Bum's Rush Ch. 02


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The sight of her sucking my cock clean had my balls churning again, but she finished her task, and we took one more quick dip before putting on our swimsuits and carrying our wet laundry back to the hut.

Day 43-48

Over the next week, Paul and I continued to add more structures to the council fire ring.

We also started upgrading the seating a little - raising the log-benches up on short scraps that had been notched to keep the seats stable.

The big project, around the central fire, had been delayed for a day while Paul & I got Miriam's new "kitchen" installed. She continued to be effusively thankful for the upgrade.

The bamboo shelving - for the platters and skillets - and the racks for the pots - made the whole area a lot more organized.

The butcher stopped by to thank me, again, for his new table.

The carpenter visited to ask if he could get two more sawhorses - and another drawing knife.

I had showed him how to use the new ripsaws to cut planks and he was just finishing up his first project - an upgrade to the shelves I had made.

I had not, as yet, shown him my sketches for the tables I wanted.

At last, the central seating area was all covered. From there, we went to work on the storage hut for the farm, a covered crafting area, with supply shelves, for the carpenter, and a storage shelter for the butcher - which prompted him to get Paul to work on plans for an improved smoking-shed.

Once that was done, I showed Paul my sketches of a brick oven that I was working on for Miriam and the ladies.

After he understood what I was doing, he got me to adjust the design to give the women three sides to bake on - and one side to feed in more fuel.

We ended up plotting out at area for the ovens next to the new kitchen.

I asked him about building a shelter for it as well but - since we weren't sure about the potential for fire hazards until we finished the construction - and tried everything out - we decided to wait on that.

When the chief mentioned - at dinner - that rain was imminent - we wrapped up our work and I finalized the next shopping-list.

Day 49

By now, the ship buyer had learned to expect us on the days with rainy mornings.

Although I told him that I thought we'd be back before lunch, he had everything queued-up that we had already agreed on and said it wouldn't be a problem.

After getting Joshua a fresh serving of B&G, we grabbed the items for the kitchen and the sewing-circle.

I picked up a meat cleaver for the butcher and a half-dozen sharp kitchen knives for Miriam to try out.

By the time I found someplace to supply the materials to build the ovens - and told them where we needed them dropped off - it was close to lunch.

Since the delivery truck needed time to make the run, we had the ability to add another stop to our day.

The taxi rides, the meals, and the undergarments had, slowly been eating into my personal funds - so we dropped by the embassy to make a $1000 withdrawal from my account, leaving Megan's alone.

At lunch, I turned on my phone to find a text from Johnny that his cousin thought we were getting close to an out-of-court settlement with the company.

We finished our kabobs and caught our ride back to the docks to find that the workers were loading the palette of bricks aboard with the new crane.

The ship buyer had the cargo crates secured to the area just behind the jump-seats.

The girls loaded their stuff into one of these - and I put the cleaver & knives in the other one - along with the pots, skillets, and gloves.

We laid the sawhorses just behind the crates - and left the rest of the cargo-area for the oven-building supplies.

I stopped in the office to pay the bill, while Joshua was using ratchet-straps to get the pallet secured so we didn't have any load-shift while we were traveling.

The sea was generally pretty calm but I didn't want to take chances - especially with my lack of real navigational and piloting skills.

As we headed for home, Megan mentioned that she'd turned her phone on to check messages while I was in the office - and mom was really missing us.

I asked if we needed to call her back and she said "no" - but thought we would eventually be guilted into either bringing mom & dad down to Panama - or having to run home and spend a couple days.

I didn't want mom & dad at the island - just because I thought it would mess with our relationship with the tribe - and I wasn't sure I wanted to try to host them, remotely, in Panama City.

That being said, I really didn't want to "run home for a visit" either.

Back at the island, we waited as close to the shore as I would dare for the dinghy to be brought out. I hadn't taken it with us because I wasn't sure how much space we'd have with all of the bricks.

We got the girls and the small stuff to shore and then we started making trips with the bricks & mortar.

