Black Screen Pt. 05


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She twisted around, nearly slipping on the tiles.


Anne slammed the door behind her and collapsed onto the toilet, somehow more naked than before.

She was stuck here. Without clothes there was no way to leave the bathroom, Anne would be trapped here all night until a cleaner came and caught her.

"Fuck!" She sounded hysterical even to herself. "Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!"

This was her punishment. Now his message made sense.

She needed to text him, beg him to make the slut return with her clothes.

He couldn't leave her like this all night, he just couldn't.



Olivia scuttled down the hallway hoping to stay unseen. Her handbag bulged at her side, newly filled and stretched to capacity.

What have I done?

There was a hypnotic, erratic patter to her steps. She couldn't seem to distribute her weight with consistent sways, nor hold to a speed. In one moment she would be on the verge of sprinting to her car, the next she would want to run back to the bathroom, and moments in the middle she tried to walk calmly to mask the sound of her presence.

There was no real danger to being caught however; she was the one with clothes after all.

I had to do it... He made me!

From the moment Olivia had discovered her counterpart she'd spawned new doubts. A good deal of time was offered to considering her options, deciding what the moral course of action would be. Previously she had hurt no one but herself to stay afloat. Stupid, foolish, call it what you will, but she did not act selfishly.

Now though...

She was a carer, it was her job to sacrifice for the sake of her students. Olivia clutched the bag tighter to her chest. It was her responsibility...

The trance of her steps broke with a stumble. Olivia caught herself, but in stopping she was faced with silence.

It sounded judging.

No! I had no choice! If I refused he would have made us both pay!

But what if it had been her who came last?

What if she hadn't cheated?

Olivia started for the exit again. She just needed to get home.

The air met her with an icy gale as she stepped outside, howling with anger. The parking spaces had all emptied but for two; the midlife crisis-mobile belonging to Mr Daniels, and her own more modest Fiat.

Home. That's all that was on her mind.

She climbed down the steps gingerly, her legs were still fragile and shaky from her orgasm. If the situation wasn't so distressing, she might have addressed the fact she hadn't felt this pain in years, but fortunately it was.

Olivia stopped by a bin near the bottom of the steps. As instructed, she opened her handbag and began to dump the clothing unceremoniously into the trash. Shoes, socks, the shirt, everything but the panties went in.

Dumping away any chance of safe escape... what will happen to her?

She pushed aside her shame and looked around. Then she did it again, looking around at least 3 times before the next part came. Convinced she was in the clear, Olivia stuffed the worn underwear into her mouth like a bird with a worm.


Still, it was better than her wet fingers.

With her bag empty but her mouth full, the teacher jogged to her car with her keys already out and ready. It wasn't a fast car, but she was sure as shit going to push it to its limits today.

The interior felt nearly as cold as outside, which made it incredibly uncomfortable to squeeze her tight skirt down her thighs and sit down with her bare ass cheeks.

This was how she'd be driving for the next month.

Olivia dumped the skirt on the seat next to her and got ready to take a picture to show her master that she was gagged and bottomless.

He was already waiting for her.

Oh no...

Don't go straight home Miss Cum Bucket. He sent, gleefully.

You've still got shopping to do. I think you're in need of more bananas.


30 minutes had passed with no reply. He was ignoring her, there was no other possibility.

"No no no no nono!"

Anne was trapped, no chance of rescue remained for her. Not unless she texted someone she knew.

The student finally broke, tears flowing freely. Everything she'd done, everything she'd sacrificed, and this is how it ended? After just 2 days?

It was unfair. It was cruel. It was...

She didn't know how else to describe it. In a way it felt natural, like this was always going to happen. Ultimately, being trapped naked in the school toilets was better than releasing what he held over her, so at least she had escaped a worse fate, from a certain perspective.

And once she was caught she'd have escaped him. She'd be free.

That was a stupid thought; of course she wouldn't be free. He could make her do whatever he wanted so long as he held onto all the cards.

