Bequeathed by Proxy


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Setting up my video camera on its tripod focusing it to encompass the whole bed, finally rotating the viewing screen so the action could be seen from the bed. Down stairs I had prepared a bowl of ice cubes, from the dressing table I picked up a soft brush, about as big as a hair brush but extremely soft, having never seen it used had no idea of its purpose. With everything set up and ready, I undressed then turned the camera on. During all my preparations Jennifer remain silent and still but I could tell she was nervous by her breathing. She must have felt me climb on the bed, and certainly did as I took my place beside her. Bending over her I whispered asking if the program had an effect on her. She nodded when I asked if watching the couples perform turned her on, and suggested perhaps she would like to see herself on the TV. Continuing my questioning asked, "apart from my father and me, have you slept with anyone else?" She said she hadn't. "Apart from me and my father has anyone fondled your tits?" Her reply took me back a little.

"One year, I was nineteen at the time, we had all the family over for Christmas dinner. At one point I happened to be up in my bedroom sorting out a few presents, when my twenty year old cousin walked in shut and locked the door. He pushed me back on the bed, pulled my sweater up, dragged my breasts out of my bra and began to squeeze and suck them. Meanwhile his hand found its way up my skirt and into my panties and put his fingers inside me."

"Did you enjoy his attention?"

"No I didn't I hated him. However several years later I began to fantasize about it happening, but with men that I liked. Your father was one of them and because he was so dominant I could see him treating me that way, so I married him, but it never happened, in fact nothing much happened at all."

From the way she spoke she was obviously ready for me to implement my plan.

Reaching for the soft brush I introduced it to the more sensitive parts of her body brushing across her nipples down her body and thighs while allowing my lips and tongue to concentrate on her mouth. Jennifer must have found these simple acts excitable because her body became more animated at the point of pleasure. Taking an ice cube I rubbed it on the very tip of her nipple, she squirmed then moaned ceasing only when I brushed my tongue across the second nipple's tip.

Using an ice cube I rubbed it over her breast circling her large nipple, then down into her cleavage up the other side to repeat the process on her second breast and nipple. Time and time again I traveled from one breast to the other, until the ice cube had almost melted. Picking up a second ice cube I accidentally dropped it deep into her cleavage. Having enjoyed all the fumbling around to retrieve it, I began to slowly to slide it down her body until it rested between her legs. Jennifer whimpered as I eased the cube onto her clitoris before running it up and down the lips of her pussy, squirming and whimpering as the ice cube took effect. It was time to administer some pleasure. Rolling off the bed to positioned myself at its foot, slithered like a snake between her legs, stopping with my mouth just inches from my target. Jennifer jumped as my tongue lapped across her clitoris circling the little nub, eventually penetrating the most sacred of places. She moaned softly at first, becoming more vocal as I continued to administer the torturous pleasure until she demanded my attention elsewhere. After ignoring her numerous requests she became abusive, words like I have never heard her speak rolled from her mouth.

"Scott come on make love to me, I want you now, please come on. Scott make love to me now."

I could tell she was getting annoyed which only made me delay things a little longer. The pitch of her voice began to rise and the volume increased. Jennifer started screaming at me.

"Scott you get up here and make love to me."

She felt me slowly crawling over her and although I was within reach she was prevented by the constraints tried around her wrists from grabbing me. She attempted to influence my crawl rate until a suitable position was achieved. Delaying the penetration of her body only increased her frustration insomuch she forced her body up attempting to push herself onto me trying to force me inside her. Even when I entered her and began to slowly ease myself in and out, it was driving her mad.

"Faster Scott, faster...Come on Scott do it faster and harder...Please Scott do it for me...Come on darling fuck me hard...Please darling, faster, harder...that's it, now harder...that's it...,oh god, oh god...You bastard, you're fucking your mother...fucking hell."

