Brie Knows Ch. 04


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"So, what can I do?" Doug is barely in control.

"The hardest thing you can do, and that's nothing. I don't think her reaction to this has anything to do with you. This accident seemed to compound all the feelings she had when her husband was killed, and it just hardened her heart. I've talked with our pastor and he's contacted the right counselor for her to visit on Monday."

"What are you going to tell her?"

"I'll let her know I've told you her wishes. I'm not going to tell her anything about how you're taking it since I don't think she can handle hurting you like this. I'm only going to tell her you understood."

"Then what? How do we fix this?"

Theresa was clearly crying too.

"I'll talk to you every day and we'll have to plan on the fly. Doug, I know she loves you. Scott and I have come to love you too, and we want you two to be together more than anything. Please... let's talk before we do anything?"

"This is killing me, but I'll put all my trust in you. Please don't hold anything back from me."

"Okay, Doug. We do love you, and we'll be talking."

Doug sat in his car and let his tears flow. How much more could he handle beyond what this year has already thrown at him? Two different couples noticed him in some distress in his car in the parking lot and offered to help, but he managed to politely decline. He eventually made his way home and struggled to tell his mom what was going on. She quietly held her son on the couch and let him deal with his emotions.

On Saturday, Doug told Angie all that had transpired, and she forced him to accept a visit from her and Rob that afternoon and evening. He both fought it and welcomed it. Doug had calmed down enough that he could start to think rationally. On some level, he understood Dani's reaction. He loved her deeply, and it hurt that she couldn't trust him to be the one to help her and pull her through. But Theresa was right. Dani was processing her accident and the one that took her husband. Doug had to force patience.

Angie and Rob were great to talk to. They offered every kind of assistance possible, and Doug knew he could, and would rely on them. Theresa called while Angie and Rob were there, so he put her call on speaker.

"She's about the same today, and just staying in her room watching old movies."

"Theresa, when the time is right, maybe I should be the first to pay her a visit," Angie offered. "It would be less stressful than Doug being there, and perhaps I can pave the way for his eventual visit."

"That's a good idea," Theresa responded. We might be a week or more from where that's appropriate, but since you were in the accident too, maybe it will help guide her perspective."

The call ended with the group feeling hopeful. But the road ahead still felt long to Doug.


Theresa and Doug continued daily calls. Her reports gave him some hope. Two weeks after the accident, Dani agreed to see Angie on a Saturday. After her visit to Baltimore, Angie came right to Doug's house where Rob was also waiting for the news.

"The bandages are off and there's certainly a scar, but it really doesn't look bad. They visited the plastic surgeon who wants to do one more procedure in a few months, and he thinks it will fade to almost nothing. She has full facial movement, and fortunately no nerve damage."

Doug wanted a different report. "Is she ready to see me, or at least talk?"

"I think she's close. The light is back in her eyes. Wait and see if she calls you this week. If she doesn't, maybe next week you should call her. Let's let Theresa guide us."

"Does she still think I couldn't love her because of a scar?"

"I don't know. Maybe a little, but I think she knows better. She knows how deep your love is. She's at the point where she's acutely aware of how much she's hurt you. Theresa keeps pushing her to talk with you, and whenever she thinks Dani can handle it, she's made her aware that you're pretty miserable. You have to be ready to let her deal with the guilt of how she's mishandled this without dismissing it, but without increasing it too. You need to give that a lot of thought."

"God, Angie. I love her more than life itself. I swear if she was convinced I couldn't look at her without being repulsed, I'd gouge my eyes out to get her back."



"You may not want to say that to her, but I know you're almost serious. Be patient. I know that's not your strength."


That evening, Doug was pleased his mom agreed to move in with him. He assured her Dani wanted her there too, assuming their marriage would still happen. Helen had been there since the accident, and she felt comfortable enough to live under the same roof with her son and, hopefully, her daughter-in-law. Besides, Brie was now her best friend, too.

A week passed and Doug was getting anxious. Theresa kept comforting him and begging for patience. Sunday, a week after Angie visited Dani, Doug decided to relax in the afternoon and watch the Phillies game on TV. During the third inning, his phone buzzed. It was the call he longed for.


There was a brief pause.