She'd have to call Beth, explain the whole story, and beg her to bring some clothes.

Anne shuddered, the thought of her best friend seeing her in this state chilled her. What would she think of her?

There was no other choice however, it was better than being caught by a cleaner.

Resigned, she picked up her phone, the only possession remaining to her, and readied her confession.

Master:There are clothes in locker 653. Good luck, slut.

She froze, mid text.

There were clothes.

But they were in a locker across the building.

But there were clothes!

Her fingers hovered over the screen. It was too risky, being caught running through the building naked was far worse than Beth finding her here.

But there was a chance...

No! Was she stupid? Had her brains melted out with her free will? It could destroy her.

Her fingers started shaking, refusing to move.

When had she changed into the kind of girl who considered something like this? Surely 2 days of torture couldn't be enough. There was something wrong with her.

What if it's an order? What if I anger him by calling Beth rather than running to the locker?

"I have to do it..." She muttered under her breath. "I have no choice."

It didn't sound convincing, but Anne was certain.

She had no choice, surely that's what he meant.

The student felt her pussy throb again.

It was settled. Anne would go get the clothes. She would run through the school naked, get dressed, and get out of there without anyone seeing.

She had to.


Shadows flickered in the peripheries of her vision like ghosts of the hallway. The lights above were fading, casting a lazy light down the runway to an almost abandoned looking effect. It looked like she was the only person left, that's what it whispered.

Anne scanned each direction again, to be sure. In a way it was worse to see no one, since it gave no insight as to the whereabouts of any stragglers. If a person were walking past Anne could wait for them to leave, less reliable to track them sneaking up on her when she didn't know where they were.


She shivered, clutching her biceps in a hug that covered her chest. Why was it so much colder in the hallway?

The exit door was probably the reason, sitting out of sight but near, just around the corner to her right.

I need to go left. Lockers 600-699 should be a floor above.

Anne would have to make it to the very end of the corridor, slip into the stairwell, ascend a level, then make across a longer stretch of hall before scanning each and every locker at the opposite end of the building until she found 653.


Her hands were shaking now, clearly disagreeing. Gone was the steadiness of simple bathroom nakedness; this was another level of risk.

A small part of her was relieved. Anne wouldn't know how to react if she found herself calm in this situation, it would be wrong.

But of course she wasn't! The idea would be ridiculous! She was rightfully terrified. Completely and utterly terrified.

Above, a security camera stared intently at the bathroom entrance and her head poking out of it. It would be impossible to avoid their gaze, Anne conceded, she'd have to live with their recording and hope the tape was never checked.

CCTV footage was famously shit anyway; they'd probably never recognise her even if they saw it.

That's an awful lot of hoping and probablys for a naked school run.

That was true, but unfortunately likelihoods were the best she was given.

Another cool breeze ran through and brought another shiver. She should make a move.

For once though, there was no rush. Anne was given no time limit and no reason to worry over the locker being ransacked. If she stayed longer more people would leave and she'd probably avoid more tasks she'd face if she were home instead. Waiting was good.

But the nagging feeling in her mind was unfortunately telling the truth. It said that this was the most courageous she was going to feel, and if she wavered for even a minute longer then her resolve would crumble. It's not often you come by the resolution to run through your school naked, she needed to take advantage of it.

Anne tensed and relaxed her shoulders, squeezed her hands tight to stop the shaking, and slowly brought her heartrate down with controlled breathing.


Ignore the camera and sprint, she told herself. She would stop at the corner, confirm both ways were clear, then dive into the stairway where she could stop again.

The next part could wait, this was step one.

"One step at a time," She whispered to herself. "just one step at a time."

Anne took one last look at the security camera as she held onto the dregs of her determination.

"Fuck it." She muttered, then she closed her eyes.

When they next opened she was running naked down the hallway.


Anne made it to the second floor dramatically less composed than when she started.

