Bustin Out on the Bus

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Bad day for a black girl on the bus.
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Tanya Jenkins had the misfortune of having to move to a new school her senior year. The year before her mother's boss at the construction company had passed away and his son had taken over the company. The new owner was clearly in over his head and relied heavily on her mother his beautiful black secretary to show him the ropes. After a few months of long nights getting up to speed, the couple fell in love and were married shortly after.

Tanya found herself living across town and going to a new school. She didn't know anybody on the first day of her senior year. She found herself in an uncomfortable position. Her school was in a county that had a diversity quotient. All the schools had to have at least ten percent black students but couldn't be more than forty percent black. Her earlier school had little problems with the quotas as the neighborhood was naturally populated with an acceptable ratio of kids.

Her new school unfortunately was located in a much more affluent neighborhood with basically no black students who lived in the local area. To meet it's quota two busses shuttled over from the ghetto almost thirty miles to the south where almost two hundred black students loaded up each morning to travel over an hour each way. Tanya was the lone black student who wasn't bussed in from the ghetto.

Living so far from school and having to spend so much of the day commuting put a strain on many of the black students. It was harder to work after school, they had less time to sleep, and extracurriculars were almost impossible, but the biggest problem was that the distance they needed to travel home, made school punishments harsher. With no way to get home after detention little infractions ended up in suspensions for missing detention. Suspensions resulted in bad grades and by senior year the dropout rate was almost fifty percent for the black students.

In order to make it look like the school was doing something to address those numbers, all but one or two of the most successful black students were funneled into specialized dropout prevention classes leaving most of the regular exclusively white. Tanya was the only black student in most of her classes which left her isolated for most of the day. The only exception was during her PE class which included students from the specialized classes.

This just created more problems for Tanya as the only time he got to interact with her black schoolmates she had to do it wearing tight red shorts and a white tank top that showed off her huge triple D chest. Due to the fact that the faculty had been especially hard on the male black students, so many had dropped out by senior year that there was an almost four to one ratio of black senior girls to black senior boys. This imbalance made most of the boys incredibly cocky and aggressive sexually. Like most eighteen-year-old girls Tanya had experimented sexually and had sex a few times with one boy before but she wasn't prepared for the full-court press she received from the black boys in her class.

The more she resisted the more intrigued the boys became. This caused the black girls to get more jealous. Before long Tanya was more isolated in her gym class than she was when she was the only black student in her other classes. It didn't take long before the advances Tanya was getting in gym class started becoming physical. By the second week of school, she had her ass slapped by what seemed like every black boy in her class and had her boobs grabbed twice.

After one of the boys tried to slip a finger in the back of her shorts at the water fountain Tanya avoided the black kids in her class like the plague. No more basketball. Instead, she would play volleyball or ping pong. In the weight room, she never went near the bench press area where the black boys gathered and pretended they were lifting weights in prison. Tanya would almost exclusively work out on legs and abs with the white kids.

It didn't take long for the white males in her gym class to notice Tanya avoiding her black classmates. Tanya was not aware of how much they had noticed her previous harassment. Almost every time she had gotten her ass slapped at least a few pairs of white eyes had observed with great interest. Neither time Tanya had her huge breasts palmed and groped by her black classmates had gone unnoticed by less than a dozen of the white boys in the class. In fact, there was never a time during class that Tanya's tits weren't being stared at by the white guys around her.

Seeing Tanya tolerate the occasional butt grab or tit squeeze by her black classmates without consequence emboldened her white classmates to also take liberties with her body. It was never as blatant or as obvious as with the black guys but Tanya was constantly being "accidentally" bumped into or elbowed in the chest by the white guys in her class whenever she stood in their vicinity. Tanya didn't know which was worse the aggression of the black guys or the way the white boys treated her like a sexual curiosity.

It was then that Tanya watched Jeremiah board her bus for the first time. His younger brother Zedadiah had borrowed his car without asking and had gotten it towed for blocking a dumpster at the beach. Without the money to pay for the impound fee Jeremiah's car would be spending the week in the police lot and Jeremiah would be taking the bus.

