Bully’s Baby Boy

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She coerced him into being with her.
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Claire Kennedy, a six foot two star swimmer, is in a corner of the school right now. The tall blonde has long, curly hair and a gorgeous face, along with her more than perfect body. Her tits are round and her flat stomach is very toned. The girl also has very muscular thighs and a large ass, one that is heart shaped, firm from her constant working out. So in short, Claire is easily the hottest girl at her school and everybody knows it. Almost all the boys want to go out with her, and all the girls want to look like her, give just how desirable her superb figure is. She is the subject of almost every guy's fantasy here.

She and some other girls on the swim team are taking turns pelting Raina, one of the nerdy girls, with bits and pieces of food. "This is what you get for being a loser," Claire sneers and grabs Raina's books, tossing them into a garbage bag. Raina's eyes are welling up with tears and the cruel bullies only laugh more. "Just look at you! Are you really crying? What are you? Eight?" It only brings on more laughter as Raina stands there, sniffling. "God, you're so fucking pathetic. I can't believe this," Claire mumbles, starting to get bored.

"Please just let me go!" Raina begs in a whiny tone. She tries to run off but two of Claire's friends grab her arms and hold her in place, while the third one walks up to Claire and asks what to do next. Claire taps her chin thoughtfully, trying to come up with a good idea as her victim thrashes about, attempting to run away from the scene. Raina is a terrified mess, complete afraid of Claire like many other girls. Claire is just too strong, and with her almost equally muscular friends around, fighting back is an impossibility for most of them. The ones who can fight these Amazons are all Claire's friends too.

"Nah, I think we are going to have fun with you first," Claire replies, grabbing a strand of Raina's hair. Then she takes out a pair of scissors. "If you don't want me to cut your hair off, get down on your knees and kiss my shoes already." Raina gulps. "I mean it," the beautiful athlete tells her victim. "Your haircut already sucks but if you don't do what I tell you to right now, I am going to cut it some more and make it look really bad. I'll make it worse than you could ever imagine. So don't test me, loser. Just do what I tell you to do now."

But then she is forced to stop when a meek voice yells "Let her go!" Claire's heart skips a beat at that sound and she turns around to look at who it came from. Paul, a shy nerd from her class, is standing right there, trembling. Aside from herself and her family, he is the only person she loves. She has been in love with him for such a long time and here he is. "Stop bullying people. It is not nice." Even as he says this to her, he is trembling with fear. He knows she is so much stronger than him and can easily beat him up if she wants to.

Claire walks towards him. "I'll leave her alone, but only if you give me what I want," she says, suddenly cuppinging his balls. He gasps. She bites her lower lip and fondles his nuts gently, rubbing on them through his pants as her friends all laugh. "If you eat my pussy and let me suck your cock, I will stop bullying her. But if you go further and fuck me, and cum in me, I will even apologise to her. I'll stop bullying people and apologise to all of them. What do you think, Paul? Sounds like a pretty good deal, doesn't it?" Her friends all snicker and cat call him, telling him he should just drop his pants and give it to her.

"Why though?" he asks her, suddenly feeling both confused and embarrassed. Confused because this girl who is the sexiest person in school is groping him, and embarrassed because he is getting hard for her, despite her being a cruel, violent jerk. Why does his prick have to stiffen for someone like her? "I mean, why do you want to do all those things with me?" Claire's friends all giggle and the busty bombshell herself turns slightly red but still smiles, only a little embarrassed by what she is about to say to him. Far less embarrassed than she ought to be, based on her upcoming words.

"Because she loves you," one of her friends says first though, before she could get a word out. Paul's eyes go wide and his jaw drops in shock. "She's been in love with you for so long. That's why she wants to have sex with and date you. If you give her what she wants, she'll stop bullying people. What do you think?" Paul stares at Claire for a while, thinking about whether her friend just said to him is true or not. He couldn't believe it. It just seems so ludicrous to him, yet the way she is looking at him makes him think that it might actually be true. If yes, then that is the most shocking thing to have ever happened to him.

