Brock's First Cock Pt. 02


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The night of the party came around after an agonizingly slow week of what seemed to consist only of waiting. The burning sensation in Brock's stomach returned again and again each time he thought of riding next to Cameron in a car again, which was nearly every minute of the day. He felt like such an obsessive freak and hated himself for it.

After the shirtless Snap, Brock didn't receive any other Snaps or chats. He did enjoy getting to snoop on Cameron's stories, though. He didn't post anything too raunchy but it often eased Brock's possessiveness when it confirmed that he was not with Jessica. It also gave him all the time in the world to admire Cameron's biceps that have been growing since he started going to the gym regularly last year. Brock loved watching the progress updates he posted of him flexing in the gym mirror. He soon found that he wasn't even watching porn when he jacked off anymore, he was either looking at or imagining Cameron.

Finally Saturday rolls around and Cameron's car pulls up outside of Brock's house. Brock grabs his bag he's packed that has a change of clothes, a fifth of vodka, and some weed to pitch in to the party pot. He almost decided to pack a condom and some lube, but figured he was assuming too much and would get his hopes up, so he kept them in his sock drawer.

He climbed into Cameron's delicious smelling car and, as expected, was immediately pulled back to that night he had swallowed Cameron's monster cock whole right where he was sitting, crooked little grin on his face and wearing one of his cut-off shirts to show off his arms, that sexy sandy hair in his pits.

Brock swallowed his arousal and returned a grin. He climbed in the passenger seat and Cameron turned up his Top 40. They laughed and chatted as they headed to Kat's house, which was across town and a good 20 minute drive. After a few good minutes of silence filled by the radio, Brock opened his bag discreetly, checking for cops, and showed Cameron his party favors.

"Yessss, man! We are gonna get so wrecked tonight," he said laughing. He was clearly feeling giddy tonight.

"We fucking need it and deserve it!" Brock said, his voice raised over the music, matching Cam's bright tone. "Briggs has been working drumline so hard, I've been sorer than a mother every night!"

"Tell me about it, dude. I haven't been able to do anything but school, practice, sleep, repeat. I needed this so bad."

"I thought you'd been seeing a lot of Madison?" Brock said slyly, seeming braver than he felt.

"Nah man, just the once," Brock said, blushing a little and shaking his head.

"I definitely heard you bragging about how good the head was," Brock chuckled.

"Ugh, fuck," Cameron groaned. "You overheard that?"

"Your voice carries across the field," Brock joked.

"It does not."

"Okay," Brock teased.

Cameron sighed and it got quiet. Just to fill the silence, Brock sighed too.

"I wasn't really talking about her, you know..." Cameron said, almost under his breath.

Brock froze and slowly turned to meet Cameron's eyes. The burning in his stomach was back and he could feel the blood rushing to his groin already. He couldn't find a word to say so he just smirked and gave a slow nod before looking out the window.

Cameron turned up the music louder.


The party was small but seriously out of control. The number of shots that were done in rapid-fire succession, the number of joints passed around- insane. Kat used her Bluetooth speakers to blast hip-hop and everybody lounged around on the couches in her family's extremely large and luxurious finished basement.

Kat's parents were pretty well-off and Brock had stayed with her plenty of times. He loved to crash on the giant sectional sofa they had downstairs, even over the bed in the guest room upstairs. The gang, well-plastered and stoned, eventually all ended up on this exact sofa and to Brock's surprise, Cameron had chosen to sit next to him.

Christian, their drumline friend who was notorious for passing out when he drank and/or smoked too much was snoring on the opposite end of the sectional. Kat, Sam, and Turk took up most of the middle while Jess, David, and Jared were nearly crashed themselves on the air mattresses they had place on the floor, piled in comforters and pillows.

"Christian's gonna start snoring if someone doesn't give him a blanket soon," Turk said, shaking his head at his friend, unconscious but head still nodding along with the conversation. He laughed.

Cameron laughed too. "He stops if you give him a blanket?"

"Yeah, like a little fucking baby. Watch."

Sure enough, by now Christian had started to snore something fierce and Turk had gone to grab him a blanket from the oversized basket next to the TV.

"Hey, grab me one too!" Cameron said, his words slurred a bit. There was definitely something distinctive about Cameron's drunk voice. Brock hadn't ever been around him intoxicated before to notice.

Before he knew it, Turk had tossed Cameron a blanket who skillfully caught it and immediately threw it over both he and Brock.

"Uh, thanks. I wasn't really cold," Brock laughed and then hated himself for dismissing the small bit of positive attention he had won from Cameron this whole night.

Cameron grinned.

"I can turn the lights down and we can just pass 'nother fat ass joint and watch a scary movie or something if you wanna?" Kat stated to the room, drunkenly.

