Big U Pride Ch. 07: The Vow


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Krissy got desperate, "But we're the Cheerbois, what will happen to Big U when we leave?"

Kelsi said, "Haven't you ever wondered why there aren't other classes of Cheerbois? Like, no sophomore Cheerbois?"

I guess we did. We knew the Cheerboi program had been around for a long time but we never met others.

"There'll be a fresh batch next year, don't you worry. You'll be off doing bigger and better things. But you sissies always stick together, right?"

SSST, Sissy Sisters Stick Together. Our motto.

"It'll all become clear soon," Lana explained.


The Cheerboi App finally had something on our schedule. "Tomorrow night, one of the biggest nights of your life. Do not waver in your preparation. Love, your Kappa Sorority Mistresses."

The instructions were so detailed. I had to make sure I was completely smooth, completely clean, completely done up impeccably.

Our outfits were already chosen for us, our makeup style picked out, our hairstyles particular.

When we loaded into the limo, we saw placecards on the seats. In beautiful cursive it read:

"Cheerboi Graduation 2023

A celebration in honor of our latest class of Cheerbois

A night for our Alphas to find their special sissy

Our selection:







What exactly was this night? We were all so nervous, not knowing what was about to happen.

We arrived at the Big U. Arena, where the basketball team played and sometimes concerts were held. When the driver opened the door, he held our hands as we each exited. Another man in a tux escorted us to the stadium's workers entrance and down the wide freight hallway. We were brought to the underground level where we entered a round room. In the center were few steps leading up to a round platform.

The door opened and Kappa sorority girls came out from the door, each wearing floor-length ball gowns. They lined across from us, each of our personal mistresses facing us. Lana was across from me, Kelsi across from Krissy and down the line for each Cheerboi.

We stood there, all done up with impeccable makeup, our clitties still caged, our holes plugged. They had given us real jewelry to wear too. I wore diamond earrings, for example. Jada had a pearl necklace. Krissy had a couple emerald bracelets.

Each of us had one matching piece of jewelry though: glimmering rhinestone chokers that in the center had the universal sissy symbol of the gender circle with the line facing diagonally but instead of an arrow was a feather duster.

Our outfits were more formal and conservative than we were used to wearing. In fact, we were mirroring our personal mistresses. I had on a gorgeous pink floor-length gown just like Lana did. What was really crazy was how perfectly feminine and elegantly sexy we each looked, just like the Kappa girls. If we walked into any other room I know that no one would be able to tell that we were sissies, obviously thanks to all the hormones, surgery and training we put in to acting feminine. But now we were clearly indistinguishable from the Kappas. It was a crazy thought. They were the hottest sorority on campus, and I remember looking at Lana in awe when I started college, never thinking I could get with a girl like her. And now, I was just like her...

"Ok sissies, this is it, this is your final exam, the near-culmination of all your dedication and hard work. And our hard work too obviously." Lana said.

Kelsi followed, "Today we were will advertising all your accomplishments, your skills, your amazing progress."

Lacey continued, "You will be on display, both for those out in the audience and for those watching from the privacy of their own homes and offices."

"The people you will be on display for are the creme de la creme of society, some of Big U's greatest contributors and graduates and many other wealthy and powerful people that you would never have dreamed of knowing. These are the Alphas of the Alphas, men that make things happen and have innate strength and force." Anya explained.

Tori sealed the deal, "And it's your responsibility to show them your best selves. Be pretty, perfect, and obedient. Be yourselves."

Then Alexis broke the real news, "This is your graduation, girls. After this, we have to send you off. If it isn't already clear what this is, let me put it to you straight. The men here tonight in-person or watching the live-stream are the ones responsible for funding the Cheerboi program. You already know some of them, but many others are mysterious donors that you would recognize but would have no idea of their involvement in the program. They all see this as an investment. And now they want the return on their investment."

Lana closed it out, "There are many of them, and only five of you. But men like that love to compete. Let me be straight with you all...this is an auction. The money raised by this auction will fund Big U. for many years. "

What!? I...I was up for sale?

