Candy's Fashion House Ch. 11


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As I peeked out the MC started his spiel welcoming everyone to Candy's first show. He ran through the various safety announcements and introduced the band. Candy was like mother hen making sure we were all ready to go.

The band started up and they were pumping the music was raw and in your face, blues with a hard rock edge. The MC made the announcements and it was Caroline's turn to wow the audience. It was ShowTime. Candy almost pushed her through the curtains and the applause was loud. Caroline walked like the true professional she is, she was followed by Natasha who raised the bar a little with her sexy walk and pose. She was stunning. She was barely back through the curtains when Candy was pushing me out. I remembered all of the advice Candy had given me; I held my head high and looked through the audience looking at no one. I walked as smoothly as I could accentuating the sway of my ass and as I neared the end I turned and threw back my head and spun posed and walked back, there was so much noise there was applause, and some whistles, I knew Lauren was in the front rows so I made sure I didn't look down.

Back at the curtain Caroline came through in her second outfit and she walked sexily out onto the runway.

I quickly stripped and put on my next outfit; I was barely changed when Candy started putting a tiara thing in my hair and pushed me out through the curtains. The outfit was sexy, it was a short school gym slip style dress with exposed stockings and the heels were almost impossible to walk in they were so high, but I kept my focus until I was halfway down the runway when I teetered a little in the heels. I caught myself before I fell and my martial arts training held me in good stead, I turned the trip into a spin and when I caught up I took a couple of dance steps and the crowd roared and clapped. I kept the dance up right to the end of the runway where I did the spin and pose.

As I posed I did look down and Lauren, Alecia and Karla were sitting there, well actually they were all standing and cheering.

The rest of the show went without a hitch.

At the end the MC invited Candy out onto the runway and introduced her to the audience. Candy called Caroline, Natasha and I out and we all did a curtsy to the crowd. Candy held my hand up taking the mic from the MC and introduced me as the CEO and made it plain that I was the driving force behind the business. I saw out of the corner of my eye Siobhan going crazy with the camera getting hundreds of shots.

Afterwards Siobhan dragged me around introducing me to all of the possible clients and representatives, agents and suppliers. She had organised for interviews with a couple of the reporters. It took almost two hours to get through that part of the night. When I caught up with Lauren the party was well and truly in full force. She looked radiant and gorgeous as ever. She hugged me and kissed me. "God I am so proud of you. You were spectacular, by far the prettiest. Oh my god you were magnificent." I was blushing and it felt like my cheeks were on fire.

Karla came over with her hands full of champagne giving each of us a drink. She toasted our success you couldn't wipe the smile off her face. She exclaimed loudly. "Shit this was so much better than I expected." She also complimented me on the runway. She was shaking her head. "Kelli every time I see you I am amazed god you are way too much woman, if I wasn't married you would be in big trouble now, and I'm not even gay!" Lauren burst out laughing as she squeezed my hand.

Karla added, "Shit even, Jerry my husband has been drooling over you through the whole show." Again I blushed especially when he came over and gave me a big kiss. He obviously didn't know who I was. Jerry and I had met several times, but he looked none the wiser.

Just then Siobhan arrived and dragged me away again headed for another interview and photo.

It took ages before we were all able to sit down in some chairs and get comfortable. We talked for a while about how successful the whole event had been. I reminded everyone that we wouldn't know that until we had some sales in the bank. Applause and smiling faces was great but we needed to generate some sales from this before it could be called successful.

It was so nice to sit down and put my feet up. High heels look so fucking sexy but god they are hard on your feet. As I was sitting there Lauren came and crashed beside me, her arm slid around my neck and she rested her head on my shoulder. Her lips were nibbling and kissing my neck and sliding up to blow hot breath across my ear as she whispered. "Baby you look so damn sexy." The band started playing again and Caroline, Natasha, Karla and Siobhan were up dancing. Candy came over and grabbed me by the hand and dragged me up as well.

We had barely done a couple of laps before Karla's husband Jerry cut in and pulled me into a tight clinch and we danced cheek to cheek. I could feel his cock hardening as he rubbed himself against me. His hands were clasping my ass, squeezing and kneading the flesh. Dirty bastard I thought to myself but I kept my mouth shut. The last thing I wanted was for him to find out who I was.

