Book 03: A Match Made - Ch. 02


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A very cute smile lit up her attractive face. "I know just the thing. I call it a 'Lynn Special.' If my ex has been a jerk, again, or my kids are hassling me, or if I have a really shitty tip day, I have one of my specials. It doesn't solve any of my problems, but it sure as hell beats a couple of seven and sevens."

Great gloriosky!! How lucky am I to have found this woman on, of all days, this one.

"Sold, Lynn. Bring me a 'Lynn Special,' please." We giggled a bit, she picked up the menu, and sashayed away.

It was glorious. Strawberry, chocolate and vanilla ice cream, fresh strawberries, chocolate sauce, and nuts. Way too much, and I ate every last bite. Was tempted to lick the bowl, but...

My new bestest friend beamed when she saw my empty dish.

"You were tempted to lick the dish, weren't you?" HA!! New bestest friend AND co-conspirator.

"You know, right? I was, but I was the big girl and resisted the temptation."

"Sweetheart, if your meeting was as crappy as your face showed when you sat down, licking the dish may be just the thing to put a cherry on the day. If you'll pardon the expression." We both laughed like madwomen. "And, you can take a selfie of your messy face for keepsake."

This woman is a freakin' goddess!!! And I did take the selfie. Showed it to her, too. We both laughed at the mess I made of myself. Before I cleaned myself up that is. And damn if I didn't feel like I was on top of the mountain, too!!!

We hugged before I left. She only charged me five bucks for her creation. I'm sure it was a discounted price. And I gave her a twenty dollar tip. Cheap therapy if ya ask me!!!

** June 2nd, 2014


I'm so excited. Today is my first day at work. It seems like forever since I had a job to go to every day, and I suppose it has been. I mean, I was in rehab all those months (I try not to think about how long it actually was!!) and then Mr. Leland wanted me to take a little more time while I was going to my meetings.

And let me tell ya. Even when I couldn't get out of my own way, that man stuck by me. In this day and age, I think that's pretty darn spectacular. Hee, and don't tell Lissy, but if I wasn't gay, I think I'd take a run at him. Yeah he's married, and yes I'm only kidding. Seriously now, the best way I can repay his loyalty is to do a boffo job every day I'm at work.

And how about my honey, who made sure my bills got paid when I was out of commission. Just another in a long line of reasons why I love her. And honestly, she could have cut me loose too. She'd never admit it, not in a thousand years, but I bet she gave it some thought now and then. Just sayin'.

Anyways, as you might expect, the reactions to my return were strongly mixed. Some people met me with open arms, hugs, and kisses. Some were a little more reserved. Only a few were openly cold. And I was totally okay with it all. Very grateful for those who welcomed me back, and even those who were reserved. I'll take my time with the few who were buttheads and see how things go. Besides, I have to mind my P's and Q's and do my damn job.

I had wondered, and Lissy and I talked about it, if Mr. Leland had put out the word that I was coming back. The reaction I received pretty much told me there wasn't any advance notice. Fine by me!!!

Oh yeah, my work day is done and I'm typing this on my tablet. My new tablet. That my honey bought me as a "back to work" present. How sweet!! Way better than flowers, and she knows I'd have killed her if she bought candy.

Britta knows all about my being back at work. Man alive, has she ever been a lifeline for me since my release. We've grown pretty close. Nothing romantic, mind you. No damn way would I betray my baby for anyone. She keeps on me to go to meetings. And I have been going.

Can I tell ya something I learned from my meetings? Even though I had fallen so far, I still had an attitude when I went to my first meeting. Ya know, like I was better than them. They'd fallen victim to drugs; just not smart. Shit is not only expensive, but as everyone knows, it can and has killed people. I didn't tell anyone, certainly not Britta, how I felt. But my god was I wrong!!! Couldn't have been more wrong in fact. Never mind how I was introduced to drugs. You could say I was a victim and you'd probably be right. But I let Lissy down, and I let Mr. Leland down, and most importantly, I let myself down.

The people in those meetings were from every walk of life, every age group, etc. And I learned quickly that I was not only not better than they were/are, I'm just like them. Circumstances aside, we used drugs, and drugs got the better of us. And it is up to us, and only us, to start our lives over. Without drugs.