We left the pallet in the boat but, eventually, got everything onto the beach - where the push-carry team grabbed it up and - with directions from Paul - had the supplies headed to the job-site.

Since we still had a little time before dinner, Paul, Joshua and I started setting the bricks in place - to double-check that our sketches were going to work the way we'd expected.

The women checked on us as they got the meal ready and - by the time we had things in place - they were asking how long before they'd be able to try the ovens out.

At dinner, Petal ran up to ask if we'd brought her any presents and I felt a little guilty telling her "no" - but Megan & I had already discussed setting a bad precedent - and had decided to hold firm - and reserve surprises for special occasions - although I had held the pinwheel in my hand for several minutes before Megan pushed my own words back at me and I put it back on the store shelf.

I still got a hug - and a peck on the lips - which was new - before she stuffed her mouth full of food while - at the same time - trying to tell us what she and Naomi had been up to all day.

Naomi told her to finish chewing her food before she covered all of us in partially-chewed detritus and I tousled her hair.

As I looked at her little cherub face, my mind turned to playground equipment and what Paul & I might be able to build.

After dinner, Petal begged for a sleepover at our hut. I reluctantly agreed but then elbowed Paul and nodded my head at Naomi to suggest that her hut would be quiet - and it might be a good chance to see about getting his pecker wet.

He turned four shades of red and Petal was soon asking what everybody was laughing about.

Megan and I took Petal by Naomi's - to get her doll - and then headed for our place - leaving Heather & Joshua to see if they could get the reluctant lovers to move from casual courting to something more serious.

The girls waited outside while I changed into my swim-trunks and then they came in. Megan stripped down to her underwear - and Petal immediately followed suit.

Lying in bed together, Megan & I spent several minutes telling our little guest about what life was like where we grew up - before her tired little eyes shut for the last time and her breathing slowed.

I leaned over and gave my sister a goodnight kiss and we interlaced our fingers and fell asleep with the little angel between us.

Day 50

It took Paul and I a little bit to figure out the brickwork - and I'm sure we wouldn't be accepted as apprentices to any professionals any time soon - but - by the end of the day - we had the ovens built.

According to instructions on the mortar bags, we had a 24-hour wait before we should start a blaze in the firebox to heat the whole thing up to finish curing the cement.

Our bakers were impatient, but there wasn't much we could do about it.

Megan got her period so we held off on the sex for the night. I was on day number two with no pussy again, and was trying not to be irritable. My sadistic sister actually giggled at me when I mentioned it.

She snuggled in close and we kissed a few times.

She swatted my hands when I tried to grope her breasts, and I pulled her a little closer, and soon fell asleep.

Day 51

Paul and I ended up having to put a rope perimeter around the oven to keep the girls away from it - reminding them that they had another full day to wait.

A scout came running from the lagoons to tell us that a ship had arrived.

I realized what day it was and ran by the hut to grab the keys.

Paul and I paddled out to the work-boat and tied the canoe on to keep with us.

He looked over the craft as I got the anchors pulled and moved us out of the way so that the ship-buyer's crew could put in the permanent mooring.

By the time they had finished their work, Paul knew as much about piloting the boat as I did - and had already started practicing his skills.

The ship's crew waited to be sure that we got our small vessel moored successfully, and then waved as they headed back to Panama City.

I let Paul drive while I tied us off. Once the workers were gone, I showed him what I'd done.

We climbed into the canoe, and headed back to shore.

Since we had a few minutes before lunch, I showed him where I wanted to place a post for my kid's swing.

I showed him my sketches and he made a few improvements.

After lunch, I recruited some boys to help me retrieve a tree trunk and some bamboo poles.

We found an old stone pot that fit the top of the pillar pretty well and Paul started lashing the frame to fit the cap.

I put some of the boys to working on making more ropes and a couple others helped me dig the hole and set the pillar.

Soon, the chief and the elders were coming over to see what Paul & I were up to.

