Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice

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Tragic end to an affair.
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It was a warm Saturday morning. My wife Alice had left with our son Robert to spend the weekend with her parents, Tom and Marsha.

I was working in the yard when I got the phone call that changed my life. My wife had been involved in an accident, and was being transported by ambulance to County General Hospital. Just as I ended the call my neighbor, Carol, came over and said she had just gotten the same call about her husband, Bob.

I told her we could go together to the hospital; it would only take 10 minutes to get there. I went inside to put on a clean shirt while Carol went to get her purse and lock her door. On the kitchen table, I saw an envelope with my name on it in Alice's handwriting. I folded it and put in my pocket to read later. Carol and I climbed into my Jeep Cherokee and made the short drive to the hospital.

I pulled into the hospital emergency room parking lot. Together, we walked into the ER admitting area and waiting room. As we entered the room, I noticed that Carol was holding my arm tightly. I knew she was nervous and frightened, and I tried to comfort her as well as I could. I informed the nurse that I was there to see Alice Wilson.

"I'm sorry," said the nurse. "She is being treated by the ER staff and Dr. Anderson. I'm afraid she requires extensive treatment, and it may be a while before she can have visitors. If you will have a seat, I'll let you know when you can see her. Are you family?"

"I am her husband," I replied.

"Oh, the man who came in with her," said the nurse. "I thought he was her husband."

"That would be my husband." said Carol.

Alice and I have lived in the Bent Tree neighborhood for 10 years, and Bob and Carol have lived next door for 8. Alice and Carol have been best friends for all that time, and share everything with each other. Several times a year, we alternate hosting barbeques in our back yards. The kids run interchangeably between houses, and feel equally at home in either house. We have one child, a 5 year old son named Robert. Bob and Carol have 2 children, Hayley is 9 and Steven is 6. The kids run and play together in a pack, and it is hard to determine which kid belongs to whom.

Bob Johnson is a Vice President of the Union National Bank. Bob earned his MBA in Banking and Finance, and his career has progressed accordingly. Bob has a special affinity for money management and international banking transactions. His bank relies on his expertise in these areas. Even though it is a small town bank, it still has some wealthy clients. In older days, many of their clients were farmers and ranchers who were "dirt poor", meaning all they had was their land. Now, many have been able to sell off parcels of land for subdivisions and shopping centers. Retaining the mineral rights, they are now also profiting from recent discoveries of natural gas.

Carol met Bob 11 years ago, when he was the supervisor of the commercial banking operations at UNB. Carol was the office manager at Sears, and she found herself frequently needing to go to the bank. Casual lunches led to dinner dates, drinks and dances. Bob proposed after 6 months, and they have been married for 10 years. Carol quit her job when Hayley was born.

I am Ted Wilson, and I own Wilson Services Inc. My company services heavy equipment for construction equipment in a 5 county area. Bulldozers and heavy earthmovers need to be fueled, and have oil changes and maintenance while on site, wherever the job is. My fleet of trucks brings the service to the customer. The proliferation of drilling rigs in the area has increased the demand for our services tenfold.

Alice and I have been married 14 years. I started as a diesel mechanic at the Caterpillar dealership. Alice taught 2nd grade at Roosevelt Elementary. We met at a family picnic sponsored by the dealership on the 4th of July. Alice was there with her Dad, who was one of the owners of the dealership. Alice's grandfather had been one of the "dirt poor" ranchers of Union County.

After the picnic, we stayed to watch the fireworks show over the city park. Six months later we were married. It was Alice's first marriage, and my second. For several years we tried to start a family. Nothing seemed to work, and we finally resigned ourselves to remaining childless. Then 6 years ago, Alice announced she was pregnant. She insisted our son would be named Robert, after her paternal grandfather.

I thought that was strange since I knew her grandfather's name was Herman, but I let it go.

As Carol and I turned the corner into the ER, I heard Bob's voice.

"Don't say anything, Alice. Ted and Carol don't know. We can still get away after you've had time to recover."

Carol and I walked into the treatment room in the ER. Carol was still holding tightly to my arm. It would not be hard for the casual observer to think we were a couple. The small room had one bed. Bob was sitting in a chair next to the bed. He had some stitches in his forehead, just above the eyebrow, and bandages wrapping his right arm from his wrist to his elbow. Otherwise, he seemed to be okay.

