Calendar Invitations

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A neglected mother rekindles an old spark.
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She wasn't sure when it happened, but at some point, Avery knew that the passion had gone out. Maybe it was smothered out by weekends of being the "Team Mom", a cooler full of fruit snacks and Powerade loaded in the back of a 2017 Rav-4. Maybe it was the gradual slide from 2:00am late nights at dingy dive bars to "rewarding herself" with that glass of wine at 9:15, already in her yoga pants. Twelve years of marriage later, and she felt a whole lot less like the firecracker she had been in her youth.

She knew it wasn't that she had lost her physical appeal. Daily afternoons on the elliptical at Planet Fitness had kept her body fit, and she was very aware that multiple sets of eyes turned her direction when she bent down to get that last pack of frozen waffles from the bottom shelf in Kroger. But lately, it seemed like those were the only eyes that were on her.

There had been a time a few years ago where she thought she just wasn't doing enough. Maybe if she instigated things just a little more often, it would ignite the spark. One night before bed, she slipped into her closet, left behind her sweatpants and faded charity t-shirt, and strolled out wearing nothing but her stockings. She had taken extra care to trim her body hair down to just the little landing strip he had once mentioned that he loved. That first time, it worked like a charm. He nearly threw his phone across the room in a hurry to show she commanded his full attention.

She wanted to show him exactly what kind of wife she could be, as she knelt down on his side of the bed and took his hardening manhood into her mouth. Her tongue swept circles around his tip as her hand moved patiently up and down his shaft. She was determined and focused, never moving faster than she needed to, keeping him right where she wanted. Soon, his hands moved from her shoulders to the back of her head, fingers intertwining between the thick black curls that adorned her. His hips began to buck against her, and she held herself steady. "Fuck baby, you do that so good." He panted the words between shallow breaths, his climax building and building.

She pulled her head away, just for a moment. "Whatever you want to do to me, I'm yours, daddy. I just want to make you feel good." Before he could respond, her mouth was back in its place, her head now moving faster than his hands could even keep up with. She felt the muscles in his quads tighten, and his fingers now gripped her hair tightly, almost pulling. God, she missed that feeling. "Oh fuck baby, please don't stop, please don't stop". She moved one hand down between her legs, teasing her own clit as his praises fell out of his lips. Suddenly, his hands gripped the edge of the bed and she was tempted to pull her mouth away, to feel the reward splash against her skin.

Instead, she pushed her head further into his lap, letting him unload all his desire into her mouth and on her tongue. To be honest, she hated the taste of it. But she wanted to remind him how submissive she could be. She swallowed it without so much as a wince. As she looked up from her knees, her mascara smeared and hair askew, her husband drained and out of breath, she knew she had done it. This would remind him exactly what kind of woman he had married. This would surely wake him up.

They didn't have sex again for two weeks after that, and instead Avery masturbated in bed next to him each night after he fell asleep.


It was during one of those "together but so far apart" moments that the opportunity for a change presented itself.

Avery was awake in bed, her husband turned away and snoring, while one hand toyed lazily against her skin under the covers. She wasn't fully masturbating, but she certainly wasn't not masturbating either. A notification interrupted her scrolling through Bellesa, alerting her to the fact that @judethelegaleagle had liked one of her photos.

There was something familiar about the name, but more than anything she was curious about what photo had drawn their attention. Lately all she had posted was pictures of her kids doing virtual school and a Starbucks latte, nothing that would draw a stranger's eye.

Instead, clicking the notification, she found herself looking at a beach selfie from last April's family vacation to Key West. She remembered the trip well, if only for the feeling of constant disappointment.

The third night of their trip, her sister Nancy had taken the boys so that she and Derek could have a date night of their own. Avery wore a little black dress that clung to her body and stopped at mid thigh, and black stilettos with a painted red bottom. They weren't the most expensive, but they looked the part. Underneath, she wore a thin black matching set, capped with small gold studs along the underwire and waistband. She felt like a starlet, making her debut among the elite.

