Betrayal Ch. 02


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Both boys loudly disagreed! It was their first snowfall at home, and they wanted to do all the fun things they had seen on TV. He put them off for an hour, but they were nothing if not persistent, so he bundled them up. Sharon put on one of Karen's ski bibs and boots, and Tim hurriedly pulled on a heavy jumpsuit he wore hunting. He grabbed the Polaroid camera and took everyone outside.

The fun lasted only until the 25-degree weather overcame the joy of building a snowman and throwing snowballs, so they hustled back inside pretty quickly. The boys were shucked of their wet gloves and clothes, and warmed their little hands and bodies by the fire while Tim and Sharon changed. After that cold adventure, the boys were content to play with their toys on the carpet beside the fire.

The gusting winds had died down by ten, and a hint of sunshine filtered through the clouds. Tim knew that the sun would begin melting the snow, and, assuming they were still alive and able, Karen's fuck-buddies would be bringing her home as soon as they could get rides or get their vehicles fixed.

Turning the transistor radio on again, he listened to the myriad reports from points near and far, a couple of which caught his attention. The snowfall was much lighter south of Austin, but even worse to the north and west. San Marcos and towns to the south were business as usual, while Williamson, Bell, and Lampasas counties were still without power, and most roads were still closed. The Hill Country was harder hit still, with over six inches of snow above a slippery layer of ice resulting from the freezing rain.

The high school where he worked had sustained roof damage, they reported, but the police had been unable to find the superintendent to get direction. They asked that anyone who knew his whereabouts contact the Sheriff's office as soon as possible. Tim smiled, and silently hoped that the roof over the fat ass had fallen in on him and his band of assholes! He consciously excluded their slut from that hope, but only because he knew it would make his sons sad; her actions had turned his own heart to steel.

Tim tried to prioritize his movements, and decided the most critical next-step was guidance from his attorney, who lived less than a half mile away. His 'raisin' told him to stay right here, confront The Slut and whichever Pricks brought her home, and get it all sorted out today. His sentient brain, however, insisted that he speak to his attorney to avoid bad mistakes; his brain won out by a whisker.

"Sharon, Fellas, I'm going to get dressed, get in the pickup, go see if the roads are open, and find out what the situation is with the electricity. If it is going to be off for several days, we may have to go somewhere that still has electricity and stay there until it is back on. I'm going by myself because I don't know how safe the roads are, but I'll be back in two hours, or before."

Sharon looked troubled, but he smiled at her, winked, and said to keep the boys active so they will want a nap after he gets back. She winked back, her pretty face aglow with a blush, and said she would make sure they were really tired, before whispering, "I want the rest of my birthday present then!"

Tim started the truck, and came back inside the laundry room. He collected his guns, tape recorder, the sack of video tapes, and his camera from the attic, and put them in the truck. He went back inside to hug everyone goodbye, and then drove cautiously out of the cul-de-sac they lived on. The roads were better than he thought, and with the four-wheel drive and all-weather tires, he made it quite easily to his attorney's house.

Andy Robbins was only a few years older than Tim, and he had experienced the joys of divorce a year earlier, after he discovered that his wife's boss was also her lover. He made that discovery when he returned home to get some papers and walked in on them in his bedroom, fucking wildly and pledging eternal love to one another -- while they were supposed to be at work!

He went scorched earth, battering the bastard and terrifying his wife. He was arrested for assault, and when he got out of jail, she had cleared their bank accounts and disappeared with their daughter.

When all the facts came out in the divorce proceedings, he got primary custody of the kid and a judgement for return of his money. The problem was, his wife and child had disappeared and had yet to be found. He managed to get her boss fired from his job, but then he disappeared, and everyone suspected he and the cheating wife were together somewhere, living off Andy's money. As a result, Andy worked long hours, and spent his time off fuming, sulking, and plotting the demise of the lovers.

Andy was surprised to see Tim at his door on a Saturday, with snow and ice everywhere, and he was stunned when his friend and now client told his sad tale. Once Tim regained control of his emotions, they discussed his options. Andy consulted his law books for rulings in relevant cases, and they settled on a plan of action to achieve Tim's simple goals: get rid of his cheating slutwife; get primary custody of his sons; and not be bankrupted by the divorce.

