Broken Breast Pump


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The day dragged on but Gina could not help but think about what was going to happen before the meeting. The mere thought about how Tom got aroused from suckling on her breasts made her own sex wet. She never saw Tom in a sexual way as she made sure to put thoughts like that of coworkers to the side. But she could not stop thinking about how she was teasing him by letting him drink from her tits. She knew it was because of what they were doing, and she knew she needed to keep it in check.

The last students left and Gina let her mind solely think about what was going to happen. She called her mother to let her know about the meeting and what time she would be home. Her kids were feeling better and her mother seemed more interested in what her own issues were than complaining like this morning.

Gina could see the lights in Tom's room on and she made her way to the bathroom. She grabbed her nursing pads only leaving her bag behind. The sense of taboo came over her followed by the feeling of suspense for what was about to happen.

She gave a quick look around right before opening the door and stepping inside. Tom was sitting on the lid again and smiling as she walked in. Gina returned his smile before saying, "I hope this meeting is short."

"I know the last one seemed to go on forever."

Gina pulled down her dress again revealing her bra to him once again. She could see his eyes dart right to her heaving chest just as they came into view. Knowing that he was going to walk into a meeting with an erection made her feel a sense of guilt too. She then thought about him relieving his own problem while he helped her, but knew it was too forward of her to even offer.

"Do they hurt?" Tom asked as he seemed to be waiting patiently for her to expose her chest to him so he could suck.

"A little, but if I wait until the end of the meeting I would be leaking all over the place," she rep-lied, finally pulling down her bra revealing her milk filled mommy melons to him.

Tom moved forward and Gina watched as he opened his mouth taking in her elongated nipple. The soothing sensation of her nipple being sucked and drained came over her. A small soft moan came out as her hand went to his head holding him. Like before, she stroked his hair as it seemed to calm her from what he was doing.

Tom was latched onto her and formed an almost perfect suction as Gina felt her heavy milk filled tit being pumped away by his sucking mouth. She did not feel it was sexual in any way as he continued his sucking. Gina almost felt like she was feeding him before the meeting and that she was nursing him as she would her own child. She knew it was kind of weird, but the sensation of him sucking from her was just like her son did.

Gina felt her left tit was sort of drained to a manageable level and then pulled it away. Tom stopped sucking and without being told to or offered began to latch onto her right tit. Gina gave a sighing moan as Tom began to drain her other milk filled breast.

"Ohhh yessss," Gina softly moaned out as Tom was sucking hard and pulling her milk from her chest. The tingling sensation she had of a man sucking on her tits was becoming more and more prominent too. She knew that she was nursing him, but also felt she was doing something sexually erotic with him too.

Gina tried to push the erotic thoughts from her mind knowing that this was only because she did not have her pump on her. The wetness of her sex began to get worse as Tom suckled from her, and Gina felt the urgent need to rub her sex but fought off the idea to go further with him.

The more Tom sucked from her the worse it got. Gina finally pulled him away knowing that a moment longer she would want something more. She looked down and saw him smiling as drops of milk continued to drip from both tits.

"Thank you...I can handle this now. Go on ahead and I will catch up," Gina stated as she knew that he had to be hard and wanted to see his erection in his pants. It was wrong but she also felt it was harmless just to look.

"Okay," Tom replied and stood up. Gina was quick to look at his obvious erection just begging to be freed.

The meeting was like all of the others and just as long. Gina rushed home to relieve her mother and care for her children. Her son was feeling better and her daughter was happy to have her home. Gina was delighted that her own mother did not give her too much grief about staying later than expected.

Gina relaxed and planned for the next day and put her pump in her bag for tomorrow. Although Tom sucking from her was pleasant, it was still awkward and inappropriate. She knew it was for the best and nonsexual, but other people finding out about it would have dire consequences.

The next day she walked to her classroom passing Tom sitting at his desk across from her. She dropped her bag by her desk and walked to his room knowing that she needed to thank him yet again. With him sporting an erection from sucking her tits, Gina felt it was best to talk about what they did in hopes that he did not take offense to what they did.

Gina stepped in the door to his room. "Morning."

