Bettering Their Marriage


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I licked, first her rosebud then up, then down again, I tasted the slimy bland taste of my cum, with just a hit of cinnamon (she had been fixing cinnamon toast nearly every day at breakfast, and it came through, just a hint, in my cum.) Her ass tasted of my cum, and if anything else a hint of sweat, and perhaps some soap. Not at all funky as I had worried.

She moaned the entire time, squirming as I licked her, she was fingering herself by then, her hand under her mound, I could just see her fingers as I finished and rose back up. She came. Hard.

However her comments about not being able to feel me much anymore were also being used more and more, and she made it seem as if something was wrong with me, or that I was too small for her. At some level I knew it wasn't me, I was average, even a little larger than average according to what I had seen in the locker room in college or shower room in the Army.

My head was somewhere else now and I seemed to accept her treatment of me as something normal. I did try to suggest that she start using some tightening exercises and was shot down hard for that as she told me that she already did that.

I somehow found some more courage and asked her about some of those oriental balls that were supposed to be effective in strengthening the muscles in her pussy. She glared at me, and for the first time seemed to actually get mad at me, and told me in no uncertain terms that I was too small for her. From then on I was back to being allowed to enter her pussy less and less.

A part of me knew that wasn't the truth, since until she started using the extra large dildo she had always felt wonderfully snug, and I could always feel her clamping herself around my cock during lovemaking, and could still do so on the once every few months that I actually got to not only penetrate her, but to do so before she played with a giant toy.

I have to admit that it was incredibly arousing to watch her push this huge 12 inch dildo into her pussy, she played with it, in and out in small increments, until it was completely inside of her. The entire time she would be talking to me.

"It fills me, up honey, can you see it stretching me, it feels so good, it touches places that you never could, it's so big, so wide, look how far it reaches into me."

It would go on and on, often getting dirty and nasty, a few times even telling me that she wished I could fill her up like that. And for some warped perverted reason it never failed to get me hard.

A part of me could see that she was trying to screw with my mind, but I guess I was falling into a state of mind that was vulnerable and suggestion prone, because within a few weeks I was apologizing to her for my lack of size. She seemed to like that and encouraged me to refer to my size as being inadequate for her.

Soon I was referring to my tiny cocklett whenever I mentioned it, and she encouraged that and would ask me how my little thingy was feeling. or if my cocklett was going to be up for some fun tonight. Occasionally she even called it my little man-clit.

Whenever I talked like that she never failed to smile, or kiss me, or clap, or tell me how much she loved me, it was as if I was complementing her when I called myself small, and she always rewarded me for it.

So there I was nearly brainwashed to act and believe I was a tiny cocked little sissy boy that was somehow allowed the privilege of catering to her needs. She was telling me that since I was so small, I should always use the dildos and go down on her, and I did. By now nearly all of my orgasms were by masturbation or her hand jobs.

She hadn't sucked me off in nearly a year. I was still eating my own cum, if not from her pussy, then from my hand or off her, more and more she would turn over just before I came, and I would squirt on her bottom, and then lick it off.

One night, after a rare, almost normal lovemaking session, that didn't include ropes or tying up or spanking, although I was dressed in a pink baby doll nightie, I made a small quiet comment.

"It isn't just the dildos and vibrators here at home that are satisfying you anymore is it."

We were laying side by side cuddled up together, She looked at me without comment for a long time, then whispered back to me, "What if it isn't, what would you do?"

My mind went blank for a minute, then, "I don't know, I still love you."

"And I still love you, do you believe me when I say that?"


"Well, that's all right then" and she closed her eyes and appeared to fall asleep. I closed my eyes too, but couldn't fall asleep for hours and hours.

I thought about our situation more and more, was she really seeing someone else, or just messing with my mind. I wondered how I would feel if she was stepping outside the marriage for additional sex.

I was very conflicted, part of me wanted to be horrified and angry, another part of me was just confused, and the traitorous and submissive part of me was a little turned on. The rational part of me was worried about two things, disease and losing her to another man. The only comfort was the thought that no other man would go the lengths that I had gone to please her.

I had also noticed by this time that the new feminine things that she would get for me weren't home-made, but things she had purchased. Feminine things. Female things. Lingerie. I had read stories like this, in them the man was often called a sissy, or a panty boy. Is that what I was now?

A few weeks later, we were taking it easy in the living room with some music playing in the background, she clicking away on her laptop and me on the couch in a pair of panties and short pink nightgown. She started talking to me, at first just normal married people chatting about how things were going at the office etc, when she mentioned my new department head:

"So how are you getting along with Cheryl?"

"Cheryl?" I asked.

