Burying the Hatchet Pt. 04

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Two women plot revenge on a third who'd wronged them both.
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Part 4 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/02/2024
Created 03/18/2024
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The climax came quickly. Shauna barely felt her fingers gently glide over the tip of her clit before the tiny stirring already within her built to a raging torrent that caused her body to stiffen and shudder. She was dimly aware of Melissa speaking with Trey and the sound of footsteps behind them. Was Trey leaving? She couldn't determine. Her focus was solely on working herself into a fervor.

Damn it. She hadn't wanted to enjoy it as much as she had. How much of that was Melissa's hypnotic influence over her versus her own libido, she could not say. Only that the taste of his cock...the feel of it as it moved in and out of her mouth...she did not want to admit it to herself. Even now, as his cum cascaded over her face, she felt a strange sense of arousal. That perhaps men weren't 'the enemy' after all.

Heather screamed first. Music Shauna had already heard several times that evening, though she regretted not being the one to bring it out of her this time. A cry of both agony and ecstasy spurred Shauna on until her voice joined her partner's.

Then silence...

Their hands dropped limply to their sides, palms up, and their eyes stared blankly forward. Footsteps behind them. A single set. Not sneakers. It had to be --

Melissa stepped in front of them and sat down on the couch to face them. "Good girls," she said. "You're now deep in a trance. Remember this state. Remember how you feel while you are in it. Your minds are now blank. Open to suggestions. My suggestions, and only mine."

"Yes Melissa," both women said in unison. The words seemed to irritate the blonde monster facing them.

"No," she said firmly. "You'll address me as 'Ma'am' or 'Ms. Fulton' when we are alone together. When we are with others, you may use my first name, but beyond that, you'll treat and address me as your superior. Repeat that and commit it to memory."

They said the words together, then added "ma'am" at the end of it as if to put punctuation on the statement.

"Good girls," she said again. "You like hearing me say that don't you, Shauna?"

"Yes ma'am," Shauna said in a low monotone.

"Good," she said. "Each time you hear it -- from my lips -- it will only reinforce your feelings of submission toward me. You will enter this trancelike state when you hear me say it. When I say 'Bad Girls' you'll move out of this trancelike state and have your freedom. Well, the freedom I allow you to possess, at any rate."

She crossed her legs in front of them. "I did a little research on this 'magic powder' of yours while I was picking up your ex, Heather." She hefted the bag in her hand. "Turns out if it's blown in your face once, it'll wear off after a couple weeks." Slowly she poured a measured handful into her outstretched palm. "But if a slave was needed for a year or two, their master would need to expose them to it twice."

So saying, she rose and leaned forward, blowing the powder into Shauna and Heather's statue-still faces. "Breathe in deeply, ladies," she said. Neither Shauna nor Heather could deny her, and as they felt the strange aroma assail their nostrils a second time, their will to resist became even more diminished. Melissa smiled down at them. "Guess what happens if I give you both a THIRD dose?"

Shauna needed no answer. Neither did Heather. They'd be hers. Forever.

They watched helplessly as Melissa walked over to a bag she'd brought in. "I did a little shopping for you two as well, while I was out." Hypnotized or not, both girls' eyes widened as they saw the double-sided dildo she produced from it. She held it appreciatively in front of them, smiling down with further orders: "On all fours ladies, get ass to ass for me."

Shauna could only scream internally as her body rebelled. She knew what was coming. Dreaded it. But part of her mind was attempting to soothe her. Melissa wanted her to do this. Therefore, she wanted to do it to please her. Pleasing Melissa was important. She wanted to do it. She had to do it.

"Don't worry girls. I'm not a total sadist," Melissa continued. "I bought a nice bottle of lube for you. Show some appreciation."

"Th-thank you, Ms. Fulton," Heather half droned, half whined. Shauna also thanked her for her 'consideration'. Only then did she realize what was about to happen. This sex toy wasn't going into their already moist and well-lubricated pussies.

It was going into their asses!

