Caleb 50 - Justice


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Dana turned to me.

"I know you said that we should wait until you came back and had a 'talk,' but I'd like to accept your offer to move in... please?"

I looked at her, at Gracie, and sighed.

"We have to have a long talk," I said. "When we get back, and before we go back to school. It's important we do that before you move in, but like I said, we aren't going to be here, and you are more than welcome to stay with Gracie. It won't be any different than if you were living here.

"I'm not putting you off but, I'm sorry Dana, we need to talk first, and there's not time now before we go."

Dana looked at Gracie. "Do you know what this is all about?" she asked.

"Please don't ask her," I said. "She can't tell you. If it came out that she did, she'd be fired at the very least. And believe me - it would come out."

Dana's eyes widened. "It's why you're a consultant for the FBI?"

I nodded. "Please, no more," I said. "I promise I'll tell you everything when we get back."

"Okay," she said, but then grinned. "But you still owe us both a night..."

I chuckled and then remembered.

"Oh, by the way..." I said and then told them all about our neighbours and the gloryhole.

Dana was shocked. "You mean they've been peeking through the fence at us?" she asked.

"Why?" I asked. "What exactly have you been doing in the yard?"

She flushed, and I grinned.

"They are good people," I said, "with a bit of a fetish. I let them watch me from time to time, and we have been known to have a little fun through the hole. Josh and Louise too. Please don't spoil it for them. You can see the hole halfway down on the left there, its closed now, but they open it up when they want to see. If you don't want them looking then you could cover it from this side, or you could just go indoors. Your choice.

"Does that change your mind about moving in?" I asked Dana with a grin. She blushed deeper now but shook her head.

"It's kind of hot," she said.

I laughed. "I need to go shower and make breakfast," I said.

"Caleb," Gracie said as I was about to get up. I looked at her just in time for her to capture my face and kiss me. It was a long slow loving kiss. She filled it with all the emotion she had been holding onto since who knew when. I felt everything from her that she felt for me but, like with Louise, I knew that I was no longer her number one love. Dana had replaced me in that slot, and I was happy for that to be the case.

"Thank you," she said, finally breaking the kiss. I looked to Dana to gauge her reaction and saw her smiling softly. When she noticed me looking at her, she grinned.

"I'll thank you later," she said, leaning forward and planting a gentle peck on my lips.

As I went through the door into the kitchen, I looked back to see them holding each other, and talking softly, their aura's spoke of love and belonging. I wondered how much of that was natural, and how much had been my, our, influence. Did it matter? Love was love after all.

By the time I'd showered everyone was in the kitchen. Gracie had gotten dressed, and Ness was in the middle of making breakfast.

"Sit," she said a I walked in. "I've got this."

For once I did as I was told and sat at the table to eat the breakfast Ness had cooked.

Just after eight thirty there was a knock on the door and I opened it to find Maggie and Dianna standing on the porch.

"Morning," I said. "I didn't know you were coming."

"We thought you could travel in with us," said Maggie. "It's probably best if the whole family doesn't come."

"I want Dean there at least," I said.

Maggie nodded. "Okay," she said. "No weapons though."

Dean pulled out his holstered weapon and gave it Gracie. "You got room in your safe for that?" he asked. "I know Caleb's is full." She nodded.


The girls were all pouting that they weren't allowed to come.

"We were all on the plane too," Amanda said. "The judge should see that..."

"Amanda," Dianna said, "it's a judge's chambers, not a courtroom. It's going to be crowded enough with who's already going to be there." She was about to say more but then noticed Dana in the kitchen and stopped herself.

"Have you eaten?" asked Ness - she was a real feeder that girl. Dianna and Maggie both shook their heads and accepted plates of bacon and pancakes from her.

After breakfast, Dean and I slid into the back seat of the SUV. Dianna drove and Maggie rode shotgun.

"I have no idea who else is going to be there," said Maggie turning to talk to me. "Matilda definitely but other than that..."

