Being Jim Ch. 08: Lightning Strikes


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I did work on my writing assignment for about an hour and a half before growing bored with it. After I put my work away in my book bag and taking a bathroom break and finding a vending machine to get a cold can of coke, I made my way to one of the computer rooms. There were three rooms in the main library with terminals set up to allow access to the mainframe computer. The room I entered only had a few people in it and they were studiously working away on their own assignments or research. I took a seat in front of a terminal on the far side of the room from the rest of the people there.

I was about to reach for my book bag to pull out a computer ID/password slip that I had collected but I saw one sitting on the edge of the keyboard of the machine I was sitting at. It was an engineering class issue. A rare one really, most of the slips I've found in the past have been for language classes or even an art class once. This was a first. I wondered if there were in fact any time left on the account to utilize. Powering up the monitor and keyboard I entered the ID at the prompt and then the password when prompted for that as well. It did have time left on it, not much but enough to connect with. I randomly chose a key and held it down and watched my monitor scroll and scroll and scroll as it filled up with line after line of that same character. When the screen was full, I hit the enter key. Poof! There was the mainframe's systems prompt. I smiled to myself and connected to "Phone".

I was greeted by a flood of typed hellos and howdy's and hi's. A few asked me where I was and if I had pizza tonight, the bums. I typed in my location even though I knew that some had already pegged me as being in the library by using the mapping tool. Of course, not everyone knew about that tool so I had to play along. There was currently a bit of a bitch session going on about one of the Chemistry professors giving out a surprise exam earlier today. It was sort of a pop quiz I guess but those in his class were not expecting it. There was speculation about this weekend's upcoming football game, two girls were ranting about a frat party they had attended the previous night and how they had been disrespected. Just a typical night on "Phone" really... that is until I saw Kat log on and join the conversations.

I suspected that this Kat was in fact the girl, Kathie... with an eye ee that I had assisted with her car last night, but I still wasn't entirely sure. I of course greeted her and welcomed her to our crazy little group on "Phone", but I didn't push for any information. That's not to say the other guys didn't swarm her with flirtatious quips and questions. The dogs! I kept it civil and just kind of watched their antics and how Kat seemed to easily fend them off and still carry-on normal conversation. At one point she did ask me specifically about my handle.

She wanted to know if it was a reference to the J.R.R. Tolkien books, the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I was a little taken aback but pleased that someone else got the reference. I told her as much as asked her if she had read any of the books herself. We kind of got carried away talking about the series and after a while a few others commented that "Phone" was starting to sound like a book club meeting or something. I'm pretty sure it was one of the guys who had been spurned earlier by Kat. Not that she was rude or condescending in any way, she had just not entertained his advances and hints.

Kat said that it was getting late and she needed to be getting off the computer and heading home. Before she could leave though I took a wild chance and asked her if she had had dinner, or at least if she were hungry anyway. This really took a lot for me to ask, especially in an open chat situation with everyone else seeing what I typed and asked.

Of course, there are always the smart asses and a couple of the guys and one girl, all well known to me as they were part of my study group, chimed in and said they'd meet up to get something to eat. I know they were partly pulling my leg, but I also knew that they were serious about getting something to eat... and on the off chance to possibly meet Kat as well. As soon as I had asked it, I was sure I would be turned down just as effectively as she had shut down the other guys hitting on her yesterday and today.

I was a little stunned, if happily so, when she responded that sure, she wouldn't mind grabbing a bite to eat somewhere close. Of course, as we were all college students and therefore on low budgets, we all opted for cheaper eats. Someone suggested Tolly Ho's and everyone else agreed and began signing off.

Tolly Ho's was and I guess still is a university institution in and of its own. The epitome of the greasy spoon hamburger joint on campus, they offered cheap food items and cozy atmosphere. The jukebox runs almost nonstop from open to close. The fountain drinks and even beer for those old enough to buy it were on tap. The smell of fresh shoestring fries and burgers permeated the very walls of the place. I had just slid into a chair at a table that had been pulled up to the end of a booth thereby extending it for our small group. I was one of the last to show up.

