Blackmail Psychology Ch. 02


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Ana's mind immediately went towards thinking relaxing in this situation would be impossible, but a separate realization came over her. She needed to pee. Bad.

"Can I get up to go to the bathroom, Andrea?" Ana asked, still sniffling and trying her best to recompose herself. She hated knowing that it would be best to play it safe and ask permission to get out of the bed. Andrea smirked.

"Good girl asking permission. Yes, you can go to the bathroom. No walking though, hands and knees."

Ana groaned internally, but there wasn't any time to dwell on the humiliation that came with needing to walk around her own apartment like a dog. Her bladder needed some relief, so she started her crawl to the bathroom. And there wasn't time to dwell on Andrea implying that asking permission to go to the bathroom was the right thing to do.

As Ana sat on the toilet relieving herself a million questions ran through her mind. This was her first moment alone since getting visited by Andrea in her office. How long ago did Andrea find out about her OnlyFans? How did she figure out it was her in the first place? How long had she been planning this blackmail scheme? A vision of tossing on some clothes and running far away from here flashed through her mind, but then her rational brain told her it wouldn't be a good idea. Where would she stay? How would she explain her situation? She chose to hold on to the hope that there was a better way out of this sordid state of affairs.

Once she was done relieving herself, Ana pulled her jeans back up and started her crawl back to the bedroom. Andrea greeted her upon coming through the doorway.

"What took you so long? Come back up here so I can show you how the video turned out," she said.

Ana slowed her crawl, dreading the thought of watching herself on video. Violating herself at the direction of one of her students.Upon getting back up on the bed, what Ana saw shocked her.

Andrea had already hit play on the video and pointed it in Ana's direction. The video was zoomed in on her face. Her shock came not from being forced to watch a video of herself masturbating, but rather that she was not looking at the face of a woman lacking enjoyment. She was watching the face of a woman that was absolutely loving whatever was happening to her off-camera.

Ana's breath became very shallow. She had just gotten done recovering from the sobbing that came from needing to taste her own sex juices, but the water works were threatening to come back. Her OnlyFans could be explained as something that she only did for money. But doing something sexual with a student and appearing to get enjoyment out of it would be far more damning than anything she had ever posted online. She felt like she was watching nails being hammered into her coffin.

"I was right about videos being more your thing," Andrea smugly stated. "Any requests for what we do next, Pet?" But Ana was too busy fighting back more tears, wanting to pretend none of this was happening. The lack of a response displeased Andrea.

"When I ask questions I expect them to be answered." That was enough to make Ana gather her wits for a reply.

"We can do whatever you want, Andrea," Ana sadly whispered.

Perhaps it would be best to surrender herself to whatever Andrea wanted for the time being. Pleading through tears had not worked, and Ana was too kind to resort to any sort of violence to make this situation come to an end. She was now realizing that maintaining her life as an academic might not be compatible with keeping Andrea out of her life, at least not for the time being. She still desperately wanted to escape from this extortion, but for now she didn't see a way out. Andrea cracked a devious smile.

"Good answer," Andrea said as she reached out and grabbed Ana's hand. "You and I are going to have a lot of fun together."

Ana felt oddly soothed from being physically touched by her student, but it was short-lived as she went back to realizing how abhorrent their situation was. And how devoid of empathy Andrea was for not completely calling off whatever plans she had in store for them.

"How about we go watch TV before ordering dinner?" Andrea enthusiastically asked.

An hour or so after the suggestion that they watch TV together, Andrea and Ana had moved into the living room area of the apartment. Andrea had chosen a fantasy show on Netflix that Ana had never heard of. As a matter of fact, most popular shows that were currently in production were ones she had never heard of. The television she kept in her common area was mostly for show. She rarely allowed herself time for leisurely activities. Making porn and developing skills to become a psychology professor. Those had been the main activities of her life for the past year.

Much to Ana's dismay, Andrea requested that she put on the schoolgirl costume she had seen on her OnlyFans. Not that Ana thought of it as a request. Calling it an order would have been more accurate. But after another hands and knees trip to her closet she was able to satisfy what Andrea had asked of her.

