Being Jim Ch. 07: Barbra's Wish


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The look on Penny's face was priceless as she started making connections from curiosity to amazement then to envy as she turned to stare into Barb's eyes.

"Bitch! Why do you always find the GOOD ones?" Penny exclaimed and giggled. Barb's face lit up with that million watt smile and she laughed along with Penny.

"Oh baby... trust me, that cherry stem doesn't even come close to what it really feels like! Oh My GOD!" Barb squealed.

"I'm not sure I even remember what it feels like honestly. Even before I caught my ex fuckin' that whore in our bed it had been a long time since he even touched me. Bastard." Penny lamented

"Surely you're not starved for company now. I mean a good looking gal like you probably has more attention than you have time to fool with." I said speaking up for the first time. Penny looked at me and smiled coyly. Barbra just grinned at me and winked.

"Oh My Barb honey, you didn't tell me he was a charmer too." Penny declared as she leaned her head towards Barbra conspiratorially.

"Yes he is Penny... but it's not an act, he really is that sweet." Barb said looking me in the eye and smiling sweetly.

"Well I get hit on a lot. Lots of guys try to pick me up but I've not met anyone worth considering let alone fooling around with... lots of drunks and sailors." Penny said looking into her drink as she held the glass in her hand and swirled the contents. Barbra reached up with her right hand and rubbed Penny's left arm from the shoulder to the elbow and back reassuringly.

I sensed a girl talk moment and seeing as my bladder was talking to me anyway I excused myself to go to the restroom. Barb gave me a curious look but didn't say anything as I slid out of the booth and headed off towards the restroom. The restrooms were down a little hallway off the end of the bar.

At the end of the hallway was an exit door as in many such restaurants and bars this hallway also had doors to the kitchen, the manager's office and a storage room. There was also a payphone on the wall near the bathrooms. The hallway itself was not well lit and the one of the two fluorescent overhead lights was flickering and dim. This flickering combined with the various stuffed and wall mounted wild animal heads made for a visually interesting stroll to and from the restroom indeed.

After emptying my bladder and washing my hands I once more strolled the strobe lit menagerie back into the main room of the restaurant. On every wall, shelf and most of the horizontal or merely flat surfaces there were all manner of stuffed animals and fish and fowl. I guess that's how the place got its name or maybe the animals were just donated or purchased to tie into the name of the place.

As I slid back into the booth I still felt like I was interrupting a very intimate and special conversation between the two old friends. Barb and Penny were holding hands on the table top and their heads were pressed so closely together that they could have been kissing if they were any closer. They both glanced towards me as I slid into my seat and gave me soft if sheepish smiles both averting their eyes quickly as if a little embarrassed. I merely smiled at the both of them and sipped my drink and pretended to look around the room studying everything in it but them.

Their conversation continued but it was very hushed and in parts mere whispers in one another's ear. Out of the corner of my eye I caught Barb glancing at me from time to time and every now and then so did Penny. Yeah, I got the feeling that I was being talked about at least some of the time... I wondered if the occasional giggle was appreciatory or derogatory however. I mean no matter how secure a guy is there is always room for worry especially when women are talking. "Oh well, nothing new there." I thought to myself and forced myself to not worry about it overly much. Just go with the flow and see where it goes. I was not ready for this particular incidence however.

The whispers began to get a little more intense and then some extended periods of silence as the two girls considered what was being said and looking at one another very intently as if to judge what the other was saying. At one point I happened to let my gaze wonder back to the table as I took another sip of my drink only to find that both girls were looking at me again rather intently. Barb had that soft loving smile of hers that made my heart melt and Penny's was maybe a little uncertain but with a hint of curiosity that I've seen on the lips of other women in my life. That's when I knew something was up and I think it had something to do with me. Good or bad I wasn't sure at that point but I didn't let it show on my face. I simply looked into both ladies' eyes, from one to the other and back.

