Bow River


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Enjoying a second and final night at the hotel, I ended up chatting up a lonely looking businesswoman while I was sitting at the bar. I did check she wasn't wearing a wedding ring, as I didn't mess with married women, but as there were no sign of a ring, we were soon flirting heavily.

We both had early starts the next morning, so there was none of that awkwardness of one of us trying to leave while the other was sleeping. Showering together was a lot of fun. To be honest, apart from her name and age, we'd avoided talking about our jobs. She knew I travelled the world, and I could talk about all the places I visited but didn't tell her why. It didn't matter once we were in bed. She was older than me by a few years, loved sex, and we'd enjoyed a night of passionate but carefree sex.

Heading downstairs together, we both checked out. She was waiting for a taxi while I was waiting for my ute. It was quite obviously brand new. Kissing my cheek, she wished me goodbye. No offer of her number or business card. We knew where we stood. A night together and that would be it.

Story of my life in many ways. Difficult to even call it a brief romance.


I hadn't passed a car in at least the past couple of hours approaching the town limits of Bow River. It was rare to pass much traffic anyway, but you'd normally pass at least one or two cars. I wasn't on the main highway heading north or south, approaching the town from the east. That could explain it though I had that sense of foreboding crawling up the back of my neck. I'd driven into enough shitholes that were nothing but a powder keg of violence waiting to explode.

Ten kilometres from town, I turned off the highway, taking the back roads so I could approach on the main highway from the south. It would take me along the main road through town, meaning I could assess the situation. It was late afternoon by the time I passed the sign stating 'Bow River. Pop: 2735. Founded 1835.'

Slowing down to the posted speed limit upon entering the town, it was immediately obvious that things had changed in all the years I'd been gone. Many of the old shops were now boarded up. There was more than one homeless looking person on the street. Bow River never had a homeless problem before, but I knew enough that towns like my hometown were victims of the ice epidemic. Driving around a couple of the side streets, the old RSL club looked fine, but I remembered driving along the main road and side streets and feeling how vibrant the town could be. Everyone knew everyone, the sort of town you could leave your back door open and know no-one would go inside to steal your shit.

Returning to the main road, a couple of the old pubs looked shut up and abandoned. I knew one of them had been open for over one hundred years by the time I turned eighteen. The other was even older than that, a staple of the town. The fact those two were closed didn't bode well.

Parking up my ute, back in the day, I'd have left the windows down and not worried. Looking around, I made sure it was locked up tight and nothing valuable was on display. That alone angered me. Glancing around, there was something entirely wrong. The air itself was different. Not that it smelled, it was just... Something was wrong. That same creeping feeling up my spine.

Walking along the footpath, the streetlights eventually turned on, and as they did, lights outside a couple of pubs illuminated various signs. And it looked like things had really changed. None of the pubs in Bow River had ever entertained things like strippers or exotic dancers. Walking towards one of the pubs, the name had changed since I'd last been in town. Two goons were to either side of the entrance. That was also something different.

Walking towards them, both looked me up and down. I noticed the subtle change in body language. The t-shirt I wore was tight to my body. These two lumps were big lads but not exactly muscular, relying on sheer size to intimidate. A couple of paces short of the door, I was surprised they didn't stop to bar the way. I didn't glare at them, but I didn't avert my eyes either, waiting until I was level.

Letting me in without a word, I walked into an illuminated bar area. It had been completely refurbished since I'd last been in. The bar now had an extensive range of liquor available, while behind the bar, up on a higher counter, were a couple of topless dancers. Both looked quite young, though legal, and their breasts were quite lovely.

Walking to the bar, I took a stool and waited to be approached by one of the women behind the bar. The girl who eventually approached me couldn't have been older than twenty. "What can I get you?"

"Jack and Coke."

Smiling, she replied, "Sure. That'll be ten bucks."

Placing it down in front of me after a couple of minutes, I handed her the note and thanked her. "Are you new in town? You're not one of the regulars. Know most of the guys who pop in after their shift."

"I used to live here, a long time ago now."

"Oh yeah, what's your name?"


Watching the colour drain from her face had me worried. She backed away slowly before turning and walking through the door into what I assumed was the staff room. Moving from the stool, I immediately took position at a table so I could watch any entrance and exit into the bar. The young woman didn't return, earning curious glances from the other two young women behind the bar.

