Brownwood: Hedge Funds Ch. 01

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Affair from the past comes back to haunt couple.
7.9k words

Part 3 of the 16 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 08/19/2014
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Author's Note: Just a short story of love, betrayal, revenge and an attempt at reconciliation that fits in the Brownwood series. The Brownwood series is a group of independent stories with ties to the fictional city of Brownwood. Crossover characters are present. Brownwood: Welcome To Brownwood is a flash (1,000 word) description of the area for those who want a more detailed setting.

Warning, this isn't as 'aggressive' as some of my other BTB stories. It's kind of a RAAC with the All Costs being shared by both the husband and wife. If attempted reconciliation stories ain't your thing then I'd skip this one.

As with most of my stories, you won't find a lot of graphic sex in this one, actually none in the first chapter. The second and final chapter is finished and will be submitted a few days after the first.

Thanks to my volunteer editors, anonymous and findingmyvoice, for making this a better read. Yep, I needed two. I apparently need a LOT of help! LOL! Ladies, it's very much appreciated. BTW Any mistakes you find are mine, since I always tend to mess with my stories after I get them back from an editor.


Summer 2013 - Crystal Lake State Park (7 miles NW of Brownwood)

I picked up my drink, looked around at my surroundings, and smiled. Gawd, I love our little cabin! Well, it isn't exactly little or a cabin, it's a doublewide trailer sitting on two full acres over-looking Crystal Lake. My husband, David Jennings, inherited it several years ago from his grandparents. It's become our summer vacation home for the two or three weeks we spend up here at the lake each year. Someday we're going to build our dream home here.

As I grabbed my beach towel and headed back outside, I glanced at myself in the mirror. Now I'm not narcissistic but as I critiqued myself in my bikini, I had to smile. My pale green eyes set off what some have called a pretty face. At 5'10, waist length raven hair, and only twelve pounds heavier than my trim weight back in college, I knew I was still attractive. Damn girl, you look pretty good for a 37 year-old mother of two, I thought to myself. I took pride in the way I looked since I'd worked hard to keep my figure after having my kids.

I walked out onto our deck, lay down in the lounge chair, and stretched out. I immediately felt the hot summer sun begin doing its job of slowly baking me in my suntan oil. I could hear my family playing in the distance, down by the dock.

As I felt the sun melting me, I thought back on how hard this last year-and-a-half had been. My marriage of 15 years had been battered and bruised but it hadn't broken. It'd been difficult but we'd made it through.

I won't tell you we had a perfect marriage before this rough patch. Those are the dreams of fantasy and TV movies on the Hallmark Channel. But I can tell you truthfully, I love my husband more now than I ever have. The fact that I know he loves me makes that easy.

One of the main contributors to our current situation has been our jobs. Between the two, they've been wreaking havoc on our marriage. David is an independent financial investment consultant and I'm the Director of Design for a large corporation back home in Dallas.

David has been traveling more during this time than he ever has during our marriage. He landed two large business clients, one in Atlanta and one in Phoenix, and spends three or four days a month at each site. Add a monthly weekend seminar there in Dallas, and he hasn't been spending near the amount of time at home as he used to.

I don't want to make it seem like I'm blaming him for our current situation since I've thrown myself into my job as well. I travel a few times a year, visiting our clients and I regularly go to Chicago at least twice a year for training at our main corporate offices. Each training session usually lasts about a week.

The business travel, the frequent late nights trying to make project deadlines, and the hustle and bustle of raising two kids had left me exhausted. The thing that was beginning to wear on me the most though, was the constant advances my boss was making towards me.

Since his divorce two years ago, he'd been getting more and more aggressive. So why didn't I just go to HR and report this? Well... it's complicated.

The gentle sun caressed me as I fell asleep in its warm embrace. Soon, I awoke to the sensation of water dripping on me and heard muffled giggles from my daughter.

Looking up, I found myself staring into the smiling faces of my two children. Ryan, my fourteen-year-old son, and Michele, my thirteen-year-old daughter, who were allowing the lake water to drip off their hair onto me. In a sweet, angelic duet they spoke.

"Wake up, wake up Mommy Dearest!" they sang.

