Blood Moon: Lucian's Story Ch. 02

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A surprise at the meeting.
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Kiryn sat in the bathtub trying to get herself to relax. After Syra had seen her injures she had demanded that a healer come and heal all of her injuries. Kiryn had tried to say, but Syra had said her outfit would show a lot so her skin had to be flawless. After saying that Syra had bounded off to find a high level healer and to get Kiryn's outfit ready.

Kiryn leaned back in the tub and inhaled deeply, loving the scent of night roses that came from the steamed water. Night roses were roses that only bloomed at midnight and were always hard to find. Yet there was a full supply of night roses infused bathing products and perfumes here, and she very much wondered where they had found enough to make all of it. Sighing she closed her eyes and listened to the sound of some rock band that came from the small bathroom radio that Syra had supplied.

She wasn't even sure how that had been found. After the Great War, so many things that people had taken for granted, cars, radios, computers; they had all either been destroyed or taken by people to sell for money. From what Kiryn could tell, everything that people had once loved so much were all here inside this large dreamlike castle. While she was used to living much like history books said people had in medieval times, these people of the night had everything. Chuckling to herself she let her mind wonder.

They rested again on Lucian LeSabor. When she had first seen him she was so sure that he was like every other man in the world, even being a nonhuman it hadn't mattered. Yet when he held her in his strong arms he was so gentle and his voice had been kind when he spoke to her. On the horse he held her so she wouldn't fall and had even made sure that her cloak hadn't blown open. He had encouraged her to laugh and had even laughed with her. In the span of less then two hours, he had done some many things that no one else had ever done for her in her entire life.

There was something about him that called to her, but she knew better then to try and push herself upon him. She doubted he would have any interest in her; a man with his looks could get any woman mortal or nonmortal. She would happy to be considered his friend, and she was certain he would become her best male friend; Syra had already claimed the best female friend slot.

This too confused her, never in her life had a woman been so kind to her. Most women shied away from her for one reason or another, something she had yet to figure out. Yet here she was, with Syra, a woman with obvious influence in the supernatural world treating her with overwhelming kind.

"Kiryn the healer is here, come get on the bed." Syra called from the bedroom

Kiryn started, not hearing the door open or close. Stepping out of the tub she wrapped a deep purple towel around herself and walked out into the bedroom where Syra and another woman were waiting. When Syra saw her she smiled and waved her over to the bed before she introduced the other woman.

"Kiryn this is Tina. She is the best healer here and will have you fixed up in less then a hour so we can start getting ready for tonight."

Kiryn laid back on the bed feeling a little leering about all this, but Tina smiled kindly and asked her to remove the towel. Sliding it free Kiryn laid back on the bed and closed her eyes as she heard the healer's sharp intake of breath. She was embarrassed to have anyone see her like this, but since she would be seeing Lucian tonight she figured it would be okay.

She tried to relax when she felt the healer running her hands over her body, but became tense when warmth flowed into her body. Even though she knew this was how a healer did whatever it was that they did, it felt weird to her. Kiryn started to hum and lullaby she had heard when she was younger to keep her mind off the weird sensations.

Kiryn wasn't sure how long it had been but the warmth left and she heard the healer say that it was done. She sat up slowly surprised when she looked at herself that there were no longer any marks on her body. Smiling at the Tina she extended her hand to the healer.

"Thank you, I truly appreciate what you have done for me. I wish I had some way to pay you." Kiryn said

"No need for that dear, Syra has already taken care of everything. You just enjoy yourself at the activities tonight and I will be considered well paid." Tina laughed

Kiryn nodded and wrapped her towel back around her, thinking again of Lucian and seeing him. She very much hoped that whatever Syra had selected for her to wear would at least cause him to look at her twice. She hoped that he would at least dance with her once, she really wondered what he would be like on the dance floor.

Kiryn sat down on one of the chairs to wait for Syra to come back in, and Tina sat on the bed.