Tom looked up with a smile. "Hey you."

Smiling as she saw he was looking at her, it appeared he was happy to see her. "I wanted to say thank you again for helping me out. I just want you to know I remembered the pump this time."

"You're fine. I am glad I could help out."

"Well you did save me some serious embarrassment."

"Is this going to be like your keys you forget all the time?" Tom said with a joking smiling and tone.

Gina laughed but knew that she forgot her keys to her room at least three times a month at best. "I hope not. They get really painful too."

"I bet. There was a lot too."

She cringed in fright knowing that he was right and that since she gave birth her milk supply was more than it had been with her daughter. "I know...I am sorry. Was it gross?"

"It's milk. I mean...there's nothing wrong with it at all. I put milk in my coffee every day."

"Yeah, but you don't put this milk in your coffee though."

"Why not...if I could I would."

"Really? You would drink breast milk with your coffee?" Gina asked, wondering if he was making her feel better or really not her breast milk.

Tom poured a cup of coffee from the machine behind him and Gina just knew that he was going to ask her for some milk. Before he could say a word, she replied to his full cup of coffee he held up to her. "You really want me to put my breast milk in your coffee?"

"If you want to. I don't find it gross though," Tom answered, still holding his cup to her.

"You really going to drink it with your coffee?" Gina asked again, knowing that she was not going to say no if he really wanted it.

"Do it." Tom replied as he smiled at her keeping the joking manner up.

Gina walked closer to his desk and then looked behind her. The strange request was mixed with the curiosity of seeing him do it. She reached and lifted her shirt over her breasts showing him her bra covered chest. She then pulled down the nursing latch on the one cup showing her dark nipple.

Gina shocked herself knowing that her exposed breast did not embarrass her. Tom had seen them three times before and nursed from her and any and all embarrassment was gone. She then proceeded to press down at the top of her tit, expressing her milk by hand, letting her milk spray into his black coffee.

"This is so weird," Gina stated as she once again pushed down on her breast letting more milk fill the cup.

"It's not that strange though," Tom replied to her comment as she noticed his eyes glued to her spraying nipple.

"I really have to see you drink this," Gina replied as she once again pushed down on her breast causing another hard spray of milk into his coffee making the black color fade to a caramel color.

Tom reached out and took the cup as Gina handed it to him. Her nipple was leaking fast as she watched him take a large swig of his coffee. Once he took his drink from his cup she knew he was not only undisturbed by drinking her milk, but probably turned on. She also noticed that her breast was excited and dripping fast.

Gina looked down and knew she needed to pump fast as her hand expressing made her milk flow. "Shit...I got to pump now."

Tom winced as he seemed to regret his request. "I am sorry. I did not know that was going to happen."

Gina could only give a sarcastic frown as she knew men were forever into women's boobs. Tom was no different and she fell right into the trap.

Tom gave a funny smile. "Well...not really. I mean, I can do it for you if you want."

Gina looked at him and then thought about it. The pump was in her bag and Tom was right there. "Might as well."

"Let me close the door," Tom commented as he got up from his desk.

"Please...that's all we need is someone to see me nursing you," Gina joked as she watched him close the door before walking to her.

Tom moved away from his desk and to a seat that was closer to where she was. Gina looked down quickly to see her milk drip steadily from her nipple forming a small puddle on his floor. Once he was close, Gina readjusted her bra allowing more of her tit to be free from the confines of the bra.

She watched him move closer and then felt his lips on her nipple. The rush of relief washed over her as he began suckling from her tit yet again. "Ohhhh yes," she softly said as Tom formed instant suction on her tit.

Tom wasted no time suckling from her and she knew he was getting her heavy supply too. She could feel her breast just being drained as his cheeks puffed in and then out drawing her nourishing mother's milk from her.

Gina instinctively put her had to his head. He was breathing through his nose as she just knew that he was swallowing her milk just as fast as he sucked it into his mouth. Gina did not know if she was being mothering by letting him suckle again like this or just being erotic. The mixed emotions were there as well as the relaxing sensation of having her nipple sucked while drawing her out her milk supply.