"Yes, the new director that took over your department, you mentioned her a few times when she started there 8 or 9 months ago, and nothing since."

Cheryl was the new director in my department, promoted out of the sales field. She had been in the company for some time, and the sales offices were housed on a different floor of the same building, I had heard of her for some time before she took over our division.

It was unusual for someone from sales, even sales management, to step over to the financial end of things, but she had an MBA in accounting, and had started in accounting prior to going into sales. She had the reputation of being someone on their way to the top.

She was a striking woman, tall and commanding, not beautiful in the accepted sense, but attractive. I had heard her described as handsome. No-one knew about her private life, other than she was single. The speculation among the men was that she was a lesbian, although one of the women on my team said she just wanted to keep her private life private and we should respect that.

She paid a lot of attention to me and had me running scared, one minute telling me I was incompetent, then praising me to high heaven. Fortunately she praised me in public, and sometimes in private, but all the bad things she had to say were when we were one on one. I was grateful for that. She told me that she wanted me to 'evolve' and 'develop'.

"Well," I answered my wife, "She knows her stuff, but I think she has figured out what my undershirts are like".

"Oh" her eyes were still on her laptop, she continued to type away at it.

"Yes, last week, when you insisted I wear that camisole looking undershirt with the spaghetti straps..."

"Honey, you should face it, it IS a camisole, and you know you love wearing the things I get for you."

"Yes dear, anyway, last week I had forgotten what I had on, and took my coat off, I was showing her something on my computer screen and as she leaned over to look at the screen she put her hand on my shoulder, and I'm sure she felt the spaghetti strap. It scared me."

"Hmm, that's why you were so nervous when you came home Thursday, and didn't want to go to work on Friday."

"Yes dear".

"Well, what happened?"

"She said, 'very good' then 'interesting', and I'm not sure whether she meant my work, or my under...uh, camisole. She squeezed my shoulder as she said it."

"Yes dear, I like you to refer to your clothes properly, you wear panties, camisoles, nighties, all nice frilly femmy things."

"She winked"

"She winked at you! What are you doing that women are winking at you, did you come on to her." she looked up, and I could almost feel her paddle on my bottom in the look she gave me.

"No dear, nothing, I didn't do anything, it's just that she felt the strap on my camisole, then she winked at me."

To my utter surprise, my wife just looked back at her laptop and typed a few things with a smile on her lips, before she said: "Well then, that's all right isn't it, she knows you like wearing girly things and she's OK with it."

"What if she tells someone?"

"Oh, don't worry, Cheryl hasn't told anyone about it."

"How can you know?"

My wife looked up at me, and just smiled. "It's all going to be just fine honey, if she was upset she would have mentioned it to me."

I was stunned. It took a minute for what she said to sink in. I just looked at her with what must have been a totally shocked expression on my face.

"Close your mouth dear, it isn't becoming for a girl to walk around with her mouth open like that, a man might get the wrong idea". She giggled, and then told me to go refill her glass of wine.

When I brought her glass of wine back she took a sip, then told me stand still and face her.

"Darling you know I love you don't you?"

"Yes dear". I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Darling, I think you should kneel down in front of me. Now."

I knelt in front of her, fearing something really bad was going to happen, my hands started to tremble, and I clasped them behind me. My stomach was in a knot.

"Jeffrey, I've known Cheryl for some time. I met her in my very first sewing class several years ago. I didn't know she worked for the same company as you, but when I did find out, I didn't think it would matter since she was in a different division. She did know who you were though, and asked me to not tell you that I knew her."


"You look so cute right now, I bet you poor mind is going a mile a minute isn't it?"

"I'm not sure what to think, you knew my boss, but didn't tell me."

"She wasn't your boss then sweetheart, but she knew that there was the possibility that she would be within a few years, and didn't want any appearance of favoritism. I think she was being very professional about it, don't you?"

"Honey, I don't know, I feel like you've been keeping secrets from me, and I'm getting worried about things."

"What things dear?" She started clicking away at her laptop again and seemed a little distant and distracted.

"Mary, we need to talk, please put the laptop down, what's so important." I was still kneeling in front of her and part of me was shaking and afraid, part of me was starting to get angry.

With a smile and tone as if she was talking to a child Mary said: "Dear, I have to keep Cheryl informed about what's going on, we both thought that this would be an important evening, and I have to keep her informed." With that she started clicking away again.

"She says that you are very cute in that outfit, she likes that you're kneeling so submissively. We had hoped there would be sound but it isn't working properly."

Mary stopped clicking and looked at me intently. I had trouble thinking. Then the idea of a webcam hit me. But no, that couldn't be it; the webcam on her laptop was built in and was pointed at whoever was typing. Mary smiled at me and with her head nodded toward the table at the side of the room, I looked and saw her old laptop sitting, open.

