Blood Servant Pt. 01


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I felt... defeated, horrified, and all hope drained out of me in that moment, as she said, "Please, I need your cum, in my mouth and pussy. Please come fuck me like the dirty slut I am."

Damien snorted, "Wrong hole in the back, slut. Try again. If you get it right, I might let you use lube when I tear that slutty ass up."

Katrina's face flushed with embarrassment and a rage just as impotent as mine.

It was also when my mind went crazy again, and the rage resurged in deep hate and murderous bile. There was no focus on magic, I was long past that. I felt the rage and protective possessive anger rise up in me like a tidal force, and for the first time since I was a little boy, I just wanted to hit the fucker in the face. I wanted to beat the ever loving shit out of him with my bare hands.

Mages did not fight with fists.

It was beneath them, and part of the training. It was a rage of focus I'd never felt before, not since my thirteenth birthday and my power came in at puberty. My magic came in locked away, but it was the first time I could feel the tidal power locked away in my chest.

That powerful taboo against physical fisticuffs was also why I'd never released my power. The idea of focusing on my own body and physical fighting was anathema to the mage clans, our society, and our customs and traditions.

No one was more surprised than I was, when the tight core of locked magic cracked open, and mage power flooded my body for the very first time in my life. Of course, no one else noticed, so my surprise wasn't exactly in competition, but you get the point. The power flowed through my body, filling my arms with strength and speed, and my mind with focus and deadly sharp awareness. It flooded my legs and my whole body felt empowered with strength and speed including perception.

Their movements seemed to have slowed quite a bit to my senses, as if the world slowed down around me, but in truth I already knew it was my perceptions that had sped up, to keep up with my speed.

Lastly, the potent magical power howling through my body also howled through my mind, and it blew out Andrei's compulsion like a hurricane snuffing a candleflame. I was no longer forced to sit still on the couch, and the strength of the surge of victorious rage in my heart was staggering. It even held the blood thrall link in abeyance, it didn't destroy it, perhaps couldn't, but I was immune to the orders my mistress had given me while embracing my power.

I was in shock for what seemed like ten seconds as my conscious mind tried to come to terms with my new reality, but at my enhanced speed of perception it was probably only a split second. Katrina hadn't even started begging again yet.

I also didn't even know what to call myself, there were no precedents. A body mage? Clearly, my particularly affinity and brand of magic was focused within, to my own body.

To perform magic outside my body I'd need to use a spell.

A spell would be a bad idea, they'd snap my neck by the third word. Plus, I still wanted to hit them. I just had no idea how to fight out of the basic instincts us humans are born with, so I'd have to take them by surprise and... improvise.

It was quite possible that the smart thing to do would be to take out Andrei first. Tactically speaking, my surprise would be spent after that first attack, and if I could kill Andrei then the master blood enthrallment would fall. If that happened, then Katrina would be free and could help me take down Damien.

But in truth, I wouldn't even think of that until later, when I reviewed what happened with a focused and settled mind.

Back in the moment I was too lost in the insane rage at what they were doing to Katrina, and they hadn't even really started yet outside of her being humiliated and forced to debase herself. Even my own death at the end of Andrei's plan held no meaning to me in that moment. And it had been Damien that spoke last, who had treated my love so poorly, and threatened to dry rape her in the ass if her forced begging wasn't demeaning enough to her. It was even worse than that, because Damien couldn't order her, so the next words out of my love's mouth would be a conscious decision to debase herself in fear that Andrei would do worse if she ignored his cousin's threat.

Fuck that, my rage in that moment chose my target, and tactics had nothing to do with it.

I lunged off the couch and leapt. My body flew over the coffee table in a lunging leap. I was incredibly fast with my body imbued with powerful magic, but the vampires weren't slouches in the speed department.

Yet, I'd taken Damien totally by surprise and he only had time to turn his head in my direction before my left hand closed around his throat like a vice. He fell backwards without a cry, mostly because he couldn't breathe much less cry out, and as soon as our bodies hit the ground with me on top, my right fist which was cocked back fell and slammed into his head. The floor's leverage ensured his head absorbed all of that momentum without being thrown back.

