Blood Bonds Pt. 01


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Somewhere in the next few minutes, his mind lost its grip on time, so the rest of the night and most of the morning flew by in a blur of ecstasy. The last thing he remembered was falling asleep, utterly exhausted next to her.


The dark ceiling revealed little when he woke up the next day, slightly confused, aching all over, but in a satisfied sort of way. It took him a moment to remember where he was, how he'd gotten there and what he'd done once he'd arrived. He rolled over and looked at Talera, who was out cold beside him. She lay on her stomach, wings relaxed over her body like a heavy leather blanket, tail idly flicking near his shoulders. Her face was softened in sleep, looking peaceful, her pouty lips slightly parted, eyes still behind their lids in dreamless slumber. He wondered if her mind was even present or if she was in that other place of darkness, warmth and silk. He restrained himself from reaching out and running his hand over her wings, touching her cheek, instead very carefully rolled out of the giant bed, padding into the bathroom.

Shutting the door silently, he turned the lights on in the black marble room, finding a set of clothes laid out on the counter. Kevin picked up the jeans, holding them out, checking the size, doing the same to the deep brown tshirt. They must be her Sire's, he realized, as everything was just slightly too small and a little too long, but it would be a tolerable fit. He wondered when she'd laid them out, but shrugging, turned on the shower and cleaned himself up.

Talera was still sleeping when he cracked the door a while later, and deciding to let her rest, frankly not knowing if it was a good idea to wake her up, he padded out of the room, heading downstairs to the kitchen to find food. He wondered if she would want breakfast, as he was starving, but figured she was probably so full on his energy food would be pointless. He paused as he passed though the living room, staring out the open windows at the night outside. Shock rippled through him as he glanced at the big clock on the far wall, realizing it was after seven at night.

"She can really take it out of you," a deep male voice surprised him from the direction of the kitchen. He nearly jumped out of his skin, spinning to find Ash'Tine standing in the doorway grinning at him in, cobalt eyes glinting in the scattered light from the lamps, long blue-black hair loose around his body.

"Oh my- uh, My Lord," he stammered, trying to calm his pounding heart, a deep blush rising to his cheeks. Oh shit. "You scared me."

"Sorry. I made you breakfast or dinner, whichever you like, so I thought you came down for food. I'm glad those fit. That's the biggest stuff I've got here."

Kevin sniffed the air, realizing he did smell something delicious coming from the kitchen. He was still a bit scared, knowing exactly who the man before him was and considering the things he'd done with his Beloved last night, was more than a little apprehensive about being alone with the being. Still, the Master vampire didn't look angry, though that meant little. He was dressed much as he had been when Kevin had met him before, looking about Kevin's age, devastatingly handsome, of course, in jeans and a tight tshirt, those leather cuffs on his wrists.

"Uh, Lord Ash'Tine, I uh-"

"Kid, call me August."

"Yes, sir. I mean, August."

"Come on. Everything's ready. I know you're hungry. I could hear your stomach growling in the shower."

Kevin nodded and followed the tall man through the kitchen and into the dining room where a big steak with all the trimmings were laid out for him, an fancy German beer beside the plate. August sat across from him, sipping on a glass of red wine, likely infused with blood, judging by the color.

"Wow, you made this?" he asked despite himself, as he cut into the premium slab of prime rib, closing his eyes as the perfect flavor filled his mouth.

"Yeah, is it ok? I had Emily, the lady who watches the place for us, pick up something. Talera says you like steak."

"Oh my god, this is great. I didn't know you could cook- I mean, uh-" he ground to a halt, blushing again.

"I don't eat, of course, but from long- very long- association I can usually tell by smell if I'm getting it right."

"You got it right."

August chuckled, taking another sip, eyes inspecting the boy in front of him, approval on his angular features. Kevin scarfed down his meal, feeling his energy return, but still a little hesitant to look over at the Immortal across from him.