Someone had already ordered a pitcher of beer and a pitcher of Dr. Pepper for those of us not wanting beer, there were a couple of baskets of fries on the tables too as we all talked and cut up. A couple of the guys were still speculating as just to what this Kat looked like as she hadn't shown up yet. One commented that she probably wouldn't show up after being badgered by so many of the guys last night and tonight. I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

When Kathie... with an eye ee walked through the entrance with a searching look on her face... noticeably absent of a greasy smudge... I knew it was Kat. The smile on my face belied the knot that had formed in my stomach and caused my heart to pause a few beats. Kat looked around and when she saw me sitting with the group, she knew which table to approach.

Greetings were made and as the only chair left open was directly across from me it was only natural that she sat there. She alit in the chair with a grace and flow that was mesmerizing, at least to me anyway. I had watched her from the moment she had entered the HO, and as she had made her way through the crowd to our table. She had seemed to float across the room so smooth were her movements they seemed to flow like water or air. Of course, there were a few stray strands of her curly long dark hair that flew about as if a mist or smoke.

I'm not sure if it was my natural shyness coming to the fore, or if it was simply a result of my being swept away by the presence of this girl. I was enraptured or at least captured by her mere presence. I hung on every word just to hear the sound of her voice. I couldn't take my eyes off of her face, those eyes were so vibrant and... and... I don't know how to describe it really, they just held my attention. The smoky grey brown or I guess hazel color seemed to shift in the light. I studied her face as if I were trying to memorize it. I guess I was actually, I certainly remembered it anyway. Those smoky eyes with their animated dark eyebrows fluttering over them, her generous lips with the hint of a Cupid's bow centered under her straight but smallish nose... lips that curled so easily into a warm and generous smile. Looking closer I noticed that she had just a hint of an overbite, but her teeth were straight and dazzling when she smiled.

There at the table though the lighting was a bit dim it was still brighter than last night when I had first met Kathie, as such I noticed that she had a sprinkling of freckles across her otherwise clear white skin. When she smiled, and she smiled often, her eyes would crinkle a bit and those freckles seemed to move with her cheeks and lips. Her straight chin was a little rounded but suited her face perfectly. And what a lovely face it was too... a classical ovaline face that could have easily been designed and painted by Da Vinci... the golden ratio at its finest. Of course, it was all framed by that mass of loose curly long dark hair. Still not having seen it in light bright enough to determine its true color I could only say that it was dark, not exactly jet black but I might err by calling it brunette. I would have to wait until I saw it in better light. Whatever the color however, it suited her perfectly. I guess I got lost in my observations and therefore was a little distracted as the gang began introducing themselves to Kat.

There was, at the far end of the booth on my side closest to the wall our resident wannabe drag queen in training "Marq". His real name was David, but he idolized the Marquis De' Sade for some reason that I'll never understand. Next was "Lindy" an actual real name, her middle... Sarah Lindy something I couldn't remember her last name, not that it was important to any of us at the time.

To Lindy's left and to my right was "Jobe" or Jacob being his real name. Across the table from Marq was "Jinx", Chris was a slightly overweight light skinned African American or as he referred to himself the "token chocolate chip". Next to him was a plump little giggling blond with greasy looking ringlet hair named Jennifer that went by the handle "Fluffy", she was an encourage able flirt if ever there was one.

On her right at the addition table, we had pulled against the booth and incidentally next to Kat was "Ozz" or Steven but even offline he preferred to be called Ozz for some reason. Finally, the introductions had gotten around to me but as I had mentioned I was lost... lost in observation and... well... appreciation I suppose. So, I was a little embarrassed when I realized that Kat was looking at me expectantly with a bit of a smile on her face.

It might have been the elbow to my side from Jacob or the giggles from Fluffy and Lindy... and Marq but I was suddenly aware that the entire group was looking at me and waiting for me to "introduce" myself to Kat... Kathie... with an eye ee.

