Big U Pride Ch. 04: No Looking Back


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"Now, enough chitter chatter. You have work to do."

She took us through several lessons that afternoon. We did more dildo practice - I was able to take all of the 8 inch dildo in one go! But this time she made us treat the cocks as if they were attached to a man.

"Girls, you need to show him that this is a gift, and you are so happy to have received this gift!"

She took a dildo and pointed it at Krissy's face.

"You have to show them that you have an uncontrollable instinct, a longing for their dick, so strong that you had to practice on anything you could find. And now that you're on your knees, with his cock just inches from your face, you can hardly believe your luck."

She wagged it at Krissy, teasing her.

"Before you even get close to it, just feel it's power. Feel it's presence in the room. Even in a crowded room, this Alpha cock controls everything around it."

She looked at Krissy.

"Show him that you are under its control, that you'd beg for it. You don't even need words, because your body speaks for you. In fact, it doesn't even need to be shown to you for you to feel it's power."

She tucked the large dildo behind her back.

"Make your tongue dance for it before it's even made an appearance. Look ravenous, look hungry for cock. Imagine that you have it in front of you, your mouth watering for it, filling with spit that will dribble out of your mouth if you don't have something to wrap your mouth around."

Krissy's eyes looked glazed over as she was deep in some far-away fantasy. Her tongue rolled around her plump lips, as if she was smelling a Michelin-starred dinner.

Anya brought the dildo in front of her. She tapped Krissy on the cheek with it.

"Now feel it's weight, it's power. Isn't this everything you've been searching for? Doesn't this make you complete?"

Krissy nodded his head.

"Now what would you do for this gift?" Anya asked him.

"Suck it." Krissy responded.

Anya smacked Krissy across the cheek with it.

"WRONG!" she shouted at Krissy. "You are a sissy - sissies don't suck cock, they WORSHIP it! Examine it, fall in LOVE with it. You will show it the love it deserves. That may involve sucking, but above all it's worshipping."

"Yes Mistress," Krissy responded.

"After all, what is is about cock that makes you feel this way?" Anya started explaining.

"Simple. Cock is dominance. It is power itself, a potent force that is a projection of the Alpha himself. It is the essence of masculinity. It's obvious that you all don't possess this."

She pointed at our tiny dicklettes in our bodysuits.

"Those tiny little...thing. They were never meant to satisfy any woman. They were meant to reveal to the world what you are. That you are sissies, there's no secret about it."

She kept explaining.

"Cock reminds you that you are beneath the Alpha. It makes you feel feminine, submissive. Even knowing that there's a Alpha cock in the room will make you weak in your knees. It does even more, it'll center you, remind you of your central purpose."

Her story continued.

"When you are with it, a big cock can reach into your subconscious and pull out the inner slut, and it will remake you. You sissies, who for years thought you were men, will find yourself wanting to be around the masculinity that a cock represents. It will remind you that you could never be a man, but taking cock you will be remade into what a man needs - the perfect sissy to satisfy him."

Anya was breaking us, little by little.

"And the beauty is, if you give yourself to it, it will give you pleasure."

It all made sense.

"So, gurls, surrender to it. Give in to it, and you will be perfect."


The rest of the week was a blur, with so much practice. Our bodies continued to change, my little buds starting to look more like small A-cup boobs. My dicklette, as if it could, somehow got even smaller. My voice was higher, and I sounded like some Valley Girl from California. And my hair was rich and thick and long. I was starting to realize I may not be able to go back to being Brian...even if I wanted to.

Mistress Lana joined us on Friday and let us know the big news.

"My sweet Cheerbois, Pledge Week is upon us!"

We were so giddy, though didn't know what that meant.

"You are about to officially become members of the Beta house - officially become CheerBois! It took so much to get here, but this week is the final step."

"But tonight will be a solo challenge. And it's a big one. It is a long time in the making, and one that I know you all will enjoy, though may fear at first."

I was worried, not sure what Lana was talking about. But she was right, we had come so far and I had to see this through. This week, whatever Pledge Week held, would be the point that would determine if I'd continue down this road or not.

