Birthday Pool Party Ch. 42


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"I don't think you're a slut!" he insists, raising his hands in a non-threatening gesture.

"Phones work both ways." I point out. "You could have kept texting me good morning, like you used to. You stopped. That was your choice! You stopped being my friend when you couldn't accept me for who I am!"

"Who you are?" Shawn gives me a disgusted look. "You aren't the type to sleep around! You're so sweet and quiet."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I snap, my anger rising. "You didn't judge me when I confided in you after Prom!"

"I just, I, well, I just miss you!" he answers helplessly.

"Be my friend." I reply, some of my fury receding as I realize where this is coming from. "I'm sorry we can't be more, but you can't handle the way I choose to live. I'm not willing to change."

"I.." Shawn mumbles as he begins to deflate. "You know, I can't have this conversation right now."

"Fine." I hiss, still pretty upset. "See you at lunch. Try and have a better attitude."

I can't focus during my third class. I just zone out, my mouth slightly open and eyes glazed as I tap my pencil eraser against my notebook. While I believe everything I say in my conversation with Shawn, I can't help but think about his comment about settling down. My relationship with my Slut-sisters is important, and not something I'm ever willing to stop. Will I be able to find a guy who can share me like that?

My third class ends, and I shake my head to clear it, furious with myself for accomplishing nothing. Looking down at my notebook, I realize it's covered in the words Mrs. Marcia Thomson, which are written over and over again. I quickly rip out the page and crumple it before tossing it in the recycling bin.

Steven. I really am in love with him. I'm sure he loves me, but I don't mean as much to him as the others: Lexi, Nicole, Hazel, Stacey. I'm definitely not okay with fifth place. Am I heading for heart break? Don't I deserve a guy of my own?

Shy, quiet, reserved, Marcia. Always the responsible, level-headed one. I'm not the nymphomaniac redhead; a school dance and an amusement park are my only wild experiences. I'm not a smart accountant or a hot assistant. I'm also not a tan girl carrying the handsome man's baby. I'm just Marcia. I can never be with Steven, not the way I need.

I don't need more notches on my bedpost. I need a guy who is okay with me sleeping with Steven and the Sluts. That isn't Shawn. That will never be Shawn. I'm over him, but I don't know how I move forward. Do I just continue as I am, hoping the right guy runs into me and sweeps me off my feet? Fuck, I'm just thinking in circles!

Unable to relax, I run to the bathroom so I can do something spontaneous. Shutting myself in a stall, I lift my shirt and bra, exposing my breasts. I snap a picture of my titties and send it to Steven with a cute winking face emoticon. He replies that he misses my boobs, and I let him know he's welcome to titty-fuck me whenever he likes!

Kayla and Ian aren't the only ones late to lunch. Lexi teases the rich girl and her nerdy boyfriend while Shawn glances at me with an uncomfortable expression. A few minutes later, Ashley shows up while leading Josh, who has a happy grin on his face.

"Did someone have a nice time?" Hazel asks with a giggle.

"Um, yeah..." Josh smiles, his face bright red as he takes his seat.

"Don't be shy!" Ashley giggles. "I blew him in a janitor's closet."

We all start laughing as Josh looks down, his face so red that I'm sure he's burning. Well, almost all of us laughs. Shawn just takes a bite of his food, a sad look in his eyes. I'm still angry, but I also feel bad, I know he really cares about me. I completely respect his decision to not have sex with me Prom night, he wants love. It's amazing. He's a special guy. He and I just can't be a couple.

I actually find myself getting slightly wet at the thought of Ashley on her knees, sucking Josh off. I remember Ashley telling us about blowing Billy in the janitor's closet. It's nice that she is doing it with a guy she really cares about now. None of us are close to Billy at all anymore. I rub my thighs together as I imagine giving head to Steven somewhere we might get caught.

"So, Kayla, what did you and Ian get up to?" Lexi asks with a smirk.

"Nothing much." Kayla shrugs, feigning disinterest. "I bent over the teacher's desk and let him fuck me from behind."

"Mm, fun!" Hazel husks.

"I'm jealous!" Ashley adds. "I feel so empty right now..."

"Why did you leave the janitor's closet without getting stuffed?" Kayla wonders.

"Lunch is only so long." the stacked blonde sighs.

Thankfully, the sex talk soon dies out. We eat our food as fast as we can, all while reading our notes. It isn't easy for me to focus; I'm horny. I have plans with Mom, otherwise I might text Steven and ask if he has some free time for me. Oh well, another time.