"She had some interesting things to say," I said, "about the last thirty years. She also allowed me to read her mind."

"Yes," said Maggie. "Dianna told me. Good idea to check in by the way. Just because you are really powerful doesn't mean you are invulnerable. Always, if you're not sure, please do that."

I nodded feeling an unexpected thrill of pleasure from the praise. At first I was suspicious, thinking it was a power use, to condition me to seek to please. But I saw no powers in use and was forced to conclude it was genuine and had come from within me.

We arrived at the courthouse and, after passing through security, followed Maggie to the judge's chambers. Matilda and Ezra were waiting outside.

"The judge is in court," Matilda said. "She's due back any time."

Just then, I saw Vince Wragge limping towards us accompanied by his daughter. They both smiled in greeting.

Introductions were made and Dean was introduced to all there. Vince and Dean shook hands.

Vince's daughter came over to me. "You owe me dinner," she said. "It took me nearly two days to settle the judge down after that crack about dancing naked in Washington park."

I grinned at her. "She was looking far too settled around you," I said. "She needed shaking up."

Melissa shook her head. "Dinner," she said. "And don't think I'm going to forget."

"It will have to be after we get back," I said. "You and Vince should come over and meet my girls."

"That would be nice," said Vince. "I've heard rumours about your culinary skills, and Dean tells me that Ness is a demon in the kitchen too."

The thought ran through my head that she was a demon elsewhere also, but I didn't voice it.

"Let's make a date for when we get back," I said. "We're going back up to the ranch later today and then to my parents for a week. We'll be back just before the start of the next semester." I glanced down and added. "Maybe I can do something with that leg too?"

Vince raised an eyebrow. "You're a Healer now on top of everything else?"

"He and Jeevan saved an agent's life," said Maggie. "Agent Gracie Jordan would be another picture on the Wall of Honor had they not been there to help."

"Is that so?" said a voice from behind me. I turned to see Judge Roder approaching. "I hadn't heard that. Well done. I have to say I haven't had a moments trouble with my back since he looked at it."

Maggie looked at me with an eyebrow raised. I hadn't mentioned that to her.

"Come in," the judge said entering her office and we all piled inside.

Dean was the only person present who the judge didn't know, and he was introduced. She, on finding he was a marine, thanked him for his service. It was also explained that he had served with the Vince in the desert and was fully read in on Powers and Powered users.

"Happy coincidence," said the judge, "although it must have been one hell of a shock when your daughter brought that one home." She inclined her head toward me.

"Let's just say it's a day I won't easily forget," said Dean grinning.

"So," said the judge, after Melissa had settled in her seat behind her. "What's this all about?"

"You are aware," said Ezra Everson, "that an attempt was made upon Mr. Stott's life. An attempt that would also, had it been successful, taken the lives of Mr. Steadman here, his wife, plus his two daughters. Also on the aircraft were Dianna's grand-daughters Mary and Amanda and, obviously, the pilot.

"The idea was to remove the pilots ability to fly the aircraft, allow said aircraft to crash, and kill all those aboard. The collateral damage on the ground is incalculable. The plane could have come down anywhere - on a school, a hospital, literally anywhere.

"Major Wragge, as you know, investigated the two people involved and has established, without any shadow of a doubt, their guilt. Both have already confessed their crimes and will be coming in front of you for sentencing in due time."

"I know all this," said the Judge. "So why the meeting?"

Ezra looked at Matilda. He really was a weak man. She took up the reins.

"We'd like you to consider a proposal for sentencing," she said. The judge raised her eyebrow.

"Ezra and I," said Matilda, "believe that Zacharia is no longer fully in control of his faculties. The strain of the last few weeks, along with advancing age, mean that he is not quite who he used to be."

The judge looked at Vince.

"Did you detect any signs of mental illness or deterioration?" she asked.