I couldn't contain my groan. It was obvious they wanted something. I decided to play along so I replied in my sweetest, most insincere voice.

"Oh my dear children, what can Mummy do for you?"

Without missing a beat they responded and I knew I'd been had.

"Oh Mommy Dearest, we have no ice cream. Whatever shall we do?"

We all started laughing.

"And let me guess... you want me to go get it?"

They both nodded and grinned from ear to ear.

"Why doesn't your father go?" I asked with a sly smile.

"He said you'd go," Ryan said smiling. "He said you'd do it because you love us so much more than he does."

"Oh he did, did he?" I said glancing over at David. My lover couldn't keep from smiling as he tried to avoid my gaze.

"Well, maybe I can change his mind," I said with an evil grin.

"No!" both children yelled at the same time.

Startled, I looked at my children.

"You do that," Ryan groaned, "and we won't get any ice cream until later tonight!"

I stared at him with my most innocent look. Batting my eyes, I tried to keep from grinning.

Ryan rolled his eyes while Shelly looked embarrassed.

"Come on Mom," he said giving me that teenager 'are you serious' look. "Just wiggle in front of him or worse, bend over, and he'll do whatever you want him to do!"

"I mean OMG, Mom!" Shelly chimed in. "He can barely take his eyes off you at home but when you wear that bikini he almost drools!"

We all three looked over at David. He just smiled and shrugged.

"Guilty as charged," he said, waggling his eyebrows at me.

I stood up and stretched slowly, ignoring the sounds coming from my children. I strutted over to David making sure his eyes never left me.

Our sex life had changed during this last year. The animal ferocity of hot sex had replaced our long, slow sessions of making love. Not that I was complaining... well most of the time. The time restraints and the stresses of work and family life had dictated those changes. Our passion was at a level that rivaled our honeymoon, although at the expense of our gentle lovemaking. Even after all these years, looking into his eyes would give my stomach butterflies and make me want to pounce on him!

My husband stood 6'2, had blond hair, and cool gray eyes. He took decent care of himself but was carrying an extra 25 pounds since I first saw him playing basketball at the University of Texas at Arlington. Of course, with his once lean, athletic build, he was able to carry the extra weight well. I did miss his six-pack though. I wondered what it would take to get him to lose the added weight. Knowing the answer, I chuckled to myself.

We met and started dating at UTA, but neither of us was ready to settle down and we ended up going our separate ways. Two years later, we found each other again and since then we've been inseparable.

I smiled up at him as he devoured me with his eyes. Even with the extra weight, buddy, you are a damn handsome man.

I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a kiss I knew would curl his toes. Again, I ignored the kids' complaints.

"And what would my big, strong husband like for dessert tonight?" I whispered in my most seductive voice.

I felt his hands as they gently stroked my back until one hand began its slow migration southward. He softly caressed my thinly clad butt, finally cupping one cheek and pressing me into his chest. Oh gawd I love that! I felt myself getting warm in places the sun rarely touched and I could feel the answer to my question growing beneath his swimming trunks, pressing against my stomach.

"Why don't you two get a room?" Ryan blurted out shaking his head and trying to hide his smile.

"Already got a whole trailer," his father responded, grinning. "So, where are you and your sister going to sleep tonight?"

"Da-ad," Shelly whined.

David and I started laughing.

"All right," I conceded. "I'm going. Besides I think Starbucks maybe calling me. And you buster..."

I winked at David.

"You need to take another dip in the lake and cool off!"

He grinned wolfishly as he watched me walk back into the house. I gave him a little swish to make sure he was thinking about me while I was gone.


I decided to stop and pick up the ice cream before I drove the extra mile to the Starbucks. It was housed in the Four Seasons Resort, just up the road but the extra time would allow the ice cream to melt a little before I got back home. Besides it's not like I'm addicted to Starbucks, I laughed to myself.

I stepped into the Lakeshore Stop and Go and felt the blast of cool air. The change from the heat outside to the air-conditioned store made me shiver and I was glad I'd changed into shorts and a t-shirt.

Charlie and Emma Bradshaw ran the little convenience store and diner that catered to the area residents that lived on the east side of the lake. Although considered 'quaint' by most of the wealthy residents who lived farther up north on the lakeshore, it benefited heavily from the state park that made up the west side of the lake.