I didn't know what I expected to happen. I'd planned to beat the ever loving shit out of him, and snap his neck after. It was fuzzy, the plan, in my rage. But that's not what happened. My punch kept going after hitting his head, and hit the floor causing the wood under the carpet to sharply crack.

As for Damien's head, it had exploded into flying brains and bones, and a pink bloody mist that dispersed into the air. I felt... disappointment, he hadn't had nearly long enough to suffer my wrath.

I think I growled in rage, as I spun back up to my feet. Just in time to take Andrei's punch to the face and go flying across the room into the wall. It hurt, and felt like I'd been hit by a damned Mack truck, but at the same time the adrenaline let me brush it off, as I landed on my feet.

Then my power surged. The sounds of popping bones and rearranging cartilage reached my ears, and the pain in my face disappeared. I think I grinned then, it wasn't life magic, but apparently my body was my magic's bitch, and my magic was capable of far more than simply giving me enhanced strength and speed.

The shock on his face was comedic to me, and it was clear he was confused in his rage at his cousin's death and my surprising defiance to his orders. That's when he made a critical mistake, he probably could've kicked my ass, but he tried to reestablish the compulsion.

His power barely tickled the edges of my mind.

I lunged at him and being clueless in fighting totally telegraphed my punch. His arms raised up to block his face, lest his head explode like his cousin's. It was then I realized I was faster than he was. Not by much, but by enough. I adjusted the angle in the millisecond before throwing the punch and hit him right in the chest as hard as I could.

Perhaps if he'd been braced by the floor, or a wall, my fist would've gone through and pulverized his heart. But he wasn't, and he was also a very old and tough vampire. His chest cracked mightily however, as his body was picked up and slammed into the wall, breaking through the sheetrock in the suite but not all the way through to the hallway. The two by fours and wall supports absorbed his momentum, though not without an alarming crack of wood splitting.

His breath was knocked out of him, and he had no wind. His chest was also sickly collapsed though not enough to kill him. He looked angry and in pain. His vampire healing would kick in and heal all that mortal damage in a mere few seconds.

But he didn't have a few seconds. A few seconds was an eternity to me in this state.

I lunged again, and despite being a bad fighter and telegraphing my punch, he didn't have the speed to lift his arms and block again, not in time with his injuries. His head exploded like a watermelon hit by a sledgehammer, and the mist of blood and explosion of bone billowed out from the wall.

Then I was at Katrina's side, holding her gently in my arms, as she started to sob and lose her mind.

"What did you do?"

I said, "I found my power, and I ended it. You'll never have to live through their depredations again, to you or others."

She shuddered, "Things... this is bad. Good, but really, really bad."

I caressed her softly, and I bit my tongue before uttering the words to calm down. Never tell a woman to calm down.

Instead, I said, "There have to be options, love. What do you want to do?"

She shivered in my arms, and snuggled deeper, "I'm sorry, what you just did is wonderful. You have no idea what they've done to... all of us, over the years. I have my free will for the first time in two hundred and seventy years. But at the same time there's going to be a lot of problems. You essentially just ended Clan Killeso, and there's thirty-seven female vampires out there who are suddenly free."

It was obvious she was about to say me, as in what they'd done to her, but she'd switched to say all of us.

I scooped her up and headed for the bathroom. And pulled her into the shower. We had time to figure it out, the rest of the vampires would be at the club. I was covered in the blood and brains of my enemies, and quite a bit of the blood mist had reached her as well. She just let me lovingly clean her up and I got myself as well. We'd done this so often over the last month, me bathing her I mean, that it was normal and grounding for her. The hot water would be soothing for her as well.

Then I scooped her up and carried her out to the bed, surprising her with a one-word spell that dried our bodies, and a two-word spell that cleaned the sheets and made them cool and crisp before I put her in the bed.

She looked at me in awe as I winked and headed for the closet. I picked out one of her more conservative blue dresses that still honestly wouldn't go amiss in a club. The club was the only place she went to when going out. I also grabbed her underthings, and a pair of gray pants and a pullover shirt for myself.