When we told them it was a swing for the kids, they found a shady spot to sit and smoke, while they waited to see the finished project.

An hour later, we had a working product - with four rope-swings hanging from a bamboo frame with the old stone pot serving as the bushing between the frame and the pillar.

The boys who had helped us build it tested it first - even though it was made for the smaller kids.

Soon enough, Paul and I were getting chastised by the women, for pulling the kids away from their duties. An order quickly went out from the elders to declare that the swing was only available at meal-times - after their food was gone and their chores were completed.

After dinner that night, the cackling laughter from the ring of children around the new swing was reward enough - but several of them came over to offer Paul and I their personal thanks - before returning to wait for their next turn to swing.

Megan had mercy on my bloated testes and treated me to a gentle blowjob before bed.

She gave me a kiss afterwards - and tried to sneak a last little glob of semen into my mouth with her tongue - at which point I held her down until she showed me she had swallowed it - and then I tickled her until she screamed that she was going to piss herself.

After that, I held her arms down and sucked & bit her nipples until they were red and sore.

She finally begged forgiveness and I rolled us over - pulling her on top of me - to kiss & cuddle until we fell asleep.

Day 52

Paul and I hadn't even finished breakfast before the women were after us to get a fire built in the new oven.

We'd already loaded the firebox with kindling and the younger boys had our supply of firewood standing by - so we just had to carry fire from the central circle to the oven.

Soon things were warming up and I was fielding questions about the funny smell.

I warned them that this was why we had to build a fire - with no food in the thing - before we actually got to try it out.

The salesman had said we needed to get it up to 500 degrees for several minutes before we did any cooking.

The old hand-test, for figuring out the temperature of a fire, was - if I remembered correctly - 3-4 seconds for 300 degrees, 1-2 seconds for 600 degrees, and 0 seconds meant 800+.

I held my hand over the chimney and immediately had to pull it away - so we just let it burn for about an hour.

Soon enough the smell decreased and then went away entirely.

I realized we were going to have trouble getting the cooked items out of the oven and sent two boys to grab some oars from the dinghy and a canoe.

By the time they returned, we were ready with the first test loaves.

Miriam handed off her current task and came to oversee the trial - and to tell us when to flip the bread.

Paul and I each had a loaf we were watching - and Heather was handling the third one.

Mine came out the worst but Miriam still declared it a success and started organizing the women. The older ones were trained on the new ovens first. After they learned, they could pass the knowledge down.

Within minutes, Paul and I were excused - each of us with a warm half-loaf of fresh bread.

After lunch - where Paul and I enjoyed compliments from the chief & elders about keeping the women happy - we headed around to check on the various projects.

The first wheat crop was growing well and the farm manager had cleared the next patch for the two new bags of seed that I'd bought.

I cautioned him that we'd want to stagger the crops a little more or we wouldn't have enough space to store the harvest.

He was excited about how things were going but understood, and pushed back his plans to plant for a couple more months.

As we talked over the harvest process, we realized that we really need a larger winnowing-area than the girls were currently using.

We decided to clear a space and see how much of it we could cover with flat stones between that point and the first harvest - a little over six months from then.

The storehouse for the grain & tools seemed to be working well, so we went to check in with the carpenter, the butcher, and the toolmaker.

The carpenter didn't have any requests. He was happy with the sawhorses.

The butcher was in love with his new meat-cleaver and was asking about how to sharpen it if he mishandled it. I assured him I had a tool for that in my hut but told him that - assuming he only used it on his new table - it should stay sharp for quite a while.

The toolmaker was spending less time making tools and more time keeping the new ones in tip-top shape. He had quickly caught on, that less was more when using the grinding stone. He noted that there had been a few more injuries while the workers got used to the new tools - but was happy with how things were going.

He really only needed to do the knapping of stone now when he was teaching a class to the younger boys. He was happy to be able to spend less time trying to find quality flint, chert, and the volcanic stones to use for making bifaces.

We looked over the lumberyard and checked in with the forester - who was pleased with his new tool shed.

