Call Me Booty Ch. 03


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Hoping no one walks along this street this late I go pour the water in the street where his blood is making it look like the remains of something poured out from a passing car. I wave to Susan and John and go into the shadows between the buildings. I find an opening into the basketball courts and move along to the building. I can't help but love the lack of lights here, not to mention a lack of other men back here. I find out why when I reach the side door it is padlocked and chained.

Not wanting to move to the front I try going around behind the building where I find something very nice, if smelly. The window to one of the bathrooms is open and smelling terrible, not smelling like a backed up toilet I peek in. It is not the drug lab in here, it's near the lab though I can hear them talking and working through the passage to the hallway. I crawl in hoping no one will come to use the bathroom while I am. Safely inside and on my feet I move to the hallway peeking both ways.

Finding the drug lab by the sound I move that way grinning when I realize I climbed in the boy's room. There are five men in what used to be an indoor basketball court standing at tables making what has to be by the smell, speed. There are stacks of chemicals in the industrial canisters everywhere. The tables are well lit, everywhere else is not however, they do not see me crouched in the hallway. Quiet as I can I put the boom next to a stack of the canisters behind a few to keep it not found. Grinning that I managed to do this so easily, I move back to the boy's room and out the window.

I head around to the front now slowly and carefully gun at the ready. There are two out front again neither looking this way. I take aim on the closest and fire then switch targets and fire again before the first has finished falling. I move closer and shoot them both again then pull the shuriken and my message out. I roll up the message and stick it through the hole then put the shuriken into the forehead of the first man. I pull him off the bench on the far side with wall between him and the building then head for the path.

Pulling the remote detonator out of the satchel I get into the pathway and trigger the boom. It is a big boom I can hear windows shattering from the concussive force of it. Hoping my message survived this I go fast to Susan and her car. I jump in and start getting my shoulder holster, the submachine gun, and the satchel containing a spare clip along with the remote detonator on the floor. Susan for her part drives us fast but not overly so. We see four cop cars going by with sirens and lights going, somewhat amazingly we get back before Stephanie leaves the van is here.

"Catchada Jesus Christ I heard that here. I gotta go Olina is in the van waiting for me." Stephanie says when we get inside grabbing me up in a hug before going out the door.

Persephone is lying on the bed looking about ready to pass out. Hoping she doesn't work in the morning I get out of my clothes and get on the bed waiting for John, he joins me presently. I curl up against John watching Susan move Persephone around until she is curled up against her. With my eyelids drooping I surrender to the sleep readily listening to hopefully the heartbeat of the father of at least one of my children.

I roll over when the alarm goes off, right off the bed to the floor. With my ass hurting I get up Susan and Persephone giggling at me, I flip both the bird then go clothes hunting. Wearing a shirt and red leather pants I go out into the living room to find Stephanie sitting at the table with Ausanat. I sit next to Stephanie after grabbing some coffee.

"I slept on the sofa, if we are all sharing a bed we need a bigger." Stephanie says with a sigh.

"They don't make bigger unless we special order and I'd rather not. John goes back to school tonight and I don't know with Persephone, I want to get her out of that neighborhood but your right we have to many for one bed." Ausanat snorts.

"Susan is a lesbian Persephone is a lesbian, they can share a bedroom."

"Would work I suppose, I'd say we should get Stephanie a boyfriend except I need her to keep mine happy not bossing me around." Stephanie giggles looking at me.

"I like him the bossing is different but actually rather fun, I think you would like it if you forgot about prison." I sigh and shake my head.

"I can't forget that, the only thing that kept me sane was doing secretary duties for the warden and my hour a day practicing. The weight room and teaching the other inmates how to strip helped mostly it was being able to spend some time as a regular person every day. No armed guards walking above me in the practice corridor and warden's office. The worst part was going to the bathroom, no bathroom just a toilet in your cell and I shared it." Stephanie and Ausanat shudder.

"We had to find clean freaks to share it with her, her first cellmate she beat into the infirmary for not cleaning up." Susan says as she passes us to get some coffee.

Stephanie and I go into the backyard to work out some. I show her snap kick, low medium and high and leave her to practice on the swing set. It's a handy little thing for that, it's firmly set in the ground my brother sank it a little with concrete posts. We padded it with rubber for Stephanie to work up a resistance to pain on. I move to the other post and go through my routine, kick, elbow, punch and knee several times. I move back over to Stephanie and adjust her stance then watch her until she stops and limps around.

