California Love Ch. 01

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She meets her dream man.
3.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 06/17/2013
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There he was, just sitting there like a god-given masterpiece with no errors and no flaws. He was all alone with a confused look on his face. He looked like he was murmuring something as he looked down at his phone. He was wearing a gray sweater with writing on it paired with a white collared shirt underneath, along with some dark denim jeans and black and white shoes. He looked as if he was a model posing for Hollister or Abercrombie & Fitch. He looked around as if he was waiting for someone to join him on the bench that he was sitting on. People flew by in crowds around him but the only thing that Mariah could keep her eyes focused on was that man. He had intense blue eyes that could melt a heart just by looking into them. He also had dark hair gelled into a preppy style sort of like David Beckham and he also had a long nose with little freckles around them with the most perfect lips to finish such a handsome face. And in Mariah's eyes, he was perfect.

In that moment of her standing still with her gaze stuck on this man, her mind wandered off into another world. All she could think of was what she could do to get him to notice her. He stood up and Mariah was afraid that this was the last time she would ever see this perfect human. He squinted into the distance and then sat back down on the bench. Mariah had almost forgotten where she was and why she was there. She was at the airport and was actually waiting for her best friend's plane to land. She looked down, at her watch and it read 12:50 pm. Her best friend, Simone, was supposed to be arriving at 1 pm. Mariah jumped when she saw the time and slowly walked towards the gate that her friend would soon be arriving at. She had thought of a plan to try and bump into him accidentally and then somehow start a conversation from there. Mariah was extremely shy and only had one boyfriend in her life; Paul. Things never worked out because she had only dated him out of feeling sorry for him. He had a crush on her for years so she'd decide to finally give him a chance only after finding out that he would be moving across the country weeks after. She did not even want to try a long distance relationship with him because well, she didn't like him. They broke it off after three weeks and that was her only substantial relationship ever. She had only fooled around with guys once she got to college but there were never any relationships to come out of them.

Her best friend, Simone had gone away after her fourth year in college to study abroad. Mariah always had a part that wanted to go with her but she could never afford that. It had now been two years since she'd seen Simone. They always planned to find a cute apartment and live together after college and as far as she was concerned that was still the plan.

It was now 12:58 and when Mariah turned her back to see if the guy was still there, she didn't see him. She just knew that she would probably never see his face again and then she went about waiting for her friend thinking about him more and more. She thought about how they would look together with his white skin against her dark chocolate tone. She had imagined what he would smell like and how his voice sounded when he spoke. She was already way too intrigued by this man as she remembered that she had only saw him once in her life and it would probably be the last time. She looked down as she came back to reality and when she looked up, she saw him with a huge smile running towards a woman - white, blonde, tall, skinny, and probably his girlfriend. She had lost all hope at that moment and then shortly after saw her best friend Simone struggling out with her three huge over packed suitcases. Even though what she had just saw crushed her fantasy with this dream man, she laughed as she saw her friend drop one of her bags onto the floor and then she went to help her pick it up.

''Ciao bella!" Her best friend yelled out as she went to hug Mariah. Mariah had no idea what Simone had just called her but she smiled and said,

"Hey girl, I see Italy treated you well!" She said genuinely happily noticing diamonds all over her neck, wrist, and finger. Was that an engagement ring? It couldn't be, Mariah thought to herself.

"Yes girl, Italy was...well it was amazing." Simone said while smiling.

Mariah helped her with her bags and couldn't help but ask her about all of the diamonds; they had to be fake knowing that Simone did not have THAT much money to spend.

"So can you explain to me why you are shining all over the damn place with your jewelry?" She said with a smirk on her face.

"Well, I met this guy-" Simone explained with an eager smile on her face but was cut off by Mariah.

"A man? You met an Italian man?" She practically yelled with excitement. She had forgotten there were people around her but didn't care until Simone shushed her.

"Yes an Italian man, his name is Nicolette and he is so amazing and wealthy and sexy and he loves me and wants to get married!" She said that last part all in one breath and then excitedly flashed her ring to Mariah.