It was the first time I managed to bring Jennifer to an orgasm and it must have hit her hard because afterwards she was totally spent and took a few minutes to recover. Suddenly, turning her head away from me, she burst into tears sobbing her heart out. I tried to pacify her attempting to determine why she was so upset. Eventually she admitted losing control and being ashamed of the disgusting language she used and was devastated by the names she called me, and apologized for being such a slut.

"Sweetheart I loved what you said, in bed I want you to be a slut, my slut, and I want us to be able to talk to each other in that manner, think of it as love talk. Now I want you to tell me that you like me fucking you and playing with and sucking your tits."

I could tell by the way she looked at me she wasn't happy speaking in such a manner but I loved to hear her express herself that way. She eventually conceded, cuddling up to me and rested her head on my chest, I reasoned that she didn't have to look me in the eyes, thinking she was embarrassed when she spoke.

"Darling I love you fucking me, squeezing and sucking my tits, and the next time you tie me up I want you to tie them up as well. I loved your tongue licking and penetrating" she paused, "down there and perhaps in the near future I can suck you and you can take me from behind."

"Do you mean licking and penetrating your cunt, sucking my cock and fucking your ass?" She nodded.

From the start when I tied her to the bed, to when we finished must have been in excess of two hours. The only thing I did before releasing Jennifer's blindfold and constraints was to disassemble and return my camera and tripod to the cupboard in my old bedroom. Back in the bedroom I straddled Jennifer's body, sitting close to her breasts so they rested on my upper thighs. She was aware that my lust during our love making had not been satisfied, so when I released the blindfold she was not surprised to see my erection had not subsided. After untying her hands she began to stroke my shaft gripping and continually working me up and down. Never before had a woman so expertly tossed me off, slowly inducing feelings of euphoria, not stopping or slowing at the point of climax. My seed went everywhere, over her hands, her arms, her neck, her face, even in her hair we both ended up in the shower together before retiring to bed in the early hours of the morning.

It took me a couple of days to copy and edit the camera's small disc onto a standard DVD disc. I waited until Saturday evening when I told Jennifer there was a special on the program 'Your Partner and You' and because of its content was being broadcast later. We were already for bed as we snuggled up on the sofa in front of the TV, me wearing only my pajama bottoms and Jennifer in a short satin nightgown, extremely short. The disc was already in the recorder all I had to do was press play. The scene opened with a woman blindfolded tied to a bed. Jennifer pointed out that was exactly how she was tied up and suddenly realized it was her.

"You filmed us?"

"I did, you wanted to see yourself on television well now you can."

By the time the DVD ended we weren't even looking at the TV, for the first time Jennifer had her head in my lap performing oral sex, it was wonderful. Mind you the complement was returned later in bed.

Over the following months our repertoire increased very nicely with us both performing equally on one another, swapping roles as it deemed fit. Later in our relationship we began to act out our fantasies and even expand on them. Jennifer and her cousin scenario, turned out to be a classic. She would be in the bedroom wearing a sweater and a mini, mini skirt. I would walk into the bedroom playing the part of her cousin push her on the bed pull her sweater up yank her bra down below her tits. I would suck, squeeze and pull her nipples, stretching them to a maximum and generally inflict a little pain. All the time, while my hand was up her skirt and inside her panties; I would do whatever I thought appropriate. During our act I would forcefully kiss Jennifer on the lips to prevent her complaining, asking me to stop. Eventually I would leave her supposedly exhausted from fending me off, in a state of semi-undress and lying on the bed.

A minute later I would return as her father wanting to know why she was lying on the bed in such a disheveled state, and what was her cousin doing in her room and why she had the door shut. I would scold her for being a slut and tell her to remove her crumpled sweater and prepare for a spanking. The sweater would come off and she would lie across my lap. Unzipping and pulling her skirt up enabled me access to her panties allowing me to pull them down and remove them completely. I would also undo her bra and remove that. The standard of spanking Jennifer finally established for herself was that it should inflict sufficient pain to bring her close to tears at which point she would stop me. As I made her stand in front of me, her skirt which I had undone would slide down her legs ensuring she would stand naked before me. When she bent down attempting to pull her skirt up, I would order her to remain bent over while I removed my pants and boxers then made her kneel before me, sucking me until I shot my seed in her mouth. After I would have her lie on the bed and generally enjoy her body while she enjoyed my mouth.