Finally, almost as if she can read his mind, Claire says "It's true. I am in love with you, Paul. If you promise to go out with and fuck me, I will stop bullying other people. Not immediately, of course but I will start doing it. I will stop my violent acts but I will still keep on insulting other people. That isn't something I can stop right away. I'm too used to torturing people. I'll take some time to adjust to it and wean of the habit. Can't do it right away, baby. What do you say?" She then slides her hand up from his balls to his dick, squeezing it gently and pumping as Paul moans. Claire smirks at his adorable reaction, feeling extremely pleased with herself.

But then he gains control of himself and says "Wait, no. I'm sorry but you are a bully. You were just about to chop Raina's hair off before I turned up! If I say no, you would still continue bullying her and other students, would you? I want you to stop bullying someone of your own accord since that would make you a better person, but you would only stop the bullying as part of a deal, which isn't good enough. Maybe if you stopped bullying people before you asked me out I would say yes." Claire's eyes widen in shock. "If you bully anyone again I'm going to report you for all the cases of physical assault and battery. I've already told the principal before but since he won't do anything, I'm ready to go to the police next."

Claire sighs. "Fine," she mutters. She tells her friends "Release Raina. We're going to class now." Her friends obey her and they follow her away as Paul hurries to check on Raina and see if she is alright or not. Raina thanks him and tells him she only has some scratches that she got from how she struggled against their grips and tried to fight back. Paul tells her that she's a brave one and she blushes, thanking him. He decides to walk her to her first class, just in case Claire decides to come back and try bullying her again. He won't let her get away with it, not with him around here. No way. Not a chance in hell is he going to be a bystander.

Once they are out of the nerdy boy's earshot, one of Claire's teammates asks her "Why didn't you let us drag him into a room so you could rape him? I thought you said you'd do that the next time you could get him alone. We could've threatened Raina to keep quiet about it too. You could have had that dick right then, right there." The other girls chime in, agreeing. They all want their de facto leader to be happy, and knows that helping her get into Paul's pants would do that. The girls all gather around their leader as they wait for her to say something about this. Then, to their surprise, Claire suddenly grins.

"I can have Penny ask him out," she says, referring to her closest friend. "He would say yes to Penny since she's never bullied anyone. Penny can then invite him over and ply him with some drinks. When he is drunk, I could fuck him. I could fuck him until he cums inside me again and again. The only reason I didn't have you grab him right there is because I was worried you'd get into trouble for helping me, since other people around here might see and report it. I will rape him, but not in a public place. I'll do it at Penny's house. That way word wouldn't get out about it and no one would get into any trouble whatsoever. Doesn't that sound reasonable?"

They all nod and Claire lead them to the classroom where Penny is waiting for them. Unlike the rest of them, Penny is a decent girl. She has never bullied or raped anyone, which makes her a saint compared to this lot. Claire sits down next to her best friend, who is surreptitious rubbing her crotch through her pants. Penny looks up. "Sorry, I was getting horny thinking about Jared," she murmurs. Claire and their two other friends who are in the same class snicker. "At least I only masturbate in school, unlike you two," she says, pointing at Helen and Emily. "You two fucking rape your boyfriends at school."

"I need your help," Claire says to her in a conspiratorial tone. She looks around to make sure no one else is listening in and leans towards Penny just in case. "I already told you about my feelings for Paul, haven't I?" she asks her, making Penny snicker. Penny knows about her feelings for Paul better than anyone else and has frequently teased her for it. "Well, he rejected me, since I'm a bully. This is where you come in. I want you to ask him out, take him to your house and make him get drunk. Then I can come out from another room and tape him until he is addicted to my pussy. Will you do it for me?

Penny just chuckles at her best friend's crazy idea. In all the years she's known Claire, the latter has suggested multiple wild plots, but this takes the cake. "Ok I will do it," Penny tells her, making her beam in delight. Claire looks happier than she has ever been and Penny just rolls her eyes at how jubilant her close friend is. "You really want to rape him a lot, don't you?" she asks her. Claire is now tying her blonde hair up in a high ponytail as Penny watches her intently. Penny knows that this is what Claire'll always do when she's focusing herself on something.