What am I doing! She would have screamed if she weren't so close to being caught.What am I doing! What am I doing! What am I DOING!

She huddled in the corner and clutched onto her phone, wishing she could call Beth, wishing she could take this decision back and start again. If only she could turn back to the refuge of that little, dingy stall, then everything would be okay.

It was too late for that though, she was more than halfway. Backwards was worse than forwards; she would soldier on.

Anne sat naked and quivering, too broken to continue. If anyone entered to stairway from above she'd dart downstairs, if they came from below she'd run upstairs. Both would reveal her presence but not her state of dress.

If they came in on this floor though...

She looked at the door to her right, unobstructed from her hiding place. Anne hadn't even dared to look through the glass, terrified of someone being there to look back at her.

You have to check! Or you'll be caught unaware!

Standing was hard, she felt too caught up in the vice grip of her arms masquerading as security to leave it for the danger of walking around. Prying her fingers away wasn't work for the brave it was work for a crowbar, but somehow Anne managed with willpower alone. Then she found a knee. And then she found her feet.

Keeping low, she skulked beneath the eyeline of the window, crouching inches from its sight. Her footsteps were silent by design, but she just couldn't cancel out the noise entirely no matter what she tried. If only she were a ninja not a slut, then she could pull this off.

"You can do this." She whispered to herself. "Your clothes are a corridor away, if it's clear then you're safe."

The naked girl, finding strength, straightened and peered down the path she faced and found 2 people walking towards her.

She was back on the floor before she could even process the sight. 2 girls, they looked to be her age. They might know her.

Anne opened her mouth to scream but instead bit down hard on her shaking thumb. The pain was good, it cleared her mind. She wanted to look again but she didn't dare, they would see her.

They were going to be at the door any second, she needed to run. But where?

Down was going backwards so Anne chose opposite. Quick as a cat she was halfway up, taking the steps two at a time with her short, tired legs. She could feel it down the back of her spine, the feeling that the door was about to open and she would be seen. Anne turned as she ran and saw the door window empty; still clear but she couldn't breathe a sigh of relief yet.

Eventually the door opened with a foreboding swing and the girls entered. Anne shivered, as though its opening sent a chill breeze up the stairway and through her hunched form. She'd made it to the next landing, now she waited for their next move, carefully listening to their light steps and high, intense voices.

"...It's all just an act though!" The voices echoed. "He puts on a persona to seem bumbling and charming when if you actually take him at what he does and means he's just a self-entitled, manipulative, egocentric twat."

"Then why do people like him? I just think this is the kind of thing you hear all the time, the media in particular will attack anyone for anything and drum up these kind of false perceptions."

"The media!? The media will bend over backwards to defend him! They might attack his plans or his actions if they don't fit with their own agendas but they never hold onto any of it like they do with opposition nor do they hold it against his character. They just want a new puppet so they coo and scold harmlessly whereas everyone else will get viciously destroyed; that's their bias."

The first foot hit the steps with a shudder. It sounded like they were going downstairs but it wasn't obvious. Anne gripped the handle tightly, ready.

"That sounds like a conspiracy theory. Media outlets don't really have much stake in influencing policy they just want to sell papers and get views."

"Of course they have a stake in policy, that's the main purpose of news. It functions to keep democracy undemocratic."

They were going downstairs. Anne released her grip and breathed a sigh of relief.

"That kind of attack on the media is dangerous ideology."

"That kind of thinking is what they push to remain unaccountable."

The two of them lagged as they walked, taking sweet time on their steps so they could focus all their effort on arguing. Anne needed to wait for them to pass so she could go back down, but the lull was agonising. She brought her thumb to her mouth and gnawed on the nail, chewing it anxiously and peeling off slivers.

They almost seemed to pause on each step, like they knew it was torturing her and were relishing in it.

Anne retracted her thumb and bit her lip as substitute. Maybe crossing the floor up here and descending on the other side would be quicker?

