Bedroom Conversations Ch. 04


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"Well you said the other night that you were glad I fucked Gladys Detweiler the night before I proposed to you."

"That's not exactly what I said was it? I said I was glad you were naked when you fucked her," Peg said and as she said it she started to chuckle.

"And ... well ... it was twenty-four years ago," she continued and broke out laughing.

"And she was the last bitch you fucked," she added.

I laughed with her.

"God I love you," she said. "And I love you even when I know you didn't leave my ring in the front seat on purpose. It was only because you wanted that bitch buck-naked for your goodbye fuck. You bastard!"

"Good night Dear."

"Good night Dear."


No sooner had the light gone out than Peggy started in talking. She was angry.

"His car was there till midnight," she said.

"Whose car was where till midnight?" I asked.

"Rusty's car was in Carolyn Ames' parking lot till midnight Sunday when he went there to tell her their relationship was over," she said angrily.

"Well maybe he got there late," I said.

"He got there early," she said. My luncheon group was checking the lot."

The Springfield Gestapo, I thought.

"Well, maybe he talked slow," I said thinking I would make a joke.

"That's not funny," Peggy said. "He was fuckin that whore!"

I chuckled and said, "Well it was just a ... a... " Then I thought better.

"Don't you dare say it you bastard," Peggy yelled. "Pam is very upset."

"You told Pam?" I asked.

"Of course I told Pam. That horny bastard is about to propose. He's got the ring."

"What's she gonna do about it?" I asked.

"Exactly what I did after I watched YOU fuck Gladys Detweiler with my ring in your pocket. NOTHING. That's all she CAN do."

"My ring wasn't ... "

Peggy interrupted me, "I know, I know. But it's just the same. Why are men such bastards?"

"I don't know," I chuckled. "Tell me why."


I thought it best to say nothing. Peggy started to sulk. It was not a good night.


I turned out the light and asked Peg the question that had been bugging me all day.

"Did Rusty propose last night?" I asked.

"He proposed," Peggy said. "Then after she said 'yes' the bastard fucked her. His pecker wasn't even dry from fucking that whore and he fucked the woman he loved. JUST LIKE YOU DID!"

"At least he's finished with Carolyn Ames," I said, wondering if Pam would remember Carolyn for years the way Peg remembered Gladys.

I had a message left in my office while I was in surgery today to expect a call from Baltimore tomorrow and I thought I knew what it was about. I was gonna have trouble with Peg if my hunch turned out to be correct. Well I'd just have to wait and see.

"Good night Dear."

"Good night Dear."


I had to tell Peggy something that would make her mad and I had to figure out a good time and a good way to tell her to minimize her anger. I turned off the bedside table lamp and started thinking about the best way to do it when Peggy began talking.

"Gail did the strangest thing today."

Gail was my office nurse and a close confidant of Peggy's.

"What was that dear?" I asked.

"I saw her headed for the coffee shop at the clinic but when I got there she was nowhere to be found. It was like she was avoiding me."

"Why would she do that?" I asked, remembering I had asked Gail not to mention to Peggy the referral I got from Baltimore.

"I don't know unless ... did something unusual happen in your office today?"

"Unusual? What do you mean unusual?"

"Something you wouldn't want her to tell me. Did you ask her not to tell me something?"

"Well, I ... I ... I'm trying to remember."

"Did you know that you stutter when you try to lie to me?"


"What was it?" Peggy asked in her no-nonsense tone of voice.

There was no way out. I had to tell her. I had hoped to find just the right moment but it had to be now.

"Well what I told Gail not to tell you was that I got a referral from a GYN guy in Baltimore. It was the wife of a new faculty member at UMKC. The guy's gonna take over a medical computer program at UMKC and ..."

Peggy interrupted me in a loud voice.

"I can never figure out why you try to do this. That new faculty member is your classmate and computer nerd Bill Alpin who is now at Hopkins and the patient being referred is his wife, Gladys Detweiler. Your mind is an open book. I can read it lying here in the dark. You told Gail not to mention it to me because you thought I'd get upset and YOU'RE RIGHT! I AM UPSET. Why is that bitch coming to you and not to a GYN guy at UMKC?"

"Well dear I ... I don't know but patients usually select their own doctors and ... "

Peggy interrupted me. "She's coming to you because of your soft hands. The hands that felt her up in college. She wants you to play with her pussy again."