I tease her about being a pansy until she chases me around laughing. I get a few leaps off the fence in then we stop when Ausanat comes out to say its fifteen minutes before my appointment to get a tattoo. I go in to put on a lower top and get a quick towel bath in. I pull off my top and toss it at John still lying on the bed then go into the bathroom to get a towel wet. John follows me in and grabs my breasts pinching my nipples and getting me excited before I can clean myself.

Cautioning him about not having much time I let him work my pants down then bend over the sink. He collects the towel and cleans my pussy, I had leaked what was in me while lighting the fire and sleeping. I moan when he puts his finger in me, I was ready for him and the finger feels really good. He grabs my breasts and pulls me up higher his cock poking at me, not finding the way but trying. Eagerly I reach down position him then move back taking him in.

John just fucks me holding me up with his hands on my breasts, his cock shoving in and out of me at a breakneck speed. Glad my muscles have recovered a bit better from my gangbang I move with him as much as I can. Enjoying the view of me getting fucked and liking what might happen because of this I reach orgasm. My inside grip at his cock, my toes curl, my knees weak and I would collapse onto the sink if it was not for John holding me up.

He keeps going, shoving his cock in and out of me just as fast. I am fucked through this orgasm and moving rapidly for a second when I am pulled up tight with him. John pulls me tight one hand to my breast the other dropping down low to keep me pressed back to him as his fluids erupt into me. The hot bath of my insides sets off my second orgasm, I jerk back against him helping me enjoy my orgasm. John groans because my jerking hips and clenching insides are milking him dry. I collapse onto the sink to recover breathing hard and quite happy.

John pulls my pants up and takes the towel to me so I'm at least a little clean. Cleaned and damp and wanting to go back to bed I go into the bedroom to find a corset. I get a red one this time ties up in the back, finding myself without someone to tie it I go into the living room and have Ausanat help. She was sitting on the sofa so the first one I reach old enough to tie up a corset well. I head for the door purse in hand when I am told to get my Colt out of the safe. Wondering when it got there I get it out with the spare clip and into my purse.

Feeling late and wondering if I should call Miguel I step out front to find a detective. He comes right over to me looks me up and down and grins.

"Just the woman I wanted to see and damn you look good." He pulls out his wallet and shows me his ID.

"I'm running late for a very nice tattooing so if you could please make it fast or come back this evening." He follows me to my bike.

"This won't take long, just a couple questions. First were you over in the vicinity of that explosion last night when it happened?"

"Nope, I was in bed asleep, I went fertile yesterday I got fucked three times by my boyfriend, twice for my site and once here, I was plum worn out and hopefully knocked up." He smiles at me.

"I hope so if you are that eager. Do you happen to own a nine millimeter submachine gun? I know you are not allowed to own a gun and I have a report of what you inherited then gifted to your reporter friend, I'm just asking as a formality."

"Nope I do not the only guns I like are the Colt .45 and the Winchester neither are in nine millimeter. I gifted the Uzi's to the police, I don't like them and they were used well by the detective and street cops."

"You might like to know that one of the street cops was promoted to sergeant and rides around with your Uzi, still with full auto capability. I have been thinking of getting a tattoo, could you tell me where you are going, if you like them then they have to be good." I smile up at him.

"Of course hang on I got a card." I turn and drop my purse on my bike then pull out my handbag, with the card in hand I turn back. "Here take this it's just a reminder for my appointment with the address on it, upper chest tattoo for six hundred."

"Thank you, I will remind you to renew your license and your not supposed to carry guns in your purse." I turn pink and look you can see the top of the Colt. "I'm not going to say anything I know you're not exactly safe in this city. Just be careful of showing it."

"I'm sorry I'm a little flustered, just had sex and hoping I'm pregnant and in a slight hurry." He chuckles and smiles at me.

"Just try to not show it unless you need it and go on get out of here."

I get on my bike and out of there fast as I can, I drive faster than I should the whole way. Brenda smiles at me and yells behind her, I smile back then notice a man sitting on the chairs. He smiles at me and gets up to walk over.

