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Call Girl Changed My Life


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We met back in bed, a very new situation for me. When she crawled in, Beth said "That's better, Both my bladder and my teeth are grateful. Now for you" and she kissed me, three short but very sweet kisses. "You know, for a man who never kissed a woman before last night, you're a pretty good kisser."

I turned red, but managed to say "Thank you. I know I love the way you kiss me, but I can't compare you to anyone. Not that I want to."

"What do you mean?" she asked looking over the rim of her mug.

"I mean I'm not interested in just running out to screw all different women. I don't think that's me. Even if I felt comfortable behaving like that. I really like you, Beth. I'm hoping we're going to be seeing more of each other after this weekend."

Beth was contemplative. She said "So do I, Eric. We'll know a lot more by tomorrow, but I enjoy your company. As I said, you're a gentleman, and deep down, I'm kind of an old fashioned girl. I like that in a man, and it's becoming a lost art. When I go on dates, I mean real dates, I like a man to hold my chair, hold a door, hold my coat for me. Little things, but they go a long way. But I have to ask you, if things go well and we want to see each other more, how are you going to deal with my job? A lot of men can't handle a woman doing my kind of work."

"Honestly, I have no idea. Right now, I guess it's your business, I have no claim on you or a right to tell you what to do. Besides, if it wasn't for your job, we wouldn't have met." I smiled at her, and Beth lit up.

"You should get used to smiling more often, Eric. You have a lovely smile. No bullshit."

"I'll take your word for it for now. Anyway, if we keep seeing each other, I don't know how I'll feel about it. Everything is new to me. I've never been jealous before because I've never been in a situation where I could feel jealous. How long do you plan to do this and what are you planning for when you're done? You can't do it for a long time. You can keep your looks, but I have to think it wears you down. Plus, aren't there sometimes dangerous customers?"

"We call them clients. And yes, there have been a few who made me feel...uncomfortable. They had violent fantasies that they didn't reveal up front, or they have a temper when they can't function, if you know what I mean. I figure another two years and I'll have my student loans paid off. After that, I'm not sure."

"How would you explain to a potential employer having no working experience for these last...years? How long have you been doing it? Just curious."

"This is my second year. I'm 27."

"Really? I thought you were like 22. I'm 25 myself."

"You are sweet. Really. I can say I've been working. I pay the money I make to the agency and they then pay me by paycheck, with the usual deductions. They get 25% for handling my bookings and payroll, security if needed, and I get the rest. That way I'm paying taxes and I have a work history. I say I'm a 'consultant'. It's good enough for Uncle Sam."

We both were quiet for a bit. I asked Beth if she wanted to take a shower and have breakfast before we got started on our day, go to her place so she could change and then go shopping. "Not yet" she said cryptically. "There's something I want to do first."

Beth put her mug down, then threw herself in my arms, kissing me hard right from the start. She put her lips to my ear and whispered "I want you this morning. But not like last night. I want you to fuck me this morning. Let's see how you do that" and she licked my ear, a long slow lick that made me crazy.

"Oh god, that's incredible!" I pushed her on her back and I felt like a bull, all full of myself, raring to go. Beth liked the response she got, and grabbed at my shirt, pushing it up and off me with urgency. I felt the same need and almost tore my shirt from her body and went right for her tits, sucking hard, biting a little, then tugging those hard stubs hungrily. Beth was scraping her nails down my back and I jumped in my skin. I couldn't imagine this kind of passion, something very raw. It felt animalistic.

My cock was at full mast and Beth pumped me in her hand, rubbing her thumb under the head, on my glans, and I moaned into her hot mouth. She helped me get between her legs, she pulled her legs back and wide, and guided me right inside her. She was so soaking wet I just went in like warm grease coated her pussy. The feeling of her slick pussy left my mind feeling blank, in a very good way.

Beth wrapped her legs around my thighs and locked them tight, not letting me move. "Hold still for a minute" she grunted. "Relax your body. Then you can begin thrusting." When she felt my body get a little slack, Beth eased up her grasp on me and I pulled back, accidently pulling out of her pussy, but she reached back down and helped me back in again. "It's ok, baby, you'll figure it out."

