Betrayal Pt. 03


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She was wearing shorter skirts and sexier blouses, nothing showing, but she was certainly putting on a show. I loved the lower thigh skirts and all the rest, knowing I'd watched her put on stockings with a belt and slide panties over that in our bedroom. Not just any panties either, hers were almost always transparent, showing off her full bush and lovely round ass. If she was standing behind my desk next to me, she would let me slide my hand under her skirt and play with the clips on her straps, sometimes opening her legs a bit so I could feel her damp panties.

At around four months she was definitely showing, but she still rocked with her stylish maternity dresses and tops. With her dresses ending 3 to 4 inches above the knee she showed enough to be attractive, but not so much that she appeared slutty. Six months into her pregnancy we received a call from a firm in Colorado seeking mediation on another ranching matter. As Kat did our research I asked if she knew who the attorneys were. One was a series of names too long to repeat, the other was a Mrs. Beaumont. I knew neither, so we proceeded ahead with our plans to be there.

Kats breasts were now enlarged and she felt uncomfortable with the tops she had. We spent a Saturday morning shopping for maternity clothes she felt comfortable in, yet professional looking. Kat had only flown once before and scooched against me as tight as possible. She asked for a blanket, the stewardess seeing her condition got one right away, Kat covered both of us from the waist down. She then slid her hand on top of my dick and kept it there the entire two hour flight. If we hit a little turbulence she would squeeze lightly.

I winced as she squeezed extra hard in one bit of turbulence. Kat leaned into my ear and apologized, telling me she'd make up for it in the room later that night. Arriving safely we found our driver, got dropped off at the hotel and lay down for a nap. Kat was napping more and more as of late, I didn't mind joining her.

I woke to the wonderful sensation of my bride sucking my cock. I opened my eyes and smiled.

"Oh goody, you're awake." She said as she swung her leg over my hips and impaled herself on my dick. My groin wasn't even visible with her big belly in the way.

"Of course I'm awake, who could sleep through a blow job?" I put my hands on either side of her swollen tummy and gently helped her lift. She was sliding up and down my pole with increased speed when she said she wanted it from behind. Before she got on hands and knees she crawled forward, dropping a nipple in my mouth. I sucked it madly, she offered the other and I did the same.

Kissing me she whispered, "I'll let you have a taste when my milk comes in."

As she positioned herself my cock got even harder than it had been in her mouth. I pushed against her sweet soft gently sucking pussy lips only to be invited inside with a fervor. It was like her pussy was actually sucking me in, I went to the bottom with one easy stroke. When my balls touched her ass we both grunted, it was good to be that deep so quickly. I remained still, half slapping half patting each cheek, nice and soft, letting her know I enjoyed being engulfed by her vaginal walls.

We developed a nice easy pace that lasted for ten minutes or so when she told me to take her over the top. I picked up in speed and thrust, as we ground out another huge orgasm. Our mixed juices getting past my dick and dripping on the bed. Still inside her we carefully lay on our sides as if spoons in a drawer. She felt me softening and tried keeping it in longer, but to no avail, it slipped out with a loud POP. After another quick nap we showered together in the large walk-in unit. Spending lots of time soaping and suds-ing each other, making sure all the erogenous areas were exceptionally clean. I lay on the bed watching her dress, geez she turned me on, in ways I never thought possible. She was wearing thigh highs tonight with a pair of transparent peach colored tiny little panties. Crawling across the bed she positioned her beaver above my face and asked if the panties looked okay? Shaking my head yes she told me I'd better adjust them just to be sure.

I hissed at her, "Damn you woman, what am I supposed to do with this hardon? Kat you drive me insane with lust for you."

"MMMMM, Ernie. If you're a good boy at dinner I may just have to swallow a load of your baby juice later. I'd like it in my pussy, but I'm a little sore. The guy I'm married to decided to fuck me with a baseball bat."

Sitting at our table chatting as we waited for appetizers, I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Ern, how y'all doin?

I looked up to see none other than Ellie, with a baby bump as big or bigger than Kat's. A tall good looking guy walked up behind her and smiled at us. I stood and extended my hand.