Tanya was surprised she had never noticed Jeremiah before. He was very muscular for a high school student. At eighteen years old he was a thick two hundred and twenty pounds. Tanya would be surprised to learn that Jeremiah wasn't on the football team. Instead, he was an amateur boxer. He didn't seem like a bully but the other kids on the bus were giving him a wide berth as he walked down the bus aisle. Tanya was happy that he took a seat across the aisle from her.

Tanya's excitement was short-lived when at the next stop three of the more physically forward white guys from her gym class boarded and two of them sat next to her and squeezed her into the window and a third took a seat behind her but refused to sit down so he could obviously look down her shirt. Trevor the blonde baseball player next to her immediately spread his arms so that his elbow was pressed into her right breast. Her tit was pushed so far to the left that Tanya felt her right nipple pop out of her bra and rub against her blouse.

The friction of her lowcut yellow cotton blouse against the sensitive dark skin around Tanya's areola caused her nipple to harden and puff out to an extraordinary level. Trevor had never managed to pleasure any of his previous sexual partners enough to elicit this type of physical response with his clueless groping and pinching tit play technique was all but overwhelmed by the sight of Tanya's nipple poking through the thin material of her blouse.

Trevor was barely able to hold it together as he stood to open the window next to Tanya. As he fiddled with the latches his erect cock rubbed against Tanya's face through his jeans. Tanya knew it wasn't an accident as Trevor maneuvered his white erection around the corner of her full lips. Once the window was down Trevor retook his seat but not before brushing both her breasts with the flat of his hand that only could have been less subtle if he had cupped one of her tits as his palm slid over her chest.

A pair of sunglasses fell on Tanya's lap that Liam, the boy standing in the seat behind her, dropped on purpose. Before Tanya could react the boy was reaching over to retrieve his property. His thumb hooked the inside edge of her blouse.

"Oops!" Liam said giving a half-hearted attempt at pretending it was an accident as Tanya's puckered nip and areola spilled out of her blouse.

A stunned gasp escaped Tanya's lips as she realized her puffy black nipple had been exposed. This, unfortunately, got the attention of the guys in the seat in front of Tanya as well who turned around and were greeted with the amazing sight of one of Tanya's bare tits hanging out of her blouse.

Trevor's eyes almost bugged out of his head at the giant black nipple topping Tanya's naked breast. As Tanya moved to cover her exposed chest Trevor quickly blocked her hand from shielding her loose orb. He pinned her hand to the window and the guy in front grabbed her wrist and held it firmly in place to prevent Tanya from making another attempt to hide the first nude milk sack he had ever seen in person.

Tanya whimpered in protest when Trevor returned his hand to her exposed breast. He used his middle finger to rapidly flick Tanya's hard nipple as the guys seated in front and Liam in back of Tanya watched the ripple effect across the large brown orb. Liam reached over and tried to pull the other breast from Tanya's blouse but couldn't stretch the material enough to expose Tanya's giant black boob. After a few seconds of making no real progress in getting Tanya's other breast out Liam gave up and just pulled the hem of her shirt over her giant rack.

With both of Tanya's juicy tits on display, Trevor couldn't resist the urge to get one of her big nipples in his mouth. Trevor was rudely suckling Tanya's puckered right nipple before she could utter even a whimper of protest. Just as it dawned on Tanya that she was having her tit sucked off on a crowded bus while a group watched on Liam and the guy sitting in front of her started competing for which of them could get the biggest handful of her other exposed tit. Tanya felt her breast jiggle and squished as the two boys jostled for position.

Tanya heard a loud slap on her right and a hollow thunk on her left. All of a sudden Trevor and the other two boys had ceased all contact with her chest. When she looked up she saw Jeremiah tightly clenching the back of Trevor's neck in a vice-like one-handed grip that was obviously leaving bruises under the fingers and Liam behind her had his face mashed into the window frame leaving a straight line indentation of the frame along half of his face. in front of Tanya, the other boy who had previously been manhandling her breast had his arms up in surrender in case Jeremiah turned on him next.

With only a slight grunt of effort, Jeremiah flung Trevor into the aisle and grabbed Liam behind her by the shirt, and yanked him out of his seat as well. He turned to the boy in front of Tanya who was already easing towards the bus aisle when Jeremiah cuffed him in the side of his head hard enough that the ringing in his ear lasted the rest of the ride home that the three of them spent cowering in the back of the bus. Praying that Jeremiah didn't get up from the seat he had taken next to Tanya.

