Birthday Pool Party Ch. 42


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I reach orgasm just before Ian. My body tenses as my mouth opens in a silent scream. Then, I explode. I jerk wildly, causing Stephanie to lose her balance. With a loud gasp, I fall backwards, Ian's cock slipping out of me as my head and shoulders crash into the mat, my legs spread and in the air.

I'm still cumming. I can feel my vaginal muscles spasm, the familiar electricity shooting through me. I'm too far from Ian's dick, so all I can do is hump at the air, my hips bucking as pulse after pulse shoots through me, each one both weaker and stronger than the last.

Pushing the exercise ball out of the way, I'm able to scramble into a sitting position. That's when I realize that Stephanie is on her knees. All I can see is the back of her head, Ian's fingers gripping her dark hair, his face contorted as he obviously fills Stephanie's mouth with cum.

The tall, stacked woman hops to her feet and walks over to me. Grabbing me by the hair, she pulls my head back so her face can hover over mine. Stephanie then spits some of Ian's cum into my open mouth while both of us moan.

We both face Ian, me sitting while Stephanie stands. Then, we swallow. Ian looks back and forth between us, then we burst out laughing. I think of a very common saying; if you can't laugh during sex you're with the wrong partner. Or partners, in this case.

Stephanie and I let Ian relax for a little while. The three of us stay naked as we slowly sip on our drinks to recover. Noticing how sweaty we are, I suggest that we should take a shower. Fortunately, there's one right by the gym that we can use.

Ian may not be in the best shape, but we're all young, we recover quickly. Soaping up two pairs of boobs in the shower probably helps, too. The end results is that Stephanie braces against the shower and sticks out her butt so that Ian can fuck her.

Our boyfriend blasts a load up Stephanie's twat, which I happily slurp out of her. Only then do we really get around to making sure all three of us are clean. We get dressed and, after making sure Ian takes the jump rope, we go to the main living room and find Lexi and Hazel studying.

"How'd it go?" Hazel asks.

"Spit or swallow?" Lexi follows up with.

"Spitters are quitters." Stephanie points out.

"I can barely walk, I'm seeing spots, and I might have had a small stroke." Ian gasps before collapsing into an armchair.

"Oh, you're fine." I giggle. "Just start working out every day and you'll be ready for an all-night sex marathon."

"Every day?!" he cries weakly.

"You don't have to go so hard every day." Stephanie laughs. "Just commit to a certain amount each work out, and you'll find it easier and easier."

"O-okay." Ian mumbles, his eyes closed.

Stephanie and I pull out our books so we can study alongside Lexi and Hazel. Ian? Ian falls asleep. I kind of feel bad, since I know he's under a lot of academic pressure. Now that I think of it, waiting until after graduation to whip him into shape is probably the smarter plan. Too late now!

"Hi, ladies!" Daddy announces awhile later when he walks in after work. "Oh, and gentleman."

"Baby!" Lexi squeals, hopping to her feet and throwing herself into his arms, her legs wrapping around his waist as he holds onto her ass.

"Alright, then." Hazel nods slowly.

"Ian, wake up!" I shout, leaning over to shake his leg.

"Huh? What?" he groans, sitting up. "Oh, hi!"

"Long day, Ian?" Daddy asks when he sets Lexi back down on her feet.

"Um, ah, yeah..." Ian trails off weakly.

"Relax, he already knows you rail his daughter." Lexi rolls her eyes.

"Lexi!" I hiss as Ian blushes bright red.

"Don't worry, I won't push for details." Daddy laughs. "Hi, Stephanie. Will you and Ian be staying for dinner?"

"Yes, if that's okay?" Stephanie asks politely.

"Of course, you're always welcome." Daddy smiles.

The six of us sit down to a very nice meal. We're having one of my favorite chicken dishes. It is cooked in a delicious cheese sauce, and served with a baked potato and vegetables. The conversation mainly revolves around finals, graduation, and our college plans. Daddy congratulates Ian on being a candidate for Salutatorian.

With all of us, cleaning up takes almost no time at all. Sadly, Ian really needs to study and work on his speech. I hug and kiss him goodbye before he shakes Daddy's hand. Then I give Stephanie a long smooch, saying farewell to my boyfriend and girlfriend.

Daddy, Lexi, Hazel, and I end up in the main living room watching television. We're in our usual configuration; Daddy holding Lexi and Hazel while I relax in an armchair. The four of us sit in silence, enthralled by the new movie that is only now available on a streaming service.

"Really? That's the ending?" Hazel asks incredulously.

"They never even explained where the ghost came from!" Lexi speaks up. "Why was the mansion haunted?"

"Is the grandmother still alive?" I wonder. "They never addressed what happened after the gas explosion."