I looked imploringly at Karla but she just laughed. She was dancing with Candy and they were just about in hysterics as they watched. I was mortified but didn't want to make a scene.

Thankfully Siobhan took pity on me and cut in, although the relief was short-lived as she pulled me in even closer and slow danced rubbing her pussy mound into my hip and groin. Fuck now my cock was getting hard. I gave in a little and enjoyed the sensation.

Just as I was really getting into it Lauren cut in.

Lauren ground herself against me and giggled. "So was it Jerry or Siobhan who got you all excited? I bet it was Jerry."

She snuggled in close and she was kissing my neck, her hot lips nuzzling and nibbling. She whispered. "Fuck baby you feel so good, I love being in your arms." Nothing more was said as we circled around swaying to the music. The dance seemed to last forever, but it was brought to a crushing end when the band stopped for a break.

As we walked back to find a seat I watched Alecia who had her eyes locked on us. Lauren was holding my hand leading me towards her. I dropped her hand and turned to walk away. She grabbed back my hand and pulled me with her. "Come on baby please just talk to her. She won't bite. She has been dying to talk to you all night." As we neared Alecia, Lauren held me tight so I couldn't move away and she leaned in to kiss her, strangely Alecia turned her head so all Lauren got was to kiss her on the cheek. Lauren looked angry. "Kelli, say hi to Alecia while I go and get us some drinks."

Alecia and I were just standing there glaring at each other and not a word was said.

Lauren arrived back with the drinks. "So how are my two love birds getting along?"

Alecia forced a smile at her, when she looked at me I shrugged. Lauren was pissed.

I was saved by Siobhan who came over to drag me into another introduction with one of the guests.

As we finished talking I turned and walked over to Candy who was chatting up one of the security guys. He was built like a mountain, with shoulders as wide the harbour bridge and arms that could crush a hummer with one squeeze.

As I walked up she pulled me into a clinch and we talked to Geoff the security guy. He was all over Candy and she pushed the pair of us into a clinch and directed us out to the dancefloor. The crowd had thinned and he was leading me around in a sexy dance, his arms wrapped around me holding me so tight there was no room to move except enjoy the feel of his steel like muscles. Siobhan came over; she had been dancing with Natasha. "Wow you looked like you were having fun she smiled."

"Not as much as I am now I," breathed into her ear.

She smiled and slipped her hand down on my ass. "Honey If Lauren see's us together like this she is going to be super pissed."

She rested her head on my shoulder. Yes I suppose so, but I would love to go home with you tonight and rock your world. Honey I am dying to find out what's hiding inside your panties!"

"I would love that as well, I really would, but I'm not a cheater and I still harbour this stupid fantasy that it's going to work out with Lauren and she will come back to me. I want to rebuild what was once a happy marriage I don't want to lead you on. I do love Lauren. I do promise you this though, I am not waiting forever. If she doesn't change her attitude I will be knocking your door down, I just hope that someone else hasn't won your heart when I get there."

We danced a little without the intensity until Lauren came over and cut in. We continued our dance from earlier, but it was interrupted by Jerry and Alecia who were also circulating, Jerry tapped me on the shoulder to cut in, but when Lauren saw who it was she grabbed Jerry and pulled him into a very tight embrace. He actually looked disappointed!

Alecia and I were left standing there which was uncomfortable. I was feeling in such a good mood I opened my arms inviting her to dance. She slipped into my embrace and it was obvious she was pretty drunk. As we danced it was awkward neither of us wanting to get to close, but as the music continued we slipped into a tighter embrace. The heat of her body was incredible, Alecia is quite tall and it felt weird at first but as we became more comfortable we settled into each other.

Alecia finally spoke. "Kelli why do you hate me so much?"

My body tensed I didn't want this to end badly. "I don't hate you Alecia, I am just angry that you seduced my wife and took her away from me. Actually Alecia I am angry but I don't hate you.

She whimpered. "I am sorry I really am, I wanted Lauren to tell you straight away. I didn't want you to go through what I went through."

I was a bit lost, "What do you mean Alecia?"

"I didn't want you to go through what I went through back at school. You stole her heart and you broke mine."

I gripped her tight. "I am sorry I really am. I know it sounds ridiculous but I didn't know. I would never have gone out with Lauren if I had known."