Melissa ran a lubed-up finger around Shauna's tight pucker, making sure to coat it well, even inserting it a bit, getting a slight gasp out of the raven-haired servant. "We're going to set up some nice housekeeping rules, the three of us," she said. "And with each one, you two are going to move closer and closer to each other. This thing's gonna slide deeper and deeper inside you. We'll stop when I can only barely see it. When you're both 'cheek to cheek', so to speak."

"Feel free to moan and scream," she said as she turned her attention to Heather's small hole. "I know this is going to hurt." She looked back at Shauna with a wicked glare. "I'm pretty much counting on it."

Shauna braced herself as she watched Melissa stand in front of her, lubing up the dildo she was about to impale her on. Slowly the blonde walked behind her, between both women, and then Shauna felt it. The tip, pressing gently against her ass. Her eyes opened wide at the initial contact, then she winced as Melissa slowly forced the bulb of it inside her. She couldn't help a light moan escaping her lips. It didn't go unnoticed.

"Like that, Shauna?" Melissa cooed tauntingly. "We're just getting started!" Shauna could only listen and hear Heather's yelp of sudden pain as the other end of it was no doubt being inserted into her.

"Heather!" Shauna called out, somehow for a moment overcoming the hypnotic hold both women were under. Trance or no trance, the woman she desired was being tortured alongside her.

"I'm...nnngh...I'm okay," Heather moaned in return, sounding anything but okay.

Melissa stood, pleased with herself. "Aww, how sweet," she said. "You two really DO care about each other!" She sat back down on the couch and sat back. A queen surveying the torture of her subjects. "Take a moment to get used to the feel of those bulbs in your asses, girls. In a minute you're both going to feel a lot more."

"But, to business," she continued. "We need to talk about your personal dress codes. Shauna, you cover yourself entirely too much. It's stylish, yes, and I hate to admit that, but you've got a body under all the black and lace. Time to show it off. From now on, only camisole tops and miniskirts that are mid-thigh or higher. You might not like guys, but you're going to dress to attract them. I want that to be your guiding motive for every article of clothing you put on. Every night I want one of our classmates jerking off to what you were wearing that day, am I clear?"

"Y-yes, ma'am," Shauna grunted as she tried to adapt her tiny tight cavity to its new 'intruder'. The dildo looked sizable when Melissa had shown it to her, but why did it feel so much larger inside her?

"Good girl," Melissa smiled at her. "Heather? You're not off the hook. You're going to stop hiding underneath those loose jeans and sweatshirts. From this moment on you're buying t-shirts and blouses one size too small for you. I want that material practically clinging to your tits. And if you're not wearing a skirt, I want you in shorts. High enough to keep just out of trouble with the dress code. Daisy Dukes. Got it?"

"Yes...uhnn...yes, Ms. Fulton," Heather whined.

"Excellent," Melissa fell back onto the couch. "Start working that dildo into your ass, both of you."

Shauna closed her eyes and move her hips a bit, feeling the massive silicone cock slide a bit deeper into her. She moaned slightly. It hurt! She felt like she was tearing her very flesh apart as she let the dildo bore its way into her.

"Let's keep going, ladies," Melissa said as she idly looked at her nails. "You're going to obey me without question. Because, as you've now figured out, I'm a hundred times more sadistic than either of you, it's not going to be fun for either of you. At the same time, I'm not an idiot. Another thing you've probably figured out. So, we're going to keep up our little charade whenever we're together in public. You won't be asked by me to do anything humiliating or demeaning while we're going through the day-to-day minutiae of our lives. But you will obey me when I tell you to do something. Without hesitation. Without question. Clear?"

"Y-yes...nngh...yes, ma'am," Shauna said through clenched teeth as the dildo worked its way inside her. Heather echoing her comments in strained, weaker tones.

"Good girls," Melissa said. "Give yourselves a bit of a break. Let that dildo fuck you both a bit. Move it back and forth inside you." Shauna felt her hips move forward a bit, then back, giving the dildo a bit of ebb and flow as her ass caressed it within itself. The pain was still there, giving way to small spurts of pleasure. She heard Heather sigh. Was her girlfriend actually enjoying it?