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PugzillaPugzillaover 1 year agoAuthor

First Boobgasm is the next written follow up to this but Jeremiah is the same Jerry from the Sister in law stories that have come full circle back to the Wandaverse. Brandi/Brand will be folded in to the mix shortly as well. I have two black girl watched showering stories on the back burner and am not sure whether to lead with breast focused Tanya with Lesbian undertones or Jamila the housekeeper with a smoother darkness and an emphasis on legs with a more secret voyeurism take. Probably next is a sister in law story that sticks to my usual kinks and fetishes.

PugzillaPugzillaalmost 2 years agoAuthor


Thank you for the feedback. I probably won't stray too far from my usual formula although my female characters have not always gotten away in the past and they might not get away every time in the future. I don't have the same attachment to some of the more recently added characters as I do for Wanda. I expanded my verse specifically to experiment a little. I like the same themes and parts you do but I write just up to my limit before pulling back. The slow descriptive style that I write in makes it very difficult to go past my limits. I did it once in my Spanish Fly story and I found it unpleasant to write and I never get tempted to do another one like that. I know I hint and threaten darker turns and threats but they will most likely remain threats and conditions that lurk in the shadows of the background of the Wandaverse. As always I encourage readers that enjoy something to write their own story. I give open permission to use any of my Wandaverse characters in their own works or write an alternate version of one of my stories as long as you post on Literotica and cite the source material. This is a fun and meaningful hobby that has brought me great joy participating.

Zaos1Zaos1almost 2 years ago

Hello, i love your Stories about Big Boobs girls humiliated!!… for my taste I don’t like how you always close the stories with a hero that comes to save them… but when other guys are taking advantage of their huge boobs , I always enjoy that pharagraps 😃

PugzillaPugzillaalmost 2 years agoAuthor

There is a follow-up, "First Boobgasm". I also did a subtle name thing in "Sister in Law Goes Wild" Where I named the characters Isiah, Elijah, Zed, and Jerry, all Hebrew names that end in "ah" I thought it was more obvious but it seems most people missed it. I'm working on another character that lives in this corner and timeline of the Wandaverse. I'm moping to diversify the focus cast and explore alternate genres from my usual.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

is there a part 2 ?

PugzillaPugzillaabout 2 years agoAuthor

Yeah, I can see the confusion. The whole concept of bussing for racial quota purposes kind of went away over the last few decades. You have a school and within a half-mile radius there are no bus stops, the students walk. outside of that radius is another two to five mile radius where school busses run. This is known as a school zone. Because there is a correlation between race and income levels, and because people self-segregated for other reasons, on top of the formal and informal home loan policies, school zones often had very few black residents in the zone or the school was in a zone that was ultra black. Hispanic and Asian kids used to count as white for quota purposes often even if the student was black Hispanic like Cuban, or Puerto Rican but black Brazilians could go either way. Schools would have a quota goal of something like a 5-10% minimum black enrollment and a 40-50% maximum black enrollment. Most of the time black students were bussed out of their neighborhoods to white schools and it was a fairly voluntary procedure there were so many seats on the bus parents signed up and most of the white schools got a bus load or two of black students. There were positives and negatives with the situation I personally thought the benefits outweighed the bad as a whole but I saw plenty of individuals get destroyed by the system. It's somewhat of a moot point today because the racial demographics have changed so much in the 20 years since quotas were dropped. In this story, Tanya is a black student who lives in the school district not one of the black kids that get bussed in. This tended to be a very different experience. These kids were outsiders on top of outsiders.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I am somewhat baffled by the plot. Tanya is the only black student who isn't bussed in, yet the main action takes place on a bus.

Cyberweasel89Cyberweasel89about 2 years ago

That all sounds really good! While I'm a bit busy with other writing on another website to really write within your universe on my own, I'm available for collaboration! I went and skimmed the first chapter of Sister In Law (planning a full read later) and I have to say you really seem to know your stuff. The bit about a buxom black girl dating guys who are only interested in her ass and won't play with her breasts is actually quite common. A lot of buxom girls find guys they date aren't interested in playing with their breasts. I also have to commend you for the idea of a lesbian letting a guy play with her breasts as reward for things, since it shows you're very aware that some lesbians ARE okay with certain sexual acts with men for personal reasons, rather than 100% of all lesbians treating intimacy with men as a no-exceptions taboo.