He had a separate goal for the two coaches and Benton, another for the principal, superintendent, and school board member, and yet another for Larry Barnes. Those were of secondary importance at this time, but their time would come soon enough, and it would involve pain: lots and lots of pain!

Because he was one of the earliest purchasers of a laptop computer, a technological innovation that cost the ridiculous sum of $2000, Andy promised he would have Tim's documents ready by Monday, if his battery and backup held out.

Because Tim had likely been seen driving his truck today, Alan advised him to go report his wife being missing to law enforcement.

The local cops were all clustered - or cloistered - at the station, and they were quite surprised by his entry. He knew most of them well, and they were quick to express their concern after he disclosed the reason for his visit. There were some curious faces, and more than one gave him a knowing look as they considered the possible reasons for his wife's unexplained absence from her family during a snowstorm.

The chief told him they had scores of reports of missing persons, but that was likely because with phone service out, anyone not at home when the worst of the storm hit had been unable to call or get back home. They reported that the rescue teams had found a number of 'missing persons' who had taken the first available shelter when the white-out began.

The Sargent reminded him that his wife was young, in good health, and smart, so he was confident she would be fine. They promised to add her to the list immediately, and law enforcement and emergency personnel would be on the lookout for her.

The chief asked for a recent picture of Karen. Tim looked through his wallet, laughed, and said, "I hope this doesn't go out with the APB!" He handed him the only photo he carried in his wallet: his wife standing on the sidewalk in front of Barton Springs pool wearing a white bikini.

They all passed it around and looked it over quite thoroughly. As he was returning it to his wallet, one young cop enviously muttered under this breath that he could see why he wanted her found ASAP. Tim and the others present chuckled, and the Sargent asked for any additional details that might help.

Tim recollected that he came home early after the basketball games were cancelled to find his young sons with the babysitter, who had no idea where his wife had gone. He told them that he rode around looking for her, but when the winter storm hit he returned home to take care of his kids and the babysitter. He was going to take the babysitter home, but her parents insisted they not get out in the dangerous weather.

Tim explained that he had built a roaring fire, made pallets, and they all spent the night in front of the fireplace. The babysitter was with his sons now, but he needed to get back so he could take her home since the roads were now drivable in his 4x4.

The cops reassured him they would be on the lookout for Karen and wished him good luck in taking care of two active boys who were penned up in a house. Before returning home, he rode out to the county lane that ran to JW's ranch, and saw that the snow covering the road was unblemished. He smiled and headed home.

Sharon greeted him with a smile and a SHHHH, pointing at the sleeping boys. After he got his outerwear off and hung up, she hugged him, wiggled her lush body against him, and announced she was ready for her present now! He gave her a soft, sweet kiss, and explained that his attorney stated that he needed to take her home ASAP to avoid complications in his upcoming divorce. She was terribly disappointed, but, after he further explained, she said she understood but demanded a rain check! With a smile, Tim promised she would get her present at the appropriate time.

They discussed how to handle the situation if Karen showed up at her parent's house, with or without her lovers, and he gave her an outline of his plans for the weekend and Monday. She swore she would never disclose anything they had done, or his plans, even if she were tortured!

He smiled and hugged her again. She ground her tight young body into his; he broke the embrace enough to ask her "Sharon, can we please wait until things are less complicated? It's not that I don't want you..." She beamed and agreed, but squeezed his ass and said, "You are a good man, Tim, but you are a man, and I can tell how much you want me by the big thing in your jeans poking me!"

She gave him a pouty look, and warned, "Remember, you are the one I want to give my cherry to, but, now that you've taught me how good sex is, I may not be able to wait too long!"

He popped her on that tight round ass, wagged his finger at her, and went to pack the boys clothes. When he came back into the warm living room, they were awake and finishing a snack with Sharon. They loaded the truck and started toward her house.