Days 53-55

The next few days were quiet. Paul and I spent most of our time helping at the lumberyard.

Our big project at the central fire had depleted the supplies - and a couple new huts had gone up as well.

After that, we organized a couple teams to move coconut palms from the area the farm manager had mapped out for his third food-plot - to distribute them around the village to give more shade - and a place to hang more clothes-lines.

We also pushed the south edge of the village out a little more. Of the trees we removed, we moved the useful palms where they'd be more accessible. The rest of the trees and brush went to join the supply piles.

Towards the end, we wound up at the weapons range - where we added to the earthen berm - behind the targets - which was much easier with the shovels and push-carries - but still took some time.

Megan's period seemed to be ending so - when she said we could resume - I quickly got back to filling her quivering quim with hot spunk each night before we drifted off to sleep.

She had started drinking the tea - which she reported was just as horrible as the girls had said - so we were beginning our trial-period to see if my little swimmers were stronger than their herbal remedies.

Day 56

Paul joined the shopping crew. I joked that that meant Joshua didn't need to go anymore and he actually pouted. Heather laughed harder than any of us.

I showed Paul how to follow the GPS to get us where we needed to go and left him and Joshua in the cockpit while I relaxed in the passenger area with my sister sitting on my lap.

We mostly behaved - but Heather let me get in a few borderline-unacceptable kisses.

However, when Megan turned around to straddle my hard-on, Heather swatted her on the ass and reached under her arms to pinch her nipples.

This resulted in an adults-only tickle fight that had my cock causing me even more discomfort.

Joshua glanced out to see what the commotion was about and he barked at Heather.

She responded by pulling Megan into a smoldering lip-lock that lasted several long seconds.

Joshua went back to looking out of the windshield while I walked to the back of the boat to see if I could adjust my hard-on before it escaped my briefs and shot down my pant-leg - holy shit!

By the time I got back to my seat, the girls were cuddling and laughing.

Megan groped my cock as I passed to retake my seat, and I turned three shades of red.

A few minutes later, I heard the ship buyer's dispatcher checking to see if we were close and I glanced at the GPS and gave them our ETA.

Paul enjoyed the biscuits & gravy - and fried eggs - as much as Joshua did.

Our tribal guests had liked the tacos the most - so far - so I planned to introduce those to Paul on this trip.

He asked a lot more questions about things than Joshua or Heather had - but they listened closely as Megan and I answered his queries.

We, honestly, didn't even need to make a run that day - but I had gotten so used to jumping in the boat on rainy days that we were halfway there before I really looked at my shopping list.

We grabbed the wooden pizza paddles that I thought would be much better for the bread-making than the canoe oars we were currently using.

Next, we ordered four huge bags of flour to be delivered - since the girls were baking bread faster than they could forage more grain.

Megan grabbed a couple new bolts of cloth - even though the overall demand had slowed a little now that most of the women who wanted tops or skirts had gotten the pieces they desired.

Just before lunch, I hit a sporting goods store and bought two good quality compound bows, arm guards, target arrows, hunting arrows, and four targets.

The targets wouldn't fit in the taxi - so I had those delivered to the boat.

By the time we finished our tacos - which Paul loved - and got back to the boat, everything had arrived and been loaded aboard.

I stopped in the office to pay for our fuel, and jumped in the boat as Joshua untied us and Paul headed us for home.

I started to worry that, other than swiping the credit card, this crew almost didn't need me tagging along anymore.

As we neared the end of cell-tower range, I checked my messages and found another text from Johnny that they were still wrapping up the legal agreement - as well as the financial details.

As an afterthought, I radioed back to the office to tell them that - unless somebody came up with something new - our crew might not be returning when the next rainy day came.

We tied off at the mooring, winched the dinghy over the side, and filled it with cargo and females.

I stayed on the boat with the targets while Joshua and Paul rowed the boat ashore.

Porters were already arriving to see what new items we had brough. They looked a little disappointed.
