Bedtime Story


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As Giselle was coming forward with a glass of water, the naked Oana crawled painfully across the straw to the apple. She grabbed it and started frantically biting pieces from it and trying to swallow them. She tried to eat it fast, but she had to stop every few seconds to gasp for air and control her gag reflex.

The audience went wild.

Nicu thought for a second. Should he or shouldn't he? As he watched her biting into the apple and swallowing as fast as she could, he couldn't resist.

"My cruel queen should eat more slowly," he said, facing the audience, "or she might get indigestion."

The audience roared.

When she finished the apple, he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

"Please forgive the joke," he whispered.


The night after the show, there was a knock on Nicu's door. He opened it and saw Giselle.

"May I come in?" she asked. "Sure," he answered. They chatted as he served her some coffee, but she quickly got to the point.

"I want you to do to me what you did to Oana," said Giselle. "Not in my ass. I want you to climb on me and put it all the way in. I want orgasms like you gave Oana. I want you to do me from the front, and the side, and I want to ride you."

"Okay," he said, "but not all in one night. I'm just a dwarf, not Superman."

The next night there was another knock on the door. He was surprised, because Giselle had told him she was so sore that she wouldn't think about sex for at least a week. This night it wasn't Giselle, even though the performer told him just a slight variation of what Giselle had told him the previous night.

Each night, a new woman knocked. Nicu decided they must have worked out a schedule among themselves. He was shocked the first time a married woman knocked, and he turned her away. The next time one knocked, he told her to tell all the wives that he wasn't going to welcome any of them. Then came the night when the beautiful wife of the strongman knocked.

"Hasn't anyone told you?" he asked.

"I know what you said about married women, but please let me in," she said. "I have something to show you."

When they sat down at his table, she handed him a piece of paper. He couldn't believe what he read. It was a woman's handwriting, informing him that the bearer had the full permission of her husband to sleep with him. The signature was the strongman's.

"This makes no difference," he said, handing the paper back to her. "I don't care if your husband enjoys being humiliated."

She burst into tears.

"Please, Nicu. I'll die if you send me away. You don't know what he did to me before he would sign."

"No, I don't know," he said. "Will you tell me?"

He listened to her, and as she spoke, he got more and more angry. When she finished, he asked her, "Do you love him?"

"Yes," she said. "But he is very angry at me for wanting a night with you. I told him it would only be one, but he doesn't understand."

"Well, he has a right to be angry at you," said Nicu, "but not to do what he did to you. I'm going to see him in a few minutes, but first I want to talk to you and write a few things down."

When the strongman opened the door and saw Nicu, his face got red.

"You!" he shouted.

"I want to come in."

"If you come in, I might kill you."

"I'll come in anyway."

When they were seated, Nicu said, "I didn't have sex with your wife, and I told her I never will. But she told me what you did to her and what you made her do. I think she should divorce you, but she said she still loves you.

"She wrote down this list of things that you must do for her before she will come back to your wagon. Some of the things are disgusting and painful, but not nearly as bad as what you did to her. I have a feeling that after you do a few of them, she will forgive you and not demand the rest. I'm leaving now."

As he walked out the door, the strongman grabbed him from behind, lifted him in the air and turned him around. He pulled Nicu to him and kissed him on both cheeks.

"Thank you," he said, sobbing. "You are a much better man than I. I will do anything you ask of me for the rest of your life."

After that episode, Nicu sent out an email to all the wives, with copies to their husbands, telling them his beliefs did not permit adultery, and even if a woman divorced her husband, he could never be with her. There were no more visits from married women.

Old Anca, the ticket seller, he put off the longest. She was big, ugly and hairy, and he tried to be kind. He promised her that someday he would welcome her to his bed, but he didn't say when.

She came over to him during a rehearsal one day and spoke quietly into his ear. "Dwarf," she said, "I know I'm ugly and too loose for most men now, but my asshole is still pretty tight, and if you don't mind all the hair around it, I'll be glad to offer it to you if you will poke me a little in the other place."

He told her he would think about it her offer.

For a week after he humiliated her, Oana didn't talk to him. He helped her in the act, because she could only stand in one spot since moving was so painful. He almost had to jump into her arms to be thrown.

During the day, she mostly stayed in her wagon. When he saw her walking, he could see how badly she was hurting. The boss told her she didn't have to do her aerial act until she healed.

By the end of the second week, she was flying again, and that seemed to improve her attitude. She didn't say anything about their contest, but she began working with him on the act, trying to make it funnier and more exciting. She was enthusiastic about working with him, or at least she acted that way.

He found out that she had been approaching others in the circus privately and asking them to forgive her for the things she had done to them. At the late dinners, she began to attract a large number of circus workers who enjoyed sitting with her, because she was always in good spirits and never said a mean word to anyone.