"Are you mad at me?" She was clearly crying.

"No. I love you and I understand. I'm only mad at the fact that I'm not holding you right now."

"Oh, Doug!" she sobbed. "I feel stupid."

"Don't, please. We've pushed our relationship pretty fast, and this accident was a tough test after only knowing each other for a little while. Just tell me we'll get past it."

"I think so. I hope so."

"When can I see you? I need to hug the stuffing out of you if your ribs can take it."

"Maybe next weekend? Can you come down?"

"Breakfast on Saturday. I'll be there at 8:00"

"Make it 9:00. I need time to get ready."

"If you want, why don't you throw sweats on and we'll take a walk."

"After breakfast, we can walk to the local park." She paused a moment. "Doug?"


"You haven't seen it yet."

"Do you think it matters to me?"

"I know you love me, and I guess I recently developed enough brain cells to figure out it doesn't matter. But watch the movie 'Scarface' to prepare yourself." She gave a hesitant chuckle.

"I missed your laugh. I miss you."

"I miss you too. Will you call me tomorrow?"

"I'll call you every day if you like."

"Yes. I'd like that."

"I love you, Dani."

"Doug, I'm so sorry for what I put you through. I love you too."

For the first time in weeks, Doug felt relief. He told his mom and called Angie with the good news. Then he called Theresa.

"Doug, I'm glad she took the step. She needs to stay here a little while longer, so stay patient. But I see our Dani again."

Doug settled in for the first good night's sleep he's had in weeks. Brie was back in his face kissing him as he laid on his back in bed. Things were turning around. Brie knew.


Dani and Doug talked every night. Things seemed to be going back to normal, but he knew she was still fighting some of the demons inside and was glad counseling appeared to be helping.

After the long week, he showed up at Scott and Theresa's home at 8:30. Theresa knew he'd be early—he'd waited too long for this. Dani descended the stairs at exactly 9:00. She was nervous. He never hesitated.

Doug hugged her as if his life depended on it. In his mind, it did. He kissed her with more longing than could be imagined. He ached for her. Fortunately, she ached for him too. He finally pulled back to look in her eyes.

"I love you, Dani."

"I love you, too. But aren't you going to look at it?"

Doug faked comfort. He was afraid to look closely because he didn't know what he'd see or how he would react. He slowly moved his gaze to the site of the injury. It wasn't that bad at all.

He gently kissed along the scar and looked back at her. She had a bit of fear in her eyes.

"I kissed your boo-boo. Let's eat!"

Dani hugged him with great relief. She feared the sight of her wound would upset him, but she seemed to instantly recognize it didn't bother him at all. If she looked closely, the only thing she'd see was his love.

They felt normal. Dani was back. The light in her eyes sparkled brightly again. They took their walk and held hands. They didn't want to be apart and touched whenever they were near each other.

By the end of the day, Doug was anxious to address a subject he hoped she was ready to handle.

"Dani, are we still good to be married?"

"You do see a ring on my finger, right?" she smiled.

"Yeah. But we originally talked about four weeks from today. I'm guessing that would be hard to make happen."

"I need to stay here for a little while longer to finish counseling and see my surgeon in his Baltimore office. Let's talk about a date when I move back. We may need to take a little more time for my head to settle, but the ring stays on."

"Okay. For you, I guess I can wait."

Doug wasn't quite sure what Dani meant, but he heard the things he wanted to hear. A marriage would happen. And things were certainly far better than they were two weeks ago. Doug drove home and felt elated. Sure, the wedding was delayed, and for how long he didn't know. But Dani was herself again.

Doug talked to Dani every night and saw her the following Saturday as well. He brought Brie along, and her little butt wiggled the whole day. She also missed Dani, and she knew Dani and Doug were getting happy again. They repeated the weekend visit for two more weeks with Brie always coming along, and Helen joined him on the most recent trip. Brie seemed to be able to calm Dani.

The following weekend was the original date of the wedding. Doug awoke on Saturday with a sense of sorrow that he wasn't getting ready to exchange vows with his love. Instead, Rob had asked Doug for help on a project to refinish their basement, so he couldn't see Dani that Saturday. It grieved him, but he owed Rob more favors than he could count. He did talk to her the same as he did every night. But it wasn't the same. Angie had gone to see Dani in his place.

