Camille Gets the Creeps


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"Never seen a pregnant cheerleader before... 'course there's a first time for everything."

Camille tugged her skirt down and rose, her legs testing the floor with none of her usual grace. She felt like jelly inside. Numb. A dull ache. The urge was there to touch her pussy and feel the damage, to feel her folds sagging down, but she was afraid to. And to not get his cum dripping from her red nails.

Wilbur's ears shone maroon as he gasped for breath and collapsed on his jacket.

Did he just have a heart attack?

She turned her phone light on him. In the light, with his ears as wide as the rest of his head, he looked like a wild nocturnal creature, half-bat, half-man. His eyes flittered, and his crusty lips open, his tongue darting in and out like a snake as he gasped for air.

That's the man whose cum is dripping out of me. He owns me. My womb. So full of his seed there's no doubt I'm his knocked-up piece of ass.

She straightened and shimmied her cheerleading skirt down her hips again, most of her bare thighs remaining visible, streaked by cum.

"You... you won't be fitting in that much longer," he said, reaching out his hands to guard against the light. She swore she could see the light through his translucent skin. After collecting his hearing aids, he fumbled a cough drop in his mouth.

Sweat lingered on his nose before dripping onto his nipples. The reality of the situation dawned on Camille that moment how far she'd fallen. But she didn't care. She stepped toward him, ignoring the throbbing between her legs and her pretty pink folds he'd ravaged. She leaned in, kissing him. The cheerleader's mind relented.

Her tongue licked the jumble of his remaining teeth, swirling in his mouth, her clean taste meeting his dour one. She pressed hard against his chapped lips, forcibly making out with him, no doubt the aggressor, wrapping her tongue around his, sliding in and out of the void of missing teeth. She dug her nails into his neck, sucking and his cough drop swirled into her mouth, now hers. His fingers grabbed under her cheerleading skirt, mauling her ass.

Revulsion flashed in the back of her mind, at his ears with hair stuffed out of them, how she shouldn't be making out with a geriatric. A senior citizen whose wrinkled skin slid against her flawless tan. His hearing aid squeaked as the sloppy sounds of their kissing filled the shaft. Her midriff brushed his gut.

"You did a bad thing, cumming inside me." She couldn't believe the words spilling from her lips. "You probably just knocked me up. Do you have any idea how many guys want to do that? And it'll be your cum changing me, making my little tummy swell so fat?"

His spent cock slithered down her thigh. He wheezed, his tongue retreating into his mouth, his lips smeared with the Homecoming queen's lipstick.

"Figure I'll be seeing a lot more of you... if it's mine. You can't seem to keep your legs shut. Don't worry sugar, come on by - there'll be a stroller waiting. You know where to find me." After a final lingering gaze, he shuffled off into the darkness. His steps echoed down the shaft until there was a metallic clang. Silence.

Pain pulsed between her legs. Light filtering in through the grate cast her face in lines of darkness. She eased her thighs open, three fingers slipping effortlessly into her pounded cunt.


She waited a couple minutes in the dark, gazing toward the bright locker room outside the grate. The silhouettes from before returned, and she slunk into the shadows, to the void Wilbur had hidden in. A stack of pork rinds and spilled mustard lined the wall.

Flashlight beams flittered into the shaft, and the metal grate whined as it was pulled to the side.

Fuck. What a way to get caught. She squinted at her surroundings. A black magazine with white letters that looked like BAD ITCHES lay by the pork rinds. She kicked a Reese's off to expose the B. She shuddered. She had no doubt her mom would've said the cover model was her doppelganger. The tagline read She couldn't help but get knocked up.

The voices grew closer.

"What a fucking night."

"Serves you right for being excited coming in the girl's locker room."

"Hurry up before that creep spazzes out in the backseat."

She prayed her cheer bag was zipped and they hadn't seen the condom inside it. And of course, in my white uniform they'll spot me a million yards away. Time to bail.

She sprinted toward the "University Personnel Only" sign, barging through a wooden door, aware of a shriek of 'hey!' behind her. A men's bathroom. A manhole emerged from the floor next to the line of urinals. A line meandered inward toward the toilets, men's eyes glued to her.

Her body was still revved and flushed from the bruising sex minutes before. She hurried by, acutely aware of the spankies in her hand. And the stares that bore into her, open-mouthed, hungry, lingering.

Her heart pounded in her chest, the airiness of her skirt flitting on her thighs reminding her that she had no underwear on. I'm can't go out there like this. She searched for a woman's bathroom... under the bleachers... anywhere to put her spit soaked spankies on.

After another leer by a grandfather, she considered tossing the underwear into the trash. She leaned against the brick wall of the concourse next to a concession stand, the charcoaled scent of hot dogs and burgers filling her nose. She squinted at her reflection in the chrome of water fountain. Her lipstick smeared across her lips, unbefitting of its usual perfection.

Each step took her closer to the locker room, and an inch long rope of cum dangled from her parted lips and soaked into her skirt, the damp fabric leaving a streak on her leg. She felt a tinge of sweat between her armpits. I never sweat. A hunched grandma with a walker smiled sweetly at her.