"Kevin," August finally said, voice firm and commanding. "Relax. We're okay. No problems between us. Would I have made you dinner if I was going to hurt you?"

"This would make a great last meal."

August laughed, grinning broadly. Kevin glanced at his teeth, noting he must have been able to retract his fangs, as nothing appeared out of the ordinary.

"Some of us can," August said, smiling.

"Sorry. It's just- well, you know. I recognized Vampyr script before I could read English. My earliest memories are of digsites and sitting on Jobias Thompson's lap as he told me stories about your House, your Line."

August nodded, obviously recognizing the name of the legendary Hunter.

"You know you're going to get a lot of heat yourself for being with her."

"You kidding? My parents will flip-"

As if on cue, Kevin's cellphone rang somewhere in the house, echoing through the spacious rooms. The Immortal vanished, reappearing a moment later and handing the phone to Kevin, who sighed as he looked at the screen.

"Hi, mom," he just said. "I was just talking about you."

"Kevin Achilles Alderman!" she nearly yelled in her proper London accent. "We just found out from Jobias who your new girlfriend is! Do you have any idea what you're getting yourself into! Why didn't you tell us...!"

Kevin held the phone slightly away from his ear as his mother continued to rant at him. August smiled down into his wine.

"Mom-" he said, cutting her off. "I was planning on telling you. I just had to discuss some things with some people first. At the moment, I'm sitting across the table from Lord Ash'Tine."

The line went silent. August made a gesture, asking if he should leave, but Kevin shook his head. After a few long moments, Kevin heard shuffling on the other end of the line.

"Son, do you know what you're doing? How dangerous this is?" his father asked, voice all serious, though Kevin thought he detected a note of excitement. If his son was really sitting across from one of the beings he'd studied his entire life, how exciting was that from a personal standpoint, aside from the danger of the situation.

"Dad, I'm fine. Ash and I are cool," the boy said soothingly, watching the vampire grin at the casual use of his name, like they were longtime buddies.

"Ash?" his dad said skeptically, though sounding slightly awed.

"Yeah, you wanna talk to him?" Kevin replied, glancing up at the man, who laughed once.

"Uh, no. Um, I- really?" his dad mumbled, startled. "He'd talk to me? On the phone?"

"Sure, he's a great guy. You'd like him."

August motioned for the phone and Kevin handed it over. The boy thought he saw a playful glint in those stunning cobalt eyes.

"Dr. Alderman?" the Immortal said, his tone genial.

"Uh, hello. Uh, My Lord. Please-" the archaeologist stammered, taken completely aback.

"Mr. Alderman, please don't fear for your son. He's a good kid. I like him immensely. No harm will come to him."

"If I may be frank, My Lord. It's not harm coming to him that I'm worried about."

"Oh, that may be a valid concern. Unfortunately, I have no control over that. A decision like that is entirely up to him. I can only guarantee his safety and comfort."

"I- well, thank you for that."

"My pleasure."

Kevin took back the phone, watching as August's eyes flicked up to the ceiling and back to him.

"Dad, listen-"

"That was really Ash'Tine? The Ash'Tine? He's really sitting right there?"

"Yes, Dad. Listen. I've gotta go. Are you guys still coming for parents's weekend next week?"

"Of course."

"Okay, I'll call you later. Do NOT worry about me. I'm fine."

"If you say so, son. We love you."

"I love you guys too."

Kevin flipped the phone closed.

"I'm sorry," he said to the Immortal, who drained his wine glass, shaking his head. "Thanks, you didn't have to do that."

"No problem. They're worried about you."

"Yeah, they're a little overprotective."

"You call them being worried about you hanging out with me and the Chosen Ascendant being overprotective? You have high standards."

"Ok, so maybe they're right, but I don't think I'm in danger. Not any more than I would be at any other time."

"I don't think they're worried for your physical safety so much as your immortal soul."

Oh," Kev blushed. "I don't think she likes me that much."