"I don't believe that for one moment. I could see the look in your eye. Every time you got close to her I could see your heart racing and you fell to pieces. You were then and still are smitten with her. You wouldn't have cared. Nothing could have stood in your way."

I felt her body tense up as we danced. She was getting angry. "Michael If you are sorry why are you doing it to me again? I know she has been sleeping with you."

"Alecia Lauren and I have only been together twice in the last month."

She started crying. "We aren't happy Michael; all she ever talks about is this stupid three way relationship. She just goes on and on about it."

Our dance continued and Alecia snuggled in closer. "Kelli you are so sexy."

My head was resting on her tits and it felt great I could feel her heart beating and the heat was getting me all worked up. Yeah I had a hard on and it wasn't going away.

Alecia started to rub herself against me. "Oooh Kelli that feels nice is it for me she giggled."

I just moaned into her shoulder. Somewhere during the dance we ended up outside and it stopped being a dance and became an embrace which turned into a kiss, not a friendly kiss but a sexy mouth-watering tongue jostling kiss which had my cock twitching and Alecia writhing against me.

Alecia's body is so different to Lauren; Lauren has a boyish slim waifish body where Alecia is buxom, rubenesque very much the shapely beautiful woman and it felt good rubbing my bulge against her. She was rubbing her mound against my thigh mashing her pussy against my hip. It was like she was trying to masturbate using my leg, not that I minded it felt fabulous and sexy.

Alecia was breathing in my ear, "Kelli this is going to be hard for you to believe but from the moment I saw you tonight I have been so attracted to you. God the moment I saw you up on that stage tonight my heart missed a beat. Don't get me wrong I love Lauren as much as I ever have, but my god I am so attracted to you."

Her lips were hot, searing hot and I was hard as stone and I could feel the wet heat of her snuggling pussy massaging my dick.

"Kelli what happens tonight when it's time to go home?"

"I don't know, I won't lie I want Lauren to come home with me. But I know she will go with you."

I felt her embrace soften and she moved back from our intimate contact. "That's OK I get the picture, you really don't like me do you."

I pulled her back into our embrace. "I think you can feel the effect you are having on me, but I am a one woman man."

She just held me as we danced. "I don't know what to say, I think I am disappointed."

"Disappointed? Why is that?"

Her lips slipped across mine. "Well for the first time I am starting to think Laurens evil plan might be a good idea. Kelli I want to go with you," and her lips crushed against mine and there was no going back from this kiss, it was a passionate knee trembling toe curling kiss that had my heart pounding at a million miles an hour.

Just then the music stopped and the world seemed to slow down. Other people had walked out to get some fresh air and we weren't alone. We separated and walked back inside. I headed to the ladies room to regather my senses and think about what was happening, it was all going so fast. When I looked in the mirror my lipstick was smeared all over and I looked a mess.

As I meandered around the place I talked to the few remaining people

I grabbed a bottle of champagne and went outside to the private lounging area and crashed on one of the sofas. I leaned back and stretched out my legs; I poured a glass and sipped as I closed my eyes and took in all that had happened tonight. I was thinking about Alecia's kiss when I felt a heavy weight crash down beside me, as I opened my eyes I realised it was Alecia, she snuggled up against me and as I turned towards her she threw her arms around my neck and her lips crushed on mine and she kissed me with a fiery intensity. She was like a raging fire that couldn't be extinguished. It was passionate, her tongue raiding my mouth before I knew what was happening Lauren had slipped down beside me on my other side and suddenly I was sandwiched between two of the hottest women on the planet. Her hot wet mouth kissed my neck her lips were like a hot branding iron as she nuzzled and kissed her way around my face, then sliding onto my mouth pushing Alecia's mouth away and then kissing Alecia. We were locked in a sweltering embrace. Lauren whispered. "Baby can we please go home now, the three of us together. I don't want anyone to be alone tonight. Please let's just give it a chance, see what happens, I know it's going to be amazing. Please baby can we just do it.

I looked at Alecia and she had a smile on her face, she was nodding her head.

I nodded as well. "OK girls you win let me go and finish the clean-up and lock up and we will hit the road, I'm not making any promises though."