As I walked over to the store freezer, I noticed Charlie watching me from behind the counter. I was pretty well covered up and Charlie was in his mid-sixties so I was a little surprised with his constant gaze. Added to that, I knew Charlie was head-over-heels in love with his wife so his staring made me a little wary.

I picked up a half-gallon of Rocky Road and a half-gallon of Butter Pecan and made my way to the counter. The kids would be thrilled I'd chosen their favorites. I had to smile to myself as I thought of their faces, if only they knew some of the uses I'd planned for it later with David.

When I got up to the counter, Charlie smiled at me. A halo of silver hair outlined his balding head and his deep blue eyes danced.

"Hi Sarah, how are you and the family doing?" he asked.

"We're doing great. But how are you doing? This is the first I've seen you since we got up here. Emma said you'd been sick."

He nodded and grinned. "Yep, damn summer colds! Older I get the harder it is to beat them. But other than that I'm just getting old and cranky!"

I chuckled. Charlie Bradshaw seemed to have a perpetual smile on his face. No one ever used the word 'cranky' to describe him. But even with that boyish grin and pleasant personality, his next words sent my world into a tailspin.

"Boy, Emma and I were surprised to hear you sold your place to the Webbers. Although they said they'd worked out a deal with David to rent your place...well, I guess it's now their place,

to your family for the couple weeks you are up here each summer."

It took me a second to comprehend what he'd said. Fortunately, Charlie misread my stunned look as something else.

"Of course Emma is ecstatic. She and Alice have become good friends. Still, I'd always thought you and David were going to build some kind of retirement place there."

"Well, plans change," I said trying to cover my surprise. "I'm glad you're feeling better Charlie. If I don't get to see her before we leave, please tell Emma goodbye."

I hurried to my SUV and loaded the ice cream. I got in and tried to gather my thoughts. Several years ago, David was given this land by his grandmother, shortly after his grandfather died. We had rented this place to a retired couple named Don and Alice Webber for the last few years. One month out of the summer, they would go visit their grandchildren and we would move in for a short time. It had worked out very well.

Within a few minutes I was pulling in next to our trailer... their trailer! I stifled a sob. There had to be a good reason why David would sell this place and an even better reason why he hadn't talked to me about it.

The kids had heard me drive up and were waiting for me, well, more like waiting for their ice cream. They took the packages and raced into the trailer. I looked at David. Whatever expression I had on my face told him something was wrong and I watched his face change. His smile never left but he seemed to get... colder.

As we went to join the kids I spoke to him in a hushed tone.

"We need to talk when the kids are asleep."

He nodded. His expression didn't change but he had a concerned look in his eyes.

"I suspected as much. You forgot your daily dose of Starbucks."

I couldn't wait for the children to go to bed so after our ice cream, David and I went for a walk. The kids didn't mind since they were engrossed in some super hero movie.

Once outside, he tried to take my hand but I instinctively pulled it away. I saw a flash of pain in his eyes that made me question if I was overreacting.

"I'm sorry, David. I'm just upset."

"About what sweetheart?"

"I just heard you sold this place."

He frowned.

"I was hoping I wouldn't have to tell you about it until later."

"What?" I shouted.

"Shhh, Sarah. The entire lake doesn't need to know our business," he said calmly.

"What were you thinking? We had such plans and dreams for this place! This was where we were going to retire."

"I know, honey, but I had to. This past year has been bad for us financially. Really bad. I had to sell the place in order to begin recouping some of our losses."

I was in shock. I stopped walking and stared at him. David had always handled our finances and up until now, we were doing more than just pretty well. With his investments and consulting and my promotion, we were pulling in a very healthy six-figure income, and were putting away money left and right! David had even talked about us possibly retiring in five to ten years. I'd gently slowed that talk down since my career was on the fast track.

"Why didn't you tell me? Dammit David, this is serious!"

"I know," he said, his voice hushed. "It is serious but I'm hoping to make a major rebound by the end of the final quarter."

We walked silently for about an hour before we returned to the trailer. Just as I was reaching for the door, he spoke to me in a hushed calm voice.

"Sarah, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I let you and the kids down. I didn't tell you earlier because I didn't want to worry you."

