Big Taboo Pt. 02


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Remaining silent, Frank focused on the clothes on their massive frames — snow white bathrobes covering them from neck to calf. Frank couldn't deny he was at least slightly interested in the two women's display. They were obviously wanting something. "Alright, I'll bite. What is it?"

Ada was the first to react. Even weeks later Frank was yet to get used to her younger, perkier body and voice. She obviously had no breasts to speak of, but what she lacked in breast tissue she more than made up for with pectoral beef. Smiling cutely, she thrust her arms outwards to let her pecs ripple and bulge obscenely, wincing slightly their respective muscles involuntarily grew slightly just from the motion, flesh pushing in and against itself to grow anew, skin tearing in its attempt to give her inhuman form yet more space to grow, straining the bathrobe until rips formed at the frame. Frank simply watched, speechless.

"Since you've been such a good boy these past few weeks, darling, we thought it would be a nice idea to reward you somehow." Despite being younger in body, Ada retained a semblance of her aged mentality. Something else Frank was yet to get used to. He watched his mother-in-law peel off the robe so it casually slipped free, revealing her body in all its naked, steely perfection. Frank wasn't sure where to look first — her cobbled abs, iron-formed obliques, pillar quads, maybe even her calves easily five times the size of his own skull. "So Janet and I came to an agreement."

"That we did." Janet mirrored her mother's actions, removing the gown to expose her naked body too, but instead of waiting to see how Frank would react, chose to tweak her erect nipple with a finger, clearly aroused by the prospect of whatever was about to happen. She couldn't resist watching Frank reach for the zip fly on his trousers, clearly aroused by the events unfolding before him. But Janet was quick to scold her husband, slapping his hand away. "Behave yourself, it's not what you think."

Ada's girlish chuckle threw Frank off. He'd never heard her laugh like that before. It was so unlike what he'd otherwise been used to all those years - the dry, throaty rasp. The laugh he'd just listened to was so full of life and vigor it was erotic! A boner formed, poking shamelessly through his trousers. It was modest in its own right but honestly nothing if compared to Nick's.

At any rate, Frank maintained his keen observations, watching Ada brazenly grab Janet's cheeks and pulled in for a tongue kiss. Judging by Janet's reaction, though, it became clear to Frank that this wasn't the first time they shared such a moment together, and likely wouldn't be the last either. Janet returned the gesture, squeezing her mother's massive ass and pulled her in closer so their torsos met, their nipples pressed together as one. Their breaths seemed to sync up then, as though they became a singular massive, vascularity entity bent upon knocking Frank's socks off right there!

Janet's hand slid down her mother's cobbled abs, feeling each grove and cut somehow be more defined and harder than the other, licking her lips suggestively, a singular breath of arousal escaping her lungs to caress Ada's cheek. The grandmother reciprocated, reaching down to rub Janet's smooth muscled crotch with her hand. A smile formed before Ada took control, slipping two digits up her daughter's cunt, which forced the woman to let out a deeply sexual moan, even if she expected it.

Frank watched with a sense of amazement he'd never felt before, his breaths quickening. His own wife and mother-in-law were casually lezzing out right in front of him for his own enjoyment. He wanted to jerk off to the display but knew from Janet's initial scolding not to do that. Besides, he could feel his erection become more intense with each passing second just from watching and listening to their collective moans as they exchanged kisses and felt one another up.

"Oh my god!" Janet groped her mother's capped shoulders, her mouth agape in either arousal or admiration at how large and full of power they were. A deep, raw sensation of jealousy filled her. There was no questioning it. Simultaneously, Ada was sucking on her daughter's breast, drawing the milk from her nipple. But what came with this brazen action was what surprised Frank the most. He was fairly certain Ada had grown taller. Not drastically, just an inch or two. But even then—

The sudden changes in Ada's height threw Frank off watching Janet and Ada lezz out. He compared the two women as they kept up with their show, realizing now that Ada was taller than Janet. Which made her the tallest member of the family! That, in turn, only served to make Frank's erection finally reach its apex. Without so much as a warning he blew his load, gushing clean through his trousers until a patch dark as night formed at his crotch, trickling down his thighs and calves until it pooled at the floor.