Nicu had his own group of friends, and he never joined her circle. He saw her looking at him every now and then, and he wondered what she was thinking.

One night, after a knock on the door, he opened it and looked up. It was Oana.

"May I come in," she said.

"Sure, Oana," he said. "Do you have some new ideas for the act? It's so tight now that if we can do just a little more, we could go international."

"I'm excited about that, Nicu," she said, "but that's not why I'm here. I'll be blunt. After I healed from all the pain and humiliation you caused me, all I could remember were those orgasms.

"I know you hate me, so I've never approached you up to now. But I think I've managed to find a way that would work for both of us. I see you want to say something, but please just listen.

"Each night I come here for you to please me, I'll do something disgusting and degrading for you first. You told me you had a long list. If you can't remember it, I'll think up some things. You know I'm good at coming up with ideas. I already know one thing that I will do for you tonight."

He started to say something, but she put her hand over his mouth. She led him to his bedroom and pushed him onto the bed and quickly pulled his pants off. She knelt down, put her mouth on him and began to suck and bob up and down on the end of his cock. One hand pumped the part that didn't fit in her mouth, and the other played with his balls. He shot to attention immediately.

Then her strong hands grasped his ankles and pulled them up into the air. She pushed his legs back over his head, and her mouth moved from his shaft to his ass and went to work. He couldn't believe what he was feeling as her tongue moved inside him while her hands reached over her head and pumped him and played with his balls. He was ready to shoot his load within a minute, but she felt it and raised her head up. He saw her trying to smile and keep from throwing up at the same time.

"I want you to relax so I can prolong your pleasure," she said. "I want tonight to be a special memory for you. When other men lust for me during the show, only you will know what filth I am. No, don't say anything. I'm starting again."

After he had a huge orgasm, she let him rest for a few minutes and then quickly sucked him to full strength again and mounted him. As she began riding him and slapping her breasts into his face, she began humming.

"Please sing it for me," she pleaded. "I don't have a good voice like you. I need to hear you sing it."

He listened to her humming, and then he noticed the beat and how her body was moving to it, and he heard some familiar words. He began to sing, "Hi-o, hi-ho, it's off to work we go."

Before he could finish the first line, she screamed and began pounding her body into his as she came.

After that, she joined those taking turns knocking on his door. He never asked for anything, but she always came up with something special. Often, she would bring Giselle or another beautiful woman who was happy to get an extra appointment.

Sometimes he would make love to her friends, and then she would eat his come out of them while he watched. She would stick out her tongue afterward and show him how full her mouth was and then swallow his come. Then she ran to the bathroom, and he heard her retching as she washed her mouth out. She ate out his ass again and the women's asses, too.

The night he felt really bad was when she brought Old Anca with her and watched while he serviced Anca's vagina, giving her a couple of orgasms, and then plowed into her hairy, smelly ass until he came into it. Oana ate out that scary asshole, sucking every drop of his come from it.

She was crying and heaving in the bathroom for a long time after that. Nicu sent a concerned Anca home. When Oana came out of the bathroom, she smiled wanly and said, "I think I've earned my reward tonight."

They never had any conversations, except during the day when they were rehearsing. Each time she came to him at night, she stopped him from speaking. After six months, he had had enough. He didn't know how she and the others put together the schedule, so he waited impatiently for her to show up again.

She arrived with one of the beautiful equestriennes.

"I'm sorry, Luminita," he said. "You can't come in tonight. I need to talk to Oana alone."

"No! Stay, Luminita. There's some mistake. No, please don't go."

As Luminita walked away, Oana broke down sobbing.

He put his arm around her shoulder and led her to his kitchen table. She put her head on the table and her hands around her head and continued to sob. Finally, she gathered herself and lifted her head.

"Oana," began Nicu.

"No, Nicu," she said. "Please don't say a word. I've been feeling that you are getting bored with me. I promise I'll work harder. I'll find some new ways to degrade myself for you.

"Maybe you'd like me to experience more pain. I'll find a way to make it interesting for you. Please don't send me away. I know you despise me, but please don't do that to me. I couldn't bear it."

"Shut up, Oana," he said. "I shouldn't have gone along with you, but I was curious at first. For some time I haven't been enjoying it. After last time, I was feeling as degraded as you were and wondered why I was doing this.

"The only good thing about what I've done to you is that it made me finally admit to myself what I've been denying for a long time. When you were tormenting me, when I humiliated you in front of everybody and when you degraded yourself for me here in my bed, it never changed. It's the reason I've decided to leave next month."

"No!" she screamed and burst into tears.