In the bathroom of La Cocinita that night, she stared at her reflection, and reveled in it. She had aged well, and turning 38 had done nothing to slow the libido that defined her wild-child twenties. This trip had been full of tension and stress, screaming kids and forgotten beach-chairs, but tonight was their chance to get back to the fun of it. Struck with an idea, she slipped off her underwear and snapped a quick photo, dangling them off her finger.

"I think I might leave them off..."

She attached the photo to a text message addressed to "Dear Husband", and squirmed in anticipation for his reply.

A too-long moment later, his reply blipped across the screen of her phone.

"Hot. The waitress asked if we wanted dessert, I ordered you flan."

They had sex that night, back in their hotel room, with the lights off. It was fine, but only just fine.


So now, edging herself slightly, she looked at her smile, her hands posed on her hips, and the one shoulder green bikini that she originally thought showed a bit too much.

She can see why a stranger might like it.

She clicked on the user name. Something about his face was familiar, but she couldn't place it either. Was he a guy from the gym? One of Derek's fraternity brothers, perhaps? As she scrolled through his photos, she found one captioned "Throwback to Burke High baseball!" The pieces clicked into place-- Jude McElroy. They graduated in the same year, he sat behind her in senior English and he slipped her an Advil when she came to school hungover once. Other than that, they really hadn't interacted much. There wasn't much overlap between the city councilman's son who played second base and the slightly goth Cuban girl who sang second alto. At least not in Omaha.

But tonight, she wanted to play.

"You're scrolling a bit too far in the past to be liking photos, you know."


The words appeared and disappeared a few times before his response popped up.

"Sorry, I was trying to come up with a convincing excuse. I've got nothing. Should I just beg for forgiveness instead?"

"I'd really prefer you didn't beg. It's not a good look on you."

"Good, I don't beg well. Should we talk about things that are a good look on you, instead?"

"Oh, I know exactly what you think is a good look on me. Judging by recent history, something green and skimpy seems to be your choice."

"What can I say, you make it look good."

"Tell me more about what you like."


A few years prior, she might have felt guilty about flirting with Jude. She certainly would have felt guilty over the photo she sent him the next day wrapped in just a towel. She most definitely would have felt guilty for how many times she masturbated to the shirtless photo from the gym he sent in return.

But the last few years had revealed a few cracks in the foundation she had built up for herself. Derek admitted to kissing one of his coworkers at a sales conference after their first son was born, but she had her suspicions that it had gone much further.

She had spent so long trying to be the perfect housewife for Derek that she'd lost sight of meeting her own needs. Now that she'd had a little taste, a small reminder of what that power felt like, she wasn't going to feel guilty for indulging in it.

It might have been chance, it might have been fate. But it just so happened that Jude's firm operated out of a building across the street from where her younger son took his piano lessons. As her youngest practiced scales with an old woman named Ms. Bennett, she sat on a bench staring at a sign for "Emmett, Rogers and Partners, Suite 217".

"I'm in front of your office. Should I come up and pay a visit?"

"Fuck. I want that so bad. But I'm stuck in a meeting. Can we reschedule?"

"My son has piano lessons at 4:30 on Wednesdays across the street from your office."

His reply came in the form of a Google calendar invitation entitled "Avery cums hard".

He was bold, she liked that.


A week later, Avery was back on that same bench. Her hair was straightened, and pinned behind one ear with a Hibiscus flower. She had chosen a maroon high-collar maxi dress, something that wouldn't look out of place in a law firm lobby. But underneath, she wore the same gold studded underwear she had chosen back in April for her date at La Cocinita.

It was 4:32 as Avery slipped into the lobby.

"Excuse me, I have an appointment with Mr. McElroy, but do you have a restroom I could use first?"

"Sure, sweetheart. It's off to your left."

The receptionist was in her fifties, and normally being called sweetheart by a woman who could have been her sister would have irritated Avery. But the excitement and anxiety of what was happening was too much for that little thorn to catch this time.

As Avery looked in the mirror, she checked her makeup, adjusted her stockings and shook out the nerves. Extending her arm in front of her, she snapped a photo of her underwear against the lip of the sink.

"I think I might leave them off...."

His response was sudden.