Janet chuckled. "Oh my, you've been quite pent up haven't you?" She watched Frank shudder as he spontaneously blew a second load almost instantly, clutching the arms of the chair he sat in to maintain his position from the powerful force that otherwise practically shoved him forward. In other words, his own ejaculation was so powerful it pushed him forwards!

"I'd say we were successful in our goal. Wouldn't you, sweetie?" Ada caressed Janet's cheek gently, whose response was to blush bashfully. "Perhaps we ought to do it more often?"

"Don't tease him so, mother. You'll give him a heart attack," Janet laughed, looking up at her mother. Ada really did grow taller on account of drinking her daughter's breast milk.

Ada smirked. She was aware of her increased height but chose not to mention it. Of all the things her family had done over the recent weeks and months, having grown taller was hardly something worth bringing up. One thing was for certain though - she really did love the idea of having to literally look down on her family now. Especially her cuck of a son-in-law!

"Till next time, darling." Ada kissed Frank on the cheek, but then leaned in closer to nibble on his ear, running a hand across the cum-soaked crotch of his trousers. "Maybe tonight if you're up for it."

"Okay, that's enough of the teasing, Mum. Frank, would you be kind enough to watch the little ones for a bit?" Janet inquired.

And then it all came back to Frank - the fact that in spite of all that just occurred, he was really nothing more than just a slave to his family, forgetting that his new granddaughters were all born from the immoral relations within it.

"Yeah," he answered, effectively accepting his fate.


In the later hours of the night leading up to bedtime, Ada was in the midst of her routinely physique check-up in the bathroom mirror.

Biting her lip suggestively as she stared longingly at her own reflection, Ada explored her bare chest, groping and squeezing every rock-hard inch of her torso, never leaving any of them unexplored or practically violated by her own arousal, her long mane of curly brunette hair swept over her mountainous back. Grunting, she pulled her arms up to a flex and smiled toothily as their respective muscles rippled, popped and writhed ferociously with growth, bubbling and squirming softly in their seemingly necessary act to become larger, pushing against both bone and cartilage.

Hunkering down into an abs and thighs pose, she stared with wonder as her abdominal muscles were breathed new life, not only growing larger to better serve the rest of her body, but literally forging new ones; her brick-thick six-pack became an eight-pack between just a few gentle breaths, which then formed into a ten-pack! But each pair of abdominal muscles seemed to be twice the size of those before it!

Tweaking a nipple with her finger, Ada moaned, watching the slightest river of milk lactate from her breast, tempted to suckle on it like she did Janet's.

That was when Ada saw it. It took her by surprise too, as it was something she never expected to see again - a wrinkle on her cheek. No, it couldn't have been a wrinkle. She was far too young-looking to have one. Yet—

She ran a hand across her cheek to make sure, and sure as fate—it was a wrinkle. A full one too. But how? How could she have a wrinkle? It just didn't make any sense! It wasn't as if she felt—

—Oh, but Ada was wrong, albeit not willing to admit it. She did feel somewhat older. No, even that was a lie. She felt her age slightly, almost like her arthritis had come back with a frightening vengeance, biting into her bones like razor-sharp teeth into the softest of flesh. Brittle.

Ada had to sit down. Her muscles remained intact but they all meant nothing if she felt so weak. Panic struck her and before she knew it, in the midst of watching her face swiftly return to its former wrinkled appearance, a scream filled the room.

Weeks had passed, and in their wake Nick had finally started his job at the local construction site offices, working long, excruciating hours until the dead of night, not returning home until at least three in the morning while everyone else was asleep. Given that, Janet, Zoey and Ada had gone just as long without any proper sexual release from the man of the house. Frank was...well, Frank was Frank - just not at all worth the time as a substitute.

Exam time was fast approaching for Zoey at college and with that came crippling nerves. Not to mention the pent-up sexual frustrations she'd been suppressing for weeks. She pined to spoon with her brother, but knew he needed the money from his job to help support his family.

So Zoey decided to take matter into her own hands.

Ever since she'd impregnated the entire cheerleading team and a few tutors, it was all the massive blond ever thought about, wondering just how many — mostly for the mere fun of it — classmates and tutors she could impregnate before the term's end. By her calculations, she must've knocked up twenty of each right now, leaving around nine hundred pupils and seventy tutors yet to be porked. It didn't take long before news of Zoey's third leg started spreading around college. At first, most of the students thought it was all just part of a weird pregnancy pact like in that movie, but eventually the truth came out, and when it did...well, everything changed.

