Candy's Fashion House Ch. 13


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As we sat around talking Lauren apologised. Just like that completely out of the blue. "Michael we were wrong the other night. We shouldn't have left you standing by yourself. We weren't being very good friends, we ignored your fears and concerns. We just want to apologise for being poor friends. There is a girl's code and we ignored it and left you to fend for yourself. That was unfair of us. We should have supported you."

Wow an apology! "Thanks for the apology. I accept."

Alecia smiled. "Thank you it's important to us that you realise we know we did the wrong thing by you. We need to be better friends, but Michael don't you think you over reacted? What did any of those guys do that was so wrong?"

What happened to the apology? She couldn't leave it alone. "Alecia we were on a girl's night out, three friends together celebrating what had been a great day. That morning was such a huge moment for me personally and I wanted to celebrate with my two best friends. I didn't care about anyone else. All I wanted was to spend the night with you two. All I wanted was a night out with my two best friends, a few drinks and some laughs."

Lauren joined in. "Michael, please we are just trying to understand, what did they do that was so wrong?"

I couldn't put it into words. "Oh I don't know they were just there. They were fucking breathing. I have tried to tell you that I am not comfortable with guys hanging around. I don't need that shit on a night out."

"We were just having some fun. Those guys knew we weren't going home with them, they just wanted some female company, they wanted to dance and just let of some steam."

I glared at her. "What a load of crap, the only reason guys go to places like that is to get laid. They buy you drinks and dance and play your stupid game because it's expected."

Alecia was sitting quietly. "Michael we aren't trying to insult you. We were just trying to understand how you were feeling."

"Can we move on? What is it you girls want from me? I am sick of all the drama and tension. I am sick of fighting with you."

Alecia and Lauren glanced at each other and spoke together. "We want Kelli back."

Lauren was in tears