Fifteen minutes later, the young woman who had served me walked through with two others in tow. She noticed I'd moved and led the two other women towards me. Rising to my feet, I was amused they were all at least six inches shorter than me. "Mark?" one of them asked softly, her bottom lip already trembling.

"I am Mark Mason. Who are you?"

The two young women immediately burst into tears before I found myself clutched onto tightly by the pair of them. Glancing helplessly at the young woman who'd served me, she could read my confusion. "If you didn't know, Mason, they're your sisters."


No point saying anything else as they were both sobbing, so I focused on just hugging them tightly in return. I was a hard-nosed rather bitter bastard, but the moment got to me too. I'm not completely heartless. The last time I'd seen Olivia, she'd been a baby in my mother's arm. I didn't even know who my other sister was.

When they finally calmed down, they slowly let me go as I cupped each of their faces with a hand. My hands were rough but they both smiled, closing their eyes and holding my hand. "Which one of you is Olivia?"

The brunette with gorgeous blue eyes holding my right hand nodded her head. "That's me," she said softly, both hugging me again. "And this is our little sister, Amelia."

Kissing them both on the forehead, their friend brought over a tray of drinks. My sisters eventually let me go and we sat at the table. I sat in the same chair, keeping an eye on the exits. The third woman didn't join us, but it was obvious that she was a friend.

"I'm sure we all have a million questions for each other, but I'll get straight to business first. Your message didn't paint a pretty picture, Olivia. Since arriving, I'm finding myself agreeing that things don't look good."

"That's an understatement... Do you prefer Mark or Mason?" Olivia wondered.

"Been called Mason since the army. No-one calls me by my first name any longer. Someone does call me that, I rarely answer as I'm not used to it."

I noticed Amelia was staring at me, glancing back at her, earning a shy smile as she started to blush. "Sorry, it's just... We never thought we'd ever see you again."

"So why the email?" I had to ask.

"Because things are so bad here now," Olivia replied, "Just this bar, Mason. Everything has changed for the worse. Dad..." She trailed off as tears welled up in her eyes. "Dad's dead. So are Uncle Jim and Uncle Brad. They were murdered, Mason!"

Amelia shushed her. "Don't say that too loud," she hissed, "They have ears everywhere."

"Who do?"

The pair of them shared a glance. "Not here, Mason. Everywhere is bugged. Cameras and audio recordings. When they came in, we thought it would help make Bow River prosperous. All they've done is destroy what they couldn't take and now the town is in their iron grip."

"Finish your drinks. We'll go to the farm."

"We can't. They took it from us," Olivia murmured, "Dad wouldn't sell..."

"So where are you living? Where are you working?"

"I work here," Olivia whispered, "Every girl must work the bar and then dance... And... They make us..." She trailed off as I almost thumped the table, knowing what she was going to say. I pulled her close, hugging her tightly. Glancing at Amelia, she shook her head.

"I work in the other strip bar, but they don't have me, um, entertaining men yet."

"But they have you stripping?" She nodded, wiping her cheeks too, "Do they touch you?"

"I'm not allowed to say no. But there's nothing else we can do. Nowhere we can go. And we can't leave Mum behind."

"Mum's alive?"

"I told her I emailed you. She's desperate to see you."

Finishing our drinks, we walked out together. And that drew attention immediately. "Olivia, you're on shift later tonight. Who is this?"

She thought quickly. "He's a customer. Wants a bit of this tight pussy before I start. Don't worry, he'll be paying for it. You know no-one gets this tight little pussy for free."

"What about your sister?"

"She'll watch and might join in later. No dick but she might enjoy his tongue."

"Wouldn't blame him. Some lovely eighteen-year-old pussy there. Anyone popped your cherry yet, Amelia?"

She turned around and her voice was pure sweetness. "I'm just waiting for a man with a big, thick cock to do it. But I just can't seem to find that man yet. You know anyone who can satisfy me, Jim?"

He chuckled. It was dark, feeling chills up my spine again. "Might just have to take you home one night and take that little pussy and your tight little arse too."

"Promises, promises," Amelia replied before taking my hand.