"First time with anal?" Melissa asked Heather. "You seem to be into it."

"Y-yes, ma'am," Heathers voice was a cross between whining and arousal. Shauna heard Melissa giggle with delight as she let the curvy brunette know there's be a lot more of it in her future.

"Okay, back to it," Melissa said after a few minutes. Only then was Shauna aware their torturer had her cell phone out. Recording them. To what purpose she could only guess, but her focus now was on forcing herself even more onto the dildo she shared with Heather.

"The toy you're enjoying now was a freebie," Melissa said. "An inaugural gift from me to the two of you. From here on, you're going to buy your own. And you will buy your own. At least one or two every month. Get used to visiting the Foxy Faux. You're going to be spending quite a bit of time there."

Heather knew of the place. Some of the skeevs at school talked about it. Adult bookstore. Notorious for offering a bit more than just videos and sex toys. She was sure she didn't like what Melissa was implying by that last statement. Even still, she found herself grunting out a "Yes, ma'am" to Melissa's newest command. Shauna joining her. She wondered if Shauna had been there before?

"You're also going to start dressing with an eye toward turning each other on," Melissa continued. "No more boring cotton panties or jog bras for either of you. Shop for lingerie and outfits that will entice each other. You love each other after all. Say it for me."

"I-I love you, Heather," Shauna said without hesitation, somehow meaning every word of it. She heard Heather's response, both of them knowing that the feeling had perhaps always lain dormant within them. The unfortunate events of today only brought them to the surface.

Slowly the girls inched themselves even further onto the dildo. Shauna moaning with each new exertion while Heather let out something akin to a tiny dog's shrill bark.

"Fuck me, you two," Melissa exclaimed. "I don't want to say it's turning me on watching you two humiliate yourselves like this, but damn!" She giggled as she focused her camera phone onto their asses, almost close enough to touch each other now, then zoomed out to leave little doubt as to who it was getting impaled on the dildo between them.

"Say your names again, girls," she said. "Your full names. Let's leave no doubt for future viewers. Smile and look at the camera for me."

Shauna could only helplessly comply, forcing as sincere a grin as she could while slowly backing toward Heather. "S-Shauna Stevenson," she moaned, hearing Heather announce her own name shortly afterward. Blackmail then, she thought. Melissa would use this against either of them if they crossed her, assuming they'd ever find a way to do so. Or was she enough of a sadist -- as she'd said -- to simply post this tonight and see who'd see it tomorrow at school?

Melissa sat back again, shutting the camera off. She had enough to keep both of her 'girls' in line. "Okay, ladies," she said, "one last effort. I want to see your pretty asses collide together."

Heather closed her eyes and focused. It hurt so much, and she knew this last bit of penetration was going to be the worst of it. She felt Shauna lunge with her hips, and she tried to mimic the action, the flesh of their cheeks meeting each other as the dildo seemed to settle within them, its purpose fulfilled. Even still, neither girl could resist crying out in a mixture of pain and pleasure, impaled on a silicone 'spike' that held them both rooted together. To drive the point home, Melissa gently set her foot on the 'cushion' now created by their asses, laughing maliciously as she did so.

"Well done, you two," she said. "I'm impressed. Doesn't that make you happy? You've pleased me greatly."

"Y-yes. Ma'am." Shauna groaned. Every fiber of her wanted to get this thing out of her, but she knew deep in her heart it wasn't going to happen any time soon.

"Okay, last new rule for tonight," Melissa said. "I've got you two to admit your love for each other TO each other. You're going to buy toys and clothing to seduce each other with. Finally, you're going to show that love to the world. I want to see you two holding hands around campus. Stealing kisses when you think you can get away with it. Going on dates. Sharing a bed. Sharing your lives. You don't want to be with anyone else. Ever. I don't want anyone who sees Shauna Stevenson and Heather DuChamp together to doubt that they're a couple of raging dykes! Do I make myself clear, you two?"