"Darling, a pelvic examination is not playing with a pussy," I said emphatically.

"Oh? What about your patient Margie Williams? She humps when you examine her."

"Let's not get into that," I said.

"When will you be seeing her?" Peg asked.

"Next month," I said with a sigh.

"And when she spreads those fat thighs and shows you that wet, hairy thing it will be just like you seeing an old friend from college," Peggy said. "Except maybe more wrinkles. But you always fucked that Detweiler bitch at night so you wouldn't have seen any wrinkles back then."

I didn't say anything. I did NOT want to go there.

After a full minute of silence Peggy said, very carefully, "You always fucked that Detweiler bitch at night. Right?"

"Well that's what I ... I ... I remember."

"You're stuttering again," Peggy said.

Shit! She's got a built in lie detector. I better tell the truth.

"Well, once in the sunlight," I mumbled.

"And where was that?" Peggy asked.

"Down at Lake of the Ozarks," I said. I did not want to talk about this.

"Lake of the Ozarks?" Peggy said. "You took ME to Lake of the Ozarks once and we went out on a sailboat. Did you take HER for a boat ride?"

This was exactly what I didn't want to talk about.

"Well, ah ... ah ... Yeah I think so," I said.

"Did you take her to that same marina you took me to?"

"Well that's the closest one with the best rental boats," I said.

"If you tell me you picked out the same boat for her that you picked out for me I'm gonna be very, very pissed," she said. "That was an important day in my life."

"You never remember things the way they actually happened," I said. "I did NOT pick out a sailboat for you. YOU picked it out."

"Well it was YOUR fault that I picked that one!" Peggy said with determination.

"Oh?" I asked. "And exactly HOW was it my fault?"

Her voice lost its angry tone and she spoke very tenderly.

"I'll remember that beautiful day always. The sky was clear and bright blue. There was an easy breeze off the lake. We were standing next to each other on the dock and you had your arm around my waist with your soft hand on my hip. I looked up at your beautiful eyes and your hair blowing in the breeze. Your hair is so sexy when it does that. Then I looked at that wonderful ring on my finger and when I heard your gentle voice ask me to pick out a boat I looked down and chose the 'Lucky Lady' because at that wonderful moment I felt like the luckiest lady in the whole world."

"So it was MY fault we rented that boat!" I said.

"Yes it was. What boat did you rent for that bitch?"

"The one Gladys picked out," I said.

"And which one did SHE pick out?"

Peggy was starting to get angry again.

"The 'Lucky Lady,'" I said.


"That was two months before I took you down to the lake," I said. "Two months! I didn't know it was our boat until you just told me this minute."

"I'll bet you took that bitch in OUR boat to the same isolated, romantic cove where you took me?"

"Well, ah ... ah ... Yeah I ... I think so."

"And you swam naked with the bitch? Just like us?"

"Ah ... ah ... yeah that's ... that's what I remember."

"And then you FUCKED her on the same boat where you made love to me."

I started to ask about the difference between fucking and making love and then thought better of it. This was bad enough already. Then she hit me with it just as I knew she would.

"Where did you put her ass when you fucked her?"

"I didn't put her ass anywhere. She just laid down where she wanted to."

"Where was her ass?"

"Ah ... ah ... I ... I ... I'm not sure."

Your stutter just TOLD me where her ass was. It was right between the word 'Lucky' and the word 'Lady' on that flat deck at the front of the boat. That's where you put me when you made love to me."

I had to correct that. "I didn't put you anywhere. You CHOSE that spot and sat there playing with your ring and you said that you were a lucky lady. And besides that was the only place flat enough to fuck or make love or whatever on that little boat."

"You bastard! That bitch probably thought SHE was a lucky lady and you don't have to tell me what she was playing with when she thought it. It sure as hell wasn't a ring."

Then Peg calmed down and spoke softly, almost lovingly.

"That was such a wonderful day in my life. We swam nude in that beautiful isolated cove and then just as the sun was bright red on the horizon about to set you made love to me tenderly. My hand was on your shoulder and I looked at my lovely ring and the diamond flashed ruby red from the light of the setting sun as you made gentle love to me. It became one of the most memorable moments of my life. That picture has been in my head for twenty-four years."