My afternoon classes are pretty uneventful. More reviews, more notes, more reminders of the importance of our final grades, even though we already have college acceptances. I say hello to people in the hallways, knowing that I'll be on a new campus next year. At one point, Shawn does text me.

Shawn: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be such a jerk, I just miss you.

Marcia: I understand. I do like you, and I'm sorry that we didn't work out.

Shawn: It's not your fault. You aren't doing anything wrong.

Marcia: Thank you for saying that.

Shawn: It's my problem that I can't handle the thought of you with someone else.

Marcia: Most people are like that, it's completely normal.

Shawn: Can we still be friends?

Marcia: Of course! I want to stay in touch, even after high school! :)

Shawn: I'm glad. Is it bad that I feel embarrassed about being the only virgin in the group?

Marcia: Hey! I offered you pussy, and you said no! ;) We're friends, we can joke!

Shawn: We can. :) And you did, I know.

Marcia: You're waiting for the right person. You thought I was her, but we know I'm not.

Shawn: Yeah...

Marcia: You'll find her. And she'll be one lucky woman!

Shawn: Thank you, Marcia.

Marcia: You're welcome. :)

The school day ends, and I send my mom a quick text to confirm that she's home. Hopping in my car, I drive home and see both my parents' cars in the driveway. Taking a deep breath, I open the front door slowly, and am relieved that both of my parental units are fully dressed.

"Hi, Marcia! How was school?" Mom asks as she walks into the living room.

"Fine." I shrug. "Are you ready to go?"

"Where are you going again?" Dad asks from the armchair, beer in hand while a war movie plays on the television.

"The mall. Like we told you this morning." Mom rolls her eyes. "Just a little girl bonding before our weekend."

"Don't spend a lot of money!" Dad calls out playfully.

"Oh, we're fine." Mom snorts.

"I'll try and control myself." I shake my head.

"Are you packed? We'll need to leave as soon as you get home." Dad follows up with.

"Just about." Mom answers.

"Overnight bag?" he wonders.

"Suitcase. Deal with it." Mom states, making me laugh.

"Fine." Dad sighs. "Have fun, girls. I love you both."

Mom and I express our love, and I run to my room to drop off my backpack. After using the bathroom, I return to the living room and find my parents making out in the armchair. Mom is sitting in his lap with her arms around his neck as he holds her close.

"That's enough." I say loudly, making them jump.

"Sorry, Marcia." Mom laughs, standing up. "Just giving your dad a preview of what's to come."

"I'll have her back soon, Dad!" I announce as Mom and I head for the door.

"Right. See you soon." Dad manages to say.

I chat with my mom the entire ride to the mall. We both talk about how open we are with each other now, and how great it is. I'm still a little grossed out at the thought of my parents doing it, but I'm sure they feel the same cringe when they think about me having sex. I'm growing up, and we all need to accept everything that means.

"Food or undies first?" Mom asks while we walk toward the mall entrance.

"Food?" I answer after a few seconds of thought. "I'm kind of hungry, and this way you'll be able to have a late night snack with Dad at the hotel."

"Maybe I'll be his late night snack." she suggests, giving me a playful hip-check.

"He any good at it?" I ask, wincing slightly in disgust.

"No complaints." Mom grins. "None at all!"

"Lucky you!" I giggle, trying to ignore the mental image.

We step inside the crowded mall and start heading down the central walkway, passing several stores. It's a Friday, and many adults are still working, as a result most of the shoppers are middle and high school students. Some might be in college. A few people recognize me and wave.

"Not embarrassed to be at the mall with your mother?" she wonders as we walk past a window with various outfits on display.

"Nah, my mom is sexy as hell!" I reply with a laugh as I wave to a guy in my AP Physics class.

"He's cute." Mom observes as he walks past us. "Who was that?"

"That was Frank." I answer. "He's in my Physics class, and yeah, I guess he's okay."

"Frank? You don't hear that name very often in young people." she comments as we approach the escalator leading to the second floor.

"Yeah, I actually thought everyone named Frank sprang into existence as a grumpy middle-aged man with a mustache." I shrug and smirk. "Then Frank moved here our Junior year."

"Is he seeing anyone?" Mom gently probes.

"Uh, not that I know of... why?" I reply with a frown.

"No reason." she shrugs nonchalantly. "I was just wondering if there were any cute guys you were interesting?"

"Not really." I roll my eyes. "Is this more of you trying to get me to sleep with someone other than Steven?"

"No, no!" Mom insists as we approach the food court. "I even said you don't have to be in a relationship to have a good time!"