"I'll explain later," Olivia whispered, squeezing my hand, sensing the fact I wanted to wipe the floor with the pair of goons.

Good thing we walked away as the urge to shoot them both was nearly overwhelming. I kept my back to them so they couldn't see my face, escorting my sisters to my ute. Placing them on the seats next to me, not on the backseats, I fired up the engine and sped down the main street, hands tight around the steering wheel. They'd only just met me but recognised when I was pissed off.

"If I don't tease him like that, he'll try and rape me," Amelia whispered, "They all know I'm still a virgin. My cherry is up for sale."

"Fucking hell," I growled.

"It happens to every girl that graduates from the local high school," Olivia explained, "Any young man that takes the virginity of a girl... It doesn't end well. Those who manage to escape to university are fine, but they have to get out of town in the dead of night. The police are bought and paid for. So is the local government. They have influence everywhere. Anyone who has tried to stand up to them has ended up dead, in prison or just so beaten down, they end up working for them anyway."

"Was it the same for you?" I took her hand as she nodded, wiping her cheeks with the back of her hand. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, Mason. How were you to know everything would go to shit."

"Who?" I asked.

"I'm not a virgin but, because I'm only nineteen, they make sure I'm practically virginal. Only five men have had me, and only once time each. I'm safe until I'm twenty and no longer a teenager. Then I'll be forced to entertain anyone who pays."

"Who?" I repeated.

She took my hand, squeezing it tightly. "I'll tell you later," she whispered, "They're all in town though. I want you to kill them for me."

I grunted a reply. I'd do more than just kill them.

Directing me to where they lived, the old farmhouse had always been enormous. Four bedrooms, a large living and dining room, kitchen had been improved. Master bathroom had its own bathroom, I'd always had the main bathroom to myself growing up. The house we pulled up outside was nothing like it. The front yard needing some attention. The car in the driveway was an old model Ford Falcon. I remembered outside the old farmhouse was almost a car park at times.

Parking on the street, I looked up and down each way a couple of times. A typical street you'd see in any country town. Wide streets. The occasional car parked outside a house. Each house was placed on a large block. But many of them didn't look in great condition.

Walking to the front door, Olivia and Amelia suggested I knock and wait. Doing just that, I heard my mother's voice for the first time in nearly twenty years. When she opened the door, I pulled back the screen door. She recognised me immediately, collapsing against my chest.

"My baby's home!" she exclaimed as I hugged her tightly, feeling her sobbing her heart out. For the second time that day, I felt a couple of tears dripping down my cheeks at the same time.

"Hello, Mum," I replied softly.

"Are you here to help us?"

"From what little I know already, you bet your arse I am, Mum."

Escorting the three of them inside, Mum told me she'd make coffee as I looked around the house. The lovely furnishings of the old farmhouse had been replaced by obvious second-hand furniture. Glancing at the photos, I smiled as I noticed more than one photo of Mum and myself, and plenty more of my mother and two sisters. Surprisingly, there were very few of my father and mother. There was their wedding photo, and a couple of other shots, but far fewer than I'd have thought.

Mum walked in with a tray with four mugs and some biscuits. Sitting on the lounge, Olivia sat to my left, Amelia to my right. Mum sat on the nearest armchair, sitting back and sipping at our hot drinks, nibbling at a biscuit. I finally asked, "Mum, pardon my French, but what the fuck has happened? Why are you living here and not on the farm? What's happened in town?"

I noticed her hand shaking as she lifted the mug to her lips, taking a couple of deep breaths before replying. "I know one thing, despite what the coroner said. Your father was murdered. It was no accident."

"Who murdered him and why?"

"I don't know who would have done it, but I know who would have ordered it. Why? The farm. The one in charge. He bought the mine first of all. Must have cost him absolute millions. Then he started buying up farmland. Sent his representatives to see us more than once, trying to force a sale. Your father eventually blew his top, told them to fuck off." She sighed, shaking her head. "He was dead a fortnight later. Your uncles found him out in one of the paddocks. Broken neck and bruised to hell. We knew he was beaten to death, but the doctors suggested he fell from his horse and was trampled in a stampede."

"Bullshit. Dad was an expert horseman."