I'm in my early 30s and I DO have an official diagnosis, which I acquired when I was just a small child, and my mom was always open with me about it. I of course don't begrudge self-diagnosis, especially when it can be VERY obvious and mental health care is so expensive in the USA. I'm generally pretty good about "faking" not having Autism, but it's always people who have experience with other people with Aspergers who can tell I have it.

What I like about your stories is how they strike a balance between "realism" and "porn logic." For me, obsession with porn stories being hyperrealistic is a detriment to the genre. What I enjoy is that your stories aren't "realistic," but they're not "screwball porn logic" either. The characters act reasonably with personal motivations and the events move naturally in a way that is very good on suspension of disbelief. It's also nice to see women of color be given focus in fiction. Most fiction either tries to treat people of color as non-existent or only makes them men. Even in media that has interracial couples, it's usually the woman who's white with a man of color. Admittedly, I'm not black, I'm Asian-American, but I'm interested in fiction with female leads or female love interests who simply aren't white in general. And I like how, despite your self-admitted hyper focus on black women, you don't outright objectify them being black. Too often you see things like "big black cock" porn reduce black men down to basic props or stereotypes, but you really focus on these characters being people, rather than standees that the sets move around or Nilla wafers just meant to push the kink. I'm someone who really cares about the passion and thought that writers put into their work and how erotica can be written without the writer simply jerking off onto a page, posting it online, and demanding others be grateful for it. I tend to prefer more lighthearted tones in my erotica, but the fact you clearly put so much care into your work means I enjoy the more firm-yet-fair tones you go for.

PugzillaPugzillaabout 2 years agoAuthor

To cyberweasel89

Thank you for your interest. I'm always interested in collaborations with other like minded writers. My general policy on the matter is anyone is welcome to write a story that includes my characters and playworld as long as they site the original source material. I'm also on the spectrum. I'm in my early 40s so I don't have a clinical diagnosis but it's very clearly Asperger's with masking behavior. Sexually I'm very hyper focused on black women, breasts, ENF, and female orgasm. I'm thrilled to hear from a woman who shares those interests. I'm about ready to post the follow up to this entry that explores the early progression of these two characters sexual experience. Next I would like to introduce a female exchange student from Denmark who is equally buxom and in competition with Tanya for space in the school paper. I would like to pair up Brandi my Danish reporter character with a large black photographer character that keeps her safe who is clearly obsessed with her breasts but she is a lesbian who may reward him from time to time with some interaction with her chest but she is emotionally detached from the experience which bothers him even though he keeps coming back for more. If you don't know by now Jeremiah is Jerry from the Sister in law stories so he and Tanya don't make it. I'm thinking because she has an attraction to Brandi. At some point Tanya is going to end up stripped naked at school during senior field day. Also a peeping/groping by Jeremiah's bad guy cousins is a possibility.

Cyberweasel89Cyberweasel89about 2 years ago

Hi! I'm a woman of color, a writer of erotica (just not on here), and I'm Autistic. I enjoyed the story, actually! It was a bit rough, but it was a realistic kind of rough that speaks to the harshness of our world, and it had a happy ending rather than a dark one. I enjoyed the ENF and big breasts, since breast fetishism and exposure are my two big kinks, and large breasts are sadly vanishingly rare in ENF or exhibitionism writing. Even though it felt a bit lacking in content, I understand from your explanation that this is more just a side-gig to stay sharp between larger projects, something I do myself.

I really like the idea of Tanya developing a breast obsession. While admittedly I'm not sure what that would entail, as I don't know how you as the author personally define "Tanya develops a breast obsession," the idea of women enjoying breasts is something I definitely would like to see more of in erotica, as a woman who loves breasts herself (including my own).