August didn't say anything, raising one eyebrow. Then he vanished, appearing again at Kevin's side, the wine glass and Kevin's empty plate and beer bottle nowhere to be seen.

"Alright," he said pulling out the other chair next to the younger man. "The reason I wanted to talk to you. Would you like to be able to touch her without all the...side effects?"

"Yeah. I mean I like what happens, obviously, but it would be nice to just, you know..."

"I understand. I can show you how to turn the switch on and off. I don't think you want me to shut it down entirely?"

"Please, no."

"Okay," the Immortal said with a chuckle. "I'm going to have to, uh, induce the same response so I can tell what I'm doing in your head. Are you cool with that?"

Kevin considered for a moment, his stomach lurching. A succubus was one thing, but an incubus? Then he shrugged.

"Why not? So... do I get to see your true form?"

August regarded him with surprise, then smiled again.

"You did pay attention to old Jobias, didn't you?" he remarked, shaking his head. "Okay, as you say, why not? If she comes downstairs right now, I'll never hear the end of it."

He stood and pulled off his shirt, tossing it on the table. Kevin looked with envy at his rock hard abs, cut chest, flawless skin, not an ounce of fat on the man, just pure muscle, though not in a particularly beefy way. August's eyes flared blue flames and all at once, his tanned skin paled to a very light blue. Winking at Kevin, he unfurled his own wings. They were not quite as massive as Talera's, but what they lacked in size and dark seductiveness, they made up for in color and beauty. As the man carefully stretched them in the confines of the room, Kevin stared at the delicate feathers at the tops, which tapered to giant flight feathers. The color started as a vibrant cobalt, which matched his eyes and faded to a deep purple-black at the tips of the big feathers. The scent, so similar to Talera's had a definite masculine sharpness to it, but it had the same effects. Within seconds, he was rock hard, his erection pushing painfully at the too tight jeans. Closing his eyes, Kevin idly wondered how much greater control the Master had over his power than Talera, being as he was born an incubus and had nearly six millennia worth of practice.

He heard August laugh softly, opened his eyes to find the being still standing arm's length away, his own arms folded across his chest. Kevin gasped as invisible hands unzipped the pants and brought him out, squeezing, sucking, teasing him without laying a finger on him. Kevin's mind resisted for about half a second, then he gave up to the sensation, closing his eyes and just enjoying the experience. He vaguely felt August's presence in his mind, felt something flicker, the sensations stopping completely for a split-second before they returned. The boy sighed as he felt a real pair of lips surround his pulsing cock, felt real hands, cool, firm, cup his balls, push him back into the chair, forcing him to relax. August continued to work his magic for a few more minutes, whoever was blowing him doing one hell of a job as well. At that point he didn't care who it was. If it was the incubus, then so be it. He came hard after a while, shuddering and gripping the arms of the chair tightly.

It took him a moment to recover, eyes closed, chest heaving, head thrown back over the chair. When he finally looked up he found Talera, in human mode, leaning against her Sire's chest, who stood in the same place, arms still crossed over his chest, grinning like the Cheshire cat.

"Who-? Kevin started to ask, putting his poor spent cock back in the pants, looking between the two of them, shaking his head. "You know what, don't tell me."

"Is it my birthday already?" Talera teased. "How did you know what I wanted?"

"Shuttup," Kevin growled, clearing his throat, blushing but not embarrassed.

August kissed the side of her neck, whispering in her ear in Vampyr. She looked back at him, a beaming smile spreading across her face.

"You fixed him for me?" she nearly squealed.

"Try it," her Sire urged, nodding at the boy.

Kevin grinned at her as she knelt in front of him, taking his hands. For a moment, the lust surged in him, but he concentrated, thinking back to what August had done in that brief moment when he'd been in his mind. All at once, the throb from her hands faded. He turned it on and off again for good measure, eliciting a squeal of delight from the demon who kissed his forehead excitedly before rising and throwing herself at her Sire, her body hitting his with force that Kevin was sure would have shattered his ribs. The incubus just caught her in a tight embrace, kissing her deeply. Kevin smiled softly, wondering if he'd ever find love like that. They broke off and he let her down.