"Hi. My name is Jim." I said smiling sheepishly but managing to keep eye contact with Kathie... I go by "Frodov" online, but I think you know that already." I said.

"Yeah... I kind of figured it out. Thanks again for helping me out with my car last night by the way." Kathie said beaming. The others all looked at one another and back and forth between Kat and myself sensing there was some sort of story there and they wanted to know about it.

"So, what's this about helping her out of her car? Fro, just what have you been doing?" Queried Marq from the far end of the booth.

"Yeah! Tell us all about it now son!" Added a grinning Fluffy.

"Not much to tell really." I started with an embarrassed grin. "As I was leaving to drive home last night Patterson drive was blocked by the Mail truck, so I had to go around Admin drive. As I did, I saw this pair of legs sticking out from under the hood of a car parked on the drive. I slowed down and stopped to ask if they needed any help." I continued but Kat jumped in and took over.

"Yeah, most people would have just drove on by and not even blinked, but this guy stopped and asked if he could help, and he did help! First he helped me get my flashlight that I dropped in the engine then he helped me with my battery cable." She told them with a smile on her face and her eyes boring into mine.

"So, did you get her phone number Fro?" asked Jinx from the other end of the table.

"He didn't even ask for it." Proclaimed Kathie as if it were a point to be noted.

"Yeah, he wouldn't." Declared Lindy as a matter of fact. "He's not a typical horn dog like these other guys." She added with a wry grin looking around the table.

"I beg your pardon!" Exclaimed Marq indignantly from her side causing the table to break up with laughter, even Kat grinned at that.

The banter went on for a while, much like we did on "Phone" the conversations split and co mingled and for anyone outside out little group it would have been almost impossible to follow any one thread or conversation. Kat held her own with the rest of us, well... with the rest of the group. As usual I tended to be mostly quiet only speaking up when spoken directly to or asked a question. I had to force myself to stop from staring or simply focusing entirely too much on Kathie, it was hard to do for some reason. I hadn't felt such a fascination or yeah, an attraction to a girl, any girl in so long that I was simply overwhelmed.

At some point my conscience or maybe it was my heart got the better of me and I knew I had to leave. Some part of me felt guilty for this new fascination I think now as I look back on it. I stood making my apologies and goodbyes telling the gang that I needed to be heading home because I had an early class in the morning. As I tossed a ten-dollar bill on the table to help cover the food and soft drinks Kat told me to hang on a second, she'd appreciate it if I could walk her to her car. Not knowing what else to say and always being polite and a gentleman when I could I said sure. The gang was all smiles but admirably they all refrained from saying anything, at least until after Kathie and I had left the Ho.

As it turned out Kathie had parked very close to my own ride, my pickup truck was just one car away from her big old Crown Vic. I felt awkward and for some reason my mouth had gone dry as I stood there with my book bag hanging from one shoulder, just a step away from this beautiful creature. Kathie had turned to face me and was leaning back up against her driver side door with her arms crossed as if to ward off a chill. Her head was tipped ever so slightly to one side and tilted forward a bit, the effect was to make her gaze slightly sidelong and looking up through her lashes and a few strands of that wild curly hair of hers. She was smiling. Not a toothy smile but more of a curious wry grin as if she were trying with amusement to figure me out.

"You are kind of quiet aren't you, Jim?" She said more of a statement than a question. I nearly panicked as I tried to formulate some sort of response, but my mind seemed to be stuck in some sticky goo at the moment.

"That's just an observation by the way, I wasn't accusing you of anything so relax." She said with a little chirp of laughter as her smile widened with her amusement. I just kind of shrugged and gave her some approximation of a bashful grin mixed with a grimace. I was glad that it was mostly dark as we were a way from the nearest streetlamp, at least she couldn't see me blushing.

"Uh... I've always been kind of shy I guess, especially around new people." I offered lamely.

"Even among your friends?" Kathie asked as she tilted her head to the other shoulder, perhaps for a new perspective.

"I guess I open up a little after I get to know someone but I'm still pretty quiet." I admitted and shrugged again.