And I'm telling all of you who are reading this: Never again!! We're a family, for starters. And I have a job!!! For which I will be eternally grateful. And I believe in myself again. And, as low as I had fallen, and as badly damaged as I was inside, I feel very blessed to be able to start over. With my honey and with my boss and my job. Very blessed indeed.

I better close for now, okay? I have this beautiful woman waiting for me at home. So I'll talk to ya again soon, okay? Thanks for listening and God bless.

** August 24th, 2014


There was no rhyme or reason behind it... it was a couple of phone calls. That's it, period. And that's how we ended up bowling. And oh my god it was hilarious.

Turns out all of us professed to have bowled before and... big surprise... we all lied. Which made it all the more fun.

Much of this was scribbled on my tablet while we had lunch after bowling,

You pay for shoes, which is fun! It's beyond icky, actually. I think I'd done it - bowling - once or twice in my life. I couldn't tell you what year. And I have no idea about my daughter. Certainly not with me.

Anyway, my first throw headed straight for the gutter, which brought laughs from the others. I stuck my tongue out at the kids and smacked Kara's shoulder. "You all suck! Who's going to embarrass herself next?" Still giggling, June got up and headed to the ball rack. She picked up the ball, turned, and said, "God, this is heavy." She did a little better, clipping one pin on the last row. She had the nerve to turn and bow. Rach went next, stopping to give her honey a congratulatory kiss. Her ball took a week to hit the pins and somehow knocked a few down, to her squeals of delight. Kara looked at me with mirth in her eyes. "My turn, I guess." I nodded. "Do I get a good luck kiss?" I laughed and swatted her on the butt.

And the brat rolled a strike. A perfect strike. Spun the ball perfectly and knocked 'em all down. Damn her!

My next throw was better. I knocked down a bunch of pins. The girls did too. And that brat got another strike.

There was much laughing, catcalling, and name calling. But the best part of the whole thing was when Rachel, laughing at what her honey was calling out to her, drew her arm back to get ready to release the ball. And dropped it! I don't know what happened. But it dropped with a loud thud. Everyone around us stopped and looked. June and Kara had shocked looks on their faces for a moment, then exploded in peals of laughter. Rach was mortified, but couldn't help but join the hysterics. Trying to maintain the shreds of her dignity, she picked up the ball, got ready, and rolled the ball toward the pins. It headed straight for gutter. Hands went to hips. She turned, a look of frustration on her face. I couldn't laugh. I mean, I'm her Mom. But you can be damn sure I'm gonna tell her sibs!! They'll never let her live it down.

That's about it. We played two games. The girls were too bored to finish a third. They wanted lunch. And drinks. The day was fantastic. I'm sure the four of us had a great time. And Kara made sure that I rewarded her for her excellent bowling score. And you just know I hated every second of it. So NOT!

** November 10th, 2014 **

We still hadn't sold our respective homes, but we were back to living together, a week at a time at each other's place.

Things had progressed to the point we'd begun to venture back into the realm of toys and restraints. We'd also begun Date Night, which was going fabulously. It had started out the oddest way.

"I read this story on Literotica about two women who experimented with the idea of date night."

The blonde head lifted and those blues looked at me. "Really? That's interesting."

"Yeah, they take turns planning a night for the two of them. It sounds like a lot of fun and certainly would make for a fab night of umm." It was what we'd taken to calling nookie once in a while.

"I wasn't aware our umm wasn't stupendous." I rolled my eyes.

"It's embarrassing when you're so totes blonde, blondie." She pouted perfectly.

"But I am."

Anyway, on with the theme of this segment. I'll do more of the other later. There's a lot still to cover. Trust me on that.

We'd decided that each of us would take charge of the other for our week in each other's home. Is that clear? If we were in the burbs, I was in charge of Kara. How she dressed, how we played, how we made love, where we had dinner. All of it. Fair's fair, so when we spent the weekend on the near west side, she was in charge of me. You won't be surprised to find out it got incredibly risqué pretty damn quickly.

I got a beep on my phone that let me know there was something from Kara. It was a Tuesday morning and I was in a meeting. Major embarrassment!!

The picture was clearly of Kara's vagina, still red and somewhat swollen from Monday night's fun.

There was no caption. In truth, none was needed. I blushed furiously in my chair, in the meeting, and turned off the phone before ditching it in my purse.