"I don't know if you're enjoying this or just thirsty," Gina remarked as Tom was still suckling away and draining her sweet milk. She knew he got excited before but felt she wanted him to confirm it.

Tom moved away and gave a embarrassed look. "Do you want me to stop?"

" it's okay. I know you like it," Gina replied quickly, not wanting him to be upset or turned off thinking she did not like letting him suck.

Tom tilted his head with his reply, "Think it's weird?"

Gina smiled and joked back. "For a woman it might be. But guys love boobs."

"It's natural." Tom giggled with a smile.

Gina pulled down her bra more allowing her other breast to flop out. "Since you drained the other one, you might as well finish."

Tom smiled wide and moved in again latching on. Gina could not help but smile at knowing she was letting Tom nurse from her again as a joke instead of helping her out because of a broken or missing pump. She did not think she was a tease or doing something sexual with him, but merely playing around with him.

Gina sighed in relief as she felt the pressure in her left boob dwindling while Tom sucked away on her. Her hand was on his head again feeling his hair through her fingers as his mouth pumped away drawing nourishment from her breasts like a hungry child.

She did not stop him once she felt the pressure gone and just let the moment continue as Tom seemed almost at peace on her nipple. She felt the tingling of pleasure in her sex too as she thought about how Tom was actually sucking on her nipple. Fighting it was no use as she felt the actual pleasure from his sucking too.

Tom pulled free grinning with satisfaction. "I think you're out."

"I think drank it all," Gina laughed in response, knowing that Tom had a perversion to lactating woman.

The bell rang and both Tom and Gina looked at each other in fear. "Shit...I got to get ready," Gina said jumping up and fixing herself.

As Tom moved away Gina saw his erection bulging through his pants. "Better fix yourself too," Gina remarked with a sarcastic smile not wanting him to be embarrassed but also thinking about how he was easily excited by nursing from her.

"Oh damn," Tom replied, moving to the side hiding his obvious erection from her sight.

"Guess that's natural too," Gina joked as she saw Tom look at her with shock that she said something.

The sound of feet in the hallway spurred Gina to retreat to her room leaving Tom to adjust his pants to hide his male excitement. Once in her own classroom, Gina fell into the normal routine of the day, but still could not stop thinking that she just let Tom suck from her for no other reason as to just see it.

She wanted to say something again but knew he was going to be busy and she did not get a chance to see him after school. She went home thinking about texting him, but felt she would be either too forward or sound like she wanted more. The fun and excitement of flirting gave her a tingling feeling of being wanted and Tom seemed to want it as well.

It was just about time for to go to bed and Gina was in the kitchen getting ready for tomorrow when she heard her phone sound that she had a text. She quickly looked over to see that it was Tom texting her.

Gina opened up the message to see a picture of milk and cookies with a caption. "Just thinking about you on Fridays and how you bake cookies for me."

A smile came to her face from Tom's joke knowing that it seemed to fit perfectly. It was both weird and fitting though. She texted back. "Bet you want more."

The idea of having him help in an emergency was one thing, but Gina knew it was crossing a line. The more she thought about it, the more she knew it was exciting for her. The idea of Tom helping by sucking on her like an infant and yet being a man at the same time excited her more. The notion she was feeding a grown man who was getting excited about it too caused her to become wet. Knowing she could get a man hard without even touch him gave her more self confidence.

She drove to work knowing that she was just going to offer her full milk filled breasts to him as a way of repaying him for all of the favors he did her in the past. The idea of it being sexual was there, but Gina knew she could keep it in check and not go further than what they were already doing. She knew Tom was taking it a little sexual but thought about it just being natural and decided that it would only be fair if he was allowed to relieve himself too.

Tom was in his room like always and Gina detoured to his room not even putting her things in her own room. "You hungry?"

Tom looked up quickly. "You made cookies?"

Gina gave a sarcastic grin. "No, but I have milk if you want."

"You serious?" Tom replied eagerly and with a wide big grin.

"If you want to. Figure you seem to like it so much and I am full right now."