"You did, but there's more to it." I challenge.

"There is." she admits with a sigh. "I'm still worried you're gonna get hurt. I know it's not just sex between you and Kayla's dad, and he's with so many girls."

"I know he is, but he still treats me like I'm special. Because, to him, I am special." I explain. "I know I'm not gonna marry him, but I promise he's not mistreating me at all. He's not leading me on."

"Okay, I'm sorry." Mom lets out a breath. "I know you're an adult. I don't have to hide my sex life from you, and you don't need to hide yours from me. I won't judge you."

"Thanks, Mom." I smile as we start checking out restaurants.

"Mexican?" she suggests, indicating the nearby restaurant.

"Nah, I feel like American greasy food." I reply.

"That place makes amazing wings." Mom points at the popular wing place on the other side of the food court.

"Sure, that works." I shrug and start walking.

"What about them? They're hot." Mom nods her head to indicate the trio of guys standing near a table.

"So, instead of Steven, would you rather I take those three college guys into the family restroom to gangbang me?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course not!" Mom laughs and shakes her head at my over the top comment. "I'm not trying to set you up, I promise. You're sleeping with Steven, I accept it. I'm just saying, look at the blond's butt. I'd love to take a bite out of that."

"Mom!" I exclaim, placing a hand over my mouth as I laugh. "Jeez! What about Dad?"

"Oh, your dad has an amazing ass, too." she says thoughtfully.

"How would he feel about you checking out guys half your age?" I counter.

"Sweetie, just because you're on a diet, doesn't mean you can't look at the dessert menu. And what cheesecake!" Mom starts giggling like a schoolgirl.

"Cheesecake? What does that even mean?" I whisper as we get in line behind a guy with brown hair.

"Oh. My. God." Mom gasps quietly, ignoring me completely as she indicates the guy in front of us. "That guy's butt... holy shit. You could make a meal out of that! Wow. I mean the college guys were great, but..."

My breath catches as the guy turns slightly, and I'm afraid he can hear us. Instead, however, he pulls his phone out of his pocket to look at it, allowing me to see the side of his face. My eyes widen as I realize I know this guy. Very well, in fact.

"Steven?!" I call out loudly.

"Hm?" Kayla's dad replies, turning to face us. "Oh, Marcia! Hi! And Courtney! Great to see you, too."

"Nice to see you, Steven." Mom smiles, her cheeks slightly red. "How have you been?"

"Excellent, thank you." he nods politely. "You?"

"No complaints." Mom answers. "Going away for the weekend with Seth for our anniversary."

"Happy anniversary!" Steven exclaims. "Going anywhere exciting?"

"Not really." she says. "Hotel with a casino. Some gambling, a few nice meals, nothing crazy."

"Well, I hope you have fun." he grins.

"What are you doing here?" I inquire with a frown. "Aren't you usually at work at this time?"

"Usually, yes." Steven answers as we move forward in line. "I left early to do some shopping, and I couldn't resist an order of cheese fries."

"Buying anything fun?" I follow up with.

"Uh, no, nothing." he replies a little too quickly. "Just needed a couple of things."

"How are Lexi and Kayla?" Mom asks, changing the subject.

"They're both doing very well." Steven confirms. "Stressed about finals, but excited for graduation."

"I can relate." I speak up, my eyes running all over his body, his chiseled face, his muscular arms. Delicious.

Steven turns to place his order, and I openly ogle his tight ass. Mom is right; a great butt, indeed. Unlike Mom, I know how it feels to hold onto that bum while he's thrusting into me, taking me, stretching my little hole with his massive, throbbing manhood while I shake in uncontrollable pleasure.

My mouth is practically watering when we approach the register, but it definitely is not from hunger. At least, not hunger for food. Mom and I place our orders while Steven stands at the soda machine and fills his cup with a dark, fizzy liquid.

Cups in hand, Mom and I walk over to the machine and fill our drinks. Then we stand beside Steven, talking about random things as we wait for our food. Once all three of us have our meals, we find a small table to sit at together, Mom and I on one side, Steven on the other.

Feeling frisky, I play footsie with Steven under the table. At one point, Mom glances over at me with an expression that says she's half-proud and half-concerned. Still, she doesn't say anything and just bites into another chicken wing.

"It was great seeing you both." Steven smiles after we toss our trash.

"You could stay with us?" I offer as various scenarios run through my mind. Forget the college guys, Steven can take me into the family restroom and fuck my brains out.