Once her jeans had been stripped off she sluggishly put on the slutty outfit. It consisted of a white tight-fitting blouse with a red tie plus a black and red plaid skirt that just barely covered her ass. Bending over would guarantee a peek at the white bikini cut panties she wore underneath. Additionally, the outfit included white thigh-high stockings and red ballet flats. It wasn't Andrea's favorite outfit to do slutty photo shoots in, but the few times she wore it resulted in heavy arousal.

Once Andrea was content with Ana's "uniform", the two of them shifted to the living room, where Andrea laid on the couch while Ana knelt in front of her on a folded plush blanket. Ana felt somewhat thankful Andrea had given her something to make being on her knees more comfortable. Andrea had seemed eerily cheerful since the statement about Ana wanting to do whatever she wanted. Perhaps she wanted Ana to have some added incentive to enjoy her submission. And unfortunately, or at least Ana felt it was unfortunate, it was working.

Back in the bedroom she had concluded there wasn't much gray area with this situation she found herself in. She had no idea how long Andrea had been planning all of this, but she was getting the feeling that her student would continue being very rigid in her demands. Ana was deep in thought, but seeing the TV get paused brought her back to her senses.

"How does pizza sound for dinner, Pet?" Andrea asked as she began fiddling with her phone.

"I'd like that, Andrea."

"Any preferences for toppings?" Andrea asked.

"As long as there's pepperoni I'd be happy to eat it, Andrea," Ana stated. Truthfully, there were a lot more toppings she enjoyed on her pizza, but she didn't want to come off as being picky and risk getting verbally shut down.

"I can work with that."

It didn't take long for Andrea to finish typing in her order before resuming the show. Netflix remained on the TV screen for another thirty minutes. The episode of the show they were watching hadn't quite ended when Andrea paused it a second time, making Ana wonder what would come next.

"Pizza is about ten minutes away. I want you really worked up for what comes next," Andrea emphatically said.

Ana's pulse quickened. How silly of her to think the worst part of the evening had probably been back in the bedroom. Her imagination started running wild with what might come next, and not in a pleasant way.

"Stand up," Andrea commanded.

"Yes Andrea," Ana meekly said as she stood up.

Andrea tugged at the plush blanket beneath Ana's feet to signal her to step off, which Ana did. From there Andrea took a few steps over to the front of the TV and set it down. Ana figured that meant Ana wanted her in a new spot.

"You're going to be my entertainment until the pizza gets here," she said. "Go ahead and kneel back down."

"Yes Andrea," Ana said. Andrea took her spot laying back on the couch and turned the TV off while Ana got down on her knees and sat on her heels, trying to get comfortable.

"I'm going to let you play with yourself again, but first. Tell me. What happens if you feel yourself about to have an orgasm?" Andrea inquired.

"I stop unless I have permission, Andrea," Ana said.

She shocked herself with how intuitive it was to give an answer like that. It felt like someone else's voice had come out of her throat. A million questions started coursing through her mind. Was she really that resigned to being owned by her student? How long had it been since she first got approached by Andrea in her office? Two hours? Three hours? And she was already speaking like her orgasms were owned by another woman. Was that really all it took to break her?

"Good girl! You can start playing with yourself now."

Ana's lip had started quivering because of how weak she felt at that moment, but Andrea had lit up at the sound of her teacher's answer. And of course she had now pulled out her phone to record the slutty schoolgirl in front of her. Ana closed her eyes, wanting to pretend she was alone.

As stressful as it was for Ana to be recorded in her skimpy outfit, she didn't need any clarification to get started on giving her pussy some much needed attention. She welcomed the distraction from the emotional flare-up she was experiencing. Her fingers had a mind of their own as they slid down her belly, lifted up her skirt, and plunged into her panties. She didn't struggle to forget all about how one of her students was watching her. It felt so sexy and feminine to be touching her slick vulva. But her pleasure was short-lived.

"Stop," Andrea said with authority.

Ana snapped out of her brief pleasure retreat and clenched her jaw. Now she was back in her apartment with one of her students. Her fingers desperately wanted to keep moving, but she had to make them come to a screeching halt.

"Something is missing from this situation." She feigned looking contemplative and went silent for a few seconds.

"Oh, I know. I thought of a really fun task for you. Are you ready to obey it?" Andrea asked, happily looking into Ana's eyes.

"Yes Andrea," Ana softly said. Whatever this task was she simply wanted to get it over with so she could get back to massaging her throbbing clit.