"Well then I think I'm just going to have to try to make you see me as one of your friends. I have a feeling about you Jim. It's true what Lindy said about you I think, you're not like most guys... and I like that." Kathie said and averted her eyes and bit her bottom lip.

Oh my god! Was she blushing? Again, it was a little too dark to know for sure, but I just felt it in my bones, I think. I swallowed once, then twice still trying to think of something to say but failing miserably.

"I think... I think I'd like that..." I finally stammered out almost in a whisper as if I myself didn't believe I'd just heard what she said. Kathie's bottom lip was released, and her smile exploded on her face and it was like a beacon or a searchlight had just turned on.

"Um... do you have a pen in your bag... and maybe a piece of paper to write on?" She asked as she began this slow swiveling rocking from side to side from her waist up, her eyes never leaving my own. I just stood there like a statue lost in the vision of her smiling face before my molasses coated brain finally caught up to the words she had just spoken. I pulled my bag off my shoulder and fumbled with the zipper on the front pocket and managed to find a pen and a small notepad. Kathie took them from my hand... after holding them, lingering for a moment longer than necessary, I think. Again, that bottom lip got pulled into her teeth as she turned and opened the notepad setting it on the roof of her car and wrote on the first blank page. Turning back to me she handed me the pen and notepad, again lingering as we both held them at the same time. Again, she was looking up through her bangs and eye lashes as if suddenly shy herself.

"That's my phone number, well, my mom's house anyway. I still live at home while I'm in school." She said almost as if apologizing for something. I looked down at the pad and pen as she finally let go of them and withdrew her hands.

"I still live at home too, on the farm." I offered and then bit my tongue when I thought it sounded so hokey.

"On a farm... What kind of farm, what do you raise?" She asked with what seemed like genuine curiosity.

"Oh, not much now, it's not a big farm. We still have some livestock... chickens and some hogs... a couple of ponies for my sisters. We grow some tobacco, but my dad and my younger brother do most of that work now that I'm in college. I help out of course at harvest time and when we strip and bale it for market..." I trailed off thinking that I was getting lamer with every word. Surely, she would think that she could find someone more interesting to spend her time with after hearing things like this.

"You seem embarrassed about it Jim... why is that?" Kathie said as she tilted her head to the opposite shoulder again as if to get a better perspective perhaps.

"No, not embarrassed really, but most girls aren't particularly interested in hearing about my living on a farm or farming in general... I wouldn't want to bore you or anything." I said with a shrug and honest to god I caught myself kicking my toe in the gravel of the parking lot like a shy country oaf. I stopped it of course but I had to wonder if Kathie noticed it too. I could feel my face turning red with blush.

"Well, I think that if you and I do become friends you will find that I'm a lot like you in that I'm not like most girls... You might be surprised by what I find interesting." She said with a coy smile then drawing in that bottom lip between her beautiful straight white teeth... with the slight overbite. Seeing this I almost gasped as it shot a bolt right through me as I had a momentary flashback to seeing another girl do that... my heart did a little flip in my chest and then I shuddered involuntarily. I shook my head to clear it and cleared my throat.

"I should let you go... it's getting late and I need to get on home too. I have to close at work tomorrow night, but I'll be on campus tomorrow for a while and we have a study group the night after tomorrow. Maybe if you're not busy we could meet up on "Phone" or have a bite to eat somewhere sometime." I offered like a bashful teenager. To my surprise Kathie's smile grew even bigger before she spoke.

"Yeah, I need to get home, family obligations and all... but I'd like to catch up to you sometime again soon. And Jim... you have my phone number now too. You can call me sometime if you like..." She said smiling as she opened the door of that big old Crown Vic and slid in behind the wheel. I stood there and watched her as she started the motor and then backed that big Ford out of the parking space and glided out onto the street and then she was gone. I looked down and there in my still clutching hand was my little notepad and the pen that Kathie had written her number down and given to me. I took a deep breath and smiled a half smile to myself as I put it back in my book bag and then walked on to my truck to drive home.