That said, you have me a BIT worried about Jeremiah having Asperger's. Not because I think such things shouldn't be in porn or in fiction, but rather because I care about HOW they're written so as to cause people who are Autistic to think "Oh, I feel like I'm not alone" rather than a stereotype of Asperger's that is common in media and meant to only appeal to people who don't have Asperger's. If you'd like, as a woman with Asperger's, I'd be happy to help you write Jeremiah in a way that's inclusive to Autistic people reading, rather than based only shallow stereotypes gleaned from popular media. Not that I'm accusing you of NOT having such knowledge or willingness to research it, I just understand that a lot of people may not know about something, but are willing to learn and understand, rather than condemning from ignorance. And looking at your comments I can tell that you're definitely not the type to condemn from ignorance, which is something I admire in an erotica author.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Part 2! Savior swoops in before penetration

PugzillaPugzillaabout 2 years agoAuthor

To Anonymous

First thanks for taking the time to comment on my work. It's always very appreciated even if it's not gushing praise. I especially am happy to hear from women of color and their reaction. My intent isn't overt racism but it is a reality in my writing just as it's a reality in the real world. I feel like it's a little early to decide if the characters lack depth as they have had little time to develop as of yet. I'm still working out who these characters are and have a thought in the back of my mind that I might want to hand some of these characters off to other author's who might want to dabble in the background of the world I create. I am aware that my fantasy world has some problematic issues and isn't for everyone. I went past my comfort level with some of the subjects I explore a few times to advance the story or establish stakes and danger and it bothered me to write it and if I crossed your line I understand it may be a deal breaker after reading it. I do want to point out that often these "victim" characters come roaring back with a vengeance to a level that I get complaints about being to hard on my villains. I'm working y fleshing these characters out a bit more very soon and am toying with making this female character non heterosexual or at least not strictly heterosexual. I'd like to pair her with a buxom blond Danish frenemy who she can play off of in a journalism based storyline. At the moment in my current entry she is training her severly Asperger's savior in the art of love making and is about to have the tables turned on her when his breast handling skills combined with his hyper focus and obsession turn out to be more than she bargained for. Maybe wiring a breast obsession in her. If you have any thoughts on that I have a day or two before I post again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Ok so I'm probably a completely different demographic (other than age) to you... I'm the in the demographic that the female in the story is about. Frankly this story sucks, I dont know if you were trying to be bigoted or if that just under pins your thinking, but the story is grim. Interestingly you do seem to be able to write, but use your power for good! Reading your work, from my perspective wasn't a sexy, sensual or erotic experience. I found this narrative, stomach churning, ignorant, and there was no depth of character but if that was the aim of the writing, you achieved that, so really well done, you succeed!

PugzillaPugzillaabout 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you.

I played a bit with the names of these characters and hopefully, it will clear up in an entry or two. I wouldn't get too attached to Tanya as she probably has a shelf life of one or two more entries unless I find some inventive use for her later. Jeremiah is probably just a vehicle to introduce more background characters for the Wandaverse. Be on the lookout for a new Wanda entry later this week.

PugzillaPugzillaabout 2 years agoAuthor

To anonymous

It's not actually a begining or an ending. It's more of a chapter. I play with the story order a bit in my little fiction world. My regular readers probably recognize a character or two. Some of cutting it short is that I don't know what I want to do with these characters next. In theory I am doing the Literotica thing to practice writing sex scenes for my real writing goals but I get caught up in writing my ENF kink fantasy stuff. I have a Wanda entry mostly done and then I suspect I'm going to experiment with writing a virgin story next. Thank you for the feedback it's always very appreciated.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Pug Z is back!!!

Glad your still out there. Always checking your page. Was hoping for some continuation leading to resolutions in any of the varied Wandaverse timelines, but I'll take anything. This Tanya character looked to be a damsel less invested in by our author, thus more vulnerable to the full gambit this category offers. But Jeremiah looks to be unfolding into just as much a Julie counterpart as Tanya is to Wanda. Head scratch. Hoping you explore new ground with Tanya and get back to exposing Wanda in all her Glory. Ultimately I'm just thrilled you posted again. Whatever you publish rest assured I'm reading it. Five stars for Pugziila's return!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

That's it? Really? Why did you stop? It's the beginning of a good story that could have become a great romance. What happened, did you simply get tired of writing? If you aren't going to finish a story don't start it. It went from a 4 star to a 2 star with such a lousy ending.

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