"She didn't want to help me so perhaps you can. I'm looking to get a tattoo on my dick and I'm not sure if Mississippi would fit, would you like to measure it for me?" Brenda groans and shakes her head I look him up and down then feel his crotch and giggle.

"Tiny you might be able to fit no on your dick, definitely not Mississippi. Go sit down again I arrived late for my tattoo, get plenty of sex already, not taking pity on you and don't get a tribal or you will be laughed at before you drop your pants." He opens his mouth turning red I'm sure to say something menacing when Miguel comes in.

"Ah Catchada I was hoping you wouldn't get here after nine. I do hope you wear a low top to show off my tattoo work at the tournament." The man turns white and goes sit down, I turn to Miguel and smile at him.

"I'm hoping to wear a corset they are putting me in one unless the buckles are too painful for the men. Make a show of protecting the child I'm hoping to have in me during. Might try and wear this one it fits me well and the buckles are smaller." Brenda takes my hand and leads me into the private room with a smile.

"Thank you for that, I work here so have to be nice. I really wanted to just deck him. Miguel did Anthony pick up or are we looking for another tattooist again?" Miguel sighs and nods.

"I'm thinking we should look anyway, he's always fucking late." A ding comes from the front. "Go see if that is him or tell them to wait. If that's a checkup bring them back here I'll do it." Brenda nods and goes out front again.

I get into the dentist chair as Miguel gets the things ready. He looks over at me and grins then comes closer holding the pen and setting the book on a tray. I look over to see it is on the woman fighting the ninja in the poppy field.

"Now you wanted a raven wasn't it?" I groan and shake my head.

"The woman fighting the ninja and you know that."

Miguel chuckles and gets to work looking at the sketch often. He moves fast his hands moving over me sure and precise. I just lie there relaxed as I can letting him do his work, this is the hardest part. Finally he steps back looking at my chest and the sketch a few times and gets a mirror.

"So does that look good to you or did I fuck up?" He asks moving the mirror around so I can see everything.

"It's backwards man what the hell." Miguel laughs with me leaning on top of me for a second. "It looks awesome let's go."

Miguel gets the chemicals out to make the ink. He then gets the tattoo machine and a row of needles. He looks up at me pondering for a second then just asks.

"I know you have a certain fixation with purple and red, would you like me to do the base in black or a different color?" I ponder for a second.

"I wouldn't mind a dark purple to match my bike, speaking of which Brenda can see my bike right?" Miguel goes out to the counter and comes back.

"You parked directly in front of the door. I'll try on a dark purple no promises it's hard to get one that dark without being black."

Miguel spends a little while doing the ink, when he brings the little white cup like you find in hospitals for basically everything I give him a thumbs up. He gets to work with a smile, I smile back I can talk to him now and play pranks.

"Holy shit man you're not supposed to get that much blood." Miguel backs away eyes wide looking at me then laughs.

"You shouldn't do that it's scary to a tattooist." He moves back and gets to work again. "Besides when I first started I screwed up and cut my dude. It's funny now but then I was shitting bricks. Didn't help much that the parlor was a cheap one and had mostly gang members coming in."

"Oh hey now no trailing off you gotta share." Miguel grins at me and nods.

"Like I said cheap place and mostly gang members, I think the owner was in one of the gangs or something. Anyway so I had just started and gotten past doing sketches with the owner when this really tall guy came in, I shit you not the dude had to be like seven feet. He wanted razor wire on his arm, up high you know the style I hope." I nod at him and giggle.

"I never understood it I mean I'm so tough I can have razor wire tattooed on my arm, makes about as much sense as that guy asking if I'd measure his dick for Mississippi. Anyway go on this is interesting." Miguel chuckles, then smiles at me.

"Yeah so the dude is really tall, he can't sit in the chairs we had there, they weren't dentist chairs they were beat up old barbershop chairs so we stuck him on a kitchen table chair. I know you're shorter than I am so you may not know but I'm a short little fucker myself. I had to go into the alley and find a milk crate and seriously hope it doesn't break on me just to be above my work. So I'm up there on the milk crate doing actually a really good job despite being nervous as all fuck that the crate will break or I fuck up and he gets mad. Well the crate did break after a fashion I was leaning over a little to connect the wire before I did the razor part when the crate moved on me. Well fuck I was still tattooing him so I went down with the tattoo in his arm a good inch or two. Now I'm seriously freaking out scared shitless he's going to be mad while I apologize and wipe his arm down. The owner comes out looks at it looks at the dude and laughs. He turns to me tells me to make it part of the tattoo and we'll refund half his money. Well so I stand there looking at it for a minute then it hits me, this is razor wire on his arm, razor wire always has poles holding it in place, suppose he is so tough he got his arm caught in razor wire and yanked the pole with, so I made it into a pole on the end of the razor wire. Dude was so happy with the result he gave me a twenty tip and I ended up doing about thirty more just like it." I stare up at Miguel.