The jaw dropping news had made Mariah extremely happy for her best friend but then she felt a small sting of jealousy. They were both only 24 years old and Mariah suddenly felt as if her best friend's life was passing her pathetic one by extremely fast. She had honestly accomplished nothing big except for graduating her community college with only an AA degree. For a quick second, she imagined what her life would be like if she was with the handsome stranger from before. She then snapped out of it as she heard Simone going on and on about her new husband to be. She looked up and then felt a big strong body what seemed to be 6'4 in front of her 5'3 small frame. She started with her apology for being so clumsy and once she saw who was in front of her, she immediately started to lose her words and stuttered the rest of her apology out. She felt so embarrassed and couldn't even look this man in his gorgeous blue eyes. He laughed and said "its fine." And then he turned his back to her and kept on walking with the blonde.


For the rest of the night, Mariah couldn't think of any thing but the man. She could not understand why she was so mesmerized by him. She had seen gorgeous men all the time living in L.A. and all. She heard Simone snoring next to her and decided to get up out of the bed. The clock read 8:00 AM and she knew if she didn't get up fast that she would be late for work. Mariah looked into her closet to find what to wear for work. She decided on a white clingy skirt and a sheer black button up top to go along with the ensemble. She put on her comfortable black work heels and finished getting ready to go to work. Once she pulled up to the bank, it was now 9:50 AM so she had ten minutes to kill. She sat in her seat trying to fix her hair after the wind had blown some strands out of place. Everyone thought that her long black wavy hair was real but it was really a weave. She kept it the same daily so she wouldn't be asked a bunch of questions by her older white coworkers. She got a job working at the bank and she hated it so much but it paid the bills of her small apartment. She definitely did not want to be stuck working there her entire life. Mariah was the youngest one at her job and some old man was always trying to hit on her or stare her down which made her feel extremely uncomfortable knowing that she was young enough to be their grand daughter. "Yuck!" She thought.

As she walked into the bank, she went behind the counter to get ready for work. Her job was to greet people inside of the bank and assist them if they needed any help. She hated her boring job but something would soon change that. She could not believe her eyes as she saw a familiar tall white figure coming towards the door. He was just too hot to be real. He had black sunglasses on that covered his gorgeous eyes and a blue plaid flannel along with some jeans and when he walked in he smelt of Dolce and Gabbana, Light Blue cologne. Mariah's wide eyes stared at him as he walked past her; she just stood there frozen without any clue of what words to say. When the words finally reached her mouth she stuttered them out,

"H-h-hello sir, uhm is there anything I c-c-could assist you with?" She said with a nervous smile on her face.

"No I think I got it..." He said with a rude tone and walked straight past her without any remorse.

She thought that she had completely did something wrong. She tried smelling her breath to see if that was the problem but it was fine. She looked in a mirror to see if something was wrong with her face, but nothing. She was now upset and mad that he would do that to her when she did absolutely nothing to deserve that disrespect from him. He withdrew some money from his account and then walked at a fast pace outside of the bank totally uninterested in Mariah. She boldly went after him outside of the bank and said,

"What the fuck is your problem? You can't just walk past someone so rude like that and don't even say sorry when they were just trying to be polite!" She practically yelled out at him.

He stopped dead in his tracks and stood frozen in front of his car and slowly turned around to see who it was talking to him like that.

"Look, I don't even know who you are and I have some place I need to be so I would really suggest you to go back to your pathetic job and go on with your fucking day." He said with an angry face.

Mariah was completely shocked. She didn't even know why she went after him in the first place and now she was hurt that he had insulted her. She felt her eyes start to slowly water and she knew how pathetic she had looked right now and immediately ran back into the bank. She ran to employee bathroom and tried to fix herself up before she went back out to work. She had made a complete fool of herself and now she had to find him to apologize. Since she knew he had a bank account there, she went into stalk mode and looked up the last person to withdrawal funds on the computer and there he was, Steven Richards. She wrote down his number and saved it so that she could call him later. She didn't know why she was doing this but she felt that she needed to see him again. Yes, this was completely stalker crazy of her but she just could not let go.

"Why are you up so early...and why are you pacing around like a crazy person?" Simone said sleepily after being awakened by Mariah clicking her heels around the floor.

"Simone, do you remember that amazingly gorgeous white guy that I bumped into at the airport the other day?" Mariah said nervously.

" why?" Simone said looking up at her friend like she had gone nuts.

"Girl, there is something about him...something that I can't shake and I need to see him again!" Mariah said with wide eyes looking into Simone's.