"Not as such," said Vince, "But I did detect a certainty in his mind that the only solution to every problem that has beset him is the death of Caleb Stott. He will not stop unless he is stopped."

The judge thought about this for a moment. "The sentencing guidelines for his crimes would allow me to incarcerate him for ten to fifteen years maximum. If I imposed more, the Court of Appeals would overturn me, and he'd be out sooner."

"We're aware of that," said Ezra, plucking up the courage to talk. "Given the longevity of our line, he will live to be released from incarceration. He will be a danger again to both Mr. Stott and society as a whole."

"I don't know what you expect me to do," said the judge. "I can't change the law. He's not mentally ill, so I cant place him in a mental institute; they'd release him even before the penal system did."

"We'd like you to allow us to remove his powers," blurted Matilda. "Without those, he would be almost no danger whatsoever. By the time he's released he will be close to two hundred years old. Even for us that's advanced age. Without the power to influence others, he would be toothless."

The judge looked at me.

"Is this your suggestion?" she asked. I shook my head.

"I wanted to boil him in oil," I said deadpan.

Maggie and Dianna, both shot me disapproving looks, Dean grinned.

The judge shook her head at me. "Still working on that anger then?"

"It's a work in progress," I said, "not helped by attacks on me and my family."

"I can see how that might slow progress," she mused. Then she looked at Matilda. "Is it even possible to do that?"

"Apparently so," said Matilda. "The only person I know to have done it successfully is Caleb here. He stripped the power of the rapist Harold Bleasdale just over a year ago now. The reason it was never addressed was that Caleb had only just come into his power and had no knowledge as to the extent of his abilities; he simply reacted instinctively to a threat. You may remember Judge Carrigan ruling it was justified given the circumstances."

"Vincent?" asked the judge. "Your thoughts?"

"Given what I saw in his mind," he began, "and that the alternatives suggested are not viable..."

"Alternatives?" asked the judge.

"The oil..." remarked Vincent. "I would agree that the only safe road forward would be to remove his powers. He is obsessed with revenge now. It will eat at him throughout his incarceration and, once released, we would be letting go of the tiger's tail. The only logical outcome of that would be that either he kills Caleb, or Caleb kills him in self defence."

"And what of the boy, Heath," asked the judge.

"Heath, I believe, is salvageable," said Vince. "He was acting, not under compulsion, but under severe pressure from Zacharia. He'd been conditioned from birth to obey Zacharia's orders, who was even seen as a legal authority within the family, due to his position on the council. Heaven knows they were consulted many many times on legal matters concerning powers, even by yourself. He broke the law and should be punished, but I believe he can be rehabilitated, given time and the proper guidance."

"Where are they now?" asked the Judge.

"Zacharia is in holding downstairs," said Maggie. "Following their interrogation, as per the protocol, they were both sedated prior to transfer to Kansas. I had Zacharia woken up this morning specifically for this meeting. He is, of course, collared. Heath is still sedated in the medical wing of county, awaiting transport."

"Collared?" I wondered to myself. "What's that?" I concluded that there must be some kind of device like an amulet that would block a power user's powers. That gave me pause.

Judge Roder picked up the phone on her desk and punched a number.

"Hi, this is Judge Roder. I believe you have a prisoner in holding, Zacharia Everson? Yes. Can you please have him brought up to my chambers immediately? Yes, thank you."

"Does Mr. Everson have legal counsel?" she asked after hanging up.

"He declined counsel," said Vince. "He has refused to speak to the public defender appointed to represent him."

"Who was that?" asked the judge.

"Rebecca Farguest," said Vince. "I saw her in the PD office downstairs if you want her up here too."

Judge Roder reached for her phone again.

Rebecca Farguest was a strange looking woman. I was prepared to bet that if she were to lay down on the floor, she would actually be taller than she was stood up. She stood only about four and a half feet tall and seemed to be completely round. She had a short mop of steel wool on her head and dull blue eyes that seemed to be carrying the weight of the world.