The rest of the day went like normal, with a back-breaking squatting workout routine, porn exercises, dildo practice, makeup tutorials, and practice walking in heels. I thought about how natural and easy some of this stuff was for me. I could walk in heels like a runway model without breaking a sweat. I could make myself look like a hot Insta influencer in just a few minutes. This was all so natural for me, and the past few weeks had been so instructive. Finally, a type of school I was good at.

That night, our Cheerboi Apps rang with strict instructions.

"You have ONE HOUR to get ready. Your outfits are hanging in your closets. Full makeup. Be ready in the foyer at 10 PM."

We rushed back to our rooms. I flung open my closet door and saw my outfit there.

It was a pink satin corset with an accompanying G-string. The shoes were a 6-inch pink pump.

I ran to the shower, seeing all the rest of the bois there, scrubbing and shaving and soaping up. We cleaned everything, being so thorough. I didn't even have time to make small talk with Krissy before I dried off and got back to my room, though I did give him a nervous wink as we were showering.

I did my makeup in a shimmer eye fashion, with glossy pink lipstick, and plenty of powder highlighter and champagne shade to make myself have a dewy skin look.

I shrugged off my towel and grabbed my outfit. The corset tucked in my tummy, which was already flat and toned, and made my hips flare out. It pushed up my growing boobs to make them look even bigger. The G-string cupped and tucked away my tiny sissyclitty.

Looking in the mirror, I liked what I saw: a sexpot who could be the center of attention in any room.

I was 100% certifiably hot.

I raced down to the foyer, trying not to teeter over in my 6 inch heels. But I was stopped at the base of the stairs by Lana, who was dressed in professional clothes.

She smiled at me before making me turn around. I did as she asked.

She wrapped a black cloth around my eyes and tied it behind my head.

Then she whispered in my ear, "I'm so proud of you, Brit. I know you'll do so well tonight."

She guided my by the hand and took me to what I guessed was the back door, slowly guiding me down to a waiting car. The whole time, I didn't hear any other voices, and I wondered where the rest of the Cheerbois were.

The car sped away as I felt Lana's presence next to me the whole time. It was a short ride, maybe 10 minutes. Before I knew it, I was being led out of the car and made to walk down some gravel before getting to another door. I was led inside and down some dark hallways, zigging left and right. We just kept walking, I was worried I'd get my heel stuck in something bu they guided me carefully.

Then they made me stop.

I waited. It felt like hours but must have been 15 minutes.

Then they undid the cloth covering my eyes. I looked around, adjusting to the dim light. We were in a long hallway, but I wasn't sure where. Sounds echoed down the hall, and we must have been in a huge building.

Then I noticed the sign on one of the walls.

"This way to field."

That's when I realized we were in the football stadium. The door in front of me just said, "Closet", so I wasn't sure exactly where in the stadium we were.

Lana was standing next to me, holding my hand. She really did look quite excited for me, though she was being quiet and just waited with me.

Lacey was standing by the door, playing on her phone and chewing gum. Every now and then she'd put her ear up to the door and try and listen inside.

What was going on in there? I couldn't hear a thing so it must not have been that loud.

The door opened.

Out stumbled Krissy. He looked like he was in a daze. He was wearing the same outift as me and looked stunning. I noticed that his eyes were glazed over and he was smiling.

Lacey looked at him with a questioning face.

Krissy just nodded back at her.

Lacey looked overjoyed and wrapped Krissy in her arms for a big hug.

She then led Krissy down the hall again, but not before Krissy looked back at me and winked.

What did it mean? What was about to happen to me?

Lana interrupted my thoughts by gripping me tight and looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Just remember, all you have to do is be yourself. Don't think, just let it happen."

Her words rolled around in my head, so cryptic and vague. She looked at her phone, reading a text. She counted down one minute and then opened the closet door again and looked back at me.

"Go, Brit."

I didn't move for a second. Then I remembered that Lana looked after me, and she was my first friend here, alongside Krissy. She wouldn't lead me astray. I had to keep going down this rabbit hole that she was leading me down.

I walked to the door and gave Lana one last look before she shut the door.

Glancing around, I noticed we must have been in some sort of big storage closet. But it was mostly empty except for a few boxes and a wardrobe.

What did Lana mean? What's going on? Why would they just shut me into some big supply room?

I walked to the far wall and noticed some writing on it.

"Where dreams are made" said one hand-written comment.