Penny looked at her wrist watch and then around the room as if taking stock on how busy the restaurant was at the time, which it wasn't really. Looking back to me once more Penny smiled shyly then turned to Barb and tilted her head in silent question. Barb smiled at Penny and winked and nodded. This caused Penny to nod as well and then they both turned to look at me and smiled yet again. Uh oh... something is going on for sure.

Penny scooted over and stood up from the booth's bench on that side, Barb too scooted over and stood at the end of the table once more taking Penny's hands in both of hers and squeezing them before releasing them and leaning over to whisper in my ear.

"Jim... I have a favor to ask of you. I will understand if you say no... but it will make me very happy if you agree." She spoke quietly into my ear as she laid her left hand on top of my left hand that held my drink on the table in front of me. Her right hand was running through the hair on the back of my head as she wrapped her fingers around to toy with my right ear. Of course she knew little touches like that turned me into putty in her hands. I closed my eyes and tried not to tilt my head into those magic fingers but sat still and listened on for what she was about to ask of me.

"Barb, honey I..." I began but Barbra nibbled on my left ear just enough to silence me and get my full attention.

"Lover, I know you well enough to know that you both love and care for me. I also know that you love and care for other women in your life so I am even more appreciative of any attention you give to me. I know how you make me feel like I'm the only woman in the world when you are with me, no matter what's going on or where we are. Now this might sound weird but I want to share that feeling with one of my oldest and dearest friends in some small way. I don't think she's ever experienced that from any guy she's ever known before." She continued and I could feel my pulse speeding up and the wheels in my head were spinning so fast I thought my head would explode with all the thoughts turning in my mind.

"Barb... I don't know wha..." I began only to be cut off again by more nibbling and toying with my other ear. She went on after I fell silent and was obviously paying attention again.

"I want you to go with Penny. I want you to hold her and kiss her like you do with me. You can pretend it's me if you want but I want her to at least experience it, experience you and what it feels like to be that only woman in the world if only for a few minutes. I'm not asking you to have sex with her but some heavy petting wouldn't be a bad thing either if you want..." she said in a rush then paused before sealing her request in such a way that I couldn't refuse. "Please?" she asked as she pulled back enough to see my face and I hers.

I could see the pleading look in those deep brown eyes, the seriousness of her request. The smile on her face was both genuine for her friend and at the same time tinged with uncertainty in what I might say or do. I sat silently for a few heartbeats, knowing that this really did mean a lot to Barb and that it took a lot for her to even suggest it so I had to be careful with my next words... and actions. Glancing from Barb's smiling if somewhat worried face I saw Penny standing just a step away nervously fidgeting with her note pad and pen, all but wringing her hands trying desperately not to look nervous. I had the distinct impression that she was seriously considering bolting rather than following through with Barb's suggestion.

Internally I'm shaking my head as if to clear my thoughts and understand how in the hell I find myself in these kinds of situations... I'm getting pimped out by my girlfriend to kiss another woman as a favor to her? Wait... girlfriend? Do I really consider Barb my girlfriend now? To my knowledge neither of us had even suggested being exclusive to one another at any point, in fact Barb has made in clear in the past that she doesn't want me to consider her a burden or a responsibility by being exclusive to her. Still though... she's asking me to make out with a friend of hers just for the experience? Shouldn't I feel a little awkward about the suggestion alone, let alone doing anything like that? On the other hand... Barb has encouraged me to explore things with our friends Todd and Anne. I guess the only difference here is that I hardly know Penny. Maybe it's a trust issue on my part. All these thoughts only took a few heartbeats of course but even that seemed like an eternity to Barbra as she glanced nervously at Penny then back to me.

"Barbra... Penny... I'd be honored to... assist... in this matter. I am your humble servant." I said and smiled somewhat sheepishly at the both of them as they again looked at one another and smiled, Barb stepped back from the booth to allow me to scoot out and stand up.