"She had to have died." Daddy reasons. "How could someone have survived?"

"She was out the back door!" Hazel argues. "The shed exploded outwards, and she was behind it. She's fine."

"Then why didn't she show up again?" Lexi counters. "She was just gone from the story."

"I got nothing." I shrug.

"They aren't even trying anymore." Hazel rolls her eyes before looking over at me. "Anyway, how's whipping Ian into shape going?"

"We started him off slow." I answer. "Just working on getting him used to exercise, increase his stamina."

"More stamina is always good!" Lexi giggles.

"Yeah, definitely!" I agree. "Getting him some sexy muscles will be next on the list."

"I still can't believe that guy is dating two women." Hazel snorts.

"Why not?" I ask with a frown. "Is something wrong with Ian?"

"No, he's fine." the tan girl shrugs. "It's just shocking that he'd get together with a girl like you or Stephanie. Both of you? Crazy!"

"Are you saying we're too hot for Ian?" I follow up with, wondering why she's being like this.

"He's a very nice guy, and I'm glad you're happy." Hazel answers. "I didn't mean anything by it. It was just a random thought."

"Fine." I grunt. This seems so fucking random, now I'm annoyed.

"Anyway, I could use some dick." Lexi comments, climbing to her feet and offering Daddy her hands.

"And I have a show to watch." Hazel says, standing up.

"Okay, bed time." Daddy nods, taking Lexi's hands and getting off the couch.

"Wanna join us, Kayla?" Lexi offers. "Get some Daddy cock?"

"Nah, I should study." I shake my head. "Thanks for the offer, though."

We shut off the television and the lights before grabbing our stuff and making our way to the bedrooms. Hazel wishes us a good night and enters her bedroom, shutting the door tightly. I hug Daddy and Lexi, yawning softly as I slip into my room.

Stripping down to my panties, I find myself thinking about Hazel's comment. It's an idle comment, made, like she says, without much thought. Still, does Hazel have a problem with Ian? This is the first time I'm suspecting such a thing. The two of them seem to get along just fine. It's probably nothing, right?

I go through my nighttime routine, and as I'm rubbing moisturizer into the soft skin of my breasts, I think more about Hazel. My best friend. At least, my best friend until Lexi. Does Hazel feel replaced? Maybe there is some bitterness that I don't know about. Replaced, bitter, jealous of a happy poly relationship? Am I overthinking this?

Shaking my head, I decide to distract myself by studying. I fail miserably. Instead, I end up laying in bed while scrolling through social media on my phone. Once it's time for bed, I send my good night texts, plug my phone in, and fall asleep under the covers.


Friday! Normally, it's a day I'm very excited about. Now though, I'm feeling kind of sad. This is the last full week of regular classes. Next week is finals, then we have a week off before graduation. High school is almost over. It's the end of an era. The true start of adulthood.

Slipping on a robe, I pad my way down the hall to start the day, the carpet soft beneath my bare feet. After the bathroom, I head to the kitchen to make myself some toast. Sitting down with toast and a hot cup of coffee, I enjoy a nice breakfast.

"Morning, Marcia!" Dad says happily as he walks into the kitchen with Mom.

"Morning Dad, morning Mom." I reply. "Happy anniversary!"

"Thank you, Sweetheart." Mom grins as she pours herself a cup of coffee from the pot I made.

"You two seem to be in a good mood." I observe as Dad takes out a frying pan to make eggs.

"Your father got a morning blowjob." Mom smirks, looking over at Dad.

"Courtney!" Dad hisses, his cheeks red as he looks between Mom and I.

"Your daughter is an adult now, Seth." Mom says firmly. "You need to get used to it."

"I don't want to." Dad sighs.

"Too bad, old man." I giggle.

"I'm just glad you don't have a boyfriend." Dad comments while making eggs. "Do you want any eggs, Marcia?"

"No, thank you." I respond with a shake of my head.

"A girl doesn't need a boyfriend to have a good time." Mom observes.

"I do NOT want to hear this." Dad states firmly, sounding genuinely annoyed for the first time. I know it's only because of Mom that he doesn't lock me in my room so I never see another boy.

"Okay, I'm sorry, Dear." Mom says, sitting across from me on her phone.

I continue eating my toast in silence while Dad finishes making eggs. He puts some onto two plates, one for him and one for Mom. Soon, all three of us are eating in silence, the awkwardness thick in the air as we all think about the end of the conversation.

"How do you guys feel about your anniversary being on Friday the thirteenth?" I ask while peering over my coffee cup.

"I'm not superstitious." Dad shrugs. "Doesn't matter to me."