"What is Lucian like?" Kiryn asked

Tina looked up at the girl surprise flickering through her though she hid it well. Tina truly hoped this girl didn't fall in love with Lucian. Even though he was a wonderful man he was a bit of a playboy and in all the time she had been at the castle, never once had he stayed with a woman longer then a moon cycle. Despite the Lucian was defiantly one of the younger brothers, his powers came very close to matching Malachi's, which was why he was allowed to enter all meetings unlike some of his siblings. Tina doubted this girl could stand up to Lucian, and was scared to think what would happen to the fragile girl if her heart was broken. But she wasn't going to say all of that.

"Lucian is a sweet guy. Pain in the ass to be sure and not exactly the type to go steady with a woman. But he does treat them with respect and he tends to be very over protective."

Kiryn and Tina both jumped at the sound Syra's voice, and Kiryn shot to her feet watching as Syra walked into the room fresh from her bath. Syra smiled softly at the young woman in front of her.

"Tina you may leave now. Kiryn let me help you with your outfit."

Tina scurried from the room and Kiryn turned to watch Syra start pulling pieces of clothing from the wardrobe, holding them up, then either putting them back in or setting them in one of two piles. After several minutes of this, Syra turned to Kiryn waving her over. Waving her hand at the pile further from her, Syra smiled.

"This is what I want you to wear; I will find you jewelry and hair things when we are done dressing."

Kiryn smiled her thanks and picked up the pile she was told was hers and carried them into the bathroom to dress. She was confused at how to put some of it on, but she quickly figured it out and looked at herself in the mirror.

The black silk dress clung to her body and fell to her ankles, slits riding up both sides ending at her hips. A tight pair of black shorts was under the dress, keeping everyone from seeing her underwear. The waist was tight showing the flair of her hips and the top of the dress was cut low showing the tops of her breasts, the back cut away stopping an inch above her buttocks. Thin chains hung on the back, the cold metal making her shiver slightly.

A chain was wrapped around the hips, a sheer sliver cloth hanging from the back to follow the line of her dress down. There was a collar made of leather that was attached to the dress using to strips of cloth matching the dress's color and texture. The collar also had a small empty round hole, where it looked like a pendent should be, but Kiryn hadn't found on.

Her legs were left bare, only a pair of three inch heels on her feet making her five foot three inches. The way her hair curled around her shoulders, made her decide to keep it like that. It sort of made her feel like a fairy princess.

"It looks very good on you, just as I thought it would."

Kiryn looked at Syra and smiled brightly.

"Thank you, this is the loveliest thing I have ever worn." She said.

Syra nodded, and smiled back before taking Kiryn's arm and leading the girl into the bedroom again, seating her in front of the vanity mirror. Syra looked through her earrings before picking a pair holding small clear quartz crystals. She put them on Kiryn and decided that the girl looked best with just what she had and nothing more. Syra then pulled out the make-up colors she had decided on for the girl.

Kiryn sat still as Syra put on her makeup hoping she looked good when it was done. When Syra finally told her to open her eyes, Kiryn's jaw dropped all most to the floor. Even if only eyeliner and mascara had been added, Kiryn defiantly saw the improvement. She could almost have passed for a lady of court.

Kiryn thanked Syra and sat in a chair by the door to wait for her hostess to finish her makeup. Once Syra was done she took, Kiryn's hand and led her down the stairs, passed the ballroom to the next door over. She pushed it open and dragged Kiryn inside before closing it softly.

Kiryn looked around and saw the others she had seen earlier plus several others that she had not. The only thing that made her feel better was the sight of Lucian standing to the left of the one called Malachi. She looked over at Syra who nodded and waved her over to stand by Lucian. Kiryn felt slightly self conscious as she walked to Lucian coming up on his left as he was talking to Malachi.

Malachi broke off mid sentence and stared at the girl who had just walked up. She looked very different from how she had earlier, and even he had to admit the he found her attractive. Lucian had noticed his brother's look and turned his head, his eyes meeting Kiryn's and felt like he was falling into the blue depths.