Barbra wrapped her arms around my waist and tilted her head back to look up at me silently mouthed the words "Thank you." She then released me and slid back into her seat in the booth. I stood looking at Penny briefly, for the first time sizing her up as more than just a friend of Barb's. She was a tall drink of water for certain, whereas Barb stood just five foot three in her bare feet, her forehead level with my chin, Penny stood a good two inches taller than me. Her frame was not exactly skinny but she was thin of the waist but broad in the hips. Her chest was not overly large but nicely proportioned to her frame. Her short blond hair did little to hide the blush that crept up her neck to her cheeks as she looked at me almost shyly before looking back to Barb again to get reassurance yet again. Barb smiled that million watt smile and winked at her giving her that little "shoo shoo" hand motion with one hand as she reached for her White Russian to finish it off. I Looked at Penny and offered her my right arm. At first she didn't know what to make of that and looked decidedly puzzled and even glanced back at Barb again before cautiously slipping her left hand into my arm.

"Yes, you are a charmer aren't you Jim?" Penny said with a smile.

"I wouldn't say I'm a charmer but I do try to be a gentleman, especially with lovely ladies." I said with a shrug. "Is there somewhere we could find a little... privacy perhaps?" I asked. Penny let her smile get a little bigger and she gave a little "come this way" nod of her head and began walking with me towards that strobing hallway to the bathrooms again.

We walked past the pay phone and both of the bathroom doors, on past kitchen door and paused at the manager's door. Slipping her hand out of my arm for a moment she opened the door and leaned in to say something to the manager or whoever was in charge. She informed them that she was going to take a break for a little while since it was slow. Apparently she got consent and she stepped back and closed the door and slipped her hand back into my arm and looked at me. I noticed that she was biting her lower lip, much the same way Barb does. Penny led me to the next door and opened it and held her right hand out as if to usher me inside.

This room was both a storage room with several racks of canned goods and boxes of foodstuffs as well as apparently a break room for the staff of the restaurant and bar. There was a small card table with a couple of folding chairs. There was an old fridge a small black and white TV that was currently turned off on a side table next to an ancient plastic box AM/FM radio that was playing some talk show at the time.

There were a few metal lockers for personal clothing like coats or whatever standing next to a small couch or maybe it was a loveseat I'm not sure. Penny let go of my arm and walked to the small side table and turned the round plastic dial to change the station to some music. She flipped through several stations some in English some in French before finding a station playing a song by oddly enough the Eagles again. The opening bars of "Desperado" began to crackle softly out of the small radio as Penny straightened back up and turned to face me again. She hugged her arms, her hands on the opposite's elbow as she bowed her head slightly to look at me with that shy smile again. Her teeth clamped lightly on her lower lip, her eyes almost fearful but curious at the same time. I was struck again at the similarities of her blue eyes to the Penny I knew many years ago and I felt a little pang in my heart that made me swallow a lump in my throat. "Say something" my fore brain was saying in my head.

This woman is... is what really? She's curious for certain, but hesitant as well. She's got her own doubts and insecurities just like anyone else even if she's hiding them well. She's Barbra's friend and for Barbra to even think about this let alone suggest it means that she is both important in Barbra's life and worthy of my own friendship as well if by association if nothing else. And look at those eyes. Sure, they are beautiful, blue and attentive, but they are almost bashful. "Say something..." My brain repeated.

"Penny... You don't know me, and I hardly know you... but we both know Barbra and she chose both of us as her friends so that must mean something to you as much as it does to me. If Barbra knows, loves and trusts you I can't help but think that I can do the same for you as well... at least as a friend." I spoke softly, my gaze locked on those lovely blue eyes. I moved another step closer to Penny.

"Jim... I really do love her. I don't want to do anything to come between you and her though. I'd never want to hurt her." Penny said just as softly as I had spoken.

"Well, that's one worry you can set aside then. Nothing you do can ever change how I feel about Barbra. She is my friend and I will always be her friend. I do love her, honestly I do, but we are not in love with one another. I would be happy if we were but it is what it is. That she even suggested this to you should tell you that she's not possessive of me to that extent." I said as I moved another half step closer now just a handsbreadth apart.