The ride over snow-covered roads was uneventful, and her parents were overjoyed to see her. They assured Tim that they had a fireplace, plenty of wood, food, and water, so they would be fine. Her family started back to the house, hugging themselves in the cold wind.

Sharon opened the back door, kissed the boys goodbye and promised Tim "I'd like to help you any way I can, Coach. Just let me know what I can do!" Tim turned to her, said, "Well, as a matter of fact...", and gave her an assignment.

Sharon smiled; "Consider it done!" and sashayed to the house in a manner guaranteed to ensure his attention. He grinned, honked, and pulled away, wondering if an affair of the heart between an 19-year-old girl and a 26-year-old man had any future. Probably not, he concluded, but she was entirely yummy, from her cute little toes to her beautiful mane of hair, and every curve, nook, and cranny in between. Perhaps a sexual affair between a recently divorced man and a college sophomore would be acceptable, come summer?

Tim stopped by the police station to let them know he was taking his sons to stay with relatives down south until the power was restored. The officer on duty, Jimmy, was a former neighbor before moving to a larger subdivision closer to his wife's job. Jimmy asked how to contact him if his wife was found, and offered a questioning look when he gave him Andy's number. "Since there are no phones yet, I don't know where we will stay, but Andy will know where I am and how to contact me. He's a neighbor, Jimmy, and, yes, he's also my attorney, but in this case he's my neighbor and friend. Let's leave it at that."

Jimmy looked down at Tim's bare ring finger, and held his own up. "I understand, Brother, I understand. When I saw her name, I wondered why she wasn't with her family. Any idea where she is?"

"Not really. I came home about 7 hours early because our basketball game was postponed. The babysitter was there, and she said Karen was picked up at 4:30 by a man driving a pickup, but she did not disclose where she was going or who she was with.

Please let Andy know as soon as you find her, regardless. I just don't want the boys to be here if worse comes to worst, or if I find out she was somewhere doing something she shouldn't have been."

Jimmy clasped him on the shoulder and wished him a safe trip, reminding him that there would likely be people on the road who didn't know how to drive in snow, so stay alert.


The main highway to Austin was covered with barely-disturbed snow, the traffic lights were out, and there were sundry vehicles stuck in the bar ditches and median, but his 4x4 with all-weather tires had no problems. He was low on fuel, so when her encountered an open station just south of Austin, he stopped to fill up.

He bought an American-Statesman newspaper and automatically flipped to the sports page. He immediately spotted the headline "Mustangs Win District Title" The first and sixth place teams had played their game Friday afternoon in anticipation of the storm and the first place team won. That meant they would not make up the postponed game because it no longer had any bearing on the playoffs.

He was both disappointed and relieved: disappointed that his team was eliminated, but relieved that his coaching duties for the year were complete. Now he could focus entirely on the unpleasant tasks ahead.

As expected, by the time they got to San Marcos there was only a sparse sprinkling of snow, and when they exited at New Braunfels there was none.

Tim drove directly to his friend's house, left the sleeping boys in the back seat, and knocked on the door. Will, aka Wild Willie or Wildman to his friends, grabbed him in a bear hug, and tried to pull him inside. Tim explained that his sons were in the truck, so Will helped him carry the sleeping boys inside the house. His wife, Laura, told them to put the boys on one of the double beds in the guest bedroom, and then they adjourned to the kitchen table to talk.

After they talked about the winter storm, Will asked why Karen wasn't along, and was incredulous when Tim told them he came home early because the basketball game was cancelled and found their babysitter at his house. The babysitter told him that she was there so his wife could ride to the away game with his boss and another coach, as usual. The only problem, he disclosed, is that his wife and the coaches hadn't come to an out-of-town game all season, nor were they going to that one!

Laura stared at him with a look of angst, and then came around the table to hug him.

Tim explained that he was looking for a place to stay until tomorrow or Monday, and why. They told him he was staying with them, and Laura would help with the kids; it would be good practice for when their first was born in 7 months!