The gang agreed and in what felt like seconds, they were smoking another fat ass joint and everyone had sunken deep into their places on the oversized sectional.

Cameron had spread his legs under the blanket a bit and Brock was next to him cross-legged, the blanket tented over his lap. He wasn't hard yet but it was an in case of emergency type of thing. Like if Cameron's leg happened to brush his knee while spreading his legs open even further under the covers, which in that moment, it did.

Brock was rock solid in seconds and knew there would be no standing up soon. Which was fine because he was also blazed and another joint had just come his way.

When he passed it to Cameron, he noticed something softer in Cameron's touch that he was sure he imagined. Cameron took a long drag off the joint and let out a giant puff of smoke and was immediately coughing.

Everybody chuckled, including Brock who sloppily patted him on the back, happy to have an excuse to touch him.

"I'm gonna—cough—grab—cough—some water!" Cameron choked out, catching his breath and heading to the bathroom. The teens laughed at their friend hacking down the hall and closing the bathroom door.

Brock strategically scooted further down the sectional so that Cameron would have less room to spread when he returned, forcing him to rub against Brock even more while sharing their blanket.

Brock's phone buzzed. Without thinking, he slid up his lock screen and quickly opened the Snapchat notification to see Cameron's magnificent cock held firmly in his first, rock hard with the caption, "thnx for the hand man" with a winking emoji.

Brock's heart began to race in his chest. What should he do? Should he excuse himself to meet Cameron in the bathroom? Is that what the Snap meant? Wouldn't everyone notice they were gone? God, he didn't want it to have to be a quickie. He wanted to take his time with that cock and savor it. He didn't know when an opportunity like this would come around again, if ever.

While these thoughts cycled rapidly through Brock's head, before he could even make a decision, he heard the bathroom door open again. Cameron returned, sitting exactly where he had (except closer) before dismissing himself to send Cameron that picture of his dick that was still branded on the inside of his eyelids whenever he blinked. But Cam didn't act as if anything were different. Brock again began to wonder if he was imagining the whole thing. Maybe he hallucinated the picture? He subtly shook himself from this spiral.

Legs touching the whole time, the gang watched the scary movie they had taken forever to pick. It was some low-budget paranormal flick with lots of loud noises and things to make you jump. Regardless, the gang finished another joint and began to fall asleep, dropping like flies. David, Jess, and Jared had been out for several minutes and the others followed quickly behind. First Turk, then Kat, then Sam until finally it was only Cameron and Brock awake.

Brock pretended to be invested in the movie but really couldn't keep his mind off the fact that Cameron's leg had been repeatedly grazing his for the past hour.

Cameron suddenly shifted on the blanket and Brock felt him grab his hand, pulling it to his crotch where his fat cock was bulging in his shorts, almost completely hard.

Brock's eyes darted around the room, checking to make sure that all of his friends were thoroughly passed out. When he looked at Cameron, his eyes were still glued to the screen. Brock's hand was still glued to his ever-hardening cock, so naturally, he began the rub it through his shorts.

As the huge member grew in size, Cameron let out subtle sighs, but acted as if he were only taking in the movie rather than getting a handjob from a dude while his friends slept feet away. Brock could feel Cameron's stiff boner straining against the cloth of his athletic shorts and subtly moved his hand to his thigh, running it under his shorts and boxers to stroke the hot flesh of his naked cock underneath.

Cameron's sigh was much more audible this time and Turk groaned in his sleep, turning over on his side on the opposite end of the sofa.

Brock didn't care and had started to fully stroke Cameron's monster. Up until Cameron grabbed his hand and pulled it off his dick. Brock's heart sank.

Cameron looked at Brock for the first time since he had started secretly jerking him and said, "Shhh," then quietly took off the blanket, tucked his hard-on into the waistband of his shorts and walked lightly to the basement stairs, stealthily climbing them.

Brock, frozen in shock and still wondering if he could somehow be misinterpreting all of this just sat there, still under the blanket, catching his breath. Finally, he found the strength to stand just as his phone buzzed again. A text from Cameron.

Cameron: upstairs guest bedroom be quiet

A little too excited, Brock moved quickly toward the staircase and stopped himself when he heard the first creak of the stairs underneath him. He slowed his breathing and did his best not to let his hands and legs shake.

The guest bedroom was just off the kitchen, plainly decorated, and had an attached bathroom. This is where he found Cameron, shorts and boxers already around his ankles but shirt still on. His giant cock was sticking straight out, pointing directly at Brock who mindlessly and immediately fell to his knees in front of it.

"That night. That was the best head I've ever had, man..." Cameron whispered, Brock peeking up at him. "Just so you know, I'm really not gay... I just couldn't pass up the chance for more."