"NOW LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE YOU BASTARD," she shouted accusingly. "I just now got that picture of my ring rubbing that bitch's thigh out of my head and now it's been replaced by your bony ass pounding that fat whore in the red light of sunset on the exact same boat in the exact same place on a deck with the blue letters spelling out 'Lucky Lady.' How could you do that to me? Wait till I tell my bridge group tomorrow."

There was nothing I could say.

We both lay there in silence for a long time before I heard her say, "Good night dear."

"Good night dear," I replied.


Peggy seemed upset all evening and I figured it was because I had agreed to accept Gladys Detweiler as a patient. No sooner had I turned out the light than she started talking.

"I'm still thinking about you swimming naked with that bitch," Peggy said. "Stripping a bitch down and swimming naked with her was your thing wasn't it? You did that a lot."

Where was she going with this I wondered?

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean," I said.

"Hulen Lake is what I mean," she said grumpily.

Oh shit! I took a lot of gals out to Hulen Lake for moonlight swims when I was at the University of Missouri. Peggy was just one of them. I wondered what or maybe I should say WHO was this about?

"What about Hulen Lake?" I asked.

"Do you remember a little slut named Candy Miller? I just love the name she wanted us to call her. Candy! Sounds like a stripper!"

Candy was a Sigma Kappa I had dated a couple of times while I was dating Gladys Detweiler. Why was Peggy remembering her?

"Yes I remember Candy," I said.

The bedroom was pitch black but I could see in my head the expression of anger on Peggy's face and I did not know why she was mad.

"I was thinking today about you swimming naked with that Detweiler bitch and I remembered that slut Candy and got pissed. You'll never guess what that bitch tried to do."

"What did she try to do?" I asked.

"She announced she was gonna get you to take HER out on Saturday nights instead of me!"

"Saturday night was our night out, darling. I'd never have done that," I said.

"I know that now. I didn't know it then," Peggy said. "She was gonna get a date with you and fuck you. Then when you asked her out to fuck her again she was gonna say she was busy but she could go out with you on Saturday. She told all the gals in Sigma Kappa and I got scared that she might get away with it."

"I don't understand. Are you mad at her or me?"

"I'm mad at BOTH of you," she said angrily. "You asked the bitch out and took her to Hulen Lake where you stripped her down buck naked and took her for a moonlight swim. You told her how nice her tits looked floating in the water in the moonlight. Then you took her back to the blanket you had spread out on the grass and played around a bit and then took her to the Sigma Kappa parking lot and fucked her brains out."

Oh my God! That's exactly what I remember about that night. It was over twenty years ago but that's what I remember. How the hell does she know all this?

"Darling," I said, "How do you know so much about my date with Candy?"

"You were the man I was gonna marry. It was my job to know what you were doing."

"I understand that," I said. "But how did you find out all the details? It's almost like you were there watching."

"Easy," she said. "You NEVER dated a girl whose tits weren't big enough to float. You stripped 'em down naked and swam in Hulen Lake. You ALWAYS told them how nice their tits looked floating in the water. You EITHER fucked them on that damn blanket or took them back to the parking lot in that beat up old Plymouth and fucked 'em in the back seat. All the gals in Sigma Kappa talked about that exact routine. And that night you fucked that bitch in the parking lot."

Jesus! Did all those gals know what I was doing?

"Okay," I said, "But how do you know I fucked her in the parking lot?"

"All the dark parking places were taken so you parked in the moonlight. Me and my roommate looked out from our third floor window and we recognized that old Plymouth and I got out my binoculars and ... "

"BINOCULARS! You were watching me through binoculars?"

"Of course. I got a better view of that boney ass of yours. Which on that night was pounding up and down between Candy's thighs in the back seat."

"Oh my God," I said. "You watched Gladys and me the same way?"

"I watched you and that Detweiler bitch the same way. Anyway the next day Candy started waiting for your phone call. She was ready. And the day after that and the day after that. I was scared to death. But you never called the bitch! You called me and said our Saturday date was still on. Why didn't you call Candy?"

"Well I ... I ... I don't like to say this but ... well, as I remember it the pussy was just not that good," I said. This was not an easy conversation.

"That's what I figured," Peggy said. "After several days and no call I told her to quit waiting. You were not impressed with the quality of the pussy she delivered I said. She accused me of talking to you and I said I didn't. I said you were too nice a guy to say that but I knew you very well and that was what it was. If a gal was a good lay you kept dating her like that Detweiler bitch – YOU ENJOYED HER PUSSY FOR TWO MONTHS YOU BASTARD!"