"Holy crap so you're the fucker that got that trend going?" Miguel laughs and shakes his head.

"I only did thirty or so, one of them was a tattooist he was the one that featured it on his wall and showed it off to everyone. Even took it to a convention the next year, that's when it took off I don't go to those very often especially then. I heard your tournament is being aired on pay TV. I think we can expect to see more of this tattoo." I groan and shake my head.

"I didn't really want to hear that one. I hate tribal tattoos for that very reason, if you want to get a tattoo and be different fucking be different. Oh reminds me it was suggested yesterday I get a back tattoo, if you suggest a tramp stamp I'm kicking your ass." Miguel laughs and nods.

"I hear you on the tattoos I only have the tribal up because I get asked a lot. I don't really care it's not my arm and I get paid. Now as for back I don't know, are you thinking whole back or part of the back?" I'm thinking on that when Brenda comes in.

"It's lunch time so I'm taking orders. Catchada you got two guys out front asking to see you, one is a really cute black guy and the other is Denise's husband."

"Let them in and where are you thinking of going?" Brenda ducks out then comes back follow by Frank and Franklin. "Long John Silver's is the vote from Anthony, there unless you two want different."

"Fish is fine for me, what about you Catchada?" I look up at Miguel then Brenda and nod.

"Yeah fish works, get me the platter with the fish and shrimp and Dr. Pepper. So guys did you find a bike to buy or not gone yet?" Brenda nods and goes when Miguel says him to.

"Found a bike, Franklin here decided to go a little older, I'm not blaming him Will had a really sweet knucklehead for sale, painted silver. Will wasn't sure he would want it they sit lower then the Softails do. Anyway so you said you would buy it for him and you hadn't given me a card so we are over here to get a card to use." Frank says with a nod here and there from Franklin, Miguel hands me my purse.

"Sorry I forgot about that, here use this one I got shitloads on there and he said for big buys. I think a Knucklehead qualifies, you should see Will's Knucklehead when you go back its black with gold striping and it's chromed beautifully." Frank collects the card Franklin comes closer and leans over to look at my tattoo.

"That is beautiful work man do you think you could get a tattoo to stand out on me?" Miguel smiles and looks up at him.

"Thanks and yes I can, I can do white tattoo's, though in your case a grey would work best. Come back sometime and ask for Miguel I'll help you pick one out and do it for you. We got reasonable rates on our work, charge less for unique's, as an incentive to give me something new. Don't ask for this one, its twelve hundred now." Franklin chuckles and shakes his head.

"Wasn't thinking of that one might bring my girlfriend in and get her one to. She's been talking about it but always couldn't afford to get them, with me having a job again we can, be a month of course her darn restaurant won't open until then. Frank knows everything I think, was telling me all about it on the way to the restoration shop."

"Yeah I let Bert talk to him, it's handy I can talk to Frank and he'll know what I am talking about right off. So go on guys we are stopping to eat shortly and you're cutting down on paint time." Miguel chuckles as Frank and Franklin leave again.

"I'm going to ask cause I'm a curious fuck, how much money do you have?" I giggle and shake my head.

"I'm not exactly sure I know I got two hundred something thousand in the bank. The card I handed over is my business fund card, last report I had on that was twenty million going in with five million going right back out to pay off the loan on the restaurant. Bert mentioned taking another two to open a regular fast food place. I'm going to use that card to furnish and adjust our new house, gym and a park like backyard. Well hopefully ours the buy hasn't cleared yet hopefully Monday I'll get a call saying I own a house. I'm also getting a Sarolea motorcycle modified with a modern engine Will got it in his shop today, maybe fifty grand for that and I told him to find me an Indian." Miguel is nodding along until I mention the Sarolea and Indian.