I thrust again and this time I sensed when I was still in by the head of my cock and I thrust in again. My rhythm was kind of awkward at first, but Beth was enjoying herself, which gave me confidence. After a couple of minutes, I found a good rhythm, and Beth joined me, pushing her hips up to meet me when I pushed my cock back into her pussy. Soon we were moving very well together. My hips were slapping hers this time, like hers had done to mine the night before. The sound echoed off the walls along with the sounds we were making. Beth started saying "Fuck me just like that. Go harder, Eric, I can take it. I'm not fragile. Fuck me nice and hard. Your dick feels so good."

"Fuck, you feel incredible, Beth! So fucking hot and wet!" I was getting into the same mood with her, talking a little dirty, moving my hips harder. I felt my balls slapping her ass and she groaned as a climax took over her body. I felt her shudder beneath me and I kissed her hard. Our lips locked, our tongues played, and my cock was sticky inside her pussy.

I had no idea how I was able to keep from cumming. but somehow I kept my mind distracted just enough to hold back. Beth was thinking the same thing. "How are you still hard? It's incredible! I'm going to cum again!" she cried out, grunting as she hit her orgasm again.

Then she pushed me onto my back and got off my dick, kissed me and then moved quickly between my legs. "Believe me, I usually love a man who can stay hard like this, but I'm very hungry...for food...and we have things to do. So just let me take care of you." She went down on me, quickly, sucking me with all her skills, using lots of tongue all around the head especially. I could soon feel myself almost there. I moaned "I'm gonna cum, Beth..", warning her in case she didn't like to get cum in her mouth.

I needn't have worried. She moved faster and rubbed her tongue along my cock and I was cumming, shooting into her mouth and felt her swallowing my seed, keeping up with my creamy, sticky load. It was yet another new sensation for me, and it was also wonderful. Beth held me in her mouth until she was certain I was empty for the moment and then she let me free, kissing my cock a couple of times as it softened. She scooched up to me again, and kissed me on my cheek as I tried to find the words to express how I felt. Instead of speaking, I turned my head and kissed her full on the lips, taking her by surprise.

"You kissed me with your semen on my lips. I've never met a man who would do that before."

"What's the big deal? It's just semen. I've tasted it before. Not like the whole thing. But out of curiosity."

"Well, clearly you don't know most guys" she chuckled. Then she realized what she said. "I'm sorry. I didn't think about you not having friends. I didn't mean anything."

I just smiled at her. "It's ok, Beth, really. I don't think I could get upset with you about anything."

"You need to spend more time with me. You'll be amazed."

"I already am."

She sighed and kissed me again. "You are just the sweetest man. Still want to make me breakfast? I'm famished."

We went into the kitchen naked (yet another first for me) and I whipped up a cheese omelet for us to share with toast and coffee. Nothing difficult, but I guess not many men cooked for her in the past because she raved about the very basic omelet. After clearing the dishes we took a shower with a soapy handjob for me that splattered all over the tiles. Then I took Beth to her place about 20 minutes away (she took a Lyft to my apartment) and she invited me up to wait while she got into fresh clothes. She looked great the night before in the grey/blue dress, and she looked equally great in a pair of jeans, a simple green sweater and sneakers and minimal makeup. "You're really cute" I told her. "Lovely, even. Whether you're dressed up or down. You're a real beauty."

"You really believe it, don't you. I mean, I know I'm pretty, I couldn't get hired to do what I do if I wasn't. But I don't like to flaunt it everyday. I'd rather just be comfortable in simple clothes. I'm really a simple girl."

"I don't think you're simple at all. You're wonderful."

Beth just smiled shyly. "You are very good for my ego. You know, last night, staying with you, being with you like a real date, I've never done this before. I haven't even had a real date in over a year."

"I find that last part hard to believe. I would think men are always asking you out, or your friends are offering to set you up with someone."

"Honestly, Eric, I don't have that many friends. I do have a few good ones, but I'm something of a loner. Maybe that's why I find something so special about you. We're very much alike." She stepped into my arms. "I really do like you, and I know you all of..." she looked at her watch..."17 hours." She kissed me again.

I choked up. Beth was really a very special woman. "I don't know what to say" I gurgled. "I still can't quite believe you're not scared of me. I know, you don't like hearing me talk that way about myself. Look, can we sit down a minute and talk?" We sat on her couch and I tried to find what I needed to say to her.