Lucian turned quickly and took in her outfit, feeling a stirring starting in his groin. His eyes hungrily devoured her, his mind full of erotic thoughts of what he wanted to do to her. His gaze rested on her lips which were slightly parted as she licked her dry lips. Lucian nearly groaned aloud at the sensual image that provided him and he had to take a deep breath before he did something that would probably not be invited by anyone, like throwing her down on the table right now.

Kiryn watched Lucian as his eyes grew wide then his lids fell slightly giving him a seriously sexual expression. Kiryn felt a tremor run through her body and she had to lick her lips again. Her mind was slightly numb as she looked over his outfit. His pants were tight and showed the muscles in his legs, a black silk button up shirt was stretched across his chest and made her want to run her hands over it. His lip ring was winking in the corner of his mouth and she wanted to tug it with her teeth. She watched as he drew in a shuddering breath and decided she might as well say something.

"That outfit looks very nice on you. It makes a girl think all sorts of things." She said honestly

Lucian's eyes opened even wider and he heard Malachi cough behind him.

"Thank you Kiryn, though I much prefer looking at you. Even angels could never match you as you now look." He said

Everyone in the room could see the blush that climbed her cheeks and most of them found it cute, though there was one person who didn't. Lita stood at the far end of the table as the small girl walked to Lucian, and saw how his eye had ran over her. She had heard the comment he had made and anger burned swiftly through her. It all the years she had been Lucian's lover, never once had he even allowed her to approach him as this woman just had. Lita gritted her teeth as the woman blushed and nearly chipped a tooth when Lucian smiled down at her. Oh yes, she would take care of Kiryn tonight.

Kiryn shivered as a chill ran up her spine and she turned to look around the people in the room. A single woman with raven colored hair stood out to her. The woman had golden eyes that seemed to burn with anger and they were focused directly at her. But that wasn't what bothered Kiryn the most, but rather the feeling that this woman was more then she seemed.

"Are you okay Kiryn?" Lucian asked watching her facial features shift slightly, an analyzing look crossing her face.

Kiryn turned back to Lucian, the odd feeling melting away quickly as she looked into his green eyes. Deciding to be a bit mischievous, she walked closer to Lucian, forcing herself to look up to see his face.

"I am fine. I was just wondering if you are any good on the dance floor."

Lucian burst into laughter that had every head turning to him. When he calmed down enough he looked over at Malachi who had apparently not heard her questioned so he repeated it back to her. This time Malachi and everyone close joined in the laughter, Ashley the first of the brothers to recover enough to speak.

"He is the best dancer out of any of us, though Malachi is said to be better."

Kiryn nodded her head intentionally looking thoughtfully between the two brothers in front of her. Then she nodded her head as if coming to a decision.

"Then I should dance with both of you, so that I can decide which is the best. After that there will no longer be a question." Kiryn said

Lucian and Malachi looked at each other and laughed again, Malachi laying his head on the table and Lucian doubled over holding his stomach. When Lucian had finally calmed her pulled Kiryn close to him and set her to where she was right next to Malachi.

"I don't have a problem with that at all, though I must ask brother, do not steal my lady." Lucian said in a joking tone

"I will not steal her Lucian; I shall simply make her admit I am the better dancer."

"We shall have to wait and see won't we?" Kiryn said in a playful tone, her body leaning into Lucian's.

A hand slamming on the table had everyone looking down the table to the woman Kiryn had been looking at earlier.

"Is there something you would like to say Lita?" Malachi asked, his voice suddenly dripping with sarcasm

"Only that I think we should get this meeting over." Lita answered seething. She had never even made Lucian laugh as much as he just had, yet this girl had made even the cold Malachi laugh.

Malachi looked over at Lucian who nodded his head and Malachi stood up holding his hand up for silence signaling the meetings start.

"You all know that we were attacked by a small group of humans this night, though none of ours were harmed, each of the humans had some charm on them that is causing us to be unable to look into their minds. Lucian please tell us what you found in the village and what your men said they found."