"Don't worry. It's different this time. Before I leave, I'll find you another dwarf, a better dwarf. You've got a lot of great ideas, and the two of you will have great success. Once I'm gone, you will be able to find a man to make you happy, because you won't have our sick relationship holding you back anymore.

"You deserve to be happy, Oana. I'm sorry you're crying, but you're going to laugh when I tell you why I have to go, because it's too funny. Everything I did is because you're the only woman I've ever loved, and because I knew that I could never have you.

"You don't remember what I said before you ate the apple about love's first kiss, and you don't remember that I kissed you right after you ate it. I did it for me, my personal fantasy, because I knew I could never have you in real life. I'm truly sorry for all the horrible things I've done to you. Now you can go."

Oana had stopped crying. She stared at him in shock and began laughing. It was a wild, hysterical laugh.

"That's right," Nicu said. "I knew you'd laugh. Go ahead. I deserve it. I'm a pitiful excuse for a human being!"

Oana kept on laughing, and she started to point at him. She got up from her chair and tried to say something, but all she could do was laugh and point. Finally, she stopped laughing, gave a huge sob and collapsed on top of him, almost knocking him off his chair.

"Oh, Nicu," she said as her tears soaked his shirt. "Please put your arms around me and just hold me for a while."

He did, but it didn't stop her crying.

Gradually, the tears slowed, and she took some deep breaths. She got up, but as she did, her two hands grabbed his right hand and held it tight. She pulled it across the table as she sat down facing him.

"I'm never going to let go of this hand as long as I live. You think you're stronger than me, but I won't let you get free. I'm also smarter than you, Nicu, because I realized I loved you the night you told me you would give me a chance to keep my job.

"That's when I knew you were the most wonderful man in the world, and I would never find anyone better. I was disappointed that you were small, but I was ready to sacrifice my sexual pleasure.

"I admit that when you tricked me into thinking you might break your agreement, I got furious. But then you thought up that final indignity so you could stay. I hated you as I ate the apple, but I thought all night about what I had done to you -- and to others. When I saw you the next morning, I realized that I loved you passionately.

"With time, I hoped I could prove myself to you. When you revealed your secret, I knew you could fulfill me physically as well as emotionally. I wanted you with all my heart, but the other women now wanted you, too. Why would you choose a woman you despised when you had a harem of beautiful women who had never mistreated you?

"I gave up for a while, until I realized that it didn't matter whether you hated me or not. I had to be near you, and I needed to do whatever I had to do make that possible. Yes, the sex was great, but that's not why I kept coming back and degrading myself. Your touch, your eyes looking at me, holding you for a few seconds was enough to make up for everything else.

"Poor Nicu. Because of what you just told me, you will never be rid of me. You can enjoy all the other women you want, but I am never going to let go of this hand."

She stopped talking and began kissing his hand wildly. Then she looked up at him, and the tears started flowing again. Now it was his turn to be silent.

"No, Oana," he finally said. "It won't work. I don't want a lot of women. I've had enough of that kind of life. I want to marry and settle down."

"And have children," she said.

"No children," he said. "What if one is a dwarf?"

"And what if that dwarf meets an evil queen in the forest, and they get married and have seven dwarves? Who cares what our children look like? We'll love them all.

"I know you don't want your children born out of wedlock, so we will announce the wedding date tomorrow, and I will smile sweetly at all the women who will hate me for taking you away from them.

"But tonight, the evil queen commands you to the bed chamber to sing her favorite song. It's off to work we go -- to work on our first child. The queen hopes it's the right time of month for her, but if it isn't, she will be satisfied with seven orgasms. Tonight, we begin living happily ever after."

For background on the stories of edrider73, see "Author Interview: edrider73" by Literoticauthor. Tag: "author interview."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Anonymous that wrote "this is as far from love as it gets" knows nothing about what love is and what love does. S an M has a very strong sense of giving of one self to another. Courtship is the time for it, and marriage is the time for it to end, just like the story. I know because that is my wife's and my story. We have been married for 20 years now with out the S an M crap that brought us so much bliss. The S an M can not go on for ever. It becomes relation death and boredom after a while. It beckons one to get more and more extreme that never has a happy ever and ever ending. Nice story and so true.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I do have to agree that this is as far from love as it gets.

More like a sort of Stockholme Syndrome type thing.

Disgusting hateful and even dangerous healthwise things.

Sick mind on you there, author.. .BUT

you can write, no doubt there.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

What part of this was cute? More like complete and utter drivel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
A Very Fun Read

Thank you for a most interesting fun story.

LVGirlLVGirlover 9 years ago

What a wonderfully odd and cute story. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Did anyone who actually read this

Understand it? Ugly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Your strangest story - EVER.

Sorry - I read this twice and I STILL haven't the foggiest idea what it's about. A dwarf, a big woman and the circus. That's about it.

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