She looked surprised on seeing all those in the judges chambers when she arrived.

"Ms. Farguest," said the judge, "as one of the few Public Defenders read in on powers and power users, I am going to ask you to sit in on this meeting and represent the interests of Zacharia Everson."

"Mr. Everson already refused my services," she said.

"I know," said the judge. "But there is an issue to be discussed that may change his mind. He is on his way up as we speak. I'll make the introductions later, but be assured that everyone present is already read in."

The lawyer's eyes scythed across the room taking us all in. She paused on me for a moment and then turned as Zacharia was brought into the room.

He looked totally different. Gone was the haughty demeanour and the sneer. He was dressed in an orange jumpsuit, his hands cuffed and attached to a chain at his waist. Around his neck was a collar with a flashing blue light blinking on it. I reached for his mind and found that, although reception was a little fuzzy, I could see him perfectly well. I wondered if it was just a one-way block. I decided not to ask.

The two guards escorting Zacharia sat him down in a chair facing the judge. The office was getting tight on space.

"Zacharia Everson," said the judge, "you were offered counsel, and refused. I have asked Ms. Farguest to attend this meeting in case you should change your mind. Do you understand?"

Zacharia didn't meet her eye, he just nodded while staring at a point on her desk.

"And do you wish to avail yourself of her services?" the judge asked.

Zacharia shook his head.

The tiny attorney moved to stand, but the judge held her hand up inviting her to remain seated.

"Mr. Everson," said the judge, "I have received an application from senior members of your family, along with a recommendation from the Wragge family, that your powers be removed from you."

For a moment I saw Zacharia stiffen, but then his shoulder slumped even further than before.

"With that in mind, would you like to reconsider your position regarding retaining counsel?"

Zacharia merely shook his head once more.

"You understand that if I find in their favour, your power will be removed. This will be in addition to any sentence imposed for your crimes."

He nodded.

"Very well," said Judge Roder. Ms. Farguest, many thanks for your time, but your services are not required.

"Thank you Judge," said the dumpy defender as she stood and left the chambers.

Judge Roder chewed her lip for a long time while she stared at Zacharia.

"You say you saw his intent?" she asked Vincent Wragge who nodded.

"Last time he was here," she said "Caleb shared a memory with me through Melisssa. Could you show me your interrogation of Mr. Everson?"

Vince nodded and I saw him offer a memory to his daughter, who took it, and passed it onto the judge. I saw her eyes glaze for a moment as she assimilated it. Then her brow furrowed, and she shook her head.

"There is no doubt in my mind," said the judge finally, "that you did indeed plan and execute the scheme to kill Mr. Caleb Stott with absolutely no regard for anyone else that would be hurt or killed in the process. You didn't even consider the others on the aircraft, two of whom were your own relatives.

"There is also no doubt that if you are allowed to keep your powers, you will be an ongoing threat to Mr. Stott, and anyone else who happens to be in the firing line at the time. It seems you have lost all reason where he is concerned and therefore it is my ruling that the petition by the senior Eversons will be granted, and your power will be removed."

Zacharia didn't react at all.

The judge looked at me. "Do you need to prepare or something?" she asked. I shook my head.

"The collar will have to be removed," said Vince Wragge. We can't even sense Zacharia with it on him.

I thought about that. I definitely could sense Zacharia. I was certain that I would be able to strip his power through the collar or use any of my other mental powers on him. That meant that the collars didn't affect me, or at least not that much.

I decided to keep that little tidbit of information to myself.

The guards with Zacharia removed his collar. I stood ready to counter any attempt he would have made to use his powers, but he never moved. He didn't even bother to raise his shields.

"Mr. Stott," the judge said, nodding her head in Zacharia's direction.

"Just so we're clear," I said. "You are requesting that I, Caleb Stott, remove all psychic powers from Zacharia Everson in accordance with a legal judgement made by yourself?"