"If you don't, I'm going to tear them off of you. They look expensive, better play it safe."

Now Avery was the one typing and deleting. After two aborted attempts to comeback with some witty retort, Jude broke her writer's block.

"I'm office 3B. If you're not in here in the next three minutes, I'm going to fuck you in that lobby bathroom."

Avery stuffed her thong into her clutch and opened the bathroom door.

"Ah, there you are Ms. Quintanilla. I told Dolores that I was getting worried someone might have to go in there after you."

Jude's smirk shined underneath his neatly trimmed beard. His blonde hair was swept back in that deliberately casual style that so many lawyers seemed to have. His dark blue tie cut a sharp line against his stiff white collar, and she couldn't stop staring at the way his forearms pressed against his rolled-up sleeves.

"Sorry, I was just a little nervous. I've never needed an appointment with a lawyer before."

"That's okay. I won't bite, I promise. Shall we?"

He led Avery around a corner and into his office. Avery found herself staring straight into a window looking down on the street where she had been sitting just a few moments ago. Just in front of the window was a large wooden desk, ornately carved at the legs, and an oversized leather chair. To her left, a small leather couch and a coffee table.

The door had hardly latched behind them before his hands were on her. Gripping the small of her back, he pulled her waist into his. His mouth was electric and strangely foreign. It had been longer than she could remember since she had kissed lips other than Derek, and even that was a drunken kiss with one of her girlfriends.

"I wasn't kidding, I was going to fuck you in that bathroom if that's what it took."

"I might have let you."

Her hands fumbled with his belt, desperately trying to get it unbuckled, desperate to feel him in her hands.

"Oh no, we're going to get to that. But I want to taste you first."

He walked her backwards and she halfway fell onto the couch, as he tugged at the fabric of her dress. In short order, he was kneeling between her legs, reveling in the fact that her underwear were already carefully stowed in her purse. His tongue explored her, sending bolts of lighting up her spine as he lapped hungrily against her clit.

She webbed her fingers through his hair as he moaned and inhaled her deeply. Her hips ground involuntarily against his face, and she bit down hard against her lip. Her breath caught in short gasps as she savored the feeling of his stubble against her thighs. She needed this more than she realized. As her hands moved from his head to the back rail of the couch, she tried to stop herself from moaning too loudly.

"Oh my fucking God, I've needed this. You're going to make me cum so hard."

"Good, that's what I've wanted since you sent that first message." He pulled himself away just for a moment to reply, and then returned with renewed passion.

She kicked off her shoes and stretched her legs out, pointing her toes. He read her cues and lifted her legs now onto his broad shoulders. His fingers worked inside of her, and his tongue moved downward, dancing ever so carefully around her ass.

She loved it.

"Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod," the words spilled faster and faster from her lips as he ate her out.

Her muscles tightened and she gasped. For a moment it seemed like she would never take another breath, that they'd find her body here, frozen in ecstasy, a victim of her own pleasure.

Suddenly air swarmed into her lungs and electricity shot through her veins. Her face felt warm, then tingly, then numb.

"Get in that chair, now."

The words, otherworldly, emanated from some place primal, unlocked deep within her. Avery pulled her dress up over her head as Jude pulled his slacks and boxer briefs down to his ankles. Her bra joined the growing pile of her clothes on the floor.

As she stood naked in this office, wearing nothing but nylon stockings and a single gold chain, she felt radiant with flame and power.

In the light, piercing through the blinds like arrows, she saw herself as she truly wanted to be, a bronze goddess of sexuality. And she saw that it was good.

"I need this. I need you." Avery lowered herself onto him, straddling the sides of the chair with her legs. He was smaller than her husband, if only slightly, but that wasn't what mattered in this moment.

In this moment, Avery was alive. She was strong. She was fierce. His hips rose to the challenge of her rhythm, but for once Avery wasn't focused on anyone but herself. That calendar invite hadn't read "Jude fucks Avery" or even "Avery and Jude have hot sex". It read "Avery cums hard" and she was determined to see that through.