"I'm not sure if I trust you. Tell me more clearly that you're going to obey me," she mused.

"I'm going to obey you, Andrea," Ana stated. Prefacing the task by being required to say that made her nervous.

"Good girl. Hands on your head like earlier." Ana obeyed, placing both hands on top of her head, fingers interlaced. Her student looked pleased. "Now stay like that for a minute."

Andrea walked away from the couch and over to the kitchen counter where she had set down her purse. Ana's head remained still while her eyes tracked her student's activity. The hairs on the back of her neck were beginning to stand up. Pizza would be here in less than ten minutes. And she was in the living room wearing an especially slutty schoolgirl uniform. What humiliating task was she about to be subjected to?

Soon Andrea was walking back over to Ana with her purse, who was looking forward in her submissive pose and nervously remaining very still, not unlike a statue. Andrea knelt down in front of her and set down her purse. What Ana saw next made her eyes go wide. Her student reached into her purse and pulled out the purple thong she had been wearing earlier. To add another layer to Ana's shock, her student then wadded up the thong and held it up to her mouth.

"Open," Andrea softly commanded. Ana remained wide-eyed, in too much disbelief to register the command she had just been given. But that was short-lived as she felt a harsh pinch from Andrea's fingernails on her nipple.

"Ah!" Ana yelped with a sharp exhale, but that was cut short as a pair of her own panties got shoved in her mouth. She let out an unhappy groan as Andrea gave a couple more pushes with her finger to make them fully immersed in her teacher's mouth.

"If you didn't want to get pinched you should have obeyed right away."

Ana felt like a small child getting scolded by a parent, but to add to her embarrassment that statement was coming from a tiny woman that was close to a foot shorter than her. In her mind she felt disgusted, tasting her own panties that had been dampened by her arousal earlier in the evening. But her pussy had other thoughts, it seemed to think this was the most deliciously humiliating thing that had ever happened to her. Her swollen labia ached to be touched. If only her hands weren't figuratively glued to her head.

"Do they taste nice?" Andrea remained kneeling in front of her statuesque teacher and made deep eye contact with her. Ana just looked forward at her with pleading eyes, secretly despising the fact that her speech had now been taken away.

"Here's what's going to happen now," Andrea went on. "The pizza should be at the door pretty soon. Right when we hear a knock I want you to get up and go get it for us. It's already paid for. You just have to open the door and grab it." She paused and made her typical piercing eye contact. "Understand?"

Ana's eyes were now at their limit when it came to how wide they could open. Her heart rate was spiking after hearing of what would be required of her over the next several minutes. She desperately wanted to get far away from her apartment. But how? Her thoughts about that question were cut short by the feeling of Andrea's fingers back on her nipple. Realizing she was about to get pinched again made her snap back to reality.

"Mmhhmm." She reluctantly nodded her head, trying to take deeper breaths and get herself to calm down.

"Good girl. Now you can get back to playing with yourself until the pizza is here. But once there's a knock at the door I want you to immediately get up."

Ana's heart was threatening to beat out of her chest. She could almost feel her pulse in her swollen clit. Why did her pussy have to react so energetically to these situations? It was a thought that had crossed through her mind many times over the past few hours, but she chose not to dwell on it for very long as she took her hands off her head. It was time to get back to giving into her body's desires.

Ana let her mind go blank. No fantasizing like she normally did when masturbating. She chose to only focus on sensations. It felt so soothing to get into a headspace where she could forget about the current state of events in her apartment. She was essentially dressed like a professional slut as one of her students recorded her masturbating on video. But that didn't matter right now. All that mattered was her pussy finally getting the attention it deserved after being so neglected ever since Andrea had walked into her office. Ana lost track of time, she might as well have been in that state for an hour. Letting herself surrender to the pleasure of her fingers that were reaching into her panties. But in reality she only remained like that for about five minutes.

Three loud knocks at the door forced Ana to come back down to earth. Her eyes opened and her face fell flat. She knew standing up would need to happen, but her legs felt so heavy.

"Aw, why'd you stop smiling?" Andrea asked.

Hearing that question caught Ana off guard and her fingers pulled away from between her legs. Stop smiling? As in, she had been smiling that whole time while her fingers were between her legs? It felt so strange to know even her facial expressions had a mind of their own, completely separate from her desire to end this disaster of an arrangement with her student. Andrea stopped the recording and put down her phone.