I saw Dean grin again. Even Maggie smiled a little.

The judge rolled her eyes.

"Yes, Mr. Stott. That is correct. I, having heard the petition for the removal of Zacharia Everson's power and having granted said petition, order that you, using your own powers, remove his."

"Permanently?" I asked.

"Permanently." she responded.

I didn't need to move, but I wanted to look Zacharia in the eyes when I stripped him of his power. Not for any other reason but to prove that I was more of a man than he - since he hadn't had the balls to come after me face to face, but tried to stab me in the back.

"Zacharia," I said softly as I imagined he was completely without any kind of power.

He looked up at me. He wasn't physically any different than before, but he seemed, to my eyes, massively diminished.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I never wanted this."

Finally, he spoke. "I just hope," he said softly, "for all our sakes, that you are the man that you say you are."

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I’m on the 50th installment so I obviously enjoy this story. As I stated in the 5th installment comments the dipping in and out of British and American idioms is jarring and destroys immersion. I had hoped a change in editors would alleviated the pattern, but it persists. The attempt to describe “council housing” and the entire European trip from an “American” perspective, were particularly cringe for an American reader who spent many years working in the UK and across Europe.

The other repetitive pattern that has emerged is that it seems that any male that is straight, not a Dad or doesn’t serve, or did serve, in the military and/or law enforcement is a violent douchebag psychopath. Kind of tedious.

Lolilol47Lolilol4710 months ago

Thanks for the chapter

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hey PastMaster

Only found Caleb's story this past week and I have really enjoyed it. Your style is very easy to consume and the pace is just right for me. You keep the story moving forward and Caleb has enough about his character to make the fact that he is totally OP not too frustrating.

Your inclusion of some cultural elements has shown real skill. I especially loved the fact that you knew that the oil for Yorkshire puddings needs to be smoking hot. You already knew this or your research is excellent. Either way it is little things like that which make this one of the best stories I have read in some time.

The switcheroo on the bond was top notch. I think the only improvement on that element would have been drawing out the reveal on the pain it caused the twins as then the reader could have spent longer thinking it was a good thing rather than the suspicion being there from almost the first chapter.

I have some observations which I hope will not be taken as criticisms.

I would like to know more about the twins characters. I feel all I know about them is that Mary is more responsible and a gusher and Amanda seems much more free and easy and likes anal. Maybe even spending some time reinforcing their characters along with Jules and Ness would be a good thing.

I think you have made a rod for your own back by cramming too much into one year of Caleb's life. He now has a year left at university but he feels like he is ready to move on. It feels like he is ready to graduate. I think you could have spread this part of the story out over two years maybe even his whole college life and then had the European vacation as some sort of graduation extravaganza.

I am not trying to write this for you just a thought I had.

I feel like Caleb still has a lot of growing to do. He still needs to get some anger management. I feel like if he does go into the FBI maybe there is some sort of big bad on the horizon which he will have face off with. His very own Lord Vadermort (sorry forgive my port manteau). I also think that perhaps how Caleb deals with some sort of tragedy would be a very interesting story arc.

Wherever you do decide to take this story I am really looking forward to coming along for the ride. Keep up the fantastic work.

Tx_Emt53Tx_Emt53about 1 year ago

Shit! Where's the next chapter? That's why I read or rather re-read this whole story! I can't get enough. I am loving this and can't wait for the next chapter!

Rhino77PIlotRhino77PIlotabout 1 year ago

On a scale of 1 to 10, this at least a 12.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Amazing stories. Checking in everyday for next chapter. Please keep them coming.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I Love it..........more, please

1crazycoe1crazycoeabout 1 year ago

Love it , I check it everyday to see if there is another chapter.

WorldofgreyWorldofgreyabout 1 year ago

Another excellent chapter!! There is so much depth with this series!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A Well written story . I enjoyed it. One of the best stories.

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