"And this important men are bidding on you. To have you as their own personal sissy."

Us Cheerbois all looked around at each other in confusion and honestly feeling a bit betrayed.

"What do you mean? I'm being...sold?" Candi spoke up.

"No, not the way you think. This isn't some sissy slave situation, not at all. These men aren't looking for something to own, that's a horrible horrible thing and we would never entertain such an idea. What these men are doing is determining who gets first rights to you, not to own but to keep. Keep as their precious sissy."

"I still don't get it, that sounds so scary!" Bambi said.

Anya responded, "Trust us, these men want to take care of you. You will serve them as you served Big U but they want to make you happy. What you have become is something they love and adore. Trust us, this exchange of money is just a way to keep the program running and make sure we can give you all the training and care you need. All those surgeries, hormones, the Beta house, all of it needs money. And Big U needs money to continue being the greatest."

I had to speak up for all of us. I knew that this was scary, I did feel scared. But I trusted Lana. They had gotten us to this point, they wouldn't betray us. I just had to have faith.

"Girls, girls." I said to my fellow Cheerbois. "Trust them. The Kappas have taken care of us, made us into our amazing selves. They have never done us wrong, why would they do that to us now? After all, they were the ones that say the potential in us in the first place."

Lana saw me and winked. "Thank you Britney. She's right, please trust us. We won't let you down, we never have."

The Cheerbois all silently nodded. They would understand. I would understand.

We then heard the sound of loud music playing in the arena above us. And an announcer's voice speaking up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the event you look forward to every year. It's our time to show you what Big U has produced, the finest specimen of our creation. It took all year to recruit, train, and perfect this class. They have achieved so much thanks so your sponsorship and the training of the wonderful Kappa sorority girls. Every year we curate the finest selection of sissies on campus and today we unveil them to you on their final day. Please, open your wallets or crypto banks because this may just be the best Cheerboi class we've ever graduated. And they are here today to find their very own Alpha Sponsor."

"It's time," Anya said. She walked up to Candi and held her hand. "Trust me, this is what you have always needed."

A round platform descended from the pole that was in the middle of the room.

Candi took a deep breath and looked around at us. She had this look of both anxiousness but also understanding. Her eyes met each of ours before settling on Anya's, her personal Kappa sorority mistress. She squeezed her hand and nodded. Anya led Candi to the platform and after they stood on it for a moment it rose back up again, filling the hole in the main stage floor that was above us.

That process repeated itself until it was just me and Krissy. Krissy's name was called overhead and Kelsi began walking to her.

Krissy looked at me, her eyes starting to water but she still looked gorgeous and confident and innocent and everything about her that made me fall in love with my college BFF.

"Whatever happens, you'll always be my bestie."

"You too..." I said, my heart filling and my eyes starting to water too.

"We were born for this, we shouldn't be afraid." She said, before Kelsi took her hand and escorted her to the platform. Krissy nodded her head at me, fully embracing what she was about to do.

It was seeing Krissy's confidence that gave me the spirit to go forward. When Lana fetched me, I didn't fear, I didn't cry, I didn't worry. Lana had taken this ugly duckling of a boy and turned him into this perfect specimen of female sensuality. All those lonely nights I used to have, that I would have had had it not been for her. My life was drab and unmoored before her, and now it was full of color and people and fun and adventure. I had started as a virgin and now thanks to her I had gotten laid more times than most people get in several lifetimes. I had attention, I was desired, I was sexy, I was beautiful, I was known, I was wanted, I was important. I had purpose now.

So I grabbed her hand and walked with her to the platform.

"You know, you always could leave. Even now you can walk away from all this." Lana said.

I thought about it, about running away. I remembered those times that I tried to get myself away from all this only to find myself running back. I thought about a simpler life, a quieter life...

"Never in a million years." I replied. "There is no Brian anymore, Lana. You showed me Britney and she doesn't want to go back."

Lana smiled and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"Then let's see where Britney's adventure goes next."

The platform began to rise on its hydraulics. The glaring lights stunned my vision as I was near the top.