Another said, "CheerBois, Class of 2010". There were several like that, all the way back to Class of 1985.

I saw one comment that read, "Give in to it" and one above it that read, "Sissies Stick Together."

What was this wall? It was like a yearbook.

I was just starting to read more when I noticed that at waist-level there was a large hole in the wall. In fact, there were holes all along the wall at that level, and more at eye-level. Hmmm...

I looked through one and despite the darkness in the other room I could see tiles on the wall and floor, and showerheads.

Was that the Big U. football team's shower room?

Then I heard footsteps. I got nervous, wondering if a stranger would find me in there if they saw my eyeball staring through the hole.

I thought about walking back to the door, but then realized my heels would make noise and give me away. So instead, I just sank to my knees and tucked my head under one of the holes.

The footsteps got louder and louder before I heard them stop. I could hear breathing, heavy deep breathing. Whoever this was must have been just on the other side of the wall.

I don't know why, but for some reason I felt the presence of strength near me. It was an unmistakable feeling like a powerful person was on the other side. I felt my insides start to twist in weird ways. I don't know why, but I felt weak and mushy in my brain.

And that's when I saw it.

I looked to my right and the light that was previously shining through the holes was obscured.

Because through it emerged a cock.

Not just any cock...

But a

And weirdly enough, I recognized it.

It as Tyreke's. The image of his cock had been burned in my mind from that night. And now here it was in the flesh. All of the flesh. All 9 inches of soft, thick, cock.

It just hung there, in all its glory.

The room was silent but I could almost heart my heart beating in my chest.

I didn't know what to do. This must have been part of the Pledge Week, but what...what was I to do.

Then a voice spoke in my head.

"You want this. You need this."

I stared at this cock and the voice in my head kept going.

"This is your salvation. This is your purpose. It's easy, it's simple. This is what you were born to do."

I hesitated.

The voice kept going.

"All you have to do is relax and enjoy it. You're tired of playing games, of pretending."

It kept going.

"You want to be a perfect sissy slut. Look at this throbbing hard dick, and know that it's pleasure means everything."

I inched closer to it, feeling it's power over me. I could practically smell its musk, I could almost hear the cum boiling, ready to come out.

The voice kept going.

"You are built for one thing: to extract cum from superior Alpha men. You have an overwhelming desire to please him. He deserves this, you need to give it to him."

I scooted closer and looked at it up close, examining it.

The voice in my head just kept going, "Free yourself, this is who you are."

I felt Brian slipping away, and Britney taking his place.

The voice got louder in my mind, "Don't fight it. Cock. Hard cock. Alpha cock. Worship it. You need this. Go deeper. Cocks give pleasure, big cocks give more pleasure."

I stared at this thick meat, remembering the details from that night. But it felt different this time.


Because it was just me and this cock. No Mistress, no Lana, no one else. Just me and this Alpha cock. No one to coach me, but no one to judge me. There was no Tyreke, just his cock. I felt that man's superior presence but I didn't have to worry about what this man would think of me. I just got to spend time with his cock. I could just do what I wanted.

I was in the shadow of this superior cock. I was kneeling for this real man. And I felt myself feeling weak as I felt the power of his cock.

I felt all sorts of emotions. Shock. Awe. Weakness. My willpower draining.

I couldn't help myself. I needed to know.

I reached up and touched it. I grasped it in my hand.

It felt alive! It was warm to the touch, so thick and I could feel it pulsing. This was the first cock I'd ever held other than my own. The differences in what he had between his legs and what I had was the final affirmation of what I was. This was a man's cock I was holding.

The feelings got stronger. Unbridled lust, reverence for the power of this thing, the undeniable feeling of my inferiority to it.

My hand gripped it tighter. This big beautiful thing...It's all mine. All mine. Mine!

My hand stroked it up and down, every square millimeter of skin. I stared at this black beauty, trying to download every detail into my brain.

I found myself pulled to it, falling into it. I gripped the thick shaft tighter. My hand looked so girlish. I noticed the pink of my nails against his dark skin again. Fuck that was sexy. I loved everything I was seeing. The pink flared out cockhead that led to a beautiful dark shaft that was streaked with gorgous powerful veins to feed life-energy to this beast of a cock.