"It's well known that bad things do happen on Friday the thirteenth." Mom points out.

"That's only because people expect those bad things to happen." Dad counters. "They keep an eye out, making note of every little thing that goes wrong. It's called observation bias."

"And that was called mansplaining." I giggle.

"Good girl!" Mom laughs, offering her hand for a high-five.

"Are you packed for the weekend, Courtney?" Dad asks, changing the subject.

"Almost." Mom confirms. "I just have to toss a couple more things in my suitcase."

"Why do you need a suitcase?" Dad frowns. "We're only gonna be gone for two nights, an overnight bag is fine."

"I need more room than that." Mom insists.

"Maybe don't bring thirty pairs of underwear?" Dad suggests.

"I could just not wear any underwear." Mom husks, giving Dad a sultry look.

"Perfect!" Dad grins. "Overnight bag, it is."

"Or," Mom begins, "suitcase full of stuff I need. Just no underwear."

Dad just sighs and shakes his head before returning to his eggs. He scarfs down his food as fast as he can so that he can start getting ready. Standing up, he downs the rest of his coffee and brings his plate and mug over to the sink.

"In a rush?" I ask.

"Yeah, I wanna get to work early so I can get as much done as possible before the weekend." Dad explains.

"Is it really worth staying in a hotel tonight? You'll be there late." I reason.

"It's worth it, I don't have to try to be quiet." Mom giggles.

"Yeah, right." I snort. "You haven't tried to be quiet in awhile."

"On that note, I'm going to get ready." Dad says, leaving the room.

Mom and I stay in the kitchen while Dad showers and gets ready for the day. Once we eat, I insist Mom stay in her seat while I do the dishes. As I'm finishing up, Dad comes in, fully dressed. He kisses Mom on the lips, gives me a hug, then rushes out the door to get to work.

"Do you have any plans tonight?" Mom inquires once Dad is gone.

"No, why?" I reply, shaking my head.

"I was thinking of going to the mall after work." Mom tells me. "I thought maybe you'd like to join me? I'll buy you dinner."

"You wanna go to the mall?" I frown in confusion. "Aren't I the teenager?"

"We had a great talk the last time we went to the mall!" Mom insists.

"We did." I nod. "It wasn't your anniversary, though."

"I'll be with your Dad all weekend." Mom shrugs. "I told him I was going to ask you, and that he could watch his dumb war movies while we're gone."

"That'll keep him happy." I grin.

"I thought you could help me pick out some nice lingerie to surprise your father with." Mom explains.

"That sounds fun!" I exclaim. "You're hot, so we'll have no trouble finding something you look great in."

"Thank you, Baby!" Mom smiles happily. "I feel a little guilty asking since you have finals next week, but I thought you could use the break."

"I'd like that." I confirm. "Sounds like a plan."

"Great!" Mom replies.

Mom and I take turns showering before getting dressed for work and school. I'm wearing jean shorts and a cute gray top. I hug Mom goodbye, and she promises to be home early. Then I place my backpack and purse on the passenger seat of my car so I can drive to school.

On the way, I stop at the gas station to fill up. In addition, while I already have an anniversary card, I need something to put in it. Heading into the small store attached to the gas station, I buy four different ten dollar lottery scratchers. Of course, I get carded.

I sign the sweet and romantic card I have, then stick the lottery scratchers inside. Stifling a yawn, I drive the rest of the way to school and park in the student lot. It isn't long before I'm with my fellow Slut-sisters, having our usual morning chat.

"Ugh, I can't wait until finals are over." Ashley complains loudly.

"Soon." I reply with a cheeky smile. "Then we have stressful college finals to look forward to."

"Bitch." Ashley grunts.

"Hazel, wake up!" Kayla suddenly snaps, nudging the tan girl.

"Huh, what?" Hazel mutters, opening her eyes and looking around.

"I think you fell asleep on your feet." Lexi snorts. "Impressive, by the way."

"Had to watch new series... so good..." Hazel mumbles while yawning.

"Just make sure to get plenty of sleep before finals." I advise. "You don't wanna be exhausted while sitting for an exam."

"Yes, Mom." the tan girl grunts.

"What's your plan after you give birth to my new baby brother or sister?" Kayla inquires with a raised eyebrow.

"Did you forget I helped raise my brothers?" Hazel counters with a defiant expression. "I helped them get to sleep, I made sure they were up for school, and I listened to their problems."

"You know you'll be up every couple hours to breast feed?" Ashley follows up with.

"You didn't do that with your brothers... I hope." Lexi adds, crinkling her nose.

"I didn't think of that." Hazel mumbles, looking down to hide her anxiety.