When my vision cleared I saw that I was in the middle of the vast arena. The seats were mostly vacant except several rows near the stage which were full of people whose faces I couldn't make out.

Lana leaned over and whispered to me, "You're on camera, girlie. Look up."

I looked up and saw that I was front and center on the massive screen that hung from the rafters. It was me wearing the elegant gown, holding Lana's hand. I instinctively smiled.

"So many men are watching you from their homes and offices, Britney. This is a huge event for Big U." Lana said into my ear.

My name appeared in writing on the video above my televised face.

Then the overhead voice boomed, "Our last Cheerboi of the night is the one and only Britney!"

When he said that, the video shifted to a reel of clips of me. A fast shot of me as a boy which made me recoil a bit as I was reminded of that past version of myself. But then all my evolving forms as my body became more feminine and the hormones kicked in, all the way through my surgery and my current self.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this Cheerboi is one for the ages. She won the DSL from the Delta Sigma frat thanks to her oral talents, and managed to take on the whole bus of Big U's Fighting Cocks football team without batting an eye. She is presented today by her personal Kappa girl, Lana, who has proudly cultivated Britney's skills."

Lana smiled and twirled me around. She instructed me to put my other hand on my lip and keep smiling.

"This little sissy has a bright future ahead of her. Professor Steele personally vouches for her ability to learn quickly, and Coach Hammer called her the one Cheerboi that could make any man feel like a champion."

Lana walked me around the stage, having me stop in multiple areas for the video cameras to get a good angle. She was parading me around like I was a Miss Universe.

The overhead voice continued, "Britney brings natural soft beauty and a look of complete innocence, but has been enhanced by her own specifications on her 5 foot 6 frame. Measuring at 32-22-32, she gave herself perky C cup breasts that defy gravity. Her bimbo blonde hair compliments her ocean blue eyes. When asked what kind of ass she wants, she answered 'AJ Applegate's ass and Kimmy Granger's hips', which should give you guys the reassurance that she knows how to work it!"

Lana escorted me back to the middle. "With that sultry look, knockout body, and award-winning talent, Cheerboi Britney has been the standout sissy of the year at Big U. and is sure to reap rewards for years to come. So let's start the bidding to see who's lucky enough to bring her home!"

The bidding began and paddles were quickly raised in the audience. The men bidding online were highly active, as the number on the big screen kept going higher and higher. When I saw it reach over a million dollars I almost fainted. Lana squeezed my hand tighter and tighter as the number went over 2 million dollars.

I must have blacked out because I didn't even remember what the final bid was, and instead found myself backstage with Lana as we embraced. Someone wrapped a sash on me that read 'Cheerboi Graduate 2023'. Lana looked so incredibly proud and I felt this weird sense of accomplishment that I had never felt before.

All these men...they wanted me so badly!


2 days later...

I didn't even get to say goodbye to my other Cheerbois. From the arena I was taken in a limo to a small airport and escorted on a private plane. Lana wished me goodbye there, her face streaked with tears and mine the same. It was a tender goodbye to the woman who had a transformative effect on me, who made me literally into a different person. I loved her like a sister. I was indebted to her forever.

But then I was off. It felt like a whirlwind. Despite my nerves I was able to sleep on the plane, though I couldn't shake the odd feeling that I had just been auctioned and now I was on a plane to God knows where. But after that crazy night I was absolutely knackered.

When I woke up I looked out the window to see palm trees and sunny skies.

"Prepare for landing at LAX airport." The pilot announced.

Los Angeles. So I was to live in the City of Angels. The city should get ready to welcome its newest angel, then.

I barely had time to take it in as I was guided off the airplane onto the tarmac and into a large black SUV waiting for me. I looked out the window, admiring the West Coast beauty and thankful that I wasn't sent to somewhere cold. We snaked through the highway traffic then into smaller roads and eventually into the hills where we entered a gated area. The SUV slowly made its way to the top of the hill to a collection of contemporary looking glass-filled homes. And through another gate we found ourselves in a sprawling compound of houses bigger than I could imagine.

"We're here" said the driver.

No way, I thought. This was where I was going to be? This was like a celebrity's house!