"Beth, you have to understand something. After my accident, the other kids made all sorts of so-called jokes. Not all of them, but I heard the snickering. Even into high school. Even now, if I sit in a restaurant, by myself, people stare. Not just children. Some adults. It's terribly painful." I looked down at my hands, and Beth took them in her own.

"Now you listen to me, Eric. Children are children, and I know that must have been awful to have to deal with as a child and a teen. Children are always going to stare at anyone who looks different. That's what children do; they don't know better. And adults who stare at a person because they look different are just rude and don't deserve your attention. They can't see what's inside you. But I can, and I like what I see. And you see me too. You don't see me as a whore."

"Please, Beth, don't use that word. It's ugly. It's not you in any way. At least if you say prostitute, it's neutral. Whore is so pejorative."

"Look at you, knowing the big words" Beth teased me. "I promise, I'll never use that word regarding myself in any way. See, you see something else in me. You're a good man. Come on, lets go shopping already. I'm going to make you a great dinner tonight."

We went to the local supermarket by her apartment, and did our respective shopping separately. It gave me time to think about the last 24 hours. In that time, I called for a call girl, and it seemed I was possibly on my way to having a girlfriend. When I considered things, I realized I knew little about Beth besides a few basics. The fact that she was a call girl didn't really bother me at all. What I did know was she was bright, beautiful and very kindhearted. And she could look beyond the surface of my face and see inside my mind and soul. I would be crazy not to give this a chance. So while I picked out apples and chicken, and cereal and milk, I decided I had to get past what she wouldn't see, my scars, and take that chance with Beth.

When I caught up to her, Beth was ready to check out. Before we got in line I said "Beth, would you mind if I did something?"

She said with a puzzled look "What's that, Eric?"

I did something I never thought I would have the courage to do in public. I took her face in my hands and I kissed her, a long, lingering kiss, right there in front of dozens of other people. It startled Beth at first, but then she returned the kiss, right there, with all those people around, some watching us, and some ignoring us.

When the kiss broke she said, simply, "Wow. That was very nice. Someone is coming along very nicely. You can do that to me anytime." We got in line, some people still staring at us, and I didn't care if they did. Either they stared over my audacious kiss or over my cheek. Not knowing which made it easier not to care.

In the car, Beth turned to me and asked "Eric, you're not using me to prove some point, are you? You know, 'despite my cheek I can get a hot girlfriend and everyone needs to see me'? You're not, right?"

"Beth, I wouldn't do that to you. I just wanted to kiss you in public and not care who saw us. It was the first time I didn't care whether people stared at me or not. That was really mostly due to your advice before we left your apartment."

"Good. Ok, drop me off at home and come over around 7. Bring a change of clothes for tomorrow. You're spending the night. Another first for you, Eric" she said with a warm smile.

I helped her up to her apartment with her groceries, which resulted in a number of kisses and hugs, and then I went home, getting there around 3. Good, plenty of time before I was expected at Beth's.

At home, after putting my own groceries away, I checked my messages. There was a message from my sister, Max. Max, whom I used to adore and who used to adore me as well. Now we spoke maybe once a month. It was all my fault, I had pushed her away as she grew into a real beauty and I...didn't. Part of me said it was her fault that I was damaged. Most of me knew that was ridiculous. But it was enough to push Max away from me.

I called her back, and her cheery voice exclaimed "Hey Eric! Long time no hear! Are you doing ok?"

"Actually I am, Max. I think I'm doing well."

"Really?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity. "What's new with you?"

"I actually met a woman recently. I don't know where it's going, but it feels promising."

"Eric, that's great! I'm so happy for you! No one deserves this more than you, brother."

"Thanks Max. It's too soon to make a big deal over her. Maybe I'll know more soon."

"So? What's her name, where'd you meet her, what's she like. Details! I'm your one and only sister!"

"Her name is Beth, and really, that's all I want to share for now, ok? Give me some space on this, Max. When it's time I'll tell you more."

She was frustrated by the dearth of facts. "At least tell me what she looks like, so I can picture you as a couple."

I sighed, she wasn't going to let up without some details. "She's 27 but she looks 22, She's got medium length dark hair, curly around her head. She's tall and slim and she has great legs. And she is sweet and kind. And that's it for now."