"Hey!" I exclaim, placing my hand on Hazel's shoulder. "Don't listen to them, you're gonna be an amazing Mom. You won't have to do it alone, either. You have Steven, and you have us."

"We're gonna be aunties!" Ashley grins, clapping her hands.

"Well, you will be. I'll be a big sister." Kayla sticks out her tongue.

"I'm not looking forward to getting fat." Hazel sighs, looking down at her flat stomach as she rubs it lightly.

"You won't be fat, you'll have a beautiful baby bump." I insist firmly.

"And bigger titties." Ashley smiles, holding her hands a few inches in front of her own breasts and making fake squeezing motions.

"You have a doctor's appointment next week, right?" Kayla inquires. "I'm sure they can give you some advice about dealing with the anxiety."

"Yeah, Steven is going with me." Hazel confirms.

"Will you be able to find out the sex?" Lexi asks.

"No." the tan girl shakes her head, making her long ponytail shake back and forth. "The earliest possible is fourteen weeks, usually. I'm not even ten weeks yet."

We spend the next few minutes trying to reassure Hazel. The long-haired girl is clearly very hormonal, and cries a bit, but she's mostly able to keep it together. Hazel tells us about her morning sickness, and that she isn't nauseated usually, but it will hit her out of nowhere.

"How's April, by the way?" I wonder at one point.

"Eh." Lexi shrugs. "She's okay, ups and downs."

"Do we have something to worry about?" Ashley frowns.

"I don't think so." Kayla shakes her head. "Her emotions are all over the place; one minute she says Stacey can never sleep with Daddy again, then she changes her mind, then April says she's gonna talk to me and make sure Daddy never touches me again."

"April insists she won't tell anyone, though." Lexi adds. "That's the big thing."

"It'll be sad if Kayla can't get anymore Daddy-dick." Ashley points out.

"Yeah, Steven really knows how to make a pussy purr." Hazel grins happily.

"Something we won't ever argue about." I giggle.

All five of us are concerned about what's going to happen with April. The government has no right to dictate what two consenting adults do behind closed doors, but they think they do. I suppose I agree with the argument that babies born via incest usually have birth defects, but with the new birth control pill, the risks are minuscule.

Heading into the main building, I start thinking about how few days I have left as a high school senior. I walk by the large deer statue every day, and I may never see it again. Sure, the fact that we're the harts is kind of ridiculous, but it feels really comforting right now. I smile at the large deer, giggling slightly at the fact that harts are supposed to be red deer, but the school colors are white and green.

I spend all of homeroom studying. I'm not alone, there are several other people poring over books and notes. Not everyone, of course. At least three people are sleeping, a couple more have their heads in their phones since the homeroom teacher doesn't care, and Camila is flirting with Noah.

First period is more reviewing for finals. I take detailed notes, with everything organized, and important information underlined. Second period is more of the same; reviews and notes. I do take a moment to reply to the Sluts in our group chat, though.

As I'm leaving my second class, I notice Ashley in the distance. Before I can approach her, she walks up to Katie and pulls the shorter blonde to the side. The two of them giggle, nodding happily. Seeing they're busy, I turn and find myself face-to-face with Shawn White.

"Oh! Sorry, Marcia." Shawn says as he nearly walks into me.

"Hi, Shawn." I reply with a friendly smile. "It's fine."

"How have you been?" he asks while we move aside to stand by the lockers.

"Fine. Busy with finals." I answer with a nod, holding a book to my chest as my backpack and purse straps dig into my shoulder. "You?"

"The same." Shawn confirms, an awkward tension in the air. "I've missed you."

"You see me every day at lunch." I remind him, looking up at him with my brown eyes.

"It's not the same." he sighs sadly. "We used to text and talk all the time. That stopped after, you know, Prom..."

"I know, I'm sorry." I mumble, unsure of what I'm sorry for.

"It's okay, I understand." Shawn says before letting out a breath. "Listen, I'm glad I ran into you. Um, are you still, ah...?"

"Yes. I am." I nod. "Nothing's changed."

"I just thought with, you know, graduating, you might wanna settle down." he shrugs nervously.

"Settle down?" I quote with a smirk. "Shawn, we're eighteen, not twenty-eight!"

"We are." Shawn admits with an anxious chuckle. "It's just that you deserve someone who will make you their number one priority."

"I'm not sure I know what you mean." I say, my voice hardening as I give him a chance to change what he's insinuating.

"You know, someone who treats you like you're important." Shawn replies, completely oblivious.

"I am important to them, Shawn." I roll my eyes, starting to get annoyed. "The five of us are incredibly close, we're always here for each other, and we don't judge. They're closer and more important to me than I can ever say. I'm sorry you think I'm a slut, but who I spread my legs for is my own business!"