Blackmailed Couple II Ch. 15a


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Bill thought back to a couple of weeks earlier when, armed with that information he'd made a few discrete inquiries, providing just the basic information as to what it was that he needed. The first few calls that Bill made did not give him much confidence that they could help him in his quest. It wasn't until the fourth call that he felt that he may have found the person he was looking for.

Morton Cox was a former investigator with the county who had quit when he became frustrated with corruption in the hierarchy of the District Attorney's office. When he'd finally had enough he quit to start his own agency. An agency that consisted of himself and and an assistant named Mary Cox. The same art Cox who just happened to be Morton's wife. Morton still had some friends on the force and knew who he could trust and, more importantly who he could not.

Soon after the call had begun, Morton had turned the tables on Bill. He had taken control of the call and was interrogating Bill rather than the other way around. Morton began pulling more information from Bill than he had originally intended to share during his initial inquiries. As the call proceeded Morton's demeanor took on a sense of urgency and he suggested that Bill come to his office for a face-to-face meeting as soon as possible. He asked Bill to bring with him a copy of the video that he believed to feature Anna. Bill, deciding he had found his guy, made the appointment for that very afternoon.

Bill copied the video onto a thumb drive and told Molly that he needed to run some errands that afternoon. Molly was a little put out with Bill for taking off for the afternoon, leaving her alone to keep the kids entertained. Bill mollified Molly by promising to take the kids to the zoo the following day so she could have the entire day to herself. Molly readily accepted Bill's offer, kissing him on the cheek and sending him on his way.


Cox Investigative Services was located in a second story walk-up office in a nondescript building in the North end of town. Bill climbed the stairs and found the correct office by the name on the door. He let himself in. Upon entering Bill noted that the office itself consisted of a small lobby area with just a single couch and a coffee table. Decorations were sparse. Beyond the lobby were two open doors that led to individual offices.

Upon hearing Bill enter the lobby, a tall, casually dressed man who appeared to be somewhere in his early fifties, held out his hand. "Hi, I'm Morton Cox, you can call me Mort. You must be Bill?"

"Yes. That's me." Bill replied, shaking Mort's hand.

"Come on in." Mort led Bill into his office, the one on the right. "You brought the video?"

"I did." Bill replied, taking the thumb drive from his pocket and holding it out to Mort.

"Excellent! Have a seat Bill, while I check this out." Mort said, directing Bill to one of two chairs situated in front of Mort's battered wooden desk. Mort sat behind the desk and placed the thumb drive into a laptop computer and started playing the video. Bill heard the now all too familiar video of his daughter being interviewed as 'Angel Annie'. Mort was watching the video intently, stopped it, started it again, his face inches from the screen. Mort only ever watched the interview portion, Each time stopping it before the sex began.

Suddenly Mort called out; "Hey Mary! Could you come in here a sec?"

"Sure!" Came a female voice from the other office just a few seconds before the owner of the voice strode into Mort's office. Bill stood as Mort made introductions.

"Bill, this is Mary, my wife and partner. Mary, Bill Cooper. Bill's the guy who's daughter turned up in the video."

Mary extended her hand. "Good to meet you Bill, I'm sorry for the situation you've found yourself in."

Mary was a slim blonde about the same age as Mort with a warm smile. A nicely put together mature woman, Bill considered.

"Thank you Mary. It's good to meet you too."

Mort beckoned Mary to come around to his side of the desk. "Come take a look at this and let me know what you make of it."

Mort played the video and Mary watched it with the same intensity that Mort had earlier, a series of emotions playing out over her face. When the video reached the point where Anna removed her top and exposed her breasts, Mary gasped and quietly said, almost to herself, "My goodness! What have they done to that poor girl?"

"What do you mean by that? Who is they"?

Ignoring Bill's question for the moment, Mort looked up at Mary, "Did you see what I saw?" She nodded. "So you agree with what I'm thinking?"

"I do." She said.

"What? What's going on?" Bill asked, his voice now tinged with irritation and impatience.

Mort closed the lid of the laptop, folded his hands on his desk, and leaned forward while Mary came around and took a seat next to Bill.