"I want to fuck him. Whether I have his consent or not is another matter. Since he doesn't consent, I will have to rape him. After that he will be addicted to my tight pussy and be unable to leave me," Claire says, sure that her virgin pussy will be tight enough for the job. "On second thought, don't get that boy drunk. It is bad for his health and a goody two shoes like him probably isn't going to drink anyway, even if you tried to pressure him. Just blindfold him for me." Penny nods. The two of them then finalize the last aspects of their plan before the teacher walks in. Claire rubs her cunt through her short skirt as she thinks of the fun she is soon going to have with the love of her life.


Penny watches her target. She's known for years now about how much her best friend loves Paul. The shy boy is quite cute and sweet. It isn't surprising that Claire wants him so much. The fact that he said no to the 6'2 blonde beauty also is not that surprising too. Even though her friend is the most beautiful girl in school, Penny knows that she is also a bitch. Paul knows this too and always stood up for the victims. It's one of the reasons Claire loves him so much. He is willing to stand up for what he believes in, even though he is shy and afraid. It is going to make things hard for Claire though.

That's why she has to do her part as well as she could, so that her friend'll have a chance with him. She walks up to Paul, who's checking his timetable carefully right now, tapping him on his shoulder gently, she waits until the 5'7 boy turns around. Penny bites her lower lip as she looks up at him and says "You're really cute, Paul. Did you know that?" Th nerd immediately blushes from her words and she giggles. It's a genuine giggle too since she does find him cute, but will never pursue anything with him. No, he already belongs to Claire. He just doesn't know it yet.

"Thanks, Penny," he replies, his face a tomato now, completely red all over. It pleases her to know that the plan's now working and she steps up close to him. The invasion of his personal space gets him nervous and overwhelmed, and she flashes him an incredible smile that makes Paul go weak in the knees. She is so dashing and he is just so hopeless against her twinkling grin. "So how was your class?" he croaks out, trying not to sound too strained, but obviously badly failing. He hates it when his voice does that, coming out in a rasp when he just can't afford to look like a fool.

"It was good, baby. My dad's been very good," she says flirtatiously. "But it is about to become even better." Penny is struggling to contain her laughter at how he is trying not to blush. She just knows her calling him baby would get him more flustered. The girl leans very close towards him and whispers "Will you go on a date with me?" Paul blinks rapidly, unsure of if he heard her right or not. He stares at her like a fool as she stands right there, looking at him, waiting for him to answer. He beats up himself for not being able to utter a word for several seconds.

"Yes, of course. I would love to go out with you," Paul says. She isn't as sexy as Claire, but Penny never bullied and has always been kind to people, the only person outside his family and close friends who has ever been nice to him. He has zero idea that this is a plot she and her friend had come up with. Claire is now watching from a distance away, secretly observing them. She feels excited as her friend carries out the first stage of the plan perfectly. Paul still does not know he is being watched as he says "I am just a bit surprised. Where do you want to go for our date? I've never been on a date before, you know? Is there a place you want to go in particular?"

Penny giggles. "No need to panic. I've got the perfect place in mind," she says. She then strokes his cheek gently. "I'll pick you up at your place. Just give me your address." Paul scribbles it down on a piece of paper and hands it to her, and she then ticks it away safely in her pocket before heading off to her class. He heads off to his. The boy simply can not believe his luck. A girl he has had a crush on just asked him out and he was able to get a hold of himself enough to say yes. His stupid tongue did swell up for a moment there but he somehow got over it long enough to accept her offer, and now he has a date!

Penny strolls around a corner, walking past Claire who quickly follows her to the room. All the other girls have left to go to their own classes by now. Only the two of them are still out here in the corridor together. They find an empty classroom nearby. There they get in and closes the door, so that they could talk with no one around to eavesdrop on them as they make some further plans on this. They have a lot to talk about right now and it's not the sort of thing they want anyone to know that they are talking about, after all.

"That was great!" Claire says to her best friend. "Oh, you really had him fooled there, didn't you?" She hugs Penny and tells her "Thank you so very much. I owe you one now." Penny shakes her head and tells her best friend that it's all okay. "I want you to date him for a month or two. That way he will really trust you, enough to let you blindfold him for sex, just like we planned. Then when he's blindfolded, I can come into the room and ride his cock. I'll fuck him until he's cummed inside me loads of times, before taking his blindfold off. He'll be too addicted to my cunt to reject me then."

