Bittersweet Irish Cream Ch. 09


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Ethan took a sip and said, "I don't think Jack knows how to play."

"Nope, never played before," Jack said.

Carlos feigned being shocked and put his hand over his heart. "Que mierda, you're a terrible boyfriend, how have you not taught him to play spades!?"

Ethan laughed and said, "They play pool and poker around here."

"Let's play. I'm a quick study," Jack said.

Ethan and Carlos exchanged looks, then laughed. "He's your fucking partner, cabron."

Jack actually did catch on pretty quick and after fumbling the first few hands, he and Ethan started winning books. Within an hour they finished the first bottle of tequila, had the second bottle opened and Jack and Ethan were catching up. Carlos, who drinking more than the rest, was getting handsy with everyone and loose with his tongue.

At one point when Jack walked pass, he slapped his ass hard but before Jack could respond Ethan slapped him hard upside his head, "The fuck are you doing!?" Which only made Carlos laugh.

"C'mon EB I just wanted to see what you're working with," He winked at Jack who quickly went back to visualizing pistol whipping Carlos. Their ceasefire did not last long at all.

Carlos made sexual innuendos as well. "Jorge's nipples are sexier than Ethan's. I think. You both should just take off your shirts and let me decided." And "Ethan likes big dicks Jack, so I know you must be fucking hung."

Jack, who only had a cup and a half of tequila was probably the most sober one in the room, and was increasingly getting upset at a drunk Carlos more so then the interrogating one the night before. Carlos was trying to get them to play Strip Spades -- Jorge told him, "That's not a thing, dawg" -- and every time Ethan and Jack lost a hand, he kept trying to get them to take something off, namely Ethan.

After they lost one round and Jack was shuffling cards, and Carlos slid under the table. He reached over to pull Ethan's pants leg down, to which Ethan kicked him and he fell back against Jack's leg laughing.

Jack's patience ran out. He set the cards down and said, "I think Carlos is officially done." He got up, poured half a glass of tequila and sat on the couch.

Ethan went to sit next to him as Jorge laughed with Carlos and tried to pick him off the floor. Jack looked straight ahead and sipped slowly. Ethan leaned on his shoulder. "You ok?"

Jack nodded once but didn't speak. Ethan said, "Which means, 'fuck no.' I know you Jackie Bear."

Jack smiled. Ethan nudged him until Jack looked at him. He mouthed, "I love you." Jack shrugged and smiled and Ethan grinned back widely. He could tell Ethan was shitfaced drunk.

Carlos came over saying, "I'm just going to sit right here." He tried to sit in Ethan's lap. Ethan yelled, "What the fuck Carlos, get a fucking grip!" He pushed him onto the floor as Jack glared at him.

Carlos laughing from the ground said, "Don't act like you don't like it EB. Me in your lap." Jack scoffed and shook his head. It was taking all his strength not to hit him.

Ethan said to him, "Yo, you're being wildly disrespectful right now, Los."

Jorge came over and laid down next to him on the floor, head on his chest and spoke to him in Spanish, "Para ya ahora. Está comenzando problemas para Ethan (Stop it now, you're starting trouble for Ethan)."

He responded, "Estoy follando con él (I'm just fucking with him), why is Baby Jack getting mad?" He laughed again.

Jack looked down at him and said sharply, "What?"

Ethan patted Jack's leg and said, "Don't call him that. And stop fucking with me."

Jorge said, "Aye dios mio you are a terrible drunk. Cabron, no more tequila for you for the rest of your life." Carlos laughed and he laughed too.

Carlos stroked Jorge's hair and it was quiet for a minute, then he said, "It's still early, what do you want to do now?"

"Take your drunk ass to bed," Ethan said, annoyed with him now.

Carlos laughed. Then said, "Anybody want to have an orgy?"

Jack said automatically, "No."

Ethan chuckled. "You are something else, you know that? Four gays in a room and your first thought is, let's all fuck?"

Carlos laughed. "Well y'all motherfuckers thought about it though. Except Baby Jack. Baby Jack doesn't want me touching big Ethan anymore."

Jack said calmly, "Don't call me Baby Jack."

Ethan could feel Jack getting really upset. He held Jack's free hand and leaned his body into Jack's lap to make sure he doesn't get up. "Los. Chill," he warned.

"Ok ok," Carlos said. "No more threesomes for us huh, Ethan? That's cool. Last one was good though. Not the threesome. I didn't get to touch you too much then, not with the anaconda dick in between us." He laughed, then said, "The last time it was just the two of us afterwards. We were so drunk and high. That was good. You got good man-pussy."