Lucian stepped forward, placing Kiryn slightly behind him as he cleared his throat.

"There were only five women and a few children in the village when we arrived, and on a second search of the homes, my second reported that several vials of an unknown blood were found both empty and full. We think that whatever is in the blood is what makes them able to block us from their minds. We believe it is a vampire or a demon with vampire in their line."

Kiryn listened as the meeting continued and she started thinking about what all was being said. A vampire or demon giving blood to a human for the use of blocking their minds meant treason by whoever had done it. The fact that these vials had been around and she hadn't scented them on anyone meant that it was a demon. Vampire blood only lost its scent after four hundred years of life, meaning that who had given it was someone holding a high position in the court. When Lucian passed on of the vials around they had found Kiryn, looked at it her eyes narrowed.

"Malachi, may I see the vial?" She asked softly

Malachi tilted his head as if to ask why so Kiryn explained in a low voice while Lucian continued with his report.

"If I can smell and taste the blood I can at least tell you what gender and what race the blood came from."

Malachi nodded and when he gave the vile to her she pulled the stopper from it waving it under her nose. Using her pinky finger she took a single drop onto her finger and placed it on her tongue, her eyes immediately dilating. Her body started to shake as memories from the blood coursed through her, allowing her to see everything within the castle and the faces of people and learning their names.

Lucian had stopped talking when he has seen Kiryn pull the top from the vial. He had moved and caught her as she fell to the ground her body shaking slightly, trying to talk to her not fully understanding what was happening. Malachi, Dominic, Syra and several of their other brothers had rushed to hr side, all of them wondering what was going on.

Kiryn felt her body slowly relax and she opened her eyes to see Lucian above her holding her close to him, stroking her hair.

"What the hell was that?" He asked

"The blood belongs to a vampiric woman; four hundred and fifty years of age give or take. Her blood not only acts as a mental shield it also passes on information about this place and people." Kiryn said

Lucian looked down at her wondering how she had figured that out but decided to ask her later. He helped her up carefully holding her steady as she swayed a bit. All the sudden her head jerked up and her eyes locked on someone in the shadows. Lucian followed her gaze and found Marina, an elder in the advisors council standing there looking pale even for a vampire.

Lucian knew what was running through Kiryn's mind and knew she felt this woman was the one whose blood she had just tasted. The look on Marina's face confirmed it. Lucian nodded to one of the men who moved quickly grabbing Marina's arm. Instead of struggling Marina continued to look at Kiryn.

'How could you tell all of that? How could you possibly get that much information from a single drop?" Marina asked

Everyone turned to face Kiryn who just stood there, a small smile spreading over her face.

"It is just one of my many gifts. Lets hope you don't have to find out any more." Kiryn answered honestly.

Lucian continued to hold Kiryn gently as Marina was escorted from the room and he rocked her. He didn't know how she had done it, but she had managed to solve something it would have taken them a while to figure out, instead Kiryn had tasted the blood and brought forth the person who had been helping humans fight. After Marina was gone from sight he looked of at Malachi who nodded in agreement to the question in his eyes. Lucian cleared his throat and gained everyone's attention.

"That ends this meeting, let all of us now go and join the gala." He said

Everyone nodded and began to file out of the room, Lucian holding onto Kiryn before Malachi placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Let us also go. I cannot wait for you to be told I dance better."

Malachi's words dispelled the mood and they headed to the gala, Kiryn hoping the whole time that she didn't fall on her face when she was in Lucian's arms.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Problems with Kiryn

It seems to me that with all the abilities Kiryn has, it should be impossible that she has bee hurt the way she has, she even threatend to kill - so how come she is so week to not be able to defend herself?

You ought to think through your storyline better as it is not very convincing for me as a reader.

canndcanndalmost 14 years ago

I think this chapter was a good beginning for this story. I really agree with the points illunaria brought up and so I won't repeat a bunch of the same type of stuff. I really hope you follow her advice. I agree that you could do well by explaining the Great War in greater depth and how it led to the creation of this world they are now in and how the Vamps/demons have maintained a more advanced society. I'd like to see more about the relationship between the demons/vamps since we only have been exposed to the vamps but you've explained that Malachai is King of both.