"Everyone who knew him was aware but there was nothing we could do. The one in charge, he owns this town, lock, stock and barrel. The police won't investigate any crime in which they might be involved. The local council are all on the take. It goes as far as the State Parliament. The local member is constantly seen in the news at corporate events which he is also attending."

"Fuck," I muttered, "This man, what's his name?"

"Barry Johnson. He's the President and CEO of the company which pretty much owns every business in this town, along with the mine and pretty much every farm in the area. The local IGA? They burned that to the ground and forced them out of town. He opened his own supermarket, hiked up all the prices. Any business along the main road that refused to pay him money or co-operate with him? Forced out of town, only after suffering arson attacks, robberies, being harassed day and night at home and at work."

"And the drugs," Olivia added, "We never had a problem apart from the occasional kid smoking a spliff. Half the population is now hooked on ice and meth. Any half-attractive able-bodied women works either at one of the three main bars as a waitress, stripper and occasional escort. Two more pubs are open but they're little more than fronts to sell drugs. Those long in the tooth will service truckers on the edge of town. When they're completely spent, they're finally let loose but still hooked on drugs. Most end up dying in one of the abandoned homes around town."

"They'll eventually try and get us hooked too," Amelia whispered, cuddling into my side, "And I know the date when they'll sell me off."

"That isn't happening," I muttered, finishing off my coffee, "Right, first thing I'm going to do is visit the farm tomorrow. Is it being run by anyone?"

"No idea. I haven't been out that way in years."

"Are you okay, Mum? You're not forced to do anything?" Mum looked away and that was the response I didn't want. "Mum?"

"No, I'm not forced to do anything, but they like to threaten me and your sisters. I'm just thankful they paid enough for the farm that I can survive on what I've got, but it's not enough for the three of us to live on. I've done what I can to protect my daughters but..."

"They'd just come and force us to work in one of their bars anyway. No-one can say no to them. Those that do, as we've explained..." Olivia trailed off. She didn't need to say anything else.

"How old are you, Olivia?"

"Nineteen. I'm a couple of months away from turning twenty."

"And you're eighteen, Amelia?"

"Yes, it was my birthday around three months ago now."

Glancing at Mum, I couldn't help grin as she did blush slightly. "I wanted another baby," Mum whispered, "I missed having you around the house, and I thought a brother or sister for Olivia was a good idea."

"You're working tonight, Olivia?" She nodded. "Amelia?" Shaking her head, I sighed with relief. "Mum?"

"They like to send men to knock on my door. It's simply to frighten me, keep me in line. When I left the farm, I was told in no uncertain terms not to leave town because they wanted to keep Olivia and Amelia close. If we leave, they told us we'd be hunted down and then, well, I'm sure you can imagine."

I almost crushed the mug in my hand at the idea of my mother being used in such a manner. Olivia noticed and gripped my forearm, gasping at how thick and strong it was. "Wow," she whispered.

"I'll go to your bar tonight, Olivia. You live here, Amelia?"

"The three of us do."

"Good. Let me get my things out of the car. I need to explain exactly what I've been up to the past few years."

Heading outside, I grabbed the duffel bag from my boot and the briefcase I always carried. Heading back inside, Mum was waiting for me, leading me to what looked like one of the girls' rooms. "Whose room is this?" I asked.

"Amelia's. She can share with her sister for the time being. You need your own room."

"I can take the couch."

"Mark, how tall are you now?"


"And your weight?"

"Been a while since I weighed myself but over one hundred kg's."

"You're sleeping on a bed. I don't need you waking up with a bad back. You eaten?"

"Not really thought about it, to be honest."

"You'll need to eat. So will Olivia before she goes to work."

Following Mum into the kitchen, I did have a nosy around, thankful that the fridge, freezer and cupboards were full. My sisters walked into the kitchen, sitting at the table, as Mum put together a simple but filling meal for the four of us. It was weird sitting down with the family for dinner for the first time in nearly twenty years. My last meal had been with my mother and father, Olivia not even a year old, so she wouldn't remember it.

Olivia disappeared to her room to get changed. Considering I was still dressed in my usual gear when on the job, I changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, changing my boots for a pair of running shoes. Walking out into the living room, Mum and Amelia both looked up and gasped.