"Well how are you gonna do that? Oh and remember Nic is coming out today to meet all of my friends and family." Simone said questioning Mariah and then smiling once she said her rich beau's name.

Mariah completely shrugged Nic off of her mind and replied to Simone saying, " I have his number and maybe I will just cal him and say it's an old friend or something, I don't know?" Mariah said pacing around again.

"That's weird..." Simone mumbled to herself. She could not believe what had gotten into Mariah. Mariah could seriously have any other guy that she wanted with her almond shaped eyes and thick lips, pretty smile and round nose. Simone did not understand why she was so into a complete stranger.

"Look, you know I could just ask Nic to bring a friend for you or –" Simone was quickly cut off when Mariah shook her head and said, "No Simone, I don't want his friend, I want Steven!" Mariah said almost sounding like a 5 year old asking for candy before dinner.

It beat Simone's mind as to why her best friend that she had know almost forever was acting like this. If she couldn't get through to her, then she was just going to have to let her do what she wanted to do because there was no stopping Mariah. It was now 2 pm and the girls decided to go out for lunch. Mariah was dressed in a red maxi dress that seemed to hug every curve of hers while Simone opted for a shorter summer dress that had a nice floral print and made her look very girly. They stopped at Mariah's favorite spot, The North End Cafe that was just by the beach. And just to her surprise, sitting there alone was Steven drinking a glass of wine and looking out towards the beach. Simone looked at Mariah's face and knew in that moment that he was the one that had Mariah going crazy. As the two walked to their seat, Steven glanced up and saw Mariah with a grin on her face and another black girl behind her. He waited for them to be seated and then he got up and walked over to their table,

"Well if it isn't the girl with an attitude." He said with the sexiest smile ever.

Mariah tried to act like he didn't exist while looking at her menu and then glanced up into his eyes and replied.

"Wow, I didn't think that I would ever see you again." She lied and then smiled with her eyes back on the menu.

"Hmm, that's weird because I got a text saying meet me at the North End Café at 2pm from some strange number." He said looking around the café. "And as far as I'm concerned, I don't recognize any faces in here except for yours." He said looking back at her with a straight face.

Mariah started to look nervous while waiting for something cute to kick into her mind to reply with. She knew that he had caught her in her attempt to see him again. Simone kicked her leg under the table and then Mariah acted as she was clearing her throat and said,

"Why would I do that? Remember I have a pathetic job and I seem to have an attitude." She said not looking up at his face.

Simone was staring at Mariah the entire time out of complete embarrassment that she had just done what she did. She actually texted this stranger telling him to meet her somewhere and he actually did it. "Wow, we live in a strange world," she thought to herself.

"Look, I'm sorry about that...I was just in a rush and like I said...I had some place to be." He said with all honesty in his eyes. Steven had no idea why he even listened to the text that he received hours ago saying to meet this person at the café. He just went with it because there was nothing else to do which was rare.

"Umm...I guess its ok." Mariah replied looking into his eyes as mesmerized as she was the first time she had saw him. They reminded her of the ocean with a little speck of grey and they were just completely dreamy. She always had a thing for guys with blue eyes, but they never really showed an interest in her. She didn't know what to do next because she hadn't even expected him to show up.

"Ahem, umm I'm Simone and you are..?" Simone said breaking up the awkwardness between the two.

"I'm Steven. Steven Richards." He said putting his hand out for Simone to shake it. She looked at it like it was a foreign object and then proceeded with shaking his hand.

"Umm if you two ladies could excuse me, I think I'm going to go to the restroom." He said politely not taking his eyes off of Mariah.

Mariah could not believe what had just happened. She smiled at Simone and started giggling to herself. Simone just stared at her and said,

" What the hell was that Rye? You don't know him and the fact that he actually came says a lot about his character!" She said sounding like a mother.

"Like what? Like that he's optimistic? Beautiful? Dreamy?" Mariah said as if she was in a daze.

"No that he is a freak and...and..and" Simone tried to think of something else to insult him with. Mariah carelessly walked off from the table and went towards the restroom. She saw him walk out of the restroom and then she pushed him back inside hoping that no one else was in there. She looked around and there was no one.

"What the –"He tried to say before she pressed her lips onto his. Mariah kissed him hard at first but then he kissed her back and opened his mouth as she slid her tongue into his warm mouth and swirled it around taking her time and then melting into his arms which were now exploring her waist. She stopped to see what he was thinking but his eyes were still closed after she backed up.