As her Sire shifted back, retrieving his shirt, she knelt before Kevin again, taking his hands and rising to kiss him softly. She had a giant smile on her face when she pulled back, having not created an erection at the slightest touch. He laughed at her excitement, reaching out to smooth her long silver curls, still slightly damp from the shower. She looked her age for once, the burden of her past and present pushed aside for a few moments of teenage happiness.

To be continued...


Thanks for reading! If you have any comments, please email me through my profile or post 'em! The next few chapters are basically written, but I welcome suggestions for future stories. This one was mainly set-up for more to come, so bear with me. -pphair

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nighthawk22204nighthawk22204about 5 years ago
Some time leaps, gaps in time??

I've been a Lit reader over 15 years, first time I got dragged into this vamp world, but your work is intriguing and extremely well written so I expect I'll enjoy working my way through it. Still just getting started, but in Ch. 1, pg 2, there is apparently an unstated leap from being in the car to apparently being on the dance floor. Confused me for a long while as I re-read until I was sure I was not mis-reading. But maybe that's the author's intent? 'We'll see what happens,' to quote a famous President.

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2ualmost 7 years ago
Don't bother. Ignore my previous comment. 1 star

Unfinished like a lot of pathetic writers on here.

The story was done and finished then in the last few paragraphs a whole new storyline starts. This new storyline makes the previous "ending" different and everything is now open and incomplete..

7 YEARS unfinished don't bother.

Anonymous comments should be banned.

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2ualmost 7 years ago
5 stars... however..

So 5 stars, however there ere a few confusing methods used.

So the story as a whole makes sense, as in all the information provided over the seven pages, but the delivery was shocking at times, confusing at others and silly at others.

So mid conversation the paragraph ends. The next paragraph starts and the sentences make no sense at all. Then you provide a sentence mostly at the end of the paragraph that makes the whole paragraph make sense and that the story has moved locations, characters have changed etc. so put this sentence at the paragraph start. Just about every scene change happened this way.

You have long dialog sections and for the life of me I can't attribute many phrases to any particular character. No matter how many times I go over it.

There are other errors but so what. The above two are the ones that make the reading stilted at times.

The story is original, well thought out, fun and interesting characters and has the ability to be expanded on creating a good series. So keeep it up and thank you.

Anonymous comments should be banned

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
dosn,t finish

Don,t bother reading this it,s another story that has no ending . I,m sick of people not finishing stories. The last chapter was written in 2010

PeepItPeepItalmost 12 years ago
Okay...look...ditto on the praises and platitudes of all so far who commented...

...but TRULY....JazCullen got it right (and what else would you expect from someone with those writing chops?) You are a FREAKING FORCE of nature! Really!!! I enjoyed this first chapter(?) soooooooo...... much that I forgot to take care of the old genitalia while reading.'re fucking terrific! You get the characterization shit down perfectly, the reactions of each character is relevant and believable, the plot is kicking...I bow to the's your universe and I'm just a Peeping Tom passing through! Great job...want more!

SenieceTaOSenieceTaOabout 12 years ago

Awesome .. bloody billiant only found this story and wow 7 page chapter cant wait to start the next :))

polgaranightpolgaranightover 12 years ago

I just found this story and all I can say is WoW....

Luvin it greatly, gotta go and finish the story.. Thanxs

WerefanWerefanabout 13 years ago

This story line is unique, fascinating, interesting and extremely well written. I am anxious to get to the next chapter so I will end with a sincere Thank You for sharing your creative talent.

apollonaapollonaabout 13 years ago

Probably one of the best writers on this site. When I grow up, I wanna write like this...

dartreegdartreegabout 13 years ago
Awesome Setup

Really well done. I got everything and a little foreshadowing along with it. Very interesting and well written.

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