On warm days Jennifer and I would lie together beneath the canopy of our double sun lounger unseen on our secluded patio. She would be wearing a skimpy red bikini which at first, through much persuasion, she reluctantly wore, resulting in many romantic interludes. I would release her spaghetti ties which held tiny triangles of fabric in place, which could never be said were discreet, and we enjoyed each other's body. Some of my favorite times were in the pool when I removed her bikini top, then duck beneath the surface to release her bikini bottom. Jennifer enjoyed my fondling of her body as if struggling with the ties, prior to kissing and rubbing our naked bodies against each other as part of our foreplay. At last our sexual performances had become synchronized as our love making achieved total satisfaction.

As we approached our first anniversary Jennifer asked if we could celebrate at the restaurant where we danced on the night of our wedding. Our life together had become wonderful, neither of us had any inhibitions to talk to the other on any subject, that television program had kick started a perfect relationship. Officially she was my mother, although I now thought of her as my wife, and never considered our relationship as incestuous. I booked the same table as we sat at on the night of our wedding, and looking forward to seeing my beautiful wife in her new dress. By this time she had her own bank account and would buy clothes that were tasteful and knew I liked. Hearing our bedroom door close, as I waited at the bottom of the stairs knowing it would be only seconds before she appeared. Jennifer was a vision, the dress was fantastic and totally met with my approval. The neckline seemed a little lower and the hemline a little higher and molded to her body a little more snugly, god she was beautiful as was her cleavage and legs.

We arrived in a private limo and were shown to our special table. Having ordered dinner and champagne, Jennifer asked for water. The champagne arrived in its ice bucket; the water arrived in its pitcher with ice. I poured out a glass of water for Jennifer and a glass of champagne for myself; we toasted our anniversary and our life together. Jennifer said that she could never have believed she could be so happy, I leaned across and kissed her. "I have something for you." Handing her a blue velvet case her hands trembled as she lifted the clasp. She gasped; tears filled her eyes when she saw the single row of pearls.

"I'm afraid they're not new but they are antique."

"Oh Scott they're magnificent."

"Let me put them on you."

Easing myself out of the booth I waited for Jennifer to swing her body around so that I could secure the pearls around her neck. When I sat back down they looked really great on her.

"Scott I have something to tell you."

"Wow that sounds ominous."

"Darling I'm pregnant."


"Oh, is that all you have to say. Is that an, 'oh' because you don't want a child, or is it because you think I'm too old to have a child, or because of our relationship you think we shouldn't have a child?"

"No sweetheart that, 'oh' is because I am in shock it was something that I was not expecting, I'm totally surprised and need to think about it, to get used to the idea. Can we talk about this properly tonight when we get home; it will give me a bit of thinking time to find the right questions?"

"Of course darling."

We had a wonderful meal and danced most of the evening. I had to laugh at the men watching Jennifer's ass as it swayed in time to the music as we moved around the dance floor. Mind you I watch those perfect globes all the time.

Back home we made ourselves comfortable on the sofa, but for some reason I felt nervous.

"Sweetheart, how long have you been sure that you're pregnant and do you want this child?"

"It's nearly two weeks since I tried two pregnancy test kits and they both showed positive. In the week I went to the doctors and again the test proved positive, and yes I do want this baby."

"Okay so you're pregnant and you want the child, now my first concern is for you, do you think you can carry the baby and have a successful birth. Have you spoken with the doctor on this matter?"