They flopped back on the sofa as I worked at finishing the clean-up. Candy had disappeared with her new lover boy. God I hoped she would be alright, that guy was huge, and if he took exception to being tricked about Candy's gender he could beat her to a pulp.

By the time I was ready to lock up Lauren and Alecia were making out frantically on the sofa, they were both way too drunk to drive, so I suggested they both come with me. As we walked out to the car they both jumped in the back, fuck I was going to be their chauffeur now!

On the drive home the noises coming from the back were pretty lascivious. I could hear Lauren moaning and the wet squishy sounds of somebodies pussy being finger blasted. When I pulled up outside our place they didn't even realise we had stopped. I was already inside before they even noticed. I was pouring some wine when they walked in Lauren had a guilty look on her face and she came up and kissed me. "Sorry baby I guess we just got a little carried away."

Alecia came over as well and gave me a rather anxious nervous look. "I'm sorry as well we didn't mean to ignore you."

I muttered. "Well I guess somebody had to drive."

Lauren hugged me tight. "Baby it's OK." She locked her lips on mine and kissed me long and hard, when she pulled back she said put some music on baby I will get some wine. I went into the lounge and found my Nora Jones album, as I pressed play I noticed Alecia had come in behind me and was standing there swaying to the music, as our eyes met she held out her arms and I slipped into her embrace and we sort of stood in the same spot swaying together, her body moulded closely to mine her lipstick covered lips glided smoothly over mine into a smouldering kiss. Her tongue slid into my mouth and she instigated a new tonsillectomy. I saw Lauren move into the room holding a bottle of wine and glasses. She stood there watching with a huge smile on her face. She moved in close behind Alecia and I felt her hands slide around Alecia's waist cupping her succulent boobs, her face was beside mine as she nibbled and nuzzled on Alecia's neck. Alecia purred her breath hot on my cheek as her lips slid off mine. Laurens hungry lips soon replaced Alecia's and the intensity in the kiss intensified it was hot, wet and passionately. Alecia's mouth clamped on my neck and ear her moans breathing hot breath across my erogenous zones and my cock grew harder in the confines of my little silk panties. My knees were growing weak as our ardour grew Alecia's hands grasped and rubbed my ass, Laurens hands were roughly mashing Alecia's boobs her hands moving with more energy. As the heat amplified Lauren pulled back. "Shall we sit and have a drink?" Alecia's face was red and flushed her cheeks were bright red and her breathing shallow.

Lauren sat back on the sofa pulling Alecia with her. They were sprawled out and there was no room for me. I poured the wine handing them there full glasses, I sat back in the chair opposite as we sipped our drinks Lauren was grinning like a Cheshire cat. The room slipped into a silence but Laurens hands were busy as she slid her hand up Alecia's leg, pulling up the hem of her dress as she exposed Alecia's stocking tops and thighs. Alecia's legs slowly parted exposing little black panties and Laurens hands zeroed in on them with a vengeance. Her whole hand covered the exposed panties and she worked her hand vigorously around massaging her mound until her head flopped back and her lips parted in a deep sigh. My cock was hard and getting harder as I watched, Laurens eyes had never left mine and she had a self-satisfied assured look on her face as she turned into a red hot kiss with Alecia. She had won, for months she had been trying to get Alecia and me to buy into this and now she had won. "Come on baby don't sit over there by yourself, we want you here with us."

Alecia looked across at me smiling; she hesitantly held her hand out for me. Oh fuck it. I had fought this thing long enough; if you can't beat them join them, it's a cliché I know but in this instance it was prophetic. Not to mention I was feeling as horny as hell. I got up and walked across kneeling down in front of them.

Lauren leaned down and kissed me, it started as a friendly peck but turned into a toe curling passionate kiss that rocked the very foundations of my soul. I had barely time to draw breath before Alecia was on me as well, her tongue tracing a new track down my throat. I climbed up Laurens legs until we were crushed together in a giant kiss on the sofa. I couldn't tell whose tongue was whose but it seemed to be an endless kiss. God my cock was so hard I thought I was going to cut a hole in my panties. As we kissed Laurens hands were busy, at least I think they were Laurens, her fingers were groping madly trying to get under my panties as her hand grasped my cock and squeezed and rubbed, then dropped further between my legs until my balls were firmly in her velvet grip.