Peggy went to sleep without saying Good Night.


There was no question as to the topic of discussion tonight. I had seen Gladys Detweiler in clinic this morning and Peggy had had lunch with my office nurse Gail. No sooner had I turned out the light than she started.

"I had lunch with Gail today. She told me about how much you enjoyed feeling up your old girl friend."

I sighed. "I did not feel her up."

"Gail said you took a long time examining her udders."

"She came to see me for a breast exam and pelvic," I said.

"You just checked out those udders six months ago when you took her up to that hotel room and she stripped down naked for you," Peggy said.

I sighed again. "I did not take her up to a hotel room. We went up to inspect it as a part of our committee responsibility planning our class reunion. And she didn't strip naked she was ... she was ... "

"Only half naked," Peggy completed my thought.

"And I didn't check out her breasts I only ... "

Peggy interrupted again, "Put them back in their harness. Why did you take so long examining them today?"

"Well ... well ... her breasts are very large. They are ... "

"As large as the udders on a Guernsey cow," Peggy said.

"And she's put on a little weight since college and ... "


I sat in silence trying to think of something to say.

"Gail said you smiled when you spread those fat thighs and looked at her pussy. Why did you smile at her pussy? Was it like you were seeing an old friend?"

"I didn't smile at her pussy. I often smile in a friendly way as I make comments during an examination. It relaxes the patient," I said quietly.

"Oh the bitch was relaxed all right. I'm sure she was laying back and spreading her legs and eager to feel your soft hands caressing her and those familiar fingers pushing inside her again. JUST LIKE OLD TIMES IN THE PARKING LOT!"

What could I say? I said nothing and Peggy started to sulk. Finally she spoke in a voice that was still angry.

"Good night Dear."

"Good night Dear."


I turned out the light figuring that Peggy had not finished talking about my examination of Gladys Detweiler. I was right.

"I had lunch with Gail again and she told me that the bitch winked at you when you were playing with her pussy."

Oh shit! I had hoped Gail had not seen that.

"I was not playing with her pussy!" I said emphatically. "I was doing a pelvic examination."

"Gail told me what you always say to a patient when you reach up deep to palpate the ovaries. We both laughed about that."

I always ask a patient to lift up a little and warn them that this maneuver might hurt a bit. I do that because I have to reach very deep to feel the ovaries and some patients feel a little uncomfortable.

"Well," I said, "I always ..."

Peg interrupted, "No way is your hand gonna hurt that whore's pussy after all the dicks and hands that have stretched it out!"

"Gail said that the bitch lifted her ass up real high and winked at you as you shoved your hand deep with your thumb on her clit and tickled her belly with your other hand."

"I was NOT tickling her belly! Darling, that's the way the exam is done. It's called a bimanual examination because my right hand is pushing from the outside and my fingers are inside so I can feel the ovary between them."

"Then why did she wink?"

"I don't know why she winked. And Gail did not say I was tickling her belly. She'd never say that. You just made it up! And you're a nurse! You've seen that examination performed hundreds of times."

"Yeah but never by my husband on an old girlfriend who is winking at him while his hand is in her pussy," she said.

What could I say?

Peggy sulked for a while before she went to sleep.


This time I had news before Peggy got it. The Dean at MU medical school called me to let me know that Grace's letter of acceptance to medical school had been mailed today. I was very happy. I still had my letter of acceptance in my files. It is an important event in the life of a future doctor.

"I have some good news," I said.

"I need some," Peggy said. "After what that bastard did to Pam."

"Grace's letter of acceptance to med school was mailed to day. The Dean called me."

"I'm glad she'll get it before her engagement party next week," Peg said. "It's good to get accepted in the early wave of letters. Her pre-med record was as good as yours."

"Good night Dear."

"Good night Dear."

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

It:a funny! I'm 70 years old andy wife still gets mad from time to time that I dated a girl in 8th grade.

49greg49gregover 4 years ago
A really good series

I love the format. Very inventive.

But what did 'that bastard' do to Pam? Is she still mad about him spending so long breaking it off with the 'whore'? Or is there something else?

LOL, this series could go on forever!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Wrong ending

I was hoping he would get together with Pam and drop his busy body judgmental snoopy insecure gossipy harridan of a wife. How could anyone stand a woman like that?. Divorce time.