Ethan felt Jack's whole body tense up. But all Jack did was exhale slowly and calmly took another sip of his drink. "Shut. The fuck. Up Carlos," Ethan said testily.

"Cabron. You're being terrible right now," Jorge told him.

"Why, I'm sure Baby Jack knows all about us," Carlos said.

"Don't. Fucking. Call...." Jack said dangerously.

Ethan kicked Carlos and yelled at him, "Stop, you fucking asshole!"

Carlos groaned, "Ow!" He laughed and held his shoulder.

"You deserved it," Jorge said. "Jack should kick your fucking ass with how disrespectful you're being."

"And I'm about to let him, stop calling him that," Ethan said. "And stop talking about me or fucking threesomes, what the fuck Los!?"

"Well how was I supposed to know he didn't know cabron, it's not my fault you don't tell him everything," Carlos said smugly. Jack chuckled, nodded and took another sip. Carlos continued, "And anyway it was a long time ago ba- Jack, like seven years ago so don't worry. I haven't touched your man in a long time. Así que relájate. (So relax.)"

It was quiet, then Jorge said, "I'm ready to go." He rubbed on Carlos groin area. "You ready?"

"Yea," Carlos said. "Let's go."

Jorge stood up pulled Carlos to a standing position. Carlos looked down at Ethan leaning on Jack, who was still staring straight ahead, stone faced. He smiled and let Jorge lead him to the door.

Ethan stood up as well, swayed a bit then started walking toward them. "Let me help you walk him upstairs, Jorge."

"No you're not," Jack said quietly. "You're not walking them up. You're not going anywhere." All three turned to look at Jack who was in the same position, looking ahead with a drink in his hand.

"What?" Ethan asked.

Jack said again, calmly, "You're not going anywhere. You're staying right here." He took another sip.

Carlos busted out laughing. "Oh shit, Jack laying down the fucking law! What you gonna do, EB?"

Ethan glared at him, then went back over to Jack and knelt in front of him, both hands on his thighs. Jack wouldn't look at him at first, so Ethan gently turned his head. Jack's green eyes were almost dark; he could see how upset he was. They stared at each other.

Carlos yelled, "Yo, you coming or not?"

Ethan, not turning from Jack's face, said, "Jorge, get him out of here."

Jorge waved and said, "We out." He held Carlos up as they left the apartment.

As soon as the door closed, Ethan still kneeling in front of Jack started with, "Jack, I'm sor-"

Jack cut him off, "So 7 years not 12 or 10 years. Your 20's, not your teens." He took another sip and looked him in the eyes.

Ethan swayed a bit and said, "We fucked around my first couple of years in college, that's all. And it was still a long time ago."

Jack changed the subject. "Why does he call you EB?"

Ethan sighed. "It doesn't mean anything really."

"What does it stand for? Because it's not your middle name," Jack asked curiously.

Ethan knew this was going to be bad but he told him. "Ethan Baby."

Jack laughed sarcastically, then threw his head back in frustration, yelled, "Aaaaaaahhh!!"

Ethan pleaded, "But it doesn't mean anything, it's just a nickname. Trish calls me that too, she got it from him."

"So your first love and your ex-wife calls you baby to this day?" he asked incredulously. "Why don't I call you EB?"

"I don't know, you can if you want to," Ethan tried.

"Why the fuck would I want to now?" Jack asked exasperatedly.

Ethan slid his hands around Jack to hug him and put his head on his chest. "Jaaaackie," he moaned. He waited a moment and said in his chest, "I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry. I'm going to put a stop to it, I promise." He squeezed Jack tighter.

Jack was quiet. He was still pissed but he was trying to figure out who he was pissed at: Carlos for trying to come between them or Ethan for letting it happen. Or himself for not pulling out his gun and shooting Carlos in the face.

"Do you believe me now when I tell you he wants you?" he said.

Ethan said muffled, still in Jack's chest, "But it doesn't matter because I want you. I need you. I love you. Please Jackie Bear. Don't be mad at me. Please?"

Jack sighed. He reached up and started running his hands through Ethan's brown wispy hair. After a while, Ethan looked up and Jack leaned down and kissed him softly. "Give me a minute, wait for me in bed," he said. Ethan stood up, swayed again, looked down at Jack, who looked up at him. He leaned down for another kiss, and left the room.

Jack put his glass down, leaned back and closed his eyes. He was drunker than what he wanted to be and felt out of control with his emotions. He was still angry and had the strong desire to go upstairs and knock Carlos the fuck out, because he knew everything Carlos did tonight was calculating. He wanted to drive them apart. But Jack refused to let him. So instead he took some deep breaths and got up to go to Ethan.