I knew full well if I didn't respond, Kara would. I'd say I was going to kill her but, since we were spending the week at her pris... condo, she had the keys to the relationship. All I could do was try to stifle the volcano that was my face and the swamp in my panties... which, I'll have to share, I wasn't wearing. Per instructions from my miss.

I squirmed miserably in the chair, paying no attention to what was being said around me. Mercifully, the droning came to an end before I did. I hurried to my cubicle, put my folder on the desk and scurried as demurely as possible to the ladies. Once secure in the stall I turned the phone on and found the expected text.

"Well... did you like? See what you do to me?"

Have I mentioned I hate her? Oh, and I love her.

"I was in a meeting, bitch. I had to turn the phone off to avoid being disturbed by the inevitable text."

"Your bitch, bitch." le sigh Isn't love grand?

I'd gone shopping Saturday with Rachel at her request. They were doing pretty well in their jobs and their apartment. Things seemed to be going well in their relationship as well. Rach's first question was unnerving.

"Mom, why are you wearing those shorts? They make you walk like you have... something." I wanted to melt. I was under strict orders not to touch a highly needy kitty. There were no panties, and the jean shorts were about a size and a decade beyond what was comfortable. All of which Kara knew. Which is why I was wearing them.

Then there was our toy. I'd found this little gem on Tumblr. It comes from across the pond and slips perfectly into kitty at just the perfect angle both for your pearl and, depending on your body, your g-spot. In other words, it keeps you frantically and wonderfully on edge, making walking deliciously difficult. Sitting was no walk in the park either. And let me tell you, wearing it while sore, wearing it while under orders not to touch and bring yourself relief, is comically tragic.

None of this was shared with my youngest. I mumbled something about Kara, which pretty much shut my kid up. She may be in a committed relationship with her June, but she was my kid. Sex was something neither of us talked about - these days.

Oh, another thing. This probs won't come as much of a surprise to the women reading this. To be in the condition I described, in the way I was dressed, made it absolutely impossible not to think about what was going on with my body. And it makes for the most incredulously frustrating tension that burns into the deepest parts of your consciousness and makes it damn near impossible to think of anything but the frustrating furnace of want between your legs.

And I loved it. I loved being told what to wear. I loved being told what to do. It was totally on the honor system. And we both knew the other loved the drama, the tension, and the feelings. And my god it made for the most incredible sex you could ever imagine.

Here's a bit of our texts to each other a bit later that Saturday.

<i>Lissy: if she only knew... it wasn't the shorts that were making me walk like that

Kara: well, it was... but you know

Lissy: mm hmm

Kara: it was the toy *and* the shorts... and no panties

Lissy: exactly

Lissy: and the *please stop thinking about it*

Kara: which makes it IMPOSSIBLE to stop thinking about it

Lissy: yes!

Kara: which, of course, I know

Kara: which is why you were told to do it

Kara: I love, love, love the thought of you being on fire all day, with your kid, with NO way to make it better

Lissy: uh huh... happy to be of service

Kara: plus there's the delight of thinking about you getting into and out of the shorts in the condition you were in

Kara: plus... there's you being totally self conscious about a wet spot showing....

Kara: it makes me crazed... needing relief... which, blissfully, was heavenly</i>

Saturday evening was, as you might expect, quite loud, quite long, and quite delicious!!

And there was another instance when we were both in meetings and sent texts back and forth. No pictures, thank you very much. See if you can tell who was staying where that week.

<i>Lissy: Do you have a short sun dress you can wear to work?

Lissy: I'm sure you don't have crotchless panties... you've got to buy some

Lissy: and you'd look adorable in pigtails

Kara: umm... you're going to get me committed

Lissy: without a bra of course... and DO NOT forget to bring the clamps to work

Lissy: buy another set if you need to

Kara: sounds like a nice little shopping list

Lissy: maybe I'll go look for some too

Kara: I'd love for you to pick them out, miss

Lissy: I think I'd like that, pet... thank you, that's very considerate

Lissy: be at your sluttiest when you pick them out for me</I>

I'm wearing them now. My miss told me to. And I'm in pigtails. Damn her. And the girls are clamped. I love her so!!