Alice was in the bed, and she was definitely NOT okay. Alice looked like she had just gone 15 rounds with a 500 pound gorilla, and lost. She had bandages around her head, and under her chin, framing her battered face. Both arms were bandaged from her finger tips, past her elbows. Her left leg was elevated, splinted and bandaged, so only her toes were exposed, showing off her bright red nail polish. She had 2 black eyes, her face was swollen, and she had a split lip. She had a mask over her nose and mouth for oxygen, an IV drip in her right arm, and a blood plasma bottle attached to her left arm.

The nurse told Carol that Bob would be released soon, since his injuries were minor. I would have to wait for the ER doctor to discuss Alice's condition.

"Mr. Wilson? I'm Dr. Anderson. I've been treating your wife." At least this guy picked the right husband.

"Mrs. Wilson sustained some severe injuries in the accident. We managed to stop the bleeding. Besides the superficial wounds you can see, she has a broken leg, 3 cracked ribs, a possible skull fracture, concussion, and brain injury. We are watching for signs of any other internal injuries. She will have to be closely monitored for the next 72 hours. Meanwhile, she is scheduled for surgery tomorrow to set the fractured bones in her leg. We may have to put screws in the bone to get it to grow back in place."

"She is very lucky to have survived the crash; the taxi driver didn't make it."

Taxi? What the hell? Why would Bob and Alice be together in a taxi? And what did Bob mean when he said they could still get away?

And where was my son, Robert?

Dr. Anderson explained that Alice would be kept in a medically induced coma for the next 72 hours while they evaluated the extent of her brain injuries. The next 24 hours would be crucial to whether she would survive. She was moved from the ER to ICU.

I went back into the waiting room and called Alice's parents to let them know what had happened. That was when I found out where my son was. Alice left him there and told her parents she would be back at the end of the week. She wouldn't tell them where she was going or why. She left her car there and left in a taxi.

Tom and Marsha came to the hospital right away. They left Robert with their neighbor to babysit. I felt better with their support. Bob and Carol had left the hospital. One of the neighbors had come to check on us, and took them home. Tom, Marsha, and I sat there through the day, and on into the night. Periodically we would be visited by well meaning friends and neighbors coming by to check on us.

In the afternoon, a policeman came into the waiting room, and asked to speak to me. He was working on finishing up the accident report. There were two passengers in the taxi, Alice and Bob. They were being driven to the airport when the taxi was struck by a car making an illegal left turn in front of them. The major part of the impact was on the driver side, resulting in fatal injury to the taxi driver, and serious injuries to Alice, who had been seated behind the driver. The other driver, as well as Bob, had only sustained minor injuries. He was being charged with DWI and Vehicular Homicide.

A doctor came into the waiting area just before midnight, and asked to speak to me.

"Mr. Wilson? I'm sorry to inform you that your wife has passed away. The extent of her injuries and the loss of blood was more than her body could sustain. In the past hour, her brain was hemorrhaging and she started having strokes. She passed at 11:43 pm. I'm sorry"

It took me a while to compose myself. I'm afraid I broke down and cried uncontrollably, while my family tried their best to comfort me. Eventually, I was able to get myself together to see Alice and tell her goodbye. The nurses had removed the tubes and monitors from her body, and she was lying there peacefully. My heart broke, and I didn't know how I was going to tell our little boy that his Mommy would never come back.

The next 4 days were a blur to me. I really didn't know what was going on around me. I depended on family and friends to take care of all the arrangements that needed to be made. Robert stayed with his grandparents. He really didn't understand why, and he missed his Mommy. I tried to be there for him as much as I could, but I was grieving too.

After the funeral, I went home and sat in the dark for two days. I didn't get drunk, although I thought about it. I cried until I had no more tears left. Then I just stared into oblivion, trying to make some sense of it all. My life had gone to hell and it had only been one week. I remembered the letter that Alice had left on the table. I had never opened it.

Dear Ted,

As you are reading this, Bob and I are leaving together to start a new life. I'll always love you, and I will miss you, but what Bob and I have together is special to me. I know this will hurt you, and I'm sorry.

Robert is with my parents for now. When Bob and I get ourselves established, I will return for Robert. You need to know that you are not Robert's father. I named him after his real father, Bob.

I'm sorry,


As I look back now to that time, I realize the person that was always there for me that week, always by my side, was Bob. I thought he was being a great, supportive friend. I wasn't thinking about whether he had an ulterior motive for staying close to me. I didn't think about why he was in a taxi with my wife headed for the airport. But now that I knew, he had disappeared.

Tom and Marsha came over, and we started going through Alice's clothes and other belongings. I would be donating most of her things to charity. As I was going through her closet, I came across a lock box I had never seen before. It was pushed to the back of the top shelf, as if she meant to hide it.