"Sweetheart, I want you to turn and face her, she is very attracted to men like you, and wants to see you more clearly. Smile and wave at her."

My heart was pounding. I felt like I couldn't breathe. Mary had agreed that my dressing could remain a secret, but seemed to have changed her mind. I now understood why she made me wear the camisole that day last week. It was a setup.

"Honey, I know you're nervous, and so I won't punish you for not following my order to turn and wave, but you better not try my patience any longer."

I was suddenly calm, this was my wife and I loved her. I trusted her. I could get up, change my clothes and stop playing the game, but I didn't think it was a game for her. If I left now, it might break up our marriage. I suddenly realized that I liked the things she made me wear. I liked her control of our sex life, and while I would like to be in her pussy more often, it was still great.

I took a breath, smiled at her, turned on my knees and smiled at the webcam, and gave a small wave. The die was cast.

"Stand up dear, let her see you clearly, turn all the way around."

I did.

She was looking at her laptop as she gave these instructions so I figured that she was hooked into the image broadcast from the old laptop. (It wasn't that old of a laptop, but she always had to get the latest.)

I was back to facing the webcam with a frightened smile on my face, realizing that my boss was watching me parading around in lingerie. Then I realized that I was also sporting a very hard and erect cock.

"Oh, she noticed that you're enjoying it too darling."

She put her laptop down, got up and stood just behind me, put her arms around me and fingered my nipples and nuzzled my neck.

"Push down your panties, dear, let her see your little thingy."

I pushed the panties down and they fell to the floor, I lifted one leg out of them, and with the other flipped them away, somehow without losing my balance. Mary reached down and pulled up the baby-doll, completely exposing my erection. She held it up.

"Jack yourself off baby, stroke it until you cum," she whispered into my ear.

As I started to stroke myself my hips with a mind of their own started to hunch slightly back and forth also.

"Tell me when you're ready, and then cum in your hand, as fast as you can dear, cum for me, cum for Cheryl."

"Oh god, oh god, ohgodohgodohgod." and I shot, spurted, and caught it in my hand. It seemed to go on forever as I squirted into my cupped palm, then milked out the last few drops. I was a little dizzy, it had been a wonderful cum. I had lots of practice doing that.

"Oh goody, you make me proud of you sweety. I love you. Now you know what little boygirls do don't you."

I did. I smiled big for the camera, and then slurped up my own cum. It's bland, a little sweetish, and really gooey. The gooey sliminess makes it seem like swallowing snot. And I swallowed after first opening my mouth to show Cheryl on the all the cum sitting on my tongue. Then opened my mouth after to show her that I had been a good boy. As I had been trained – or conditioned.

Mary went back to her laptop.

"Cheryl is very excited by that, she really thinks you are special, although she thinks you would look better with some tits."


"Yes dear, some nice ones, I think I'll order some glue on ones first, but perhaps we should start thinking about something more permanent."

"Permanent?" I was in a daze, what was happening. How was I getting erect again so fast?

"And we both want you to start shaving, under your arms and around your little clitty."

We had talked about shaving, and I knew it would look better to have hairless arm pits when I wore some of the lingerie, but my pubes too? Tits? What did she say about tits?

"Tits? Permanent?" I was getting dizzy.

Don't worry dear, not right away. We'll take care of everything. Why don't you go to bed. I'll be up in a little while.

As I stumbled up to bed, my erect cock leading the way one word kept running around in my head. Tits.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Oh fuck yea, his wife is really turning him into a little feminized girl. How hot but it’s time for a cage and plug to be full time. Soon maybe a few cocks to suck and fuck, I am so hard but I can’t cum now. My wife is going in tomorrow and I hope my new 13” dildo will give me a sissygasm. God I wish I could live in girl’s sexy dainties things and be fucked hard. Maybe I shouldn’t fuck boy pussy tomorrow. If I have a mind blowing cummy from my clit I might not be able to come back from that. With all the sissy, NWO, cuckold sucking hypo training I have been doing I might have to suck cock soon. My for the last two days my butt plug is playing with my mind. Oh where is cock! I am a sissy but can’t act on it, I do love my wife.

mattenwmattenwabout 3 years ago

There are perverted fans of this crap who advise you to ignore the criticism! That is bad advice. I think it's good that there are authors who write stories and publish them here. We readers are grateful for that. Nevertheless, if comments are allowed, it is every reader's right to comment on the stories. We live in a society where freedom of expression is a basic right! Whether the comments are in the author's opinion or not is completely irrelevant. It is crucial that they must never injure the author's personality, that they are not racist or gender phobic.