Brock responded by simply sticking out his wet tongue and dragging it along the underside of Cam's shaft.

"Ohhhh yes," Cameron moaned.

Brock continued to slide his tongue up and down the shaft. First the bottom, then the sides and the top. He licked and kissed from base to tip, letting his saliva collect on his tongue to lube up Cameron's cock.

Finally, he lightly kissed the tip, right at his slit before letting his lips wrap tightly around just the fat head. Cameron moaned and lightly ran his hands through Brock's hair as he swirled his tongue around the head. This caused Cameron's grip to tighten as it had last time and before he knew it, Cameron was using Brock's mouth again.

Cameron spread his legs to give him more room between them as he bobbed up and down on his cock.

Finally Cameron was able to take every last inch of Cameron's 9-inch monster and buried his face in his pubes. They smelled like the cologne in his car. The thought that he might have sprayed his crotch just for him made Brock groan in pleasure, Cam's cock still buried deep in his throat.

"God, you're too good at that, dude. Seriously," Cameron said in a husky, breathless voice. He took his hands off Brock's head for a second to pull his shirt over his head, exposing his beautiful happy trail, abs, and hot smooth chest. Brock's had slid from Cam's thigh up to his chest, taking in the ripples of his abdominal muscles, the brush of his pubic hair and happy trail...

While attempting to muffle his groans so as not to wake their friends just below them, he put his hands behind his head and thrust his hips forward and back, fucking Brock's mouth rapidly and with lust. Brock kept up like a pro, slurping on his thick rod with each thrust and moaning every time the head hit the back of his throat.

"Fuck, I don't wanna cum yet," Cameron whispered.

Brock didn't pull off his cock, but slowed his sucking down and let his tongue do more of the work, teasing him.

"Can I fuck you?" Cam asked bluntly.

Brock heard it, but it sounded like it came from far away. Like it might have been one of those things he just imagined. So he just kept slurping, thinking he had definitely not really hard that, that he could not let this cock leave his mouth.

But Cameron pulled Brock's sloppy mouth off his wet cock and, pulled his hair so his head was angled to meet his eyes and ordered in all seriousness, "Please, Brock. Let me fuck you."

Brock wiped the precum and slobber from his lips and his red lips gave a nervous grin. "Okay, fuck me."

"Do you have a condom?"


"No... Left it at home," Brock sighed, his voice dripping with disappointment.

"Mind if I just do it raw?"

Brock's mouth literally fell open before he could manage, "Please," and made his way into the bedroom, pulling off his own shorts and shirt and climbing into bed on his hands and knees, ready to lose his virginity to this sexy fucking boy with a rock hard, enormous cock. He was going to get fucked. By Cam. He could barely breathe.

His breathlessness just worsened as he felt Cam's fingers slide under the waistband of his briefs where it met the skin of his lower back, just above the ass that was about to get plowed.

Cameron couldn't tease himself any longer and pulled them down in one swift motion, exposing Brock's smooth, little round ass. As he grabbed a cheek with each of his big hands, Brock arched his back in ecstasy as his pink budding virgin hole was exposed for Cam.

Brock felt his ass fully on display and was wondering what the hell Cameron could be thinking or doing right now. He couldn't bring himself to turn around and look in fear that it'd psych Cameron out. But Brock did manage a shocked, deep and whimpering sigh as he felt Cameron bury his face in his ass, lapping at his hole with his fat tongue.

He did NOT expect this. It was a sensation unlike anything he had ever experienced. It reminded him of the burning in his stomach he had been experiencing leading up to this moment all week, but this time there was an ache that traveled further than his stomach. It reached his balls and made his cock swell more than it ever had before.

Cameron dined on Brock's hole, licking it with the flat of his tongue to loosen it up and poking it with the tip to test if it was ready for his giant dick. Brock moaned again when Cameron spit on it and began circling a finger around his now wet hole, relaxing him further. Before long, he was easily able to put in one of his fingers lubed up with spit and a few minutes later, another. He slowly pushed his fingers into Brock's boy hole and slowly pulled them back out, feeling the pull of his sphincter asking him to come back, asking for more.

Brock was certain Brock's cock was at least three fingers worth of girth, maybe even four, but Cameron stopped at two before whispering, "Hey, suck on it a little bit to get it wet. It'll probably be easier that way."

Cameron obliged, drooling all over the beautiful cock he was about to be impaled on. When Cameron's cock was near dripping with Brock's saliva, he immediately turned around, arched his back and got ready to receive as Cameron lined up his plump and well-sucked dickhead with Brock's pink hole.