Kyrin is a great character that obviously you have hinted has many facets. I hope you will develop her. Lucian also seems to have more to him than we saw in Blood Moon, particularly the part about his powers being equal to the King though he is his much younger brother. I think expanding on these things will be great. I hope you will go into more detail as to what Kyrin went through with the humans. I would like to know more about her abilities.

I am unsure of what went between the brothers or what they all realized when it was said that the majority of her wounds had happened soon before the humans attacked. What was it that they got from that?

I really agree with illunaria about the strength of your descriptions. They draw the reader in. I like the interactions between the brothers and especially liked the mind to mind communication in Blood Moon. I think correct usage of that could really add a great dynamic.

there are many spots where there are words that aren't real words and others where wrong usage is plus some grammatical/spelling errors. It really detracts as I said in Blood Moon and I really wish you could get those fixed. Please see to it that someone correct your writings so that it doesn't distract readers from the story.

mrmrswise3mrmrswise3about 14 years ago

I love how you continued this story from the other. PLEase continue

willieonewillieoneabout 14 years ago
Need More!

Please post more chapters soon I love this story!

illunoriaillunoriaabout 14 years ago
Great Progress

But I see you're pugnacious when you write, it's a quaint quality that I find to be humorous. You've got cat fights early in your stories, but it is good to stir up strife and discord, it makes for a better trial for the heroine. However, it seems that perhaps you can explain the relationship that vampires have between each other as lovers and how that differs when it deals with the royal members.

I had an issue with all of Kiryn's scars being practically erased. Shouldn't she have some form of physical evidence of her abuse if some of the wounds she received were old and not recent? What is her past and how did she come to be at that particular village? Her blood detecting ability was a stretch for me, and it felt too convenient but it can work if you give Kiryn more credibility as a character.

Anyway, I would like to say that Lucian's story is an improvement to "Blood Moon." I understand thought that you mentioned a "Great War" can you describe that in more detail as we go along. Having more information on the matter will allow a reader to understand the setting you're writing in, it will also help to explain behaviors, ideas, and social mindsets and concepts that are accepted by the people that inhabit this space.

I have to say I am a huge supporter of Lucian though, he's a suave sweetheart, mega-playboy; he makes your toes curl that one. Clothing (which I love your descriptors by the way), and minute details (like the night rose scent) are your strong points. You have a handle on using adjectives to your advantage in those cases but the same could be done with the foundation of your writing. Open up the reader's eyes to the entire realm and the spectrum you're sharing.

I am truly excited and I am anticipating what shall come next.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago


akchaysakchaysover 14 years ago
Hey i keep getting withdrawals...

Pls do complete this story...a hell lot of time has passed....eagerly waiting !!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
MORE !!!!

More PLEASE, could you also make them longer .

2012Naturegirl2012Naturegirlover 14 years ago
That was AMAZING!

This is definitely one of the best stories that I have read on Literotica so far. Keep up the awesome work! I can't wait until the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

i can't believe that person's giving you beef about spell checking [douch!]. this story is A M A Z I N G! i hope to read more, and soon ; The first one with Syra, and now this one - i want more please! haha. can't wait for the next chapter. P L E A S E don't keep us waiting too long and keep up the great writing :]

spearman1spearman1over 14 years ago
Oh my goodness!!

OMG!! You have got to hurry and continue this story before I have a spaz attack!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

There's more right?

AlydenAlydenover 14 years ago
When will be the next one?

when will be the next story?

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 14 years ago
Like it but

there were lots of errors. For example, you wrote "defiantly" instead of "definitely" several times. Keep spell checking and work with an editor for a more polished piece of writing.

Zodia195Zodia195over 14 years ago
Loving it!

I am soooo enjoying this one! What I am really eager to find out is who exactly Kiryn (sp?) is.

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