MajorRewriteMajorRewriteover 8 years ago
5 stars

Really funny. Comedy is very hard but this story is a complete success. Fun and sexy with characters you have to love.

This series would make a GREAT YouTube video series. Just a couple in bed in the dark, exactly like the stories. It would be a huge hit. Make it happen InterWebs!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

soooo hilarious ,

loved it , does not do it justice

i can't remember the last time i laughed so much or for so long

can't stop smiling lol ..

i really hope you return to this series @ some point .

am not usually a fan of humor/satire/comedy in its written form ..

but this is something very special & truly remarkable .

i can see myself revisiting this series from time to time if/when i need cheering up.

ty for writing/sharing it with us


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
More, please!

Very entertaining, and I think it is even helping me to understand women, much like Calvin and Hobbs reminded me of the my youth and helped me to understand my young son's active imagination.

LynnGKSLynnGKSover 11 years agoAuthor
Ovaries ARE routinely palpated during a pelvic exam!

Maybe not by GPs but always by GYNY-GUYS. I did NOT say ovaries were in the center. They are routinely palpated by what is called a bimanual examination as I described in the story. Bimanual means TWO hands. The exam requires that the fingers inside get really deep first on one side and then on the other and this is sometimes painful to some women. The outside hand pushes the ovaries deeper so they can be felt. Look it it up and re-read my text. I NEVER get this kind of stuff wrong!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
you may want to edit

the last part... ovaries are on either side not in the center and can't be felt in a pelvic exam unless you had foot long fingers.. if then. In a pelvic you palpitate the uterus and cervix.. Firm and smooth- no problem, spongy or bumpy- problem

ricksouzaricksouzaover 11 years ago
Very Good

Nice Job, Lynn -- You have a creative mind and a refreshing writing style. I enjoyed this one. Rick

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Good Night Sweetie

I loved the story. It reminded me of the old Grace Allen and George Burns comedy routine where she would talk and he added the straight lines. In the end, they both said good night. I enjoyed it a great deal.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Not your best but it was an interesting read

Sid0604Sid0604over 11 years ago
Another great story

Thank you Lynn. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

This has to be one of the nastyst story's I have ever read. Keep them comming

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Nicely done

You paint such a clear picture and it is a very funny picture.

Good night Lynn 5*'s

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
A fiver

but a little repetitive. Funny, but the running joke got stale.

Lee2012Lee2012over 11 years ago
Love the hell outta

your humor. Another great story


EdgarJames34EdgarJames34over 11 years ago
this series has been a lot of fun...

you are a special writer...

josephstevensjosephstevensover 11 years ago
So funny...

This would make a great film....very funny...and reminds me of a few conversations I have had in my time...thank you!

diagonesdiagonesover 11 years ago
What a jewel

of humor! My first reading, and now I will play catch up with the previous. The endearing reality of these crackling conversations between diplomatic husband and gossipy jealous wife strikes a perfect note. I broke out laughing several times while reading. LynnGKS knows what few others do - that comedy is always lurking in the infastructure of erotica.

ErotonautErotonautover 11 years ago
Will have to read the preceding chapters...

Although Peggy is rather obsessive, the couple does appear genuinely in love. I've clearly missed out by not reading the previous instalments.

m48gunnerm48gunnerover 11 years ago
What a Pair!

Gotta love these two....and her spy friends. But why is she mad about Rusty again? I reread this series after a comment by you in response to someones note, so this followup story came just a the right time, hopefully more to follow. Gotta tell you I like MOST of your stuff, the only story that even after all these years still sticks in my "craw" is the "I'd Die if he ever found out".....I can't decide if I wish he had found out and the marriage had crashed, or if it is best that he has never found out what a cheating lying slut he was married too, maybe in this case ignorance is bliss.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Laughter is good.

Clever continuation in a fourth tale of a soft handed GYN with a past. His love and marriage survive even though the wife keeps no secrets from her female friends.

These friends are keen for gosip and work diligently to add tidbits to spice up the currently tracked hot item.

An old flame appears in his examination room adding fuel to wife speculations and pre sleep conversation. .

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Great story, enjoying the series. When is the next one cuming out?

wolf9696wolf9696over 11 years ago

Super ....could not stop better not stop writing this series....:)

one point, maybe the doc can scare peggy into being a tad less upset about what happened years ago by getting up and leaving the bed when she starts getting tooo angry at him n gladys's meets.

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