It jutted out of the hole, that gloryhole, like a powerful symbol of manhood. I realized why these things must be called gloryholes - because the big Alpha cocks that come through them are, like this one, GLORIOUS.

I felt my instincts kick in, as they were hard-coded into my genes and programmed in my soul itself. It was like a shell was being melted off of me and the real me was coming out.

I held the cock with both my hands now, just stroking gently, feeling the life in it. It was getting harder, going from hanging in a vulgar wonderful way to hard and sticking out in a show of strength. I just kept stroking and wondering at it.

An image popped into my mind. It was of the pornstar Elsa Jean, the tiny teen bopper blonde. I flashed back to a scene of her on her knees, in front of Mandingo's BBC, holding his cock and looking at him with her big blue innocent eyes. I realized I was just like her in this moment. I was exactly the thing that I masturbated to for years. I was HER.

And I knew that if I continued, I'd surrender everything about my past. I'd be different, I'd be a sissy. No, not just a sissy...a cock-sucking bimbo sissy. I'd be a Big U. CheerBoi sissy cocksucker.

I wanted that.

The voice in my mind whispered, "WORSHIP."

I just felt my mind and body just melt as I opened my mouth, pointed the cock at my mouth and made an "O" with my lips.


I sank my mouth onto that hard cock and moaned. It was warm and hard but soft at the same time. It felt alive and powerful. It tasted salty and sweet and mmmm soo new and different and exciting, like a treat, like a popsicle that you got after running for the Ice Cream Truck after school.

I sucked gently, letting my tongue dance across the sandpaper surface of that cockhead. I swirled my tongue around it, like the Mistresses had shown me. I brought my tongue down against the slit which started leaking precum. Mmmmm, salty goodness that lit up my tastebuds and sent a wave of joy through my brain.

I pulled my mouth off and stared at the precum from the tip of this dick. I lapped at it like a kitty kat lapping at warm milk.

I couldn't wait longer, I put the cock back in my mouth, feeling it grow harder. That feeling of a soft cock hardening in my was so erotic and so...satisfying. My mouth was making this thing grow!

A tiny whimpering voice in the back of my brain shouted, "THIS IS GAY! STOP!"

But my heart beat faster, feeling unbridled lust, feeling reverence and above all...hunger. A hunger for this, a hunger for what it made me feel.

The rest of my brain shouted back, "I AM A SISSY NOW AND THIS IS MY PURPOSE"

The experience was so intense. This was probably what athletes felt during the big game. And I was feeling it during this moment. This was my sport, this was my championship.

All this excitement, all this intensity...all from the end of a hard cock.

I licked around the velvet head, letting my tongue rest on it as my entire life flashed before me.

All those frustrated nights in high school. All those days trying to fit in, trying to be 'one of the guys'. All those wasted weekends playing video games. All those girls that ignored me. All those failing grades, and disappointed teachers. All that time pretending to be something I wasn't.

But this...this moment, with my mouth wrapped around a hot Alpha cock. This was simple, this was right.

I let my mouth sink deeper onto his cock, taking in 5 inches total. The head butted against my tonsils.

I heard Tyreke moan behind the wall.

I did that. I gave this powerful man pleasure. I was that worthy slut who could make this big strong football player moan in pleasure!

I remembered Lana's voice in my head, "Show it the respect it deserves."

With all of this excitement, and this passion, I began sucking his cock for all I was worth. In that moment, a feeling came over me that Tyreke's big beautiful hard cock was the most important thing in my life. It made me sexy, it made me powerful to be able to worship it. The more I took in my mouth, the sexier I felt. He kept moaning and that kept motivating me to take more. I was like those pornstars I adored, I was taking cock and pleasing Alpha men and I loved that feeling!

That voice in the back of my mind that told me this was gay got quieter and quieter. I was being remade with every inch of cock I swallowed.

Seven inches in and I was making happy slurping sounds. I was practically purring like a kitten.

I lost track of time while I bobbed my head faster and faster. I wanted more of this, even though I knew I couldn't take all of it. It must have been over 10 inches hard now. But I needed it. This was my new happy place, on my knees worshipping big cock and giving men pure pleasure. I was a cocksucking sissy slut and this Alpha man was giving me the ultimate experience.