"I have, and this is where you may not agree with how I handled the situation. When I walked into the doctor's office his first comments were, 'wow Jennifer you look radiant, you can't be sick.' As you know our family has been with the doctor for years and he has only seen me when your father was alive, dressed somewhat dowdy. Of course when I walked in wearing one of my silk day dresses, high heels and my hair styled as you like it, he was rather taken aback. When I told him that I was pregnant and asked if I was too old to have a child he said, 'It depends on yours and the father's circumstances.' At that point I told him about us and our situation. He told me that the risk for a woman of my age is obviously greater than if I was ten years younger, but he didn't think the risk was any greater because you are the father, the risk for me that is. As for the baby he thought because of our situation and my age the risks were a little higher, but then all pregnancies are somewhat of a gamble. He told me they can monitor me and the baby and if there was a problem, we would have to decide whether or not to terminate the pregnancy. But we must be prepared to make an immediate decision, so we should get some type of agreement, between us, before the event, although it need not necessarily be cast in stone."

I sat there looking at her trying to get my head around what was happening, almost terrified something could happen to her while having this child, and it would be all my fault. Things would become awkward because friends and neighbors in the area seeing her pregnant would know there was something terribly wrong. They would condemn her, not because they would think that I was the cause of her pregnancy, but because they would think that she had been sleeping with another man or men out of wedlock. Comments had already been made on her transformation from a dowdy housewife to model status. The time had come to do something about it.

"Sweetheart, I cannot stand living here any longer, creeping around, unable to live openly as man and wife, especially now with the baby on the way. For a while I've been thinking, it's about time we moved far away from here, what do you think?"

She looked at me and smiled. "I think it's time we moved as well, so what are your thoughts about where we should settle down?"

"My first thoughts were California thinking it would be nice to purchase a reasonable size property, a small ranch with a pasture and wooded areas. Not that I intend to work the property just somewhere we can stretch our legs and raise our child and if necessary modify the living accommodation to our own requirements. I would still concentrate on my own business. What do you think?"

"Oh darling that sounds wonderful but could we afford it. I don't care where we move to, providing it is a long way from here. I've thought about moving a lot lately and the one thing I would ask is could we move straight away. We could put the house in the hands of a realtor and if necessary the furniture in store, then rent a place or even stay in a hotel in the area we are looking for a property. If the area or properties are not suitable we could move on until we find something that we like?"

"That's a good idea, we could do that, but what about you and the baby?"

"We will be just fine."

I sent off several emails to a number of Californian realtors listing our property requirements initially to rent somewhere on a temporary basis, but with the intention to purchase a reasonable size property within their area. We are now waiting for the replies to roll in.

The End

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Liked the story but you need to write more, does she have problems having the baby?? Do they move and live as husband and wife?? 5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Loved the story but you need to finish it and see where this goes 5 stars

WoodencavWoodencav7 months ago

I love this storey, but it needs at least another chapter. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Diecast1Diecast1over 1 year ago

I like the story a lot, but it needs an ending. AAAA++++

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I don't like coercion or rape stories. Not a story I read in full or would ever start to read again. I gave it a 2 as the writing was of good quality with awareness of syntax, grammar, and spelling.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

ch.2 After moving to California, son gets his Mother pregnant two more times.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Somehow, making love to Jenny is not as exciting as copulating with mother. Knocking up Jenny is ok, but what is exciting is breeding his own mother.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Honestly? I kinda expected jennifer to try to kill him when she suddenly became affrctionate. Lol. Good story tho ,keep it up

HotRodLincoln69HotRodLincoln69over 2 years ago

It needs to continue as you left it open to see many more chapters

GrandEagle53GrandEagle53almost 3 years ago

Not Incest/Taboo. Stopped reading on page 2 when spanking started. 1 star

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Way of life.

I liked the story,seemed like his father at first controing,i like the baby

as it makes it more real as no birth control was used.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Before chapter 2 ended,I stopped reading this disgusting story.

LilacQueen15LilacQueen15over 4 years ago

Agreed! It's rape!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
dumped on page 2 1 star

basically it's a rape story. forced to submit is absolutely RAPE!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
you lost me

at rape...1 star

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