"Sure! Although I doubt I would need two months to get him blindfolded. I'll probably need only one," Penny tells her friend with supreme confidence in her ability. "I must say he is adorable. I might end up enjoying being a part of this plan more than I thought I would," she adds. Claire scowls at her as Penny continues teasingly "Maybe I should fuck him once or twice firs so that he'd be more comfortable with letting me blindfold him. Then you can have your turn with him, after I've already had mine. What do you think about that?" By now Claire's beautiful face has an unmistakable look of fury on it. "Jeez, relax! I'm only kidding."

Claire gets in her friend's face as Penny pales slightly. "Don't even kid about it," she whispers. "That boy is mine and mine alone. You're only dating him so I can have sex with him. Get that?" Penny nods "Good. Now let's head off to class together, shall we?" Claire asks her in a much friendlier tone. Again, Penny nods and the girls leave the room and head to their class with a pleased expression on both of their faces. The essential affair has been settled and they are now both prepared to move forward and proceed with the plot. It should go more than well enough.

For the rest of the day, Claire thinks about how she will have what she wants soon. Just one month and Paul will be hers. She'll fuck him so hard he forgets about her bullying and agrees to be her boyfriend. Then they will graduate and get married, and spend the rest of their lives together. Paul, sitting in his class on another floor, has zero idea about how his entire future is being mapped out for him. He is just focusing on his class right now as the teacher drones on in a boring voice, wishing the day would pass much quicker than it is right now so he could get out of here as soon as possible.

At the end of the day, Paul gets into Penny's car and she drives him over to a planetarium. She's also brought a blanket for them to share. Once they get there they buy the tickets and get inside. It is a wonderful place for their first date, a very romantic setting, one that both of them like a lot. Penny likes looking at him out of the corner of her eye as he glances at the large screen. Yes, she knows nothing will happen between the two of them but that doesn't mean she can't enjoy the peaceful moment of having this cute boy right next to her. It will be some time before she has to pass him to Claire.

Once the show is over, they go into the restaurant nearby to have dinner together. "I'm quite surprised you asked me out," he remarks as he eats his salad. "I mean, I know you're a great person who doesn't judge others by their looks. It's just that we rarely ever talked before. I'm glad, of course. It's been a great afternoon and I find you really wonderful to spend time with." He looks at her shyly as she nibbles on her pasta. "There's something I have to tell you though." His expression suddenly goes serious and she waits, wandering about what he is possibly going to say to her.

"Claire asked me out earlier today," he says. "I told her no, of course. She is a bully, after all. You're different. You are actually very nice, despite being just as popular as she is. That's why I said yes to you." He looks down at his hands for a moment before continuing "Will this affect your friendship with Claire at all?I'm just worried I might cause you to have a falling out with your friend." As he asks this, he remains ignorant of the fact that Claire was the one who got her friend to ask him out earlier today and that he has walked directly into a trap that the two of them laid out for him. He has no idea he is no longer in control of his own destiny.

"Honey, thanks for telling me that, but it's okay," Penny says, after pretending to get over shock. "She will understand once I explain it to her. Even if she gets upset, I will still continue to date you. I like you a lot, Paul." She caresses his cheek very gently and Paul flushes in his embarrassment. The two of them goes on with their meal until they are both finished. Then they leave the place together and she drives him back home where his parents are already waiting for him. She says hi to them and leaves right afterwards, heading straight back to her own place.

He goes to take a quick shower. After that, the boy gets in his bedroom and locks the door shut. Paul sits down on the edge of his bed. He thinks about the way Claire asked him out and he said no to her. He knows he did the right thing as she's a bully. She promised to stop the bullying, but only if he agrees to go out with her. Claire clearly has no moral compass and him choosing to go with Penny instead is the right decision by every measure. He smiles to himself as he lies down on the bed, resting his head on his pillow, relaxing after a very long day at school and the wonderful date that followed it.