"Bill, the reason I was so insistent that you get in here as soon as possible..." Mort explained, " because we have another client in a situation very similar to yours. It's a cold case. It's been almost two years since our other client's fiancé disappeared without a word. A few weeks after she disappeared she turned up in a video much like the one your daughter Anna has here."

Mary turned to Bill and took up the story from there.

"Bill, Morton and I have just concluded that the room where this video of your daughter was taken in is the same as the one that our other missing person was taken. In addition, the man in the video is the same actor. You heard him introduced on the video as Lance. He goes by the stage name 'Lance Longfellow'. His real name is Myron Carmichael, if you can believe that. He's one of the most prolific male pornstars active today, and he's bad news. The room where this video was taken is in Las Vegas. It's an independent studio owned by Mr. Carmichael that goes by the name Lancer Entertainment, the studio works under contract for several larger name production houses. One of those production houses is one called BAD Entertainment."

Bill, somewhat in shock watched as Mort, speechlessly reopened his laptop and turned it toward Bill. Mort had forwarded the video to the point where Lance was inspecting the tattoo on Anna's lower back. He had zoomed it in on the tattoo itself.

"Did you notice this?" Mort asked.

Bill looked closely and saw the tattooed signature of Angel Annie with the "BAD Girl" label beneath.

"I had noticed that tattoo, but it just seemed like one among many to me." Bill confessed.

"Does that look like your daughter Anna's signature?" Mary asked

"I honestly couldn't tell you." Bill confessed again.

"That's OK'" Mort replied. "If you can get something with Anna's signature, we could do a handwriting analysis, but it's really more probable that the tattoo artist just used a standard font. What I can tell you is that our other missing person had also been branded with the 'BAD Girl' logo on her lower back.

"BAD Entertainment is a relatively new player in the business. It's ownership is murky and layered under a series of equally murky shell businesses. We've had no luck in finding out who really owns it. When someone goes to that much trouble to hide, they must be hiding something." Mort paused for a moment then began again, "We've been keeping an eye on both the BAD and Lancer production houses in the trade publications. Yes hey have those. There is a connection between the two entities and word has it that the two are in some sort of merger talks. We can't speculate on what that might mean for your daughter but it gives us an opportunity to learn more about this BAD group. You see, while BAD has gone to great lengths to hide it's origins and principals, Lancer, by contrast is much more transparent. Should this merger go through, it may well be a crack in the facade that we need."

Bill spent a few minutes trying to digest what Mort and Molly had just told him. What had Anna and Eddie gotten mixed up into and how? He then asked, "OK. What can I do to help?"

Molly picked up the conversation from there. "We need as much information as we can get about your daughter. Where she worked, who her friends were, how she spent her free time. We'll need the same information on her husband Eddie. From there we'll begin an investigation to see if their lives intersected with our other missing client and see if we can put some puzzle pieces together."

Mort tried to console Bill; "If it's any consolation Bill, it appears that the combined businesses have a considerable investment in Anna. It's unlikely that they'll allow any real harm come to her. The wild card in he scenario, though is this Lance character. He has a significant history of drug charges going back years."


That first initial meeting with Mort and Molly had taken place two weeks prior. Bill had gone home to Molly and when the kids were out of earshot Mort told Molly everything he had learned. As he had predicted, Molly was crushed, though buoyed somewhat with the speculation that Anna was too valuable to be harmed. Molly asked to see the video but Bill was adamant that she really did not. An assessment that Molly reluctantly accepted.

Rather than relaxing at home the following day as Mort took the kids to the zoo, Molly spent her time collecting and documenting all she knew about Anna's life before she had disappeared, putting it into a document that could help Mort and Molly begin their investigation.