Now to your story. Stories, even fantasy Stories are only good if they can create a believable reference to reality; if not, they are fairy tales. In your story I can only add that if your protagonist reports his boss and reports a sexual assault, he will be a rich man and his loveless wife will just be a divorced whore after the divorce. It's that easy to resolve. Or do you think a career woman is risking her career and her life by exposing herself to the risk of a scandal? Not believable. And a man who lets himself be treated like your protagonist can only be represented in your imagination. Your crossdresser fans will of course scream, but honestly, what would this man have to fear nowadays if he makes the scandal public? A couple of days of headlines in the local press and that's it. Conversely, after the scandal, he is several million richer and has finally gotten rid of the whore who pretends to be his wife!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Really badly thought out and poorly done.

Tootight1Tootight1over 7 years ago
good story

you bet. It's actually a very good story. I loved when my wife took on the dominant roll, and I know she enjoyed it also. To me, it wouldn't matter if her accomplice was a male or female, it was over the top, too much. The whole idea was to keep THEIR marriage fresh and exciting. This story shows how most women think. What was once an intimate relationship, was now shared with someone else, and hubby kept in the dark.

My mind went into some very dark matter at the betrayal of his wife. When he saw the other computer running a cam, he should have left the room. Not said a word. Left the house. He no longer had an intimate relationship with his wife and she has been cheating on him for who knows how long.

The part of the story when he recognized the cam to his boss, I couldn't read any more. I skimmed down to the bottom. My question to the author is, why did he not even have a thought of betrayal, or retribution?

diegotoadstickerdiegotoadstickerover 9 years ago

And just where did he put his brain, balls and any other male part during all of this. Sorry, just very hard to believe. Just hope in some future chapter he gets it back together and gets the hell out. There is no love here anymore

satinshawnasatinshawnaover 9 years ago
What a lucky boygirl

I would so much like to find a woman like this. Are there any such females?

Tootight1Tootight1almost 10 years ago
good story

it is a good story. in order to maintain a marriage, things happen, that can cause the marriage to go either way. I would have slipped the cuffs below my back and bum, then over legs, used both hands clenched into one fist, and let the wife have it, right in front of the computer, so her co-conspirator, would see what's coming to her. let the chips fall where they may. throw the wife, her clothes out into yard, then text her co-conspirator, to come collect her, and never come back. maybe getting human resource involved at the company will get her fired, perhaps with threats of law suit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
And he did this why?

There's no answer to that question. The whole premise is ridiculous. He'd be out the door and door the road.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
And when he thinks "tits"

He realized she was using him. And he sent her off with a black eye and a reminder never to cross his doorstep again. What a bitch. Terrible story.

MaidpaulineMaidpaulineover 10 years ago
I love it

I just love Bettering Their Marriage, such a lovely story of feminization. Jeff is so so lucky to have such a loving wife. Oh how I wish it were me.

TornadoTysTornadoTysalmost 11 years ago
wimp Husband

The wife does not love her husband as she loves controlling him, humiliating him as she is a control freak !

He needs to stand up to her and divorce her !

She will control no one living on her own !

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Total drivel

Just plain bad.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
I did not like this

I hate wimps,sissies and cuckolds.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Story is OK but...

As with many of these types of stories, there is no respect. There really is no love, just the wife wanting to get off her way. What the husband wants is of no concern. I always find this very bothersome.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Great beginning, please continue adding chapters.

nicolawilliamsnicolawilliamsover 11 years ago

A lovely relationship

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Fantasy or not, I don't think any man would want to be treated like that. Any woman that treated her man like that is out the door and in divorce court, jail or in the ditch. What a bitch!

graymangazergraymangazerover 11 years ago
Loved it.

I really loved this story, the way Jeff was slowly conditioned to accept his wife's domination was really hot. Then to discover he was being cuckolded by his female boss was just perfect. I found myself wishing it was me.

I agree with other readers; please don't introduce another man, Jeff being dominated and feminized by Mary with the hint that she is under the control of Cheryl is so hot. I would love to see him with breast implants, completely feminized and enslaved by the two women. But hey, that's me, it's your story and you decide where it should go.

Thanks, I hope to see more of this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
So Familiar....

Wow, your story brought buried memories bursting into my mind! I was no match for my ex-wife who belittled my small cock even during our engagement, and screwed the golf pro during our honeymoon. Before our first anniversary she'd cuckolded me. She was an insatiable lover, a bbw, taller than me, aggressive and successful as a graphic artist. Eventually she seduced and "married" her boss' wife, leaving both him and me humiliated and wondering what happened. She and her parner have opened a new business and are feasting on the competition. Like Mary, what a woman!

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