"No matter though. There it is. Get moving, Pet."

Ana took a deep breath and stood up on shaky legs in her ballet flats. If not for assuming Andrea was staring at her impatiently, she would have taken an eternity to psyche herself up for the task before her. A complete stranger was about to see her dressed up like a schoolgirl whore. And to make matters worse, a worn thong had been stuffed into her mouth, preventing her from saying anything intelligible. She started walking towards the front door.

Be quick. Just grab the pizza and be quick.

Once she was at the door she took a deep breath through her nose and grabbed the doorknob. Her hand was shaking. Her pussy was so wet it might have been on the verge of dripping through her panties. She quickly opened the door, and to say the college-aged boy delivering the pizza was shocked by what he saw was an understatement. His eyebrows shot up and his eyes went wide, not that Ana was allowing herself to make eye contact with him. Or even looking at his face for that matter. She kept her eyes towards the ground, only looking up enough to see where she could grab the pizza box out from his hands.

"Um," he stammered.

It wasn't every day in his line of work you got to see a tall beautiful woman answer the door wearing what could be described as a slut suit. If only he also knew there was a worn thong that had been stuffed in her mouth. Ana wasted no time and grabbed the pizza box out of his hands. From there she quickly retreated back into the apartment and shut the door with a resounding thud. She leaned back on the door with pizza in hand, gasping for air through her nose as if she had just done one of her long sprints on the treadmill at the gym.

"I got plates and napkins out for us!" Andrea called out from the living room.

Ana seriously needed another minute to calm down, but now that the most humiliating task of her life was over her mind drifted back to not wanting to make Andrea displeased. She slowly and shakily walked back to her living room, not that this place even felt like her apartment at the moment.

Once she was back in sight of the couch, she saw that Andrea had indeed gotten plates and napkins. But she also saw that the plush blanket she had been kneeling on had been moved next to the coffee table. Great. Ana still had the wherewithal to sarcastically comment to herself on how she wouldn't be allowed to eat while sitting on the couch like a human being. She set the pizza box down on the coffee table and took her spot kneeling on the plush blanket. This prompted Andrea to extend her open palm in front of Ana's mouth, signaling it was time to spit out the worn panties she had been gagged with. Ana happily complied and Andrea set down the panties on the far side of the coffee table.

"Very good girl, now let's eat!"

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HeartfeltmanHeartfeltman7 months ago

This is very well written. The author has a very nice sense of pacing and the intelligence of the primary characters makes this a very enjoyable and totally believable story. The ease and competence of Andrea makes her extremely compelling.

If there was one thing that I would suggest with regard to a series like the characters sound absolutely gorgeous. Right out of central casting. As much as this is an erotic story, it would be interesting if the women were perhaps a bit more relatable. Perhaps older or heavier? I believe this author is very capable of keeping us all off balance. I'm loving this series.

Master_DoctorMaster_Doctorover 1 year ago

Shw didnt even tip the Pizza guy? WTH?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

so far so good! Love the slowness of the scenes as well as the steady challenging Things Ana has to do. Hope the next chapter will be soon.


astuffedshirt_pervastuffedshirt_pervalmost 2 years ago

great stuff! Loving the measured pace. looking forward to more

jleetechiejleetechiealmost 2 years ago

I like that word: sizzling. Why do F/f feel more intense than M/f? Excellent in all ways.

aznlookinguyaznlookinguyalmost 2 years ago

A previous reader compared this story to Owned Teacher, as I would compare it to Summer's Blackmail. Both are classics, but...neither had a satisfactory ending...or any ending for that matter. Not that I am rushing, because I hope it goes for many, many sizzling chapters, but please keep that in mind if you plan for immortality.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Andrea my use Ana to seduce another female colleague

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

amazing. Keep going. It remembers me of the classic "Owned teacher" story.

please go no with more degradation and submission of Ana

calmAndStrictcalmAndStrictalmost 2 years agoAuthor


There are plans in place for that. Keep an eye on upcoming chapters.

Dalmatian16Dalmatian16almost 2 years ago

Ana should make Andrea get her nipples pierced like the real slut she is,

can’t wait for more

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