"I don't understand?" He said breathlessly after looking into her lustful eyes.

"I want you...I want you now." She said looking into his eyes and moving closer and closer into his body.

"You need to tell me your name first." He said turning his head as she came in for a kiss.

He had no idea what was going on either but he wanted her as well. He wanted to feel her soft thick lips around his throbbing cock. She quietly moaned out the word 'Mariah' as she went in for another kiss. After their tongues finished dancing, she then went down to her knees and Steven groaned out with anticipation. She slowly unbuckled his belt, undid his zipper and pulled down his Hollister jeans. She saw his hard bulge sticking out of his grey Calvin Klein briefs and pulled it out slowly. She began jerking it up and down, teasing his balls with her other hand. Mariah had never given head before but she learned tips from different friends and hoped that it was working now. She then put her mouth on the tip of his dick and then heard him groan. He put his hand on top of her head as she began bobbing her head up and down his long thick member making his dick wet with her spit. She couldn't believe how turned on she was from him putting his hand on her head. Her panties were now soaked and she couldn't wait for him to be inside of her. He groaned and groaned and just when he knew he was about to cum, his balls tightened and his white creamy goodness splattered all over her face. He groaned loudly as he cummed and then he started to pull his pants up when Mariah stopped him and said,

"Wait...we are not done yet!" she said completely turned on, placing some of his cum into her mouth with her fingers.

"I know that I am." Steven said with no remorse as he pulled his pants up, went to wash his hands and then walked outside of the bathroom and then out of the restaurant.

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Marklynda2Marklynda25 months ago

Will be interesting to see what the next chapter brings. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

Marklynda2Marklynda25 months ago

Definitely a different twist. I look forward to reading the next chapter to see how she responds!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This was too weird. Mariah turned into some weird, stalker freak. Then, she blew him in the men's room? Seriously? I try not to be too critical of other people's stories, but ... eww! What WAS this?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Did a good author start this story and then turn it over to a retarded adolescent to complete? It went from great to shit in 1 second.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
im so pissed off

It was going so great I thought they were going to fall in love and then she becomes so weird smut bucket and now they will definitely never see each other aging ur crappy story Rly pissed me off

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
to the irondragon idiot

It's idiots like you that make untalented fucks like this wannabe writer think they have talent when they clearly don't!! Everyone who criticized this shit was right to do it, and clearly aren't idiots. Only idiots who like any ol thing like this, try to offer encouragement for shit like this. Shit begets shit though huh?

IronDragonIronDragonalmost 11 years ago
Don't listen to the Anondiots!

This was the start of a great tale, I think. Keep it up, and I'll be looking for more of your work. :)

5 Stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

GASP!! Yho, just like that?! Ai some men hey, but I guess that's the outcome of whoresim but gasp

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
If only to Help!!!!

I am not a writer, nor do I claim to be. In as far as saying, although I appreciate the effort and would love to watch you grow and you will, but this is not just a commentary on you, but we have to stop and give them objective criticism. A good writer listens to criticism, I would imagine constructive criticism is a good thing when done appropriately.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

LMAO!!! Welp.... That didn't go as planned.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Cummed is not a word, CAME is! Be different to every other writer on this site and don't butcher the English language.

TaroTaroalmost 11 years ago

Looking forward to seeing how this story develops. Constructive criticism I can deal with, send a private note to the author. Guys quit with the negativity, this is erotica, fantasy!, it is the author's story to tell. Everyone of us have been, in thought or deed , a 'Mariah' at sometime, whether the object of your affection was blue eyed or brown, come on admit it :).

LetsGetNerdy101LetsGetNerdy101almost 11 years ago
Omg That Asshole!

I loveeeee the story! Continue! Steven Is A Dick! Now I see why his last name is Richard...

nuerotiklyinclinednuerotiklyinclinedalmost 11 years ago

There seems to be a lot of "anonymous" readers berating a first time writer. Shame on you guys!! What makes this site so entertaining and wonderful is that you get to write whatever the fuck you want. If at some point while reading a story you decide it's not your cup of tea move on. There's literally thousands upon thousands of other stories to read. Also, I give it a 5 just to p-off the collective of anonymous commenter ;-)

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