Classes had been going on as usual, but Zoey hadn't bothered to partake in them ever since she developed a following, a harem of like-minded women who had instigated relationships with the men in their families. Instead, Zoey spent her time riotously fucking other students either desperate to feel her cock inside them or get pregnant. The freakish blond was happy to comply either way. In fact, she'd been running a little side business centered entirely around it all: Twenty pounds sterling to give her a handjob - because people wanted to do it — fifty for a BJ, one hundred for a creampie and two hundred for 'assured' pregnancy.


Zoey and the bespectacled girl she'd been with for the past half hour, Bethany, had been at it in the college's broom closet like animals, screaming and clawing at one another's backs, touching each other intimately, staring lovingly into their eyes. Bethany's tight little skirt had been torn apart the moment Zoey set eyes on it, her ass cheeks spread for supposedly 'easier' penetration, where the reality was Bethany was surprisingly tight, but it was no issue for Zoey's dick. It was the first time Bethany had taken any form of manhood, and she could feel Zoey's push deeper into her with every thrust, the unmistakable outline of her cock showing under the skin of Bethany's belly.

A broom dropped next to a pair of Oxford-clad feet. The shaking male in the corner, the college's Principal, had been filming the whole endeavor for Zoey's personal enjoyment later that night. Part of each girl's agreement was that Zoey get to record the goings-on for 'posterity,' which they all wholeheartedly agreed to. The Principal looked disheveled, bags under his eyes, as though he hadn't seen light in days, which was the truth, dragged into the closet against his will. Zoey had been reaming, busting, filling up and impregnating classmates and tutors for just as long. The Principal's heart was broken from watching Zoey's never-ending load fill Bethany's pussy until it puffed up from having so much!

Bethany wanted to get pregnant and have at least twins. While she couldn't do much in the way of ensuring Bethany was given them, Zoey was at least willing to try.

Bethany groped Zoey's shoulder as she was further penetrated, close to drooling as a fierce vein throbbing across the length of the Amazon's cock. The Principal zoomed in on Bethany's muff as the squelchy explosion that was Zoey's climax made itself known, casually pooling at the student's frilly-socked feet.

"Did you get all that?" Zoey turned to the Principal who looked back apprehensively yet nodded with affirmation. He got every shot, vividly remembering the moment Zoey pushed Bethany up against the wall, sizing her ass up contemplatively. Then the first thrust that came with the inevitable roar of passion.

As Bethany cleaned herself up to leave, Zoey turned to the Principal with a shrewd gin "Color me curious Mister Hargreaves, but how's your wife doing? I hear she's carrying triplets."

Mister Hargreaves didn't need that particular reminder: that his wife, Isabella, had heard about Zoey and purposefully sought her out and got pregnant by her because he was failing his duties as a husband. Isabella was insistent her husband do exactly what Zoey asked or she'd just keep getting pregnant by her to spite him. Now Mister Hargreaves was living the life of a cuck, married to a woman pregnant with his student's children. It didn't bear thinking about.

"Judging by your silence, I'd say it's a touchy subject for you. But hey..." Zoey loomed over him with a smile, her pecs casually flexing. "...Don't blame me because you can't get it up."

"I do not appreciate—"

"Just stating the facts, little one." Zoey condescendingly patted Hargreaves on his balding head as Bethany wobbled out of the closet, clutching her belly, petty sure she was already showing signs of pregnancy. "Now call in the next one. There's still plenty of juice in this tank."

Hargreaves begrudgingly complied, ordering in the next girl from the literal queue of women all eagerly waiting to be reamed or impregnated. The girl that came in was Rayleigh Budd, one of the less enthusiastic students, more interested in drinking or smoking chronic. Rayleigh had spoken to Zoey in advance about what she wanted: to get so pregnant that it would be impossible for her to sit the end-of-term exams. Hargreaves wasn't particularly happy about the scheme when he found out about it, wasn't as if it was his decision at this point.

Rayleigh slapped a thick wad of cash into Zoey's hand — at least eight hundred pounds — before pulling her skirt down. "I want at least five kids."