"I'm sorry, I can't." he winces sadly. "I have to pick up an order and head out."

"Oh. Okay." I frown. Dammit! No nookie in a bathroom for Marcia, I guess.

"It was great seeing you both." Steven smiles kindly.

"See you at the graduation party." Mom adds.

"Bye, Steven." I mumble, upset that I don't even get a hug.

The handsome man disappears as Mom and I start walking in the opposite direction. He's clearly hiding something, but what is it? Also, no hug? No kiss makes sense, I guess, Mom is here, but I at least deserve a hug!

"You okay, Honey?" Mom asks softly.

"I was just thinking..." I say quietly.

"About Steven?" she sighs while we walk past a cell phone store.

"Yeah..." I mumble, trying to find the words. "I just wanted a hug..."

"He probably was reluctant to show affection around me." Mom suggests before making a sound of annoyance. "And while I may have my reservations, I could tell he wanted you just from the way he looked at you."

"Really?" I inquire with bright eyes.

"Yes." she says, giving me a sideways glance. "He peeked down your shirt a couple of times, too."

"It's just..." I trail off, reluctant to admit it. "After my joke about the college guys, I was considering actually having him take me to the family bathroom for a quickie."

"Oh my..." Mom gasps loudly as people walk all around us. "And um, his butt, is it that nice without his pants on?"

"You have no idea." I state seriously.

"Now I kind of wish it happened." she admits with a blush.

"Really? A minute ago you were once again bringing up your concerns." I point out.

"Well, my wild college days are long behind me." Mom shrugs. "I may have done a lot of things I regret, but there was fun in there, too. Can't a woman live vicariously through her own daughter?"

"I suppose she can." I snort as we enter the store with the sexy underwear.

The first thing we notice when walking in is the large display of panties with a big sign explaining the current sale. They have all different colors and styles, as well as a few mannequins wearing cute undies. A college girl has a drawer open and is rummaging through the piles of frilly fabric while several other women of varying ages examine bras and lingerie.

In addition, there are two guys sifting through revealing garments. They look to be a little older than I am, nineteen, twenty? One of them is tall with light brown hair, while the other is a very handsome Asian man with very nice eyes and a charming smile.

"Where should we start?" Mom asks while looking around.

"Do you just want lingerie? Do you have any sexy undies?" I inquire, surprised that I'm not the slightest bit uncomfortable talking about this with my mother.

"I have a few lace and see-thru pieces, but not much else." she answers after thinking about it.

"Okay." I nod, biting my lower lip as I glance at the far wall. "Let's head to the back and see what we can find."

Approaching the back wall, we look up at the hanging lingerie. They have a complete collection of nighties and teddies. Thinking about Mom, if someone doesn't look at our faces, it's easy to get us confused. We're built mostly the same; average height, slim, C-cup breasts, light skin, dark hair, and brown eyes.

"I think color is more important than style." Mom comments, tapping her chin. "I mean, do guys really care where the cut outs are or anything like that?"

"I don't know, I bought a red piece that Steven loved." I say, smiling at the memory. "It has a diamond cut out to show off my belly."

"Oh, that sounds cute!" she replies, turning to give me an appraising look. "Still, maybe it being red helped. I think red would look amazing on you."

"Well, it would look even better on you, sexy lady!" I giggle, noticing Mom actually is wearing a red shirt. She's also dressed in jean shorts, like I am. "Shall we find something red for you?"

Mom agrees, and we start sifting through the various pieces, some more revealing than others. While we're shopping, I once again notice the two guys as they move closer to us. At first, I think they're just being perverts, but from their conversation, it seems like the Asian guy is helping his tall friend pick out something to give his girlfriend.

"How about this one?" Mom asks, holding up a long one piece.

"It's not red." I observe.

The vintage-looking lingerie is light pink, and made of satin. It isn't see-thru at all, but it should fall to just below Mom's butt, showing off her sexy legs. Spaghetti straps and a push-up bra will put my Mom's assets on full display. The bra cups also have the cutest cherry blossoms embroidered on them.

"No, but I love it!" she exclaims, lifting it slightly to show me. "It's teasing, while still leaving something to the imagination. And look! It comes with matching panties!"

"You should try it on!" I suggest. "The dressing room is right over there."

"Okay, but let's find something for you to try on." Mom adds.

We spend the next few minutes looking for something I can wear. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the two guys trying to subtly check me out. Feeling naughty, I bend forward to give them a nice look at my jean-clad bum. Standing up, I smirk when I realize that the tall guy is actually checking out Mom! I hope she notices!