Ethan had stripped bare and laid down on his stomach. Jack came in and took off all his clothes as well. He grabbed the lube off the dresser and stroked his semi hard into a full hard on. He got on the bed on his knees and said, "Turn over E."

Ethan turned to his back and looked up at Jack as he crawled in between his legs. They kissed softly, lovingly, with Jack stroking Ethan's hair, Ethan stroking Jack's back.

"I've never been so mad at the fact that I love you so much until today," Jack said.

"Hmmmm. That's how I felt the day you left me standing in front of the Inn," Ethan said truthfully.

Jack sighed and asked, "Do you forgive me?"

"Yes," Ethan said automatically. Then asked, "Do you forgive me?"

Jack sighed again. "Besides the fact that I got blindsided with knowledge I didn't know, you didn't do anything wrong."

"Doesn't matter. I'm still going to make it right." They laid in silence again, then Ethan said, "I'm so in love with you, Jack." He reached up with both his hands and stroked Jack's hair lovingly.

Jack chuckled. "You're an emotional drunk, aren't you? I just realized this is the first time I've seen you really fucked up."

"What can I say, I'm a lover." He grinned a goofy grin.

"Isn't that how you ended up with EJ, too much tequila and being a lover?" Jack joked.

Ethan laughed. "No, molly is how I ended up with EJ. That shit made me forget I was fucking a pussy and not ass." They both laughed. Ethan reached down and touched Jack's face and said, "Have I ever told you, you have the most amazing green eyes?"

Jack sat up into a kneeling position and held up Ethan's thighs. "No. But keep talking. I like drunk Ethan." He lubed and fingered him, then guided himself into Ethan's hole. Then Jack leaned over him on his palms, guided himself into his favorite place in the whole world, pushing in and out rhythmically while Ethan kept talking.

"uuuugh...I used to uuuugh...dream of...those... uuugh...eyes.... those...damn dimples... uuugh.. dream...i was...uuuugh... uughh fucking the... garbage kid.... uuuugh...uuuggh... me... uuuugh ...inside you.... uuuugh...fuuuck... fucking you.... I should have uuuugh... made you... mine... from the staaaaart uuuugh... the fucking garbage kid.... fucking...the uuuugh uuuugh uuuuugh... garbage kid, fuuuuck... I love you uuugh uuugh... uuuugh...."

Jack kissed him passionately to stop him from talking. Ethan held onto his back, and when Jack started feeling Ethan's climax, he had no desire to prolong himself. He reached between them, stroking Ethan and thrusted deeper until they came together.

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CocoPop1CocoPop1about 2 years ago

First of all it’s frustrating that Ethan doesn’t put Carlos in his place. A good friend wouldn’t do what Carlos is doing (and Jorge deserve better). Second I love that Jack tried to deal with the situation calm before shit his the fan. Lastly I don’t think a relationship where one partners is possessive or controlling, but IT WAS HOT AS FUCK when Jack told Ethan he can’t take Carlos upstairs. It’s hot because I know that’s not the nature of their relationship and the outburst was a result of Jack’s love and frustration.

sm1982sm1982over 2 years ago

When Ethan still hadn’t 1, introduced Jack as his fiancé when he first saw Carlos and Jorge and 2, never during any of his exchanges in-person, I was expecting Jack to just blurt it out during that stupid interrogation the first dinner or the second one where Carlos was trying to brag about his past sexual relationship with Ethan. And I get why Ethan let it slide most of the time because that’s how Carlos is but he really pushed it both nights. But the way he was acting, how Ethan responded and how Carlos’ visit was damaging E & J’s relationship was a wake up call for Ethan. He couldn’t answer Jack’s question of why are you with me instead of him with the reasons why he and Carlos could never work. I’m also annoyed how Carlos got away with “you hurt Ethan before” when the hurt he caused was just as bad when they were teens. He literally made it seem like Ethan didn’t matter to him. You don’t do that to your best friend and you don’t do that to someone you claim is the one you’re going to end up with..

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I agree! WTF Ethan?