To her credit Penny didn't back away or bolt in panic, instead she took a half a step closer to me so that we were almost touching now. It was unusual for me to have to look up into a woman's face. Oh it wasn't the first time and I'm sure it probably won't be the last time but it was unusual. I tilted my head up slightly lifting my chin but waiting for her to come to me. I had the feeling that she would appreciate it more if I let her take the first step, make the first move.

In the background Glen and Don and the boys were crooning about letting somebody love you... before it's too late. Penny must have heard it and took the verse to heart as she leaned forward and hesitantly brushed her lips against mine.

I felt a spark of electricity from those hesitant soft warm lips... I suspect Penny did as well as she pulled back with a slight gasp and her eyes were wide. Just as the song ended... the radio station must have been playing the Eagles greatest hits album or something as the next song began to play... "One of These Nights" For Penny it could have been a commentary on her own love life I suspect.

"Are... you sure... you want to do this Jim?" She asked in almost a whisper. I looked at her and raised one eyebrow and tilted my head slightly to one side.

"I am always open to exploring possibilities with a new friend, but I would understand if you had second thoughts. I suspect that you are asking that question of yourself more than you are of me." I said softly as I brought my right hand up and gently rubbed her left arm from shoulder to elbow. Her harms were still crossed across her midriff as if hugging herself so her right hand was clutching her left elbow as my hand came to rest on it.

Penny looked down at my hand then back up to my face. Seeing the couch directly behind her I placed my left hand on her right elbow and gently guided her backwards to sit on the arm of the couch. This brought her face and head down to just below my own. Looking up at me Penny blinked a couple of times as her eyes seemed to be watering a bit suddenly. Her lower lip was quivering slightly and she seemed to be trembling all over. I raised my right hand to gently lift her chin up and I told her.

"Penny... I will not force myself on you. I will not take advantage of you. I will however give you attention and affection freely and honestly. You have nothing to fear from me. If you would rather we just sit and talk a bit that would be okay too. Just say the word..." I told her.

"Kiss me again." She said and swallowed again. So I did. Still holding her chin gently in my right hand I leaned in and kissed her softly and slowly pressing my lips gently to hers. She responded in kind, her own lips becoming animated and pressing back into mine.

I let my right hand slip away as Penny's enthusiasm and interest seemed to be taking on a life of its own. Her tongue was the first to breach our lips and soon mine met hers to begin that familiar dance. After a few moments she pulled back and looked me in the eyes again. Her eyes were just as beautiful as before but now her gaze had taken on a different emotion, there was no longer fear or uncertainty but interest and... well... for lack of a better description... longing.

Penny uncrossed her arms and she raised her hands up to place them on either side of my face to draw me back down to her as she closed her eyes and her lips parted ever so slightly in anticipation. Again we kissed but it was a little more aggressive this time. Our tongues still twirled and darted about teasing one another. I drew her bottom lip out between mine and let it slip slowly back through. We changed sides of our noses to try a different angle and found it just as agreeable. I brought my hands to rest on either of Penny's shoulders and she shuddered at my touch. Penny's hands slid down the sides of my face to my neck and then together down the front of my chest her palms flat and pressing but not pushing me away.

Our breathing was getting short and fast, as it often does when passions rise in two people locked in a passionate kiss. I found my hands had moved of their own volition to hold Penny's head gently in my two hands, my fingers reaching around the back of her neck and my thumbs resting just in front of her ears. My hands were cradling her head not controlling it. This time when Penny drew back to catch her breath I did not, instead I kissed her jaw line and then down her neck on her left side. I lifted my right hand so that I could kiss the tender areas around and just under her ear. She gasped and let out a low almost silent moan.

"You certainly know how to kiss Penny... I think any man would be proud to be on the receiving end of your lips." I whispered into her left ear as my right hand again stroked her arm just below her left shoulder.

"I was right earlier, you are a flatterer Jim..." Penny chirped out almost breathlessly but smiled as she pulled back a bit to look me in the face again.
