little goblin grinned as she held up her gloppy trophy.

"Guess we're pregnant now!"






Great, Honoka thought without emotion, even if she wanted to emote plenty into the empty space around her. I'm in the White.

A few weeks since the last visit to this strange area of body displacement, uniform and disorienting whiteness and a suppressed emotional state, Honoka had dreaded returning to this place. The last time, she and her wives talked with the other Heralds and discovered Honoka was the lowest food chain link. The other Heralds alone were enough threat to turn this dream-like atmosphere into a trap of epic proportions. Fear of returning might have influenced how Honoka managed to stay away for so long, possibly another way her desires affected the Status or System. Which brought up a salient point.

Why am I here right now?

One theory was there may be no specific reason for entering the White, but Honoka wouldn't buy that for a dollar. Her recent internal struggles revolved around finding purpose for herself and finding herself here rather than earlier coincided too well for coincidence. And no matter the dangers, one thing Honoka pieced together from this entire mess of Heralds and System was that any time she entered the White, something significant became revealed. It tracked with how other Heralds knew more than Honoka did: they discovered their intelligence in this void. All the unknowns of the Status and the Change and every other question of the last five years may very well be hidden in the White. It galvanized Honoka's determination to be useful.

Time to uncover answers to life, the universe and everything.

Honoka was unsure how she started on the path to her own personal 42. Her soul was freed of the strictures of her body, so it stood to reasoning that it was also freed of limitations. Expanding thoughts to the size of a world was a matter of simple cognitive effort, allowing her to dwell on millions of ideas at one time. Self no longer mattered, only aggregating into all. No longer individual, only clustered thoughts spread over infinity. Became more than mortality experienced, what once was Honoka shifted chronological perception. No longer inside linear time, now all at once, moments compressed together in one and...

Before Honoka lost all that made her a person to the expanse, she experienced a pull upon her scattered self. Eight spots of warmth, like unique fires, reminding the fractal, scattered, lost woman that she was not alone.


The White faded, Honoka returning to who she was. And while the fading turned to black, she wondered who spoke in that final moment, the voice unfamiliar yet...

Wait...eight fires?

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Rhino77PIlotRhino77PIlot6 months ago

🤣 So long, and thanks for all the fish!

More fun than a barrel of passes full of semen.....

MehntalityMehntality9 months ago

As long as I skip past the gross body inflating and cum firehose content, I find the chapters to be pretty good. The author has a good mix of world building and humor.

I just dont get those fetishes at all.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

So ooo many obscure sci-fi and fantasy references! It's like my inner monologue has slipped out for a colab! Lol

AardieAardieabout 1 year ago

She said would have been justified killing people to get out of that sack. Wtf?

Then, after literally kidnapping her, they perform medical experiments on her. She needs to find wives that love her.

On the other hand, she could have allocated them to human and just left.

AiLovesAiLovesabout 1 year agoAuthor

Any time I include the stat menus, the time it takes to publish can be between 1-3 months. The current chapters in the queue all include status menus. Sorry, it is the reason I post the date I submit when I submit chapters. It isn’t in my hands, it is in Lit’s.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Any idea when the next chapters are going to be published? I saw you submitted them quite a while ago and they don't normally take this long to be released.

BradzlBradzlabout 1 year ago

i really hope the guess i saw earlier is right and honoka is collecting the dungeon, would be great. Absolutely LOVING your work so far, cant wait for more

AZslyderAZslyderabout 1 year ago
Love your writing

Your various slang just absolutely slays me, I can't help but giggle when reading each installment. Keep em cumming!!!

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