As she rode him, grinding her clit against him with every thrust, Avery pressed her lips against his, letting her tongue explore his mouth. She tasted herself on his lips, and craved more. Pressing his head into her shoulder, she put his earlobe into her mouth and bit. Not hard enough to break the skin, though he'd likely have a single red tooth mark on it when they were through, but just hard enough to signal she wanted all of him let loose.

Jude stood up and flipped her back onto the desk, pinning her hands on top of some soon to be discarded paperwork. Avery brought her legs around his waist and crossed her ankles against his muscular back.

"Don't stop until you're empty. I want all of it."

With this final command, Avery sent him tumbling over the edge. His thrusts became deeper and less rhythmic as she felt him unload inside of her. Spent, he fell back into the chair, pulling his boxers up over his now softening member.

"Holy shit that was good. I just, you are, fuck. Lawyers are supposed to be good at talking, you know."

Avery glanced at the clock to her left. Fuck. It was 5:13. She had enough time to fix her make-up, but not as much as she'd like.

She had forgotten how much damage sex can do to your makeup.

"Yeah, that was exactly what I needed. I'm not sure this is going to be a regular thing though."

Jude looked a little hurt, but seemed to understand.

"I get it, things are rocky but they're not totally broken yet. If you do decide you're ready for a fresh start, let me know. I know a good lawyer."

"I don't know. I'm looking for a lawyer with a little more bite these days."

"Well played, Ms. Quintanilla, well played. The defense rests."

"You look like you need it."


As Avery walked out the doors back onto the street of downtown Omaha, she breathed deeply for the first time in a while.

She might still be the team mom, and she might still have a cooler full of fruit snacks, but she also had passion again.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just an average story and where is the incest????????????????

M_BryceM_Brycealmost 2 years ago

Has no one read Story of an Hour? This was like a fantastic sexy version of that

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good god, the comments on this are awful. Cheating stories aren't my fave either, but this was well written.

To the bitter commenters:

1} "Slut" shaming is never a good look on anyone.

2) kids get dropped off at activities *all the time* that isn't remotely far-fetched

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

26thNCuck "loved it". That's all you need to know about this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Another cheating whore story…

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hope she likes what she's going to reap. Thanks for the effort.

Buster2UBuster2Uover 2 years ago

Writing was good but cheating wife was uncalled for.

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

Good lord that was horribly stupid.

Not even a good attempt to make it seem the cunt had a legit reason to do it.

In other words your writing sucks, much the way you are dealing with that cock rubbing against your tonsils right now.

Bham487Bham487over 2 years ago

Being a slut = passion?

PolyLvrPolyLvrover 2 years ago

Re, whackadoodle.

You seem to have read a different story than I did. None of that shit was in there.

You want to see that on. A story, write it yourself.

PolyLvrPolyLvrover 2 years ago


Hubby is just phoning it in. And everyone with half a brain knows how hard most mothers work. She deserves this.

dragonmann72dragonmann72over 2 years ago

Gee, I was looking at a map of down town Omaha and couldn't find any piano studio's across from a lawyers office. Still was she going to start slipping out of her son's lessons each week, doesn't she think someone will see a pattern, you know like her son. OH wait, whores never think that far ahead.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

1 Star

Cheap whore now.

26thNCuck Disapproved

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The writing and story were awful

irinmikeirinmikeover 2 years ago

Great story and one that is repeated by many housewives caught in the doldrums of daily life.

26thNCuck26thNCuckover 2 years ago

5 Stars

Loved it.

-26thNC Approved

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Please Mummy go and leave us. We hate bitches

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Garbage. 1*

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why praise and encourage whores?

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleover 2 years ago

A one off sex session with her husband wont do it.

She feels like the passion has gone out? How do you think her husband feels?

He works 5, sometimes 6 days a week at a job that is slowly sucking the life out of him. His wife surprises him after years of twice a month routine sex by going to town on him. He doesn't know what to do.

On the one hand, he wants to jimp her bones 3 times a day, on the other, he has been turned down so many times, he doesn't want to be rejected. By his wife. Again. So he leaves it up to her to initiate.

Rather than talking to him, she decides to have an affair….as IF THAT WILL HELP?!?

Frankly, this is a recipe for disaster.

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