"Pain in the ass!" Max pouted, but it was good natured. "Seriously, you don't know how happy this makes me. You've been in your shell far too long. I offered to introduce you to friends a number of times. I am just wondering what finally changed your mind. Hell with it. You'll tell me when you're ready, as long as you're ready soon" she chuckled.

"We'll see, Max. What's new with you?"

"I like my new job, A lot." Max had graduated college with a structural engineering degree and found a job with a big construction outfit with projects all over the world. "They're going to send me back to school for my masters degree and if I stay with them for 4 years after, the entire cost will be forgiven. I can't say no to that."

"That's great. How's your social life?"

"Busy for now. I've been dating someone for a few months. Jason's a researcher in a pharmaceutical lab. We're two geeks who really connect. He might be The One."

"Max...I'm very happy for you. And I'm so sorry."

"Sorry for what? You didn't do anything to me that I'm aware of."

"I pushed you away for years. I blamed you for what happened to me, and.,.. oh fuck, Max. I shouldn't do this over the phone. It's just hard to get together with me working nights and sleeping days. But we need to sit and have a long talk."

"I have some days owed me from a project I worked on for seven days a week for three weeks. Can we meet Tuesday for dinner? I can come to you."

"We could go to a restaurant if you want."

Max was quiet for about ten seconds. "A restaurant? You never want to go to restaurants. I mean, I'd love to. Are you sure?"

"Yes. I think."

"One thing, Eric. I have GOT to meet Beth sometime soon. Any woman who can have that kind of effect on you has got to be incredible. If you see her tonight, tell her I'm already a big fan. Eric, I miss you. I've missed you for a long time, only seeing you a few times a year. I looked up to you as my hero. I still do. I hope we can make things better between us. Tuesday night, we start. 5PM, How's Fra Diavolo work for you?"

"It's fine. I'll be there. Max...I love you."

I heard Max getting all teary eyed on the other end of the phone. "You haven't said that to me in years. I love you too, Eric. And I think I love Beth, sight unseen. See you Tuesday."

I was determined to repair my relationship with my sister, Next would be my parents. I didn't talk to them much either over the years. I needed to fix a lot of things about my life. Beth wasn't the entire answer. It was time to go back to therapy and give it a real, honest shot. No, Beth wasn't the entire answer. But she was a lot of it, if things could work out to last.

I was nervous when I knocked on her door at a few minutes before 7 with a big assorted bouquet of flowers in my hand. I was actually earlier, just sitting in my car, waiting for the clock to get to the right time. I hate being late for anything. I hoped what I had heard about women running late, or that 7 means 8, wasn't true.

Thankfully, with Beth, 7 meant 7. She was ready and gave me a soft kiss and a warm smile when she let me in. "I admire promptness. I hate being late for anything. It's rude."

"I think so too. Employers aren't too fond it either."

Beth looked me over and said "You look very nice. I like a man who doesn't come to an evening date in denim." I had on tan slacks and a navy button down shirt, nothing special. But she was pleased. Beth wore a solid cherry red short sleeve sweater with a long, colorful peasant skirt and a simple wedge sandal, and a string of pearls, real or faux, it didn't matter. She was dressed simply but it looked so good on her. I got the feeling she looked great no matter what she wore. "And those flowers are lovely, Thank you, Eric" she said, kissing me on the cheek and then the lips.

"You look great" I said. "I mean it. You're beautiful."

"I think you're biased, but thank you. Sit down on the couch. Dinner will be about a half hour. Would you like a drink? I have beer or wine, or if you prefer something harder..."

"A beer will be fine, thank you."

"Nice manners too. Not that it surprises me at this point. Go, sit. I'll be right back."

Beth brought a beer for me and a glass of white wine for herself. We clinked glasses and sipped our drinks, and then just fell into a simple rhythm of chatting. I already knew it from the night before, but she was so easy to talk to. Of course, I had no one really to compare her to, but I still could tell. There were no uneasy silences between us. We talked about her life, growing up as the oldest of three girls. She was close to her sisters, who knew what she did for a living. They weren't happy about it, but they didn't give her shit about it either. Her parents didn't know and she had no plans to tell them.