Yes Carlos is an arrogant overbearing vulgar thoughtless assholian prick! But the real shit stain here is Ethan. Nothing about what has been written, about how their relationship has transpired through the years - and I mean NOTHING - can begin to explain why Ethan is still friends, let alone best friends, with Carlos. Sure when they were teenagers, ok no foul there. But I’m talking now. Every single conversation and interaction between Ethan and Carlos has been riddled with inappropriate comments and pet names, vulgar lines of questioning, over-flirtatious talk, frequent mentions of Carlos owning Ethan, and blatant flagrant disrespect for Jack and his position in Ethan’s life. I mean the Baby Jack shit alone deserves the Danny Riley treatment! And Ethan NEVER says a thing to stop it besides meekly “don’t call him that”. He even defends Carlos with comments to Jack like “it’s the way it’s always been” or “that doesn’t mean anything.” It should mean something to Ethan because it sure means something to Jack - and Ethan is too much of a prick to notice or realize it. Jack says the only thing Ethan did wrong is omit the most recent threesome and next day! Far from it, besides the ongoing permitting of disrespect of Jack, the high jacking of Valentines Day weekend without even consulting Jack, the obvious lust/affection for Carlos that Ethan doesn’t/can’t hide (the boners for piss sake), being consumed by his presence and allowing his brash vulgar behaviors and talk (even laughing or smiling often at it), allowing Carlos to put hands and mouth of him, responding to Jack’s feelings by calling him insecure, and only slapping his head when Carlos slapped Jack’s ass instead of kicking his sorry butt around the room and out of their lives, etc. Even with all that, which is a shit ton of fault on Ethan, the very worse thing he’s done (so far!) is to neglect even telling Carlos that he is engaged to Jack and marrying him! Grade A disrespect of the highest order. The sketchy explanation of not telling him during the 2-hr phone call was to do it in person - they have been there 2 fucking days and had LOTS of conversations and chances to do so but Ethan still hasn’t. That’s fucked up!! I get the characters are complicated with intense pasts but that doesn’t mean the readers are made to hate them. Ethan’s overall demeanor in this chapter was straight up hateful and it doesn’t enhance the story - it makes it miserable and hard to read.

chilliwackbc2020chilliwackbc2020over 3 years ago

This story is so interesting I can not put it down

Lovetoplay7591Lovetoplay7591almost 4 years ago

I’m late to this party, but agree that E should have handled Carlos differently. I don’t hate him though. He’s just been clueless to this point. Looking forward to coming chapters. Going to hate to see this story end.

Kabba118Kabba118about 4 years agoAuthor


OMG you guys!! I'm cracking up because the hate for Ethan is so real, I'm getting private messages about it! :) I love how dedicated you are to this story.

Rest assured, there are two more chapters to what I like to call Part 2, and I submitted 10 today and will submit 11 before the end of the week. I would NOT leave you with this mess they are in, and boy is it MESSY. This story is already written out and I debated changing it a bit due to the comments but I'm not going to. Love is complicated and it doesn't get more complicated than Jack and Ethan. But if it's true love, it can overcome anything, right?:) You just have to fight for what you want, and I think you will see they both have a bit more fight in them. :)

Love you all, and keep the comments coming!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Ethan needs to grow a pair

If Carlos had belittled jack behind ethans back maybe I could understand ethans not sticking up for jack, but Carlos blatantly put jack down in front of Ethan, then Ethan kept calling jack the garbage man, which seemed like a put down or a status insult..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Come on don’t minimize what Ethan let happen

Ethan was more disrespectful to jack than Carlos, for letting his friend put jack down and for letting him come on to Ethan. I’d dump his ass in a minute.. and please don’t just let jack forgive and forget, he needs to get some kind of revenge for going through that visit..

lonelyheartVAlonelyheartVAabout 4 years ago
Nice Read

I concur; Ethan should have put an end to the bs with Carlos in the beginning. He shouldn't have let it go all this long. He still has not told them that they are getting married. An EX being your friend should have some compassion about you moving on.

It was nice of Jack to forge a friendship with Jorge. Having good business relationship in the gay community is awesome.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Great chapter if you enjoy your guts twisting up!

Jack let EB off way to fucking easy! Ethan should have had some serious consequences for what he allowed to happen! Guess the Bittersweet in the title is making more sense!

Ethan needs to get a fucking clue. If I were Jack I would seriously question what they have. Maybe this marriage is a bad idea!

I hate Carlos! And I'm really pissed off at Ethan for allowing this POS supposed best friend to torment and disrespect Jack non stop! EB should have put an end to the whole thing the minute it began! I would not allow my best friend to hurt the love of my life. Carlos would have been picking his ignorant Ass up off the floor!

I admire Jacks restraint! But it was painful to watch!

Some best friend. Purposely trying to ruin what Ethan and Jack have! Maybe Ethan should wake up and smell the coffee!

Looking forward to seeing how EB is going to put an end to this whole mess with Carlos. After what we just saw, I doubt he has the balls. But for fucking sure he better do something equally intense! Seems there is a choice to be made here, Carlos or Jack!

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