Later that afternoon, at Mort's suggestion, Bill went to Anna and Eddie's house. Using the spare key that Anna had given them, he entered the house to retrieve their home computer and any household documents. What he found instead was that the place had been stripped bare. All of the furniture was gone as were the pictures on the walls. All of the kitchen cabinets were empty. The place was spotless, as if the house had been vacated for sale. Bill had been to the house to check up on it the previous week and everything was normal then, so the house had been cleaned out fairly recently. Bill knocked on the doors of several neighbors asking if they had seen anything in that last several days. Two neighbors recalled seeing a a white moving van with blue lettering there the previous Wednesday but did not remember the company name. After the moving van had left, a landscaping crew had come by and tidied up the yard. Prior to that, they hadn't seen any activity at the house for several weeks, all assuming that Anna and Eddied had moved away.

When Bill contacted Mort with this news, he asked if he should call the police. Mort suggested that he hold off until the had some time to begin their investigation. If there was any involvement by the local officials, Mort did not want to alert them that Anna and Eddie's disappearance was being investigated.


Now, as Bill sipped his coffee in the solitude of his study on that Saturday morning, he was mentally preparing himself for the follow-up meeting he and Molly were to have with Mort and Mary later that afternoon to update them on the progress of the investigation.

His phone dinged with an incoming message from a number he did not recognize. He opened it and read the following message:

Anna needs your help. She has been sold to Lance Longfellow, (pornstar). Likely at his home in Las Vegas by now. Be careful. Much security. Dangerous people. Do not trust local government.

Bill practically fell from his chair. Sold? Anna had been sold? Sold to a porn star with a history of drug charges no less. "What the hell have you gotten yourself into Anna?" He said aloud to no one. "And where the fuck is Eddie?"

Bill replied to the text:

Who is this? Please help!

Having received no reply, Bill crept up the stairs as to not wake the children, into the bedroom he shared with his wife and to his wife's sleeping form.

"Molly," he whispered, a quiver in his voice. "We have to contact Mort and Mary right away."


The Mimado Clinic - Luxury Resort & Spa - Las Vegas, NV

Eddie awoke slowly, disoriented at first. He felt as though a heavy weight was holding him down. His chest was constricted with a dull ache that was keeping time with his heartbeat.

When he finally opened his eyes he found himself in a room with subdued lighting. A vaguely familiar face was looking at him while holding a plastic cup with a straw.

"Welcome back sweetie." She said.

Eddie was becoming more aware as fragments of his consciousness began appear like scattered pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. He managed to put a name to the face. "Penny?"

"That's right sweetie." She replied, putting the straw to his lips. "Now take a sip, slowly. It will help you to wake up."

Then the pieces started to fall into place. Eydie remembered who she was, where she was and more importantly, why.

She looked down onto her chest and saw that it was heavily bandaged with white gauze with an occasional spot of dried blood. But underneath all that, Eydie knew that they were there, finally.

"It's done?" Eydie asked.

"Everything went exactly as planned. You've got a pretty new set of boobies." Penny replied, then paused. "Well, they're a bit bruised and bloody at the moment, but that will pass."

The twin mounds of bandaging told Eydie that Penny had spoken the truth. Though not exactly 'pretty' at the moment, there was brand new pair of titties and they were all hers. When that knowledge sank in, even though she was still groggy from the anesthesia, she sprouted an erection, one that was also keeping time with her pulse. Contented that she was now a fully equipped shemale, she felt whole for the first time since...?

She knew it would be a while until she was ready to put her new equipment to the test, but she could hardly wait.

She took a sip of the cool water. It felt good on her parched lips and throat. She let her head fall back to the pillow and drifted back to sleep.


Meanwhile, back at the mansion:

At about the same time that Eydie was waking up in the recovery room of the group's clinic on the desert outskirts of Las Vegas, some 600 miles away, Judy Cartwright was beginning to do the same down in Doc's lair in the basement of the group's mansion.

The drugs that had suppressed Judy's conscious mind, allowing Doc's basic instruction set to nestle into her cerebral cortex, began to release their grip. The first sensation that Judy felt as she began to return to consciousness was that of a steady vibration centered at the location where her legs intersected with her torso. The relentless vibration stimulating her core became her sole focus even as she felt it spreading to the rest of her body. The arousal was unlike any she'd ever experienced. It was reinforced by a series of images that had been implanted into her subconscious and continued to play across the backdrop of her mind. Still unable to open her eyes, her next realization was that her body was involuntarily undulating in response to the vibration. If she were aware that her arms and legs were restrained, it made no difference to her at the moment. All that mattered to her was keeping the source of the vibration in contact with her pubic mound. Judy Cartwright heard a distant moan that seemed to coincide with her undulations. As she continued to regain consciousness, she realized that the moans were emanating from deep within her own throat.