"What do you think of scrapping the House of Lords?"

"What do you mean?"

It was worth a look. Once again, Anne scrambled her way to the window of a door, this time far more careful to walk with stealth. Footsteps weren't suspicious in a school, but hers padded with the echo of nakedness, and why would anyone walk around barefoot? Quiet was best.

She waddled across the landing, far slower than was necessary, all the while listening for any reason to break into a sprint.

It was an eerily similar routine to the one moments earlier and it produced much the same result.

2 guys were walking towards her in colourful hoodies, laughing and tussling as a classroom door swung shut behind them.


Anne ducked moments before their eyes fell on her door. They were seconds away.


Mere millimetres saved her the pain and publicity of punching the wall in front of her. She was trapped, this was the top floor; there was nowhere else to go.


Any second. They would be here any second.

"What gave you that idea? I don't think it operates like that."

The girls had descended further, but too slowly. They were barely down the first set of stairs.

Past their conversation and past the thundering of her heart, Anne could hear the faintest trace of murmuring approaching her. She'd ran out of time; they were here.

Carefully but swiftly, she creeped down the stairs in tune with the girls below, staying directly above the pair as each party circled their staircase in an unknowing dance. If Anne moved prematurely they would see her, if she delayed then the boys would walk in before she made it round the bend.

"You know, I think you should probably talk to Mr Dickens about this."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, I've heard he's got strong opinions on the matter and I don't really understand it."


One foot went after the other, stalking uneasy down the cold, hard steps that she had just climbed.


Her heart rocked and bounced and screamed, Anne could feel it in her neck; feel it throbbing even in her wrist. Soon her ears would be leaking blood as it was pumped out of her body.

She took another two quick steps to keep up with the girls.


Anne's eyes darted to the upper door, still facing her naked body that was too slow to escape.

They were outside.

She ran.

Anne barely made it round the bend as the door swayed open and two jovial voices joined the fray. The sound betrayed no sign that they had seen her.

She padded down the steps fast, no longer caring if anyone heard the sound of her bare feet. The girls below were too leisurely, but maybe they'd made it out of the exit's sight by now. She could still hear them below, so very close; practically talking to her instead of each other.

But the boys were still coming, and she could feel their voices even closer.

With the escape dangling in front of her she abandoned all fears and went for it, skipping down the last few steps and onto the landing.

If the girls were still in range then now they would see her.

She threw the door open, loudly, all pretences of stealth abandoned.

If the girls were facing away then now they would turn and look.

She tripped over herself falling out of the stairway.

If the boys had made it down fast enough then they'd see her naked ass crumpled on the floor.

The door shut behind her automatically, softly clicking shut.

Move! She screamed at herself, aware the boys could follow her through this door any moment.Move, move, move!

Anne crawled desperately, then scrambled to her feet and sprinted. Only now did she take the time to confirm the area was empty.

What if someone had been here?

Once again, parts of her body she didn't even know she had jiggled and shook as she bolted down the hallway. It was worse than jumping, Anne had never realised how much gravity was her enemy.

The locker! The locker was right there!

She looked over her shoulder, back at the entrance to the stairway, as she quickly covered the final stretch. No mind was paid to the classrooms she passed, only to her oblivious pursuers.

653... 653...

No one followed her.


653... 653... Where is it?!

Her pleading, scanning eyes stopped with a snap.


Anne fell to her left and pried open the locker, sparing one final look down the hall before being ready to get dressed.

And then her face dropped.

"No no no." She muttered, horrified. "No no no no no NO!"

She pulled out socks, then gloves, then a hat, then a scarf, and then...



She shook the hat, frantic for something more to fall out, then the scarf, and then even the gloves. Anne had abandoned all hope before she got to the tiny socks left to her.

There was nothing more; this was all she had to get home.

NO! That... That... That... That CUNT! How could he do this to me? What am I meant to do?

She dropped the "clothing" and started swinging open other lockers, praying to any god out there.