I took the file box to my workbench in the garage. Using a large screwdriver, I was able to pop the latch. Inside were a ledger book marked UNB, and an envelope from a bank in the Cayman Islands. I went back in the house to examine these more closely. The ledger appeared to be a record of deposits made over the last 8 years. The last balance was 15 million dollars. The envelope contained the account number to access the account. The account was in Alice's name. Bob had been stealing money from the bank, and putting it in Alice's name so it couldn't be traced back to him.

I put the envelope into my safe, and then I called the local branch office of the FBI. I told them I suspected Bob Johnson had been making illegal wire transfers from the Union National Bank to a numbered offshore account. I told them about the UNB ledger book I had found, but I didn't mention the envelope with the account number.

There was a knock on the door. I went to answer it, and it was Bob. I left the door open and he came in.

"You have a lot of nerve showing up here," I said. "You've been having an affair with my wife for years, have me raising your bastard child, and you get Alice killed running off to your new love nest."

"I can't say I'm sorry for the last 8 years. We really had things laid out and it was going to be great. We were going to retire together in Belize, maybe start a new family. Then everything became a disaster. I am truly sorry about Alice. I loved her as much as any man could love a woman."

"Does Carol know about all of this?"

"No, we weren't going to tell you and Carol until after we had left the country. Do you remember the trip Carol and I took to Belize last year? I bought a cottage on the beach where I was going to live with Alice and the kids, my kids. Did you know Alice was pregnant again?"

"No, I did not."

"Let me get to the reason I'm here. Alice had some documents in her possession, a ledger book and an envelope, and I need them. I've got a flight leaving this afternoon and I have to be on it. Just give me the documents, and I'll be gone."

"I don't know what documents you are talking about. I haven't seen anything like that."

"I think you are lying, Ted. They would be in a file box in the top of Alice's closet. I think we are going to go look there now." At that point, Bob pulled a short barreled .38 caliber pistol from his pocket, and pointed it at me. I knew there was no way Bob was going to let me live to testify against him.

Looking behind Bob, toward the open door, I saw a man in a dark suit and a uniformed policeman. I yelled "He has a gun." Bob turned around, pointing his pistol at the officers. Bob was struck twice in the chest, the impact from the 9mm Glock throwing him back onto the couch behind him. Bob never made it to the hospital.

The Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve Bank investigated the Union National Bank. They found how Bob had been able to steal 15 million by making electronic transfers into offshore accounts, but they never found the money. They never asked me, and I never told them I knew.

Six months later, Carol and I combined our families, and we were married in a simple ceremony with all three kids there. All five of us went on the honeymoon. We went to the Cayman Islands, where I had to do a little banking, and then we spent 2 weeks in a beachfront cottage in Belize. I think next month we may visit Switzerland.


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Wolfgang1955Wolfgang19553 months ago

Bitch bitch and batch.

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon6 months ago

I wouldn't piss on this story if it was on fire...wait, its was already a dumpster fire.

rbloch66rbloch667 months ago

A good story idea very poorly executed.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

It was nice of Bob and Alice to set up a retirement account for Ted.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

What Wargamer said. 5 Stars

parenthesisparenthesis9 months ago

That isn't a tragic ending?

Well, not for the MC anyway.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzar11 months ago

Fun, simple story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story. 15 million reasons to get over her sounds doable

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAover 1 year ago

A little short but very good.

WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago

Simple story but a lot of fun. Loved it


Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraalmost 2 years ago

The hospital scene was a disaster. Bob's telling Alice that they can get away next time, and then the next sentence has Ted and Carol walking in. The reader naturally assumes they heard this. Right? Then, Dr. Anderson is speaking to Ted.... wait. What? Then, we discover Alice is in an induced coma. Someone needs some serious continuity work. Moreover, Ted legally get's 10% of the recovered funds, but in the end, he's no better than Bob or Alice. 3/5.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A feel good flash story. Loved it. All believable if you can believe some people love their spouses beyond sensibility.

iammweaseliammweaselabout 2 years ago

I actually forced my lunch to stay down and tried to finish this idiocy a second time. I made it to the end it is still a half assed, thrown together empty story.

No emotion, no feeling of it being legit. Empty characters in an empty story. the 5* crowd for this also get excited when jello wiggles.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why are people so delusional as to think that after over 2000 years of storytelling that there is a tale that has not been covered! 5 stars nixrox!!! Thank you chas for your tale.

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

1 star - waste of time

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