Tom stood up and Gina looked down the hallway to see if anyone was coming. "Since you get hard doing it, I don't mind if you jerk off while you suck," Gina said in her most soft, motherly voice. She knew that his playing with himself was natural as well and almost her fault as her breasts was the cause of his erection to begin with.

"I don't think that will be necessary, I can hold it together," Tom answered almost embarrassed as he answered.

Gina could hear the hesitation in his voice and pulled down her bra to ease his worries that he might have. She figured he was still nervous about what they were doing but the sight of her lactating nipples might help.

Tom needed no instruction as he once again took her nipple to his mouth. Once again Gina basked in the sensation of having his mouth to her nipple as his suction pulled the milk right from her nipples like her child. The blissful feeling of having her milk being gently sucked by Tom resonated her feeling a wet sensation in her sex.

The more Tom drank her nourishing breast milk the more she sensed he had an erection. Her hand was at his head stroking his hair once again. She leaned down whispering in his ear. "Just pull it out and do it. I know it's hard and probably painful."

Tom pulled away quickly. "You sure you don't mind?"

"Not at all. Just stroke it and suck," Gina replied to his question with her soft soothing motherly tone.

Tom began to unbuckle his pants and then lifted up to pull down his boxers and pants to reveal a very erect penis. Gina glared in awe right at it knowing she had not seen a man's dick in almost a full year. Tom was much bigger than her ex-husband David's and the sight of Tom's mushroom tip member made her own sex tingle with moisture. She knew it was borderline sexual, but then thought showing him her breasts was the same. A sense of fairness came to her as she showed him her breasts that it was only fair that he exposed himself now.

He moved back onto her nipple and resuming suckling. The familiar feeling of having her nipple sucked returned but she knew he was playing with himself. His mouth was sucking hard and Gina could not fight the wetness in her vagina as she knew he was jerking off to it.

Gina had his head against her breast and her hand on his head stroking his hair as she knew he was jerking his dick. She could not see it, but only imagined in her head that his hard member was being stroked fast by his strong hands. With the feeling of his mouth sucking her milk out while doing such a sexual thing drove her needs to have her own sex played with. She let her mind drift to tonight when she could rub her clit to this moment and get off.

Tom was sucking hard and then stopped and moaned loud. Gina knew he was ejaculating and quickly stroked his hair almost proud that he got off and wondered what he was thinking about to get him off. She then realized that he might be shy or worried about what she thought about having him ejaculate while suckling her breasts. The thin line of doing what is natural was hitting a sexual part and she knew it needed to be brought back.

The pressure in her boobs was almost nothing and she knew it would not need to be drained until after she got home. She pulled away letting Tom know to stop sucking. She glanced at his face but wanting to look further down at his cum covered hands. "Let's clean up before someone comes."

Tom stood up and gave a mixed look of exhaustion and hesitation. Gina backed up only slightly but it was enough for him to stand up. As he went for his pants Gina quickly spotted her chance to see his still erect penis as well as his sperm covered hand. It was a better look than before and her eyes feasted on his large tip that was covered in sperm. His hand was also plastered with his spunk as well almost covering his entire palm.

As he went to pull up his pants he stopped as his right hand was still covered in his gooey mess. Gina knew he was having a problem and knew that she was going to have to help him. She put her hand to his chest. "Stop, let me help."

As Gina bent down Tom protested, "No. I can do this, you don't have to."

"Oh please," Gina replied and moved to her bag to grab some wipes she had stuffed in her bag.

"It's no big deal," Gina uttered as she had the baby wipes in her hand and reached to grab his shaft to begin cleaning it. She knew she was playing off the whole situation, but she could not help herself in wanting to touch it. His shaft was rigid and still full of life as she wiped the cum off of it thinking about the last time she felt one inside of her and how she came.

She immediately pushed her sexual thoughts aside knowing it was wrong. She now imagined it was like changing a diaper while keeping her mind focused on just cleaning it. She looked up once it was clean. "See, no big deal."

Before Tom replied she pulled up his underwear and then his pants buttoning it so he could walk. Tom looked down with a bewildered look and Gina knew that she went a little bit too far. He did not say anything and now wondered if she crossed a line upsetting him.