He looked her over more closely, and flirtingly said, "Honey, you are NOT showing one bit! Are you sure? Your normal glow is a little bit brighter, and those luscious titties might be a little bit bigger, but the tiny waist is still in place, not to mention the world-class ass and legs! You're joking, right?"

Laura beamed, waved her hand dismissively, and said, "Flatterer!" Will beamed with pride. Tim offered heartfelt congratulations and gave both bear hugs and kisses on the cheek. They discussed their impending parenthood for a few minutes, and then Tim went to check on his sons.

Returning to the table, Tim asked, "Will, does you buddy still have the camera shop downtown? Is he open today, and does he still develop film?" Tim asked. Will nodded, "Yes, he does have the shop and develop film, and he's open all day today. Do you want me to take you to his store?" Laura immediately volunteered to take care of his sons, and Tim drove Will downtown.

"Even if he wasn't open, he'd be there; he lives above his shop now" Will informed him as they drove. "They got a divorce about six months ago, and, in spite of being the cheater, she got the kids and their house. He only sees them every other weekend, and for a month in the summer. His wife fucked around, and he got fucked over! Life's a bitch, and Texas divorce laws suck!"

With a cautious tone, Tim said, "Will, there is more to the story than I told, but I need your word that you will never tell anyone, including a jury, that I told you any of this!" Will took his right hand off the wheel, raised it, made the sign of the cross with his left, and swore he would never tell, before pulling away from the stop sign.

"I found them," Will said in a monotone voice, "I took two rolls of film, and I stole some videos. I think they are sex tapes staring Karen and probably some other women and girls, but I haven't watched any of them. I want to make some copies, hide copies in different places in case the cops make me give them back, and use them to get out of my so-called marriage with some of my money and custody of my sons. I hate to involve you and Karl, but I need your help."

"Ratones pa' siempre, Hermano!" Wildman replied with a huge grin. "Brother Rat, you know we've got your back!"

Karl gave them a wave when they entered, finished ringing up a sale, and then came over to greet them. Tim told him why he needed two rolls of film developed ASAP, and Karl quickly agreed to do it while they waited. He told his helper to operate the front, took Tim and Will to the back, and prepared the film for processing. Tim asked Karl if he had the ability to copy VHS tapes; he pointed to three VCR players with two doors, and said they were able to do high-speed dubbing.

After he brought in the pillowcase full of tapes, Tim asked how long it would take and how much it would costs to copy the lot. Karl counted, gave him a reasonable number for the cost, and said he had no plans, so he could do it this afternoon and tonight. As he was putting blank tapes in each recorder, he told them, "Let's get started. Give me the first three tapes you want copied. Do you want one or two copies of these?"

Tim replied that he wanted two copies of these three tapes, and one of the others. Karl inserted the tapes and began the copying process.

They were still sitting in Karl's office chatting when Laura called to remind Will they had promised to go out with three other couples tonight, and they wanted Tim and Karl to join them. The boys would be staying with three other youngster and two babysitters at Harry's house, so no excuses would be accepted.


The Biergarten setting, with plenty of strong German bier and friendly folks, loosened everyone's tongues. They were the only ones outside on this cool night, and they had pulled enough tables together to accommodate everyone, though they were packed in side-by-side. There was a jukebox filled with cheating and hurting songs, mostly old country, but including a lot of Elvis, Ricky Nelson, Johnny Mathis, and some of the other crooners.

When Betty, Harry's wife, asked where Karen was, Tim was on his fourth beer, and the beer told them about coming home early to find a babysitter instead of wife, of his wife not returning home that night nor sending word. He speculated that she was out having sex with other men, but claimed he didn't know because he took the boys and left before she returned. They knew the Austin area had lots of snow, but didn't know how bad it got; Tim certainly didn't elucidate them.

Will already knew about Karen's exploits, but the other men were aghast. "I can't believe she would do that!" exclaimed John, and Harry proclaimed, "I would never have believed Karen was capable of doing something like that! Are you sure?"

Tim shrugged, "No, but there aren't a lot of other possibilities, are there."

Tim saw the four women exchange looks when Harry made his proclamation, and called them out. "What, you ladies aren't surprised?"