"Hi, I'm Ernie, this is my wife Katrina."

"I'm Paul, Beaumont, and this is my wife Ellie, but I think you already know that."

Ellie butted in, "You buyin Ernie? Cuz if you're buyin, we're eatin."

Same old Ellie. Paul interjected they were more than able to afford their own meal when Ellie burst out laughing. I asked them to join us and we'd go dutch on the tab. In the course of our conversation Paul finally figured out who I was in Ellies life. He did something I never expected.

"Ernie, I need to thank you. Your weekend with Ellie made me realize what a dink I was being, it made me open my eyes and find the nerve to pop the question. We had been afraid of commitment, but once we decided to make it permanent, it hasn't ever felt wrong."

Kat leaned forward putting her hand over Ellie's.

"Thanks for sending me a broken man, it's been wild rebuilding him. Speaking of building, I see our men have us both in the same condition. Quite frankly, I love it."

Ellie agreed, then they entered the zone no man will ever comprehend .... woman talk. Paul and I conversed about our lives, our wives and most importantly, what we were presently building in your wood shops. Following a few hours of fun together we bid one another a good night and we'd see them tomorrow.

On the way to our room I felt Kat pull in tight to my arm, her breast almost flattened against it.

"Your weekend with Ellie? Anything I need to be concerned about?"

"Not a bit my little love kitten. It was long time ago, years now. I rejoice in seeing her so settled with Paul, they look right for each other."

In the room we got ready for bed, as I left the bathroom sitting on the bed was my Kat. Beckoning to me with her finger I complied and walked to her. As she sat she opened her mouth and sat there like a birdy waiting to be fed. I put my semi-hard cock into her mouth where she worked her magic. She had me stiff as a board and shooting semen down her throat in less than five minutes. As she continued licking and sucking me clean I looked in her eyes, they were dancing with excitement. Pulling her up I felt her belly against me, dropping to my knees I raised her nightie and didn't lick her snatch as she thought I would, but kissed her tummy all over. I slid my hands up and played with her nipples, I eventually kissed her on top of her mound, dropped her nightie and lay her back.

"Baby, I'll eat you if you like. I love the taste of your pussy."

"Not tonight Ern. You kissing our baby through my tummy was so damn erotic I was on the verge of cumming. Feel my crotch. Yes I know, I'm soaked. On second thought, maybe just a lick or two."

Which turned into an all out orgasm. The mediation once again came down to Ellie and Paul doing their homework and the other jackasses not doing theirs. They figured if they had a big name they'd win. Our report once again favored the structure suggested by the Beaumonts. After being home a week we got a call from Ellie saying the judge agreed with our recommendations and settled the case in favor of the ranchers.

To utilize an overworked expression, Kat was now big as a house. Nothing fit right, her back hurt a lot of the time, she had to pee constantly as the baby pushed against her bladder. In all of the discomfort, my Kat still found a way to be cheery and polite at work. When she reached her 9th month I insisted she stay home from there on, she happily complied. A few weeks away from being due she was sitting at the table when I walked through the garage entry. Smiling she maneuvered her way out of the chair and into my arms. Telling me to sit so she could be on my lap.

As we kissed I gently played with her breast, she liked having them be touched and sucked lightly. I was confused when my fingers felt wet. I opened her robe to see little droplets of milk on her nipples. She was beginning to lactate.

"Can I suck them Kat? Can I taste?"

"You can taste and that's it. A baby gets a lot of its immune system characteristics from the first milk, so the baby needs to get that, but you can taste. Besides, if I start too early, I'll leak like sieve and no baby to drink the milk."

She cupped her breast and softly placed it in my mouth. "Suck soft honey, it's gonna hurt me a little at first."

After a few gentle sucks I got a taste of her sweet milk, doing the same to the other.

"When the baby gets it's fill, I'll let you have some more. Until then you're on titty rations, no more breast milk for you."