When we pulled up to the front door, an older gentleman came out and got my bags and brought me inside. He had me wait wait the entrance as he deposited my bags throughout the house in the appropriate rooms. When he came back he looked at me seriously.

"This is your new home. HE is not here yet, but he may arrive any time. So prepare yourself, prepare yourself each and every day. HE is expecting you at your finest." The man, who I presumed must be a butler or assistant, kept saying the word 'He' as if it was an all-powerful presence that was known, as if there could only be one masculine member of this vast compound. Only one real man in it.

"The Master of the House has very specific preferences and needs and we must learn them all, especially you. You will learn them in due time but you must be attentive." He continued. "Everything here has been prepared for your arrival, Ms. Britney."

Wow, 'Ms. Britney'. I felt so formal.

He left me on my own and I just wandered through the expansive compound. Private pool, tennis court, bowling alley, a massive atrium with a gorgeous chandelier, a theater, a garden that led to a basketball court, a kitchen the size of a house of its own, a wine cellar...and on and on and on. This place might as well be a castle!

I ran from room to room and admired each one. Then I eventually came across the room. When I opened the door my senses were flooded with pink. The walls, the dressers, the bed...all of it pink. I scampered to the closet and swung open the doors to see a walk-in closet that kept going and going. A closet that was so big it had its own hallway.

Lingerie of all kinds, jewelry, costumes, shoes on shoes on shoes. Heels that would make a girl jealous!

This was my room. I felt like I was in a movie!

I must have won the Cheerboi lottery getting bid on by a man of such wealth! I was so giddy I just danced around the house wearing pink frilly panties and a bra and knee-high socks.

But then I remembered the old butler's words, "Prepare yourself each and every day. HE is expecting you at your finest."

I sobered up and went into my Cheerboi routine - exercises, stretches, hole practice, dance routines, dildo homework, plug progression, hypo, porn, affirmations, etc. If watching porn in the theater was a thrill, then watching sissyhypno using the VR headset was whole other experience!

Eventually I tired myself out and fell asleep on top of the bed.

The next day I found the fridges. The kitchen had one fridge for HIM and one for HER which was me, and it was filled with my hormone smoothies. I continued my day like any other, expecting to encounter The Man.

But he didn't show up. And the same thing happened the next day. And the next. And the next.

A total of 7 days without any contact with Him or anyone really.

After all these weeks of chastity, this one week of solitude and pure chastity really did a number on me. My holes twitched at the thought of a man. My mouth watered when I saw anything remotely penis-shaped. I was practically humping the furniture. It struck me that I had been such a diligent cock-taker at Big U. that this period of chastity was the first extended period without cock or cum since I started college. And it was killing me!

Not only that but I was desperate to know who had gotten me, who this mysterious Man was. How was he so rich? How did he get into sissies and the Cheerbois specifically? And why did he bid on me?

On that fateful seventh day the doorbell rang. I raced to answer it, wondering if my mystery would be solved. The old butler was there again, dressed in his black suit.

"He awaits." The man said. He handed me a garment bag.

When I went to my room to open it I was breathless. It was perfect. It was everything. I was on cloud nine for the whole drive through LA. When we reached our destination I was surprised, it was a 7-Eleven store. Then the butler escorted me inside and I felt embarrassed all gussied up in this run-down place. The butler brought me to the back room where there were old vending machines. He clicked several buttons on the soda one and the front case opened and there were stairs that led up. He escorted me up the stairs, helping me walk in my high heels.

When we reached the top I saw a sign on the threshold. It read "B&H" and there was a logo of a bull with horns.

This was a Bull & Horns lodge!

The butler then took me through some back hallways, the oak-lined hallways giving off the secret society wealth vibe. I saw oil paintings of familiar faces like Dirk Diamond and Mr. Knudsen. At one turn I swear I saw an oil painting of a recent president! The Butler confirmed my suspicion, explaining how sissies were needed after the whole Monica thing, the White House couldn't afford a similar scandal for Bulls and Hornsmen who became president. I wondered what life was life for that Oval Office sissy!