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Sherry's parents came up last week of July and spent a week as they were leaving my parents came; the cabin makes an excellent guest room, giving them an idea of what I went through the first year and what we went through the second year.

That summer three more families moved into our neighborhood. We invited them and all of our friends over for a housewarming, and to get to know our new neighbors. We had a big barbecue, and it was a lot of fun, something we're going to have to do more often.

As winter was coming on we had plenty of smoked salmon and jerky, the meat locker was not needed any longer. We had plenty of solar and three wind generators, which made all the electrically we needed, which including the refrigerator and freezer, which now had 600 pounds of moose meat in it.

By this time, Sherry was talking seriously about starting a family. I figured if we started the baby in October it would be here by June. And we would have no trouble getting to the hospital. Needless to say, we did a lot of practicing and by the middle of August, we figured she could go off the pill and would get pregnant in October.

One night in the middle of September we were going at it hot and heavy Sherry was on top, and she was building to her climax. She came down hard, and I was buried deep inside I knew by the feeling that I was starting into her cervix, and as she came I exploded, sending my sperm deep inside. As we lay together in each other's arms, I kissed her and pulled her down and held her tight and whisper to her, I think we just made a baby.

Three weeks later, when we're in town, buying supplies Sherry picked up a test kit and headed for the bathroom. I could tell by the look on her face that she was pregnant. We found a good doctor that Sherry liked. The folks came back up there in the winter a couple of times and stayed in the spare bedrooms in the house. I had winterized the cabin, and besides the house had plenty of room.

Our sex life slowed down dearing the first trimester, backed up during the second trimester; we stopped at eight months, even though the doctor said we could continue if we were careful. The pregnancy went fairly well for Sherry; she didn't have much trouble. We saw the doctor about every three weeks.

With our timing being off the baby would come in May. The weather would not be as good as June. We had a bag packed and was always ready. I make sure I kept the road open every day. It was May 14 and we went to bed early, with Sherry sleeping with her back towards me, I usually sleep with one arm over her and my hand resting on her stomach. It's surprising how much a baby moves. It was 1:30 in the morning. Sherry had been restless, going to the bathroom for the last two days when she sat up and said it's time. I jumped up, got dressed and headed for the pickup to warm it up and bring it up to the door. The batteries were dead, and I had no way to get it started. Sherry was at the door and asked what was wrong I told her we were on our own the pickup wouldn't start.

I could see some fear come into her eyes. I put my arms around her and kissed her. I told her we could do this your not the first woman to have a baby. I don't know if I was trying to assure her or me. She told me she needed to go to the bathroom at the door her water broke. This is going to take some doing on my part to stay calm and assured Sherry we can do it. I was sure hoping we wouldn't have any complications. I put a couple of towels in her recliner and covered them with a sheet. I set up the camcorder that I had planned to take to the hospital because we wanted to record the birth. Four hours later, the contractions were coming pretty close; it wouldn't be long now. The main thing I remembered out of the first aid classes was let nature take its course and not to hurry anything. I just kept telling her to remember what she had learned, in the delivery classes that we attended. I put two pillows on the arms of the recliner and had her put her legs over them. I prayed some to not have any complications. She was breathing and counting, holding her breath, and I told her I could see the baby. The baby's head was halfway out I make sure the cord was not around her neck. Another three minutes and out she came; I laid her on Sherry's stomach with her head between her breasts, and I needed to clean her airways. All I had was my gold sniffer bottle I used for sucking gold out of the gold pan it worked great. I tied the cord in two places and cut it, then I started to clean her, and by now she was crying pretty well. I said to her welcome to the world, Andrea Kay, I leaned down to kiss Sherry and told her she did a great job. I had Andrea cleaned up and wrapped her in a blanket laying her back on Sherry's stomach. At that time, the after birth came out, and I put it in a plastic bag. Next I washed and cleaned Sherry and put fresh towels under her; little Andrea was really screaming at this time then she found a nipple. Now there a picture I will never forget. The smile on Sherry's face and the love you could see she had for Andrea as she nursed.

I turned the computer on and sent an e-mail to mom telling her to get over Allison's house fast. Ten minutes later I had an e-mail from Allison wanting to know what was going on; I turned the phone and camera on. They both wanted to know what was going on. I picked up the camera and turned it toward Sherry; you should have heard the squealing that was going on. I filled them in on all that happened, I decided I needed a break and went outside and just let them talk.

Fifteen minutes later I heard a pickup coming up the road, it was Bill and Sarah, I was sure glad to see them; I asked Sarah to go and check on Sherry, because she knew more what to do then I did. Bill had jumper cables, and we started my pickup twenty minutes later we had Sherry and Andrea loaded, and we were off to see the doctor. The doctor gave both of them a clean bill of health. I was sure glad we didn't run into any complications.