Brian was born at 3:23 AM on a Tuesday. Kat's labor wasn't extremely long, her obstetrician saying she was a natural for childbirth, it came easy to her system and body. Life was flowing along quite well, Brian was three months old, a tit hog if ever there was one, seldom leaving me more than a taste after his bed time feeding. I'd finally convinced Kat I wanted her to stay home and raise our babies, if she needed to get out, we'd arrange for a sitter, but no more coming in for research until Brian was older.

With Kat at home I was in need of another researcher. I asked Susan (my 58 year old personal secretary) to take care of that if she was willing. Susan had found someone within the month. A younger gal, 26 and recently married. It didn't take long to figure out she was unhappy in her marriage, with a cheating husband who could blame her. I've never understood why a guy would marry a pretty young thing and then go fuck someone else. Her name was Dorothy, and it all started out on the right track, but before long Dorothy changed before our very eyes. Gone was the girl who dressed professionally and demanded respect with her conservative attire.

The new Dorothy was wearing super short mini-skirts, blouses opened too far and heels that were designed to be worn by hookers. She was also trying to spend more time with me than I was comfortable with. In my office when I hadn't called for her, bending over in ways to either show her cleavage or her garter strapped nylons. I spoke with Susan about it first, who in turn spoke with Dorothy, which only seemed to make her dress more slutty than prior. At supper Kat asked why I was so quiet. I explained my situation, Kat said she'd take care of it, for me to do my job and not worry about it any longer.

Kat had lost her baby weight and was looking hot as ever, especially with little Brian perched on her hip. Her breasts were gorgeous, filling out a 36 double D cup, which we knew would reduce back to her normal C cup after she stopped nursing, but hey, we were enjoying the moment. Sitting in my office the next day I noticed a lot of commotion in the lobby. Getting up I could see my Katrina and little Brian had come for a visit, only the second one since his birth. Kat gave Brian to Susan who was inundated with other gals who wanted him next.

Kat was smiling as she walked toward my office. She looked every bit the epitome of the phrase, "take me home and fuck me, several times" in her mid-thigh pleated skirt that swayed when she walked. A red silk blouse opened one button, enough to tease, but not enough to see. I knew by the brocade pattern of her stockings that they were the French silk ones I'd bought for her birthday and I was willing to bet they were attached to her lavender belt. Which meant she was wearing the lavender micro-panties, so tiny they barely covered her mound, and certainly not much of her ass. She topped it all off with a pair of 3" black heels.

My cock was hard and showing. She smiled bigger as she gazed upon the bulge in my pants. As she neared she stopped a foot in front of me and took little scooting baby steps to me until she reached me, then kept pushing into me as she kissed me passionately. She didn't lower her voice as she normally would.

"I missed you, can you come home early?"

She knew I had a meeting at two, so I knew something was up. With Brian being passed around and in grandma heaven Kat took it upon herself to sit in front of Dorothy's desk. Extending her hand she introduced herself, not letting go she proceeded to tell her that there was only one place my cock was going to be. In her cunt. Dropping her hand, she suggested Dorothy find a new way to get her marriage back on track other than dressing like a slut or start looking for new employment. As Dorothy cried, I watched Kat walk around the desk and embrace her, softly talking into her ear. As she parted Dorothy nodded her head, wiped her eyes and thanked Kat.

Having no idea what had just transpired I kept my mouth shut and thanked God it wasn't me who had to deal with it. Next morning Dorothy was back to miss professional again, looking every bit the part of a researcher for a top mediation team, instead of a hooker looking for a new trick. At supper I asked Kat what she had said.

"I simply told her he wasn't worth destroying her hard earned reputation and highly respected position. If he was slipping his candle into a new vat of wax already, get ready for a life of heartache, cuz he isn't about to change. She called this morning to say she wanted to hire a PI so she could prove his infidelity and nullify the pre-nup, then she can get half his assets. By the way, the company is advancing her the money to do so, she'll pay it back when the dust is settled.

I started to say something, but Kat put her hand up,

"Not a word Ernest, not a fucking word. Be a good boy and mama will reward you."