"Absolutely, Ms. Fulton," Heather moaned softly. Shauna joined her. Melissa smiled at the two of them as she took her feet off them and rose, picking up the bag of powder to stand in front of Shauna. She poured a bit more in her hand.

"I spoke a bit more about how much control two exposures to this powder will grant me over you," she grinned as she brought her palm up to Shauna's face. "To be honest? A couple years would have probably been enough before I got bored with you both, but after watching you now?"

Shauna clenched her teeth and summoned every last bit of her free will. "P-please..." she begged, the voice coming out somewhere between a whine and a whisper. "Don't...nngh...don't do this!"

"I'm afraid it's a bit late for that, you bitch," Melissa smiled as she blew the powder into Shauna's face a third, fatal time. "Enjoy the rest of your life...as my slave."

A whirlwind of mental emotions flew about Shauna's brain as it began to rewrite itself. She could do nothing except live to obey Melissa now. She would grow old serving her. Nothing could stop her. Or Heather, whose pleadings and cries of "No! Please! NO!" were quickly subdued as a measure of powder was blown into her own face, sealing her fate to join Shauna's.

Melissa rose, cinched the bag tightly shut, and returned it to her purse. "That's enough for tonight, I think," she looked down at the helpless women at her feet. "You're to keep my present inside you for thirty minutes -- not one less -- after I leave. Fuck yourselves with it. Get off on that feeling. Get used to it. As I said, it won't be the last time it's going to happen to you."

They could only remain there, on all fours, impaled on the massive dong holding them in place. Heather heard Melissa's footsteps as she walked around Shauna and headed for the front door. They both turned their heads to see her standing at it, turning around to look at them one last time. "Sweet dreams, you two. See you at school tomorrow...my two naughty Bad Girls!"

Without another word, she was out the door as Shauna and Heather felt their minds return to them. The screaming came almost instantly. Melissa could hear it from outside the house and smiled to herself as she headed to her car. Shauna Stevenson and Heather DuChamp. The goth and the beauty queen. Hers now. She laughed as she hopped into the car where Trey waited.

"You were gone for quite a bit," he said.

"Just putting a couple bitches in their place," she said as she leaned over to kiss him. "I'm gonna have so much fun with them!"

"I wouldn't mind Shauna doing...y'know...another turn with..." Trey looked down between his legs.

"Not gonna happen, babe," Melissa said firmly but playfully as she put the car in reverse. "Put both her and your ex out of your mind."

Shauna and Heather were breathing heavily, gasping for air. They'd been able to bear the pain of the silicone cock in their asses when they were under, but with the return of their will came a newfound pain.

"Sh-Shauna!" Heather whined. "Got to...get this out of me!" She tried to move her ass forward, but her body wouldn't allow it. "She-she can't control us now...can she?"

Shauna was trying to free herself as well but seemed to be either unable or unwilling to do so. "I-I think she can, Heather!" she called over her shoulder, wishing she could look the woman she loved in the eyes. Calm her panic somehow, as if she weren't panicked enough herself. "We...nnngh...ohh...have to last half an hour!"

And then she heard it. The tears. Crying. It was simply too much for Heather to bear any more, and Shauna soon felt the frustration of it all build up in her own eyes. Her sobs echoed with Heather's. Her tears began to hit the floor beneath her, forming a small puddle under her face.

"Wh-what she going t-to do to us?" Heather stuttered as she cried, trying to figure out how to remain comfortable for twenty-nine more minutes with this...this THING inside her. "Shauna! Wh-what are we going to do?"

Shauna wanted to be the strong one. To let Heather know everything was going to be okay. That they'd find a way out of this somehow. There had to be one! Didn't there?

Her lips, unfortunately, could only form the words neither of them needed to hear right now.

"I-I don't know..."

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I feel lied too. Was expecting a revenge against the bitch story were evil bitch is brought down a peg or two but all I got was evil bitch humiliates rivals for pleasure

wof2wof2about 2 months ago

Love the story. So excited to know more anal will be in the girls future. Perhaps the two girls find themselves being married to eachother to further their public display of their relationship

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