For the next couple weeks, we had Andrea between us at night, and then in her crib, which was beside our bed. It was about this time that I started raiding the nursery once in a while very enjoyable. After six weeks the doctor gave us the go-ahead we started back to our old routine, going very slow and very loving.

That summer I planted a big garden we had a lot of fresh vegetables. With fall coming on we started to work on another baby. There was no way to describe it our lovemaking it just kept getting better and better, by the end of September, Sherry was pregnant again. The folks come up for Christmas and stayed for two weeks, the grandmas said they would be back in time to be with Sherry when Ryan Taylor was to be born.

Two weeks after New Year the two parcels across the road from us sold looked like we were getting more new neighbors. Down at the village on the bulletin board was a notice that Denton brothers were going to build a sawmill here. Back home I did some serious talking with Sherry about our kids and their futures and things. We were getting by okay, but if we wanted to send the kids the college, we couldn't. I sent my resume in; three weeks later I received a letter to have an interview with the personnel director, a Mr. Notch. Mr. Notch said they were trying to hire more local people that had roots here that way they wouldn't be moving, and they would have fewer turnovers with employees.

With my background, they hired me to help set up the sawmill and keep it going afterwards. I would be working behind Lars Anderson to install the machinery and take care of it. It turned out to be a good job keeping the machinery running game naturally; I had no trouble switching from automotive to machine maintenance. Six months later, Lars retired, and I became chief of maintenance.

Our lovemaking took a hit during the week, but we made up for it on the weekends. The grandmas were here for Taylor's birth. And once again, everything went smoothly, even though she was in the hospital this time. Six months later Allison McKenzie was conceived.

About this time, two houses were being put up across the street on the property that was sold a year ago. They were small two-bedroom cottages; the two of them shared the well but each had separate electrical systems, the same companies that had built our home built them. The road to our place was now paved halfway and County took care of it five miles past our place; our little neighborhood was really beginning to grow.

Tom and Bill both had jobs at the sawmill and one Saturday afternoon when Bill and Sarah were up for lunch. Sarah said she was getting a new house. The old building and add-ones were going to be torn down. We were happy for them. They had endured a lot of hardships when they first came up.

Sherry was now seven months along with Allison. It was a Sunday afternoon, and we were sitting in the family room looking out the windows when two cars turned into the driveway. It was our parents both families came up at the same time. After the hugs and greetings I brought in a couple of suitcases and put those in the bedrooms after they had been clean up, we were setting around. I ask them, how long they were going to be here. I did not get a very good answer out of them, so I let it go. As soon as the women settled down Dad and Taylor said they were going for a walk to stretch their legs. They walked across the road, looked at both of the houses, they studied them for quite a while. When they came back in, between them, they look like the cat that had swallowed the canary. I don't know if Sherry had noticed it or not, but we didn't say any more about it. Three days later, I had just gotten home from work when an 18 wheeler moving van pulled up alongside the road. Tyler and dad jumped up and ran out to meet the driver. Mom and Allison in a hard time controlling their giggling,

I looked at Sherry, and I said, "I think we have some new very sneaky neighbors."

It was too late to unload the truck today the drivers was a husband and wife team. We invited them for supper and breakfast. They stayed in their truck, which they lived in most of the time. Taylor and Dad had both been retired for two years , and Allison and mom wanted to be up there with Sherry and the kids, so they had the houses built, sold everything below and moved here.

Time just kept on rolling by, by now Allison was born, and then with more practice Evan Curtis was born. With four kids I went to the doctor and got fixed so I could play with Mama all I wanted, and she didn't have to worry about pills. Our kids, along with most of the neighborhood was home schooled with plenty of people helping us to teach.

It was great having kids around the house. Sherry and I, being only children we enjoyed a house full of kids. The kids were now in high school with Andrea starting a two-year business college course. I sure don't know where all the time went to. Ryan started college working to be a Forrester. When Allison graduated high school, she went to work, at the sawmill driving trucks. When Curtis graduated, he went over to the coast; he wanted to try his hand at fishing.

Sherry and I are still very as active at least once a day. Like I said a long time ago I can't get enough of this woman just touching her, still gets me going. Dad died last year, and Sherry's dad died this year; they're on some of our land, just up the road a ways on a small hill. Allison Sherry's mom moved in with my mom and let Allison McKenzie live in her home.