** January 12th, 2015 **


Well, the powers that be at Kara's bank declared that this was the perfect time to have a year in review celebration and party. It was in Arizona, goddamn them, and it was employee only. No spouses, no significant others. Meaning no me.

So we were reduced to phone calls, texts, and Skype. And it'll be a shock to absotively no one that it got a lil crazy.

She was sitting, nekky, in her hotel room and I was home. Also nekky. Even though I was home, it was Kara's week to be in charge of me. I blushed as I typed that, I'll have you know. And... kitty approved that message!!!!

We were Skypeing. which was pretty new for both of us. Really kinda high tech for an old broad like me. :: Kara really hates when I talk like that, btw. :: Anyway, getting the way we were had taken some time and, um, obviously, some coaxing, as odd as that might sound. Mostly on my part, which is probably of little surprise to any of you reading. Or to blondie, if you need to know. I admit to blushing furiously as I type. Nekky. My miss wants me that way and it's her week. What can I tell ya?


I was in a dither about it all as we talked. She'd had me do a slow strip tease, which, well, I'd done a few times. But they were in very different circumstances. I don't much like an audience. And shut up about her balcony will ya? Geez.

Blondie would be flying back Friday. I was to pick her up, at O'Hare, in a coat, naked underneath. And I was to put her luggage in the trunk, which would require me to bend over to pick up said luggage, and bend over again to put it in the trunk. And I was to wear heels. And our toy. And clamps. And wear my sluttiest red lipstick. And... sigh.

Anyway, we'd seen each other naked a bazillion times. But Skype was different. And I was loving it. So was blondie, if her flushed, panting face was any indication. On the other hand, that was pretty much S.O.P. - standard operating procedure - for her. I'm not sure if I've mentioned... but she literally... pun not intended... blushes at the drop of a hat. Or panty. Or suggestive sexual innuendo. Which is fabulous. Which she hates!! So totes NOT!

"You're so cute when you blush."

"I hate you being so far away and not being able to be with you while we play."

"I know, baby, but isn't it fun nonetheless. It's something so new for us, being like this." Her eyes got heavy with lust and turned gray the way they do. I felt myself pant a little as I squirmed. She saw it and smiled. "I love that you're getting off on my excitement, baby." I felt myself shiver. I saw her hand dip below the computer, then come up to her mouth. My eyes widened. I knew what she'd done. "I wanted to taste my excitement, baby. You'll do the same for me won't you?"

I nearly exploded when my fingers slid through the wetness of my pussy. I had a hard time finding the keys to type as I tried to find my center again. The gleam in her dusky grays was my reward.

"Lissy, baby, CUM for me!"

I cried out in joy as my body shook. My fingers hurried to dive into my heated, soaked folds. I bucked in the chair as I squirmed helplessly, trying to quell the fire. The woman of my dreams drives me mad with want. This was a fresh, new escapade in our romantic adventures.

I hit my knee on the goddamn desk in my erotic fury and cried out. My eyes opened and found Kara's unfocused eyes, her head lolling to the side, as she shook in her private bliss.

I'm not sure if I'm explaining it okay, but it was one of the most intense moments of erotic intimacy between two women who'd been lovers... seemingly... forever. We both rode out the end of it and slumped, panting, as we tried to recover some sort of normal. Whatever the fuck that is. I'm giggling.

You already know how much I love how we love each other. The joy of our intimate expression only continues to grow as we explore newfound ideas. This was another of them. I pray I've done it, and us, justice.

** August 31st, 2014 **

We'd gotten up late. :: blush :: We were at the condo. We'd showered together, and after drying each other, we'd started the always interesting search for clothes. I'd come out of the closet to find Kara in front of her mirror. She was brushing her hair.

I can't explain what happened next... other than to say that, after all this time, the sight of her moves my soul and dampens my panties!!! My body is beat to hell from the rigors of three pregnancies and countless, futile hours in a gym. Hers is perfect. Well, perfect to me anyways. I love every inch of her. I crave every slope, hill, peak, and valley. I've kissed, loved, and touched every last centimeter of her slender, fabulously feminine form.

I'm such a dork!

She smiled as she saw me come up behind her. I bent to kiss her neck, my hand coming to her tummy just below her breasts. I heard the sigh; she tilted her neck to allow me better access - hardly necessary but always appreciated.