In my whiniest voice I told her "yes dear". To which she punched my chest and went back to washing dishes. I always dried which gave us time to sort it all through, by the time I'd dried the last plate we were completely on the same page. Oh, and yes, I was rewarded with a knock down drag out screwing session. The dessert was she told me she'd read an article in a woman's magazine at the baby's appointment and she wanted to talk about maybe doing anal. At least once anyway.

My cock twitched and she called me a naughty boy for wanting to play in her butt hole. The night we tried it she was wearing a pair of panties that read, "it's ass not glass, pound it hard" written on the back. It took us quite a while to get my dick in her, and by then it just wasn't much fun. We kept at it until I came, but she didn't get any enjoyment from the experience. We made the decision to stick with her mouth and vagina, my tongue and cock. They'd never failed us to that point.

Katrina stopped breast feeding at a year, she was ovulating within a month and pregnant within three. Our lovely little Avery was the next to join the family. I was her pushover and by the time Kat was pregnant with Matthew I was wrapped around her finger. She was daddy's girl and nothing was coming between us, except mommy. If it hadn't been for mommy I'd have given her the world. Kat had originally wanted four kids, we stopped at five. Alex and Sarah followed the first three.

Katrina maintained her beauty as she aged, even after birthing five kids she could still wear a mini-skirt and make it look good. She teased me with lingerie and little visits to the office, where she would hand the kids off to the masses, pull my blinds and lock the door. She always left with a smile and a little bit of an awkward walk. Susan would smile at me, give me a thumbs up and go back to her job.

The year Sarah turned 5 we had an odd visit. Her mother showed up on our doorstep. Kat's dad had died leaving her with no income and destitute, her mother wanted money. We sat with her and Kat explained she wasn't giving her any money to drink away and remain miserable. Kat brought up the fact that her mother hadn't sought her for over a decade, but now all of a sudden here she was. We offered to get her into a program for alcoholics and we'd pay for it, then we'd set her up in an apartment until she was on her feet. She refused, wanting nothing to do with what we had proposed, she wasn't gonna have her worthless piece of shit jailbird daughter telling her what to do.

I called a cab, gave her the $130 I had in my wallet and told her to never contact us again. And we never did hear from her again. Our kids have all grown, the three boys own a huge home building company in Nashville, Avery and Sarah took over the business. They maintain the reputation of being top of the line mediators just as their daddy had been.

As for Kat and I. We're enjoying getting old together, still rocking each other's world in the bedroom, not as often or as long as in previous years, but we still bring one another to body numbing orgasms. We're anxiously awaiting grandkids, but the little peckerheads are taking their sweet time producing any.

Two people who thought they were losers, turned out to be the ultimate winners in the end.

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maleficent05maleficent053 months ago

This is the best series I’ve read so far!!! Kudos! Pls keep writing!!!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Wonderful, 10 stars! Ernie got his and Kat had 5 kittens!

MarrttyMarrtty9 months ago

I like your work. And this is a good story. You seem to have your characters hold off on the loving. Not sure what the goal is maybe make it more meaningful?

The girl is often. Not ready, but there does not seem to be a event or change that makes her ready. It baffles me slightly . Anyhow good work.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

5* because MC was better off with Kat!!

The encounter with bitch Brianna was great BUT WTF name their first son Brian!!!!!

How did Kat's bitch mother find them - 130 was too much!!!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Regardless of the negative committee's. Keep on writing your great stories 10 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Like all of your others, a grate story. I'm running out of stories. You better get to work righting more. I'm so spoiled I refuse to read stories from others.

EVLoverEVLoverover 1 year ago

Thanks for creating and sharung another wonderful series.

I loved how Kat put Dorthy in her place AND compassionately helped her find a PI in order to deal with her cheating husband. Kat is quite a woman.

inka2222inka2222almost 2 years ago

Really good story!

To Anonymous - if you don't like the grammar on a free story on Internet, feel free to edit it and send a fixed version to the author. Or just STFU.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Good story. Editing needed. But, editing doesn’t solve grammar problems when the author apparently doesn’t understand the rules.

6King6Kingalmost 2 years ago

Nice! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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