One afternoon we were sitting on the porch when the new Cadillac drove up I recognized the driver as being one of the owner sons, Dave got out went around and opened the door for Andrea. I looked over and gave Sherry a knowing look. She nodded and smiled back. This was a formal introduction for Andrea's boyfriend to meet her parents. I had known Dave for a couple of years. Nice boy, has a good head on his shoulders. Six months later they were married.

Allison had been dating one of the guys who worked at the mill. She brought him home one day to meet us. Although I already knew Dan for quite a while. After Allison brought him home, he stopped me one day at lunch and asked me if he could have her hand in marriage they were engaged for nine months , then married.

Curtis after six months, of being on the coast return home and got a job at the mill working in maintenance with me. One day he brought Susan Gaby home. She was one of the daughters of the family that moved here 22 years ago and was in the home-schooling classes. She was the little redheaded spitfire girl who was a real tomboy. I told Sherry, I thought she could give him a run for his money. They were married seven months later. For their wedding present, I retired, and Curtis became chief of maintenance. Now that all the kids were grown and on their own, I didn't need to work anymore and they could use the raise in salary.

Sherry's mom Allison died this the winter. We moved mom over to our house. We didn't want her living by herself. Curtis and Susan moved into her home. She was having trouble climbing the stairs, so we moved upstairs and gave her our bedroom downstairs the next summer she passed on.

Ryan was doing well after college; he was now the head manager for the forest service in this region.

For our 25th anniversary, the kids threw a big party. All the kids and the neighbors were there, including our six grand kids. When Ryan arrived, he was driving his green government Dodge pickup and was in uniform. He opened the passenger door, and an Alaska State trooper stepped out. Together they started for the house hand in hand. I looked at Sherry and said the circle is complete. Her name was Keely. She was a little shy about meeting everyone. After five minutes, you would have thought she had known everybody the whole time. That night making love to Sherry was something special not that all nights wasn't.

The years just kept on rolling by. By now, the pavement extends five miles past our place, and the community now has electric and phones; we sell our surplus electric back to the company. Every summer we have a big barbecue, and for some reason, it just gets bigger with a lot more kids running around. At last, count we had fifteen grand kids. For our 50th anniversary with our friends and family, the house was full in the yard was overflowing. I couldn't keep track of all the friends who were there. I do know that there were twenty-eight great grand kids.

Our love making has slowed down a bit and doesn't take as long as it used to, but we still do it most every day. One morning I woke up early, rolled over on my side and looked at this beautiful young girl lying next to me. Her chestnut hair was spread out over her pillow, and she was still sleeping. Before long, I know she was awake, by the way; she was breathing. She opened those blue eyes and looked at me, putting her hands over her head, arched her back and yawned.

I reached over and pulled her over on top of me. She said, "What's the matter old man, can't you get enough."

"Not until they bury me."

Just laying there I held her, looking at her with her chestnut hair hanging down, covering her breasts. About that time, the sunrays were starting to come through the window and as the rays hit her hair, it turned from chestnut to silver, looked at her breasts her nipples . I pulled her down and kissed her and held her tight like I've done for so many years.

I had to laugh a little and she said, "What's going on old man."

And I said, "I was thinking about sixty years ago, when you were lying like this, and I whispered to you. I think we just made a baby.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Nice love story. Please get an editor — it will make your writing so much better.


AngelRiderAngelRiderover 2 years ago

Yeah, I have a problem with the rape argument. She cheated. It's obvious

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Bullshit, if Tank raped a Sherry, he wouldn’t have driven her home! Sherry gave it up to Tank!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
The storyline is bullshit!

At the Hen party, the bride-to-be gets drunks and her maids-of-honor take her home. She would not be driving by herself. Also there is a thing called cellphone. You use it to call the AAA. When she got out of the truck she would be crying and then screaming rape at her house.

tazz317tazz317about 10 years ago

set in modern day Alaska, TK U MLJ LV NV

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 10 years ago
Enjoyed it

Thanks for the offering.

rightbankrightbankabout 10 years ago
There are people willing to help edit and proof read

their services would help you stories, a lot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Is English not your first language???I got the main plot of the story,,although a whole lifetime was crammed into 3 pages,,,which was excellent,,,but oh my gosh,,,the errors,grammer,punctuation,made it difficult to read,,,If you write more,,please,,do yourself and the readers a favor,,and get an EDITOR!!!!!!,I admire your efforts,,,but please,please,get some help....

OverthefallsOverthefallsalmost 11 years ago
A story in there somewhere

I think you had some good ideas, but your grammar errors are so distracting that it just made reading the story frustrating.

tazz317tazz317almost 11 years ago

but baby its cold outside, TK U MLJ LV NV

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