She smiled and got up, to slip on her panty, bra, and dress, while I got dressed too. She still didn't speak yet, when I claimed a loving yet short kiss, then walked out to the mess. I cast three spells, one to shield and then incinerate the bodies, the other two to clean the mess and to reverse the damage to the wall and floor. Just like that, the receiving room looked spotless and their corpses were gone.

I scooped up my love again, and we went back to the bed. It seemed logical to me to avoid the receiving room for the moment, the place where it'd all happened. She snuggled against me with a sigh as I sat against the headboard.

She finally spoke, and her voice was much steadier, "We have two options. We can leave and risk being independent. Live as a couple and avoid the supernatural world. That's a dangerous option, and likely we'd be killed in short order. The other option is for me to take control of the clan. The... Chevalier clan."

She shook her head, "But that way lies even more complication, if a chance to live a long life together. Your lifetime, anyway, if you would even want to stay," she bit her lip.

I snorted, "You belong to me, so obviously I have to stay."

She tilted her head, "I do?"

I smiled, "Yes, and I belong to you, my love, my sweet Katrina, and my lovely mistress."

She giggled, "Stop that."

I nodded, "Point being, I'll figure out where I fit in when you decide what you want. If I stay then I can be at your side perhaps, and not be relegated to this room. Which I can now keep clean with magic in as much time as it'll take to walk out the door."

She let out a breath, then nodded, "I love you, Gregory. I want you for as long as you'll stay. I'd rather leave with you, but we have to bow to some realities. We'd be hunted down. There are also complications with staying. I will run the clan with sanity, and no cruelty within the clan itself, but there are many distasteful things a clan leader must deal with and do. It's the world we live in, and we can't be seen as weak."

I nodded, "But with grace and compassion, when you can. I understand our world well love, you're not going to shock me if you must punish someone, or if you wipe out an offending pack or human criminal."

She looked steadier to me as she let out a breath. I didn't hold her short breakdown against her, she was still the regal woman with more aplomb than I'd ever seen in anyone else, and she had a deep personal integrity and lust for life despite the conditions she'd been held in.

It was just, getting her freedom after over two centuries tied to the whims of those psychopaths, I couldn't even imagine the release of that in her mind. It was a miracle she was even sane, much less had so much compassion and respect for life when she could.

Plus, the fact she loved me so deliriously had me in awe.

"What happened?"

She sighed, "it was my fault. I haven't been in love in... a very long time, Gregory. I was too relaxed. I wasn't careless with my body language, and I kept the regal shield as you call it up full force when around the rest of the clan. But they scented my newfound joy in this life in my scent. It's amazing to me in hindsight, that it took them ten days to figure it out. Thank you for saving me, it would've been so much worse this time, and felt like a betrayal of you."

"I love you, Katrina."

She smiled, "So, back to the complications. It'll be difficult to explain the turnover to other clans when I establish and confirm past ties, deals, and peace agreements that were in place. They'll want to know what happened, and they aren't fools easily misled. No vampire could kill their master or mistress, and no blood slave has the power. It's unheard of.

"What complicates it further is what I told you weeks ago, to never reveal your true nature. If we tell them the truth of what happened, I fear word of your existence and true family name will be easily divined. If that happens it's only a matter of time before the Miyashita's move against our clan and you as well."

"Anything else?" I asked at her pause.

She snickered, "Isn't that enough?"

I nodded, "Of course, just establishing it's those three things that are the high concerns. The first I already dismissed. I'll never think less of you for running your clan, and I'll always love and be here for you. The second and third, we can figure out."

She replied, "Thank you, Gregory. Yes, that's the only major issues I can think of. It won't be hard for me to take control. I'm the oldest by eighty years, Regina is the second oldest at just under two centuries. I was one of the first taken into Clan Killeso, not long after Andrei's old clan was destroyed and he was one of the few that escaped. It's a simple procedure, I'll trade blood with all of them, and my power will ensure I take the ascendent position in the bond, making me their new sire and giving us a connection."

I frowned, "Are you sure others won't try that, what Andrei did, instead of coming together for safety and allowing a blood bond to form to you. They might wish to form their own clans."