"David, I don't know what to think right now. I'm confused, angry, and hurt. I feel betrayed. You didn't confide in me about our financial situation and you didn't talk to me before selling our dream house."

He nodded and looked away.

"I understand," he whispered.


The last days we'd spent at the lake had been difficult. I was cool to my husband as I worked out my disappointment. Needless to say, the ice cream never made it to our bedroom.

The drive back home to Dallas was fairly quiet as well. David said all the things one would expect from someone who's apologetic but he seemed... I don't know... guarded. I was struggling to figure out what to do when I realized I needed to look at our finances to see how big of a mess we were in.

The kids had unpacked and had gone to their rooms and David had gone to his study. Now I was sitting alone in front of our computer, scanning over our accounts. What I found shocked me. David had lost or committed nearly everything we had! I'm talking several hundred thousand dollars gone or legally wrapped up!

From what I could tell, with what we both had coming in monthly, we'd be able to survive without losing the house but that was about it. Besides the financial uncertainty, I was scared what was happening in my marriage. David was excellent at what he did and he certainly would've never let things get this bad without telling me. I'm not stupid I knew there was something behind this. But as I thought about it, the possibilities I was coming up with were more and more upsetting.

Now I had to look at my loving husband of fifteen years through different eyes... suspicious eyes. He was obviously hiding something, but what? I needed some professional advice.

After a sleepless night, I contacted our attorney first thing that morning and set up an appointment. Our meeting wasn't for a couple of days, so I took my findings by his office that morning before I went to work.

During the next two days, I watched David closely. He seemed to be the same caring father and husband he'd always been. He was giving me a wide space to work through all this but I still noticed a distant look in his eyes.


I sat in the overstuffed chair looking around at Jeffery Dawson's plush office. Jeffery had been our lawyer for over a decade and it pained me to realize we'd helped finance the gaudy decor.

He studied the stack of papers in front of him before he looked up at me with a small frown.

"Sarah," he said calmly. "I'm not sure what to say. David's investments certainly look suspicious but they all appear legal. I'm surprised, no stunned would be more like it, to see he has lost so much of your family's savings. Sarah, you realize David handles my investments too, right?"

"No Jeffery, I'd forgotten that," I said shaking my head.

"Well, I checked on my investments and most are doing very well. So, that makes your situation even more suspicious."

He cleared his throat and looked at me. I thought I noticed apprehension in his voice.

"Look Sarah, I don't know how to ask this gently. Is your marriage all right? I've known you both for over twelve years and I've never known you two as anything but having a strong marriage, but I need to ask."

I sat there silently, feeling myself begin to tremble. I wasn't sure I could breathe.

"I'm sorry," he apologized. "But the only time I've ever seen something like this is when a spouse is hiding money just before a divorce. So, I have to ask again. Can you think of any reason David might be preparing for a divorce?"

I almost threw up right there in his office.


I fought to control my breathing and brushed away a stray tear as I pulled onto the Interstate. It'd been awkward but I'd managed to get out of Jeffery Dawson's office without falling to pieces. I gathered myself as I prepared for the task at hand. I pulled out my cell and made the call I'd dreaded making for the past forty-four months.

"Mark?" I said bracing myself.

Mark Hughes, my boss, answered in his typical smooth bass voice.

"Sarah Jennings, to what do I owe the honor? Thinking about me, were you?" he chuckled.

"Yeah," I snorted. "Mark, I think David knows."

There was dead silence on the other line. Finally, he replied using his highly educated, grand usage of the English language.


"Yeah, shit."

"Are you sure?"

"No, but it looks like it."

"Surely, he can't have any proof. It's been nearly four years!"

"I don't know what he does or doesn't know but I suspect I'll find out later tonight. I have to confront him about some things and I'm afraid our affair may be the reason behind them."

"Sarah, I don't need to tell you what's at stake."

"No... no you don't," I whispered as my chest tightened.

"David could cause us a lot of problems, probably even our jobs. Dammit!" he shouted. "My last alimony check is due next month. After that, I'm completely done with that bloodsucking bitch of an ex-wife! Sarah, I don't need this. I'm just now starting to see light at the end of the tunnel."