Suddenly the vibrations ceased. The sudden lack of simulation caused Judy's eyes to spring wide open directly into the face of Doc. He had a large, insincere, cheshire grin spread across his face, and a large magic wand vibrator that he held menacingly in his hand.

Doc looked intently into Judy's eyes, "Good morning Judy dear," He greeted her. "I trust you had a good sleep?"

Judy, now fully awake began to take in her surroundings and her predicament. She was in a dimly lit room, naked, on her back, on a table very similar to those she had been on in her gynecologist's exam room. Her wrists were securely strapped to the sides of the table, her ankles secured to stirrups at the foot of the table. She could feel the wetness of the fluid that had leaked from her and was pooling under her ass.

Judy began to strain against her restraints in a futile attempt to cover her nakedness.

"Dr. Tibbits, What.... Where...." She had so many questions, but she was unable to form any one of them completely.

"Hush." Doc replied calmly. "All will become clear soon enough. For now, know that you are in my work area here in the basement of the mansion where you attended the gathering last evening. Also, rest assured that you in no physical danger. The restraints are for your own protection.

"I have some good news for you though, Judy. As a colleague, I'm sure you have always wondered about the secret to my success. Well, since I hold you in such high esteem, you are about to be one of the very few that will get to witness, first hand, how I do what I do. Isn't that exciting?"

"I... I don't understand." Judy replied. She was not comforted despite Doc's reassuring words.

"That's OK. I'm happy to explain. In fact, this is one of my favorite parts of the process."

"Process? What proc..." But before she could continue, Doc switched the vibrator back on and placed it back against Judy's mound making sure that it came into solid contact with with her now red and swollen clitoris.

"Oh God!!" Came the guttural response as Judy arched her back, her arms and legs straining against their restraints. Once again she began to involuntarily hump herself against the head of the vibrator.

Doc moved a little closer to Judy's ear so as to be heard over the sound of the vibrator. "You see Judy, while you were sleeping I took the liberty of uploading into your subconscious a series of instructions, a new program if you will. As of this moment this new set of instructions is lying dormant, awaiting to be activated. Once they are switched on though, they will initiate a series of changes that will fundamentally change who are and what you are to become. At that moment, even though your outward appearance will be unchanged, you will in effect become a different person, a blank slate if you will onto which I'll be able to imprint any persona I wish to."

Judy, though still undulating to the vibrator, was taking in what Doc was telling her in horror. 'Surely this must be a nightmare I'll awake from soon.' She thought to herself, attempting to will herself awake.

Doc went on, his grin still firmly in place, though his eyes, in contrast, were wild like those of a crazy person or a feral animal.

"Did you enjoy the show last night, Judy? Didn't it look like Annie was having the time of her life? Well she was, I can assure you. And it wasn't that long ago that she was just a happy little homemaker." He said, though he knew it wasn't quite as simple as he made it sound since Anna had been a closeted slut to begin with. Still, even though Judy was an educated psychologist, Doc was confident that he could turn her out too without too much effort, if that's what he wanted to do.

"How would you like that Judy?" Doc went on, "You're a good looking woman. I'm sure with a tweak or two here and there, you could give Annie a run for her money. What do you think, hmm? That could be you up there on the stage, all the cock you could handle. I'll bet that sounds pretty good to you right about now, doesn't it?" Doc chose that moment to move the switch from the 'Low' to the "High' setting on the vibrator, eliciting a another, more urgent reaction from Judy.

Doc wasn't sure yet what he wanted of Judy. He had considered a number of options that could benefit him far more than to simply turn her into just another cock crazed whore. Much of it depended on what he learned from her in the next few minutes. Still, this was his favorite part of the process and he intended to savor it. He retuned the vibrator to the 'Low' position and allowed Judy's arousal to return to a slow simmer.