She shook her head, "It was different back then. A man wanted by the law could disappear in a village just five miles away. People didn't travel, there was no communication save travelers of various kinds, merchants and the like. It was easy to get lost in a pretechnological world, in today's world it would be almost impossible to build a clan without it being found out and stomped by the established clans.

"None of them want more competition in our world."

I nodded, "That makes sense."

She said, "I also need you to stay in here until I take control. Once they can't rebel, I'll introduce you as my companion and you can come with me or even take a night off alone if you wanted. To get out of here. Point being, if they get wind that I plan some protections against abusing blood servants and humans, they'll fight me physically. Better to wait until the bonds are established, I'm in control, and I've already ordered them all not to ever harm me or work against the clan."

I replied, "Fair enough, I can deal with it for one more night, certainly. That solves forming clan Chevalier, what about the other two problems. Explaining the death of Andrei and Damien, and of course, me."

She bit her lip, "I'm not sure, any ideas?"

I grinned, "On the second one. I could be your hidden ace card. I'd take a certain enjoyment at calling you mistress while we're in public, and in obeying your every whim. I could conceal my magic easily enough with spells, especially since it's all internal magic anyway unless I cast a spell to reach without."

Her eyes widened, then she laughed, "I love you, that will be perfect. And more than fair, since I'm your desperate love slave behind closed doors."

I snorted, "Not quite, you're in charge as much as I am."

She giggled, "Maybe, okay, that is true, but I'm still yours even when I'm ravishing you and begging for your cum on my own," she shook her head, "it sounds fun, but are you sure you want to do that. It means avoiding other vampire's gazes, and only speaking when asked a direct question."

I shook my head, "You are my love, my home, and my life. I don't mind, but if you're in danger I'll stomp it. It's what we have to do.... Or what I have to do in order to hide from my enemies. Plus, I trust you with my life, and you are my mistress, controlling blood or not. I also know you'd never demean me in private, never mind in front of others, and my honor will be in your care. A good place for it, in my opinion."

She bit her lip in thought, then said, "Alright, that could be fun and it's a good way to hide your power and who you really are."

I added, "I also need training. I can't really fight, and I was lucky tonight taking them by surprise, and they'd never faced a threat like me before. No magic like mine has ever existed before as far as I know, a body affinity of some kind. Personal."

She nodded, "We'll work on that when things settle down. Maybe Regina would consent to train you, she's our best fighter, or if not her I'm sure Cassidy would if I ask."

She tilted her head, "If you're with me all the time, you won't have time with Cassidy. A small problem, but one we should address."

I nodded, "I can always meet you at the club, or wherever you are afterwards. Same schedule, I just won't be with you for that first hour or two. The only other way it can work is if I'm with her after dinner, while you're asleep, and I'll rejoin our bed and cuddle you an hour later than usual. The problem with that plan is she's on duty then."

She shook her head, "That's a bad idea, and you need your rest too. It won't hurt for us to be apart for an hour or so before you join me at the club, of if I'm in the house in whatever room I'm in. I'll let you know where to find me before you leave me for breakfast at the time, the same time we normally parted every day."

"That works."

She smiled, "It'll be good to miss you a little too, build the anticipation. And you don't have to be tied to me either, if on some nights you want to go shopping or just get out. I want you with me always, it appeals to me, but I don't want to smother you either. The afternoon to evening and the hour or two before dawn I've had you so far is more than enough. The rest is just gravy."

I knew she wanted me by her side, and she was truly just saying that first part because she didn't want to smother me. I was also fairly sure she saw the solution for my time with Cassidy as the answer to two problems. She was clearly concerned about me witnessing her needing to be strict and mete out punishment, and I suspected she'd do so in that first hour when I wasn't there, whenever possible.

She was wrong though, that need for her to take a firm hand would never turn me away. I knew she wouldn't do it out of sadistic tendencies or in her own pride, and only when it was warranted and needed. To show the supernatural world weakness was to die, and though ugly it was necessary. I'd never judge her for that. On the contrary, I'd admire her for doing what was necessary, despite it. She'd do it anyway to protect me, the clan, and then herself. It was clear to me she'd much rather put the whole life behind her, run away with me and live as a couple alone, but that way would just lead to our deaths.