Zoey smirked. It was all the same to her.


Janet winced as she lowered into what had to be her seven hundredth squat. She wasn't exactly counting, far too busy basking in the rush that came from being able to lift so much to even care, feeling her pillar-thick quads burn and ever so gently grow a bit larger, the tendons in her muscles quivering like a half-naked woman in snow, audibly pushing themselves further outwards.

Janet hadn't been keeping track of her reps, but her husband Frank did. That had been his job for the last few hours - watch his inhumanly muscular wife workout like an absolute freak and wipe the sweat from her glistening muscles when she called upon him.

Not that that was a problem or anything. In fact, with the exception of working out and eating to maintain her weight, obsessively thinking about Nick was all Janet did. Groaning, her shoes burst to reveal her swelling feet, sharing in the inevitable growth that came from the woman's excitement. Frank witnessed this but didn't react outside of his usual parameters - or rather, parameters he had to adhere by if he wanted to remain in the family's good will. A gross throbbing vein coiled up Janet's leg from her ankle. Frank didn't expect to get an erection from that, but he also didn't expect Nick to impregnate all the women in his family either, so...

As Janet relaxed, stood straight, Frank craned his neck upwards to meet his wife's eyes staring down at him from her seven-foot-nine stance. Janet had 'grown' in several respects over the last few weeks, making her the second tallest member of the family next to Ada's nine-foot-six. They both had Nick to thank for those particular changes.

Though frightened for dear life in seeing his wife tower over him, Frank offered Janet the warm towel, though her soft smile quickly turned into a stern glower. Surely he didn't expect her to do her own wipe-down? That was his job! In any case, Frank took the hint, kneeling down on both knees in front of his goddess of a wife, his eyes barely level with her soaked panties. His eyes turned to saucers, he could both see and hear Janet's vaginal muscles flex, not to mention see the stain expand slightly from the excitement she still felt, riding up her spinal column.

Janet hadn't bothered to utter a single word once Frank started toweling her down, too busy thinking about life with Nick, mentally planning decades ahead: putting their new daughters through nursery, school, college or university and getting their first jobs; imagining Nick with a wizened beard at the age of fifty while she and Zoey hadn't aged a single day. Janet was even bold enough to imagine herself married to Nick, living a lavish life in a mansion made from the millions of pounds they'd earned from telling the world about their and the family's life together—

As he moved onto her other leg, Frank could hear Janet's breath quicken in a way that suggested arousal. It didn't take Frank much to figure out he wasn't the onset of his wife's arousal, but their young bullish son. All the same, Frank maintained his willingness to see his job through, forever believing that if he was loyal enough, Janet would reward him.

—The truth was, Frank wasn't even part of Janet's idyllic future. It was her, Nick, Zoey, Ada and the kids. Ideally, Janet imagined Frank had eventually had enough few his family's immoral ways and packed his bags years before Nick's kids could even form memories. That was how much Janet felt Frank was worth - not even a passing thought. He just couldn't compare to someone like Nick.

Frank pulled back a bit, watching Janet peel off her undies and casually twirl them in her hand for a moment before putting them up to his nose. He caught a strong whiff of her scent, his erection intensifying. He'd never known his wife to be such a tease, and yet—

She pulled away, crumpled the underwear in her hand and tossed them into the corner. Janet knew Frank now had this urge to break off and snatch his wife's underwear back into his grip for his own sexual gratification — something the woman was actually expecting and willing to let him do — but Frank saw it differently as a test of sorts and stayed exactly where he was, like a loyal dog.

Janet pulled into a crab most muscular, wincing somewhat as she felt her biceps creak and twitch with yet more growth, muscles pressing against her skin. She'd been prepping for her first ever bodybuilding match for weeks, eating clean and training like a madwoman, though nerves gently quivered within her. Truthfully, there was no real reason for Janet to be so highly strung. Just from her size alone, dwarfing that giant yellow monster from the Wonder comics, there was no questioning Janet would win the contest.

Watching her grab the 100KG dumbbells from the rack, Frank shuffled his feet as Janet curled the weight with relative ease, barely making a noise as it was pulled level with her chest. She smiled at her reflection, seeing her wider-than-the-mirror shoulders broaden with growth, bubbling and squirming like worms.