Without much effort, the slippery cock was enveloped by Brock's overeager hole and before they both knew it, Brock's ass had swallowed the entire head.

"Holy shit," was all Cameron could manage.

Brock couldn't manage anything at all as he bit down, trying to deal with the pain he felt but refused to back down from. Cameron pushed in about an inch further and Brock had to bury his face in a pillow to keep from groaning so loudly he woke the entire house.

At this, Cam slipped out a little bit, waited a second and then slowly slid back in, this time an inch deeper. As he continued this pattern, fucking Brock's hole deeper and deeper each time, he noticed that Brock's moans got deeper and breathier. It no longer sounded painful.

Cameron was just thinking that he wanted to bottom out in this boy's ass but wasn't sure if he was ready for it when Brock finally lifted his head from the pillow and whimpered, "Fuck me."

Cameron obliged and plunged all nine inches of his man meat into his friend's ass. Brock's muffled moans were out of control. He was almost afraid they'd wake someone up, but he was too engrossed in pounding away to really care.

Again and again, Cameron buried his cock deep in Brock's ass, first taking long and slow strokes up and down his entire shaft and then fucking that bubble ass relentlessly, his balls slapping against his cheeks every time the entire length of his pole disappeared inside.

"Fuck, I don't know how much longer I'm gonna last, dude."

"Fuck me on my back."

"Face to face?"

"Or we could-"

"No, get on your back."

Brock obeyed and put his legs in the air, Cameron grabbed them as he resumed pounding Brock's ass, this time with a slick and smooth entrance.

Brock's seven inches were rock hard and he began jerking away, before—

"Move your hand."

And Cameron's first was wrapped around his cock, wet with spit. He only got in a few good long strokes before Brock blew his load like never before. Cum splattered all over his smooth stomach and chest; a couple spurts even reached his cheeks and lips.

Brock felt suddenly empty, but realized this was because Cameron had pulled out of his used hole and was straddling his chest, bringing his dick nearer to his face.

"Open your mouth," he commanded, just like the last time. So turned on he thought he would get immediately hard again even after just cumming, Brock immediately dropped it wide open.

"I'm gonna jizz all over your face."

And with that, Cameron busted his nut. He shot two or three spurts directly onto Brock's outstretched tongue, rubbing the head around, coating his taste buds in his spunk. Then, he pulled out out of the cum coated mouth, giving Brock several more ropes of cum on his cheeks, nose, forehead, and eyes until Brock's face was absolutely drenched in Cam's massive load.

Brock swallowed the cum already in his mouth and scooped some from his cheeks and lips onto his still-eager tongue. Once satisfied, he crawled to Cameron, who was sprawled on the bed, fully naked, his wet deflating cock hanging between his legs. Brock suckled gently and teasingly at the tip, wanting to savor it while he still could.

After catching his breath, Cam took a look at Brock's face and chuckled at the mess. "You need a shower, bro."

"Join me?"

Cameron didn't hesitate to hop off the bed and start toward the guest shower, dick flopping against his thighs as he strutted. "I'm game, bro."


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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

That's a great story, so erotic & lustful. A ch 3 would be nice if we could read about Brock's sexual escapades while in college & afterwards.

mic1980devmic1980dev4 months ago

fucking hot, please more, cam should tie him on bed and facefuck his face throat brutally, and breed his ass often, cam should use him every day

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Please continue the story. Hot shit

nowliveitnowliveitabout 2 years ago

Great writing. I remember the closeness with my best friend for years in puberty, experimenting. Tiny farm town. Him needing to 'try' to date girls because of societal expectations. Common story. I'd enjoy hearing how they keep hiding it, how Cameron does more to Brock... but no harsh outing. How does it grow and which one ends it...or not.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Please continue. Amazing story.

Akirababe87Akirababe87about 2 years ago

I really liked this story, but the names were a total mess. Cameron was boning Cameron? And he was with Miranda who also goes by Madison?

Still a really hot story. Just a bit of cleanup would be nice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Pleeease continue this story, it was so hot🥵💦

PockettRockettPockettRockettover 2 years ago

While the story was hot, and every gay teens wet dream, sometimes the inconsistency got in the way. The “Brocks” and “Cams” got mixed up, plus the girls names kept changing. Were they the same girl and the names were wrong, or was Cameron a man whore lol. It was great to read and stroke to.

letsquirtletsquirtalmost 3 years ago

These 2 stories were really good! I'd love to see the video 😛

I know it's been a while since you wrote them, but a follow-up would be wonderful. I'd love to see Cam feeling compelled to reciprocate Brock's blowjobs. And loving Brock's dick, of course.

You're a very good writer! Thank you for sharing

Bluepoohstar08Bluepoohstar08almost 3 years ago

please continue the story

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