Sunday morning the church was exceptionally full. Doug's mom sat in the front row so she could watch her son play. She usually sat in the back in case she needed one of her many potty breaks, but he was glad she was where he could sit with her when he wasn't on the platform leading the team. The praise segment went well, but Doug missed his favorite lead singer. Hopefully, soon she'd be comfortable enough to come back.

Pastor Tom's sermon was excellent and uncharacteristically short. Doug went to the piano for the final song of the day, and the band just seemed so energized. "I guess they like quick sermons too," he mused.

The pastor took his usual place for the benediction but had some things to say first. "So, he's giving the rest of the message now," Doug's mind speculated.

"Friends, we are fortunately blessed with a great praise and worship ministry led by Doug Stevens. Doug, could you come over here and stand by me?"

Doug was flabbergasted. His brain scrambled to consider what was happening "What is this? Am I getting some kind of award or something?" The congregation applauded as he walked to the pastor who positioned Doug's back to the congregation. He heard movement behind him but didn't think much of it.

"Doug, we don't say enough how much we appreciate your work here. And we know you've had some difficult times recently. For those of you who don't know, Doug and Dani were expecting to be married yesterday until her accident forced a delay."

Angie and Lisa were still on the platform from the last song but Doug sensed them move closer to the front. Then he noticed Rob and Pete came next to him. He turned a bit more and saw John and Arlene sit about five rows back. His knees suddenly felt weak. "What's going on?" he thought.

The pastor continued. "Well, it turns out the delay was only one day. Doug, welcome to your wedding!"

Doug looked like he was in shock. His mouth hung open in disbelief. His brain went into overdrive. "Did I hear that right? Wedding? My wedding?"

The congregation was standing and erupted in energetic applause as if they all knew this was happening. That's because they did know. Angie, Dani, Lisa, the pastor, Theresa, John, Arlene, and Doug's mom all planned this and kept it secret. Doug turned around to face the congregation. Rob held on to him to steady him as he visibly wavered. He spotted Cindi in the congregation with a large group of coworkers. There was Zane sitting with most of the assembly crew. Almost everyone from work was here. He saw his mom smiling and crying. She had Brie. Brie was in church!

The band started playing the song Dani and he wanted for the bridal processional.

Then... he saw her.

Dani walked through the back door on her father's arm—the very door where Doug first saw her and almost knocked her over. The woman he loved—the woman of his dreams—his bride was walking towards him in a stunning white gown and glowing with beauty. There was no veil. He saw the face of his angel smiling through her tears of joy.

Brie announced her approval with a single bark. The family would be complete. Everything will be as it should be. Brie knew.

She knew it all along.


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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I hate to nitpick, nitpick, but what is a quire practice? Do you mean choir?

NitpicNitpic5 months ago

Too lovey dvvey for me.The way she said she fancied him for a while. should have had her dropping her knickers after quire practice.

doctrptdoctrpt7 months ago

Doug was and is a pawn...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Every woman’s dream is to have her new mother in law move in right after the wedding… :)

JusteenKJusteenKabout 1 year ago

Decent story, daft ending.

6King6Kingover 1 year ago

⭐⭐⭐ Could have been so much better if it wasn't four chapters of one step forward and three steps back. UGH!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This last minutes angst has been an overused LIT gimmick. It ruined what otherwise was an OK story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Very quick ending. I didn't like the surprise you're getting married now part. When it's done, he could very well have the mindset that did that really happen? One of the most important days of his life and they sprung it on him last minute. Sorry. Although I enjoyed the overall story, the ending ruined it for me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This story is technically ok. Well planned and written, with few grammatical or spelling errors. I have read several of your stories which are all the same plot with the same saccharin too good to be true nice guy characters acting out basically the same plot.

It does get boring and predictable after a few of stories.

I would actually rate stoicfeed's comments higher than this story. He hit the nail on the head.

Rancher46Rancher46about 2 years ago

The storyline was excellent, but the end seemed rushed. An epilogue would of or could have rapped any happily ever after issues in just a paragraph or two. Still gets a 5++star vote from me.

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