"Such a pretty crown, honey. Isn't she lovely, like one of those beautiful gypsy girls?" As her embarrassed daughter snapped their picture, more cum slipped out, a full drip pattering onto the tile floor below. How much had he put in me?

Coach's windbreaker never swished so hard as when he caught sight of her and waved her toward him, his eyes magnified behind his bifocals. "Cam, the HECK! Where'd you run off to?"

He adjusted his glasses, peering down at the spankies she clutched in her hands.

"Are you doing al—"

"I'm on my period," she blurted.

He nodded. "I was wondering why you'd looked off all week. We'll get Kayla to do the jumps. Come on."

The cheer squad sat near the basketball goals, their pom poms at their knees. She settled in next to Monica on pieces of tape marking four feet from the cardinal red baseline.

"Where've you been?"

"Homecoming stuff."

Monica leaned in. "We had to leave the locker room early."

Camille ruffled her pom poms together after a basket stirred the student section.

"Someone was fucking in the vents."

She flipped the butterscotch cough drop with her tongue. "Oh really? That's disgusting."

"I thought it was an animal at first, honestly. Coach stopped his prayer and everything. How're you supposed to pray hearing that?"

She breathed deeply, forcing a smile amid the throbbing between her legs. Her eyes inched up the crowd, expecting to find Wilbur's binoculars aimed at her.

Her friend tapped her shoulder. "Cam, you're spacing tonight."

The Hogs rattled in a three pointer. She jumped to her feet, a line of moisture on the wooden court beneath her. She stepped on it.

Was it disappointment or relief Wilbur's previous creeping spot was occupied by a Mexican family looking at their phones and ignoring the game?

She twirled her pompoms and raised her arms for Hog calls as Arkansas raced to a 7-point lead. The halftime buzzer rang, and the Razorback players pranced to their locker room, high fiving fans leaning over railings. She squeezed her legs together, globs of cum slipping out of her pounded hole. Cum that'd churned in the balls of a senior citizen fifteen minutes earlier.

The athletic director strode onto the court in a red blazer and cowboy hat. He bumped fists with a staffer handing him a mic. He adjusted his brim and pointed up to the scoreboard.

"How 'bout them Hogs!" The student section hopped to its feet and erupted in cheers. Kappa Delta's on the front row waved and shouts of "Camilleee!" reached her ears.

"Kicking Auburn's behind is one of my favorite traditions..." He strolled toward the other side of the arena. "What are yours?"

Shouts peppered in from all angles.

"We love you, Camille!"

"Kappa Delta!"

His smile revealed the crow's feet around his eyes. "How about Homecoming Week?" His eyes met hers as he came closer. "And since I'm all about ladies first, I'd like to introduce your very own Razorback cheerleader... our newest Homecoming queen... Camille Delamare!"

The heat of the spotlight turned on her. She blinked twice, her smile reflecting flawlessly white. She waved and blew a kiss to the crowd. A glob of cum seeped out of her, threatening to slip down the back of her thighs. She crossed her legs forward, praying her skirt covered the pint-sized eruption inside her.

Just survive through halftime. Fans in red scattered throughout the aisles with Cokes and popcorn. She wasn't paying attention. Words like "Kappa Delta" and "biology major" echoed throughout the arena but didn't register in her brain.

The AD scanned a notecard. "Her passions include volunteering for the Southside Food Drive, who's represented by Angela Christie—" Beside the standing students, Angela rose and beamed, her dreads bouncing along her shoulder as she clasped her hands together. He looked at the card again.

"...and the Alvin Recovery Fund..."

Wait. The fuck?

Her stomach dropped, and the smile vanished from her face.

"...An effort to help Alvin White, a young man who's gone through a lot."

A paper sign whipped upward near Miss Christie with 'ARF' sprawled across it in green letters. The orange afroed nerd held it, his smile gleaming toward her. His facial sores oozed under the spotlight, their oily crust resembling the pizza grease fans shoved into their mouths.

The little shit rode my lie all the way here. I fucked him. What part of me hasn't he flooded with cum by now?

Alvin's fro bobbed as he jumped to the beat blasting from the scoreboard. He twirled his sign in the air.

"...He's excited, y'all! He's receiving all access for the whole season, including traveling with the team for the Maui Invitational, where he and a guest will enjoy Hawaii's sandy beaches..." Great, the first thing I want is them seeing me in a bikini. She clenched her legs together, struggling to contain the rivulets seeping out of her. Beside him, Wilbur snorted and nudged him. He coughed and slipped a handkerchief from his Public Works jacket.

Classy. Who has an animal print handker - no—

Her panties. White hot shame flashed across her face. Surely people see the perv for the animal he is.

Was he wiping his nose? Ew... He inhaled like his life depended on it, his tongue worming out and licking the strap where it would've covered the cheerleader's unblemished asshole. My possible future baby daddy. Her pussy throbbed with an ache she'd never experienced. His sperm's swimming in my body right now. Every squeeze of her thighs to keep his fluids from leaking into her skirt trapped it in her womb.

Her two sexual partners waved at her. No one paid attention to Wilbur Coffey or Alvin White once the spotlight returned to her and her glistening crown.

She forced a smile as the crowd applauded her. The next year was going to be hell.

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Dare69Dare693 months ago

* Camille is an utter firecracker! She's absolutely self possessed, confident, fearless and even ruthless. I loved it when Wilbur takes a picture and she simply grabs and smashes the camera, or when she gets out of a jam by announcing a 'go fund me.'

* In one sense though, she's spoiled. Or perhaps that's not quite the right word. Perhaps a better description is that she's utterly confident and unchallenged. She's innately and automatically superior to everything and everyone in her world, at least in her mind, and that makes for a problem.

* Because the sexual offerings around her are, to her mind, bland, unchallenging and inferior. She regards her boyfriends with contempt, always begging for her attention, pleading for her favours, they're wells of insecurity texting her and nagging her to respond. Who the hell wants to have sex with a needy, whiny, nag?

* But here's the problem - Camille is a thoroughbred, she's a healthy girl in her prime, with a major unsatisfied sex drive, not restrained by any form of insecurity or second guessing. She's not afraid of anyone or anything. So in her mind, there's nothing to stop her from seeking satisfaction.

* And this is her undoing (if she's actually undone), she wants sex, the sex available to her is deeply unsatisfying, she's elite, and she's imbibed the social idea that sex is disgusting and degrading, she's accepted or absorbed the zeitgeist of sex as a nasty thing, a gutter thing, beneath good people.

* Well, if she has to go into the gutter to get great satisfying sex, then that's where she's going, and god help anyone that stands in her way!

* Except that as good girl, she can't go looking for it, at least not yet, it has to be presenting itself to her. She won't go into a sleazy bar looking for a fuck, but if there's a cock in the bushes, or she gets her legs spread sitting on a couch between two goofs, or some low rent drug dealer is trash talking her, she'll take it.

* What I love about Camille is that she's absolutely fearless and completely decisive.

* Often in stories like this, the good girl is seduced, she doesn't want to, but the disgusting old fart gets the better of her, finding a way to break past the resistance, and leave her stained and demeaned.

* That is so not Camille. Camille is "get your ass over here you disgusting creepy slob and stick that big rod in me right now, I don't have all day!" Like I said, Firecracker!

* She can't be degraded by Wilbur and his nephew, because she has absolutely no respect for them. She'll never respect them. The most she'd ever be able to feel for them is to think of them like not-too-bright, barely housebroken, pets.

* I love the mismatch between Camille and Wilbur and his Nephew, and the problems that they cause for her simply by being their low-rent bubbling selves. And how readily she adapts and turns it around, both getting the sex, and managing her life and ambitions.

* Bravo, what a fun story. It's self contained, but if you're ever thinking of a sequel, I'd love to see what she does next.

neehahsneehahs4 months ago

Wow!!! Love your stories Parum. Please write more of disgusting old men like Wilbur! I have ideas also if you’re ever interested. Wish I could write like you! MessAge me if you want to hear my ideas

Guys… who love Parum stories please suggest more like his. Have read kmaf and strombringer. But love to know other stories and authors with disgusting creepy old guys and hot girls!!!!! Thanks for suggestions.

greywolf12greywolf124 months ago

Hello parum,

i really hope that you will write some more stories because yours are so hot and well done!

I really like your style and imagination. Thanks for your work!

NorCalPervNorCalPerv4 months ago

Really enjoyed this story. Loved the initial interaction with the old pervert in the bushes. Hot. Gonna read your other stories now.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

My aboslute go-to story. Well written, well detailed, great different personalities mixed together. I hope there is a second part where the hobo & therapist gets in between her legs as well

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I love stories about young and beautiful stuck up sluts getting ruined by nasty old men with big dicks. This is story checks all the boxes. Would love another chapter of Camille's pussy getting pounded out and filled with cum.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

So glad you were able to re-upload this. Not sure why it was taken down the first time but I was super bummed. This is one of my favorites and I definitely hope to see more of the same from you.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This was so good that I'm going to read your other stories! Never imagined I'd be thinking about a fictional character so much until you gave us I'm wanting a dirty old bastard of my own ;)

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

It's hard to find well written stories, but this is gold. I love stories about young, beautiful, stuck up, spoiled sluts getting used by nasty older men. Most guys are brushed away by these arrogant young babes until an old creepy perv messes with their feeble brains and ravishes their pristine bodies. These queen types toy around with nice guys while secretly giving it up to some weird slob who treats them like a whore. I've dated pretty girls who seemed sweet & innocent only to find out they were getting banged by some old bastard.

HornHardestHornHardest7 months ago

Love this story, read it several times, really good author. Definitely my favorite.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Love this story, I need more Camille please

glasstoymakerglasstoymaker8 months ago

Happy Halloween! This is a gem like Creep Comics for adults. Well painted scenes.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Great story. Well written. Well paced. Didn't degenerate into nonsense. 5 stars.

FavsOnlyFavsOnly8 months ago

Best I’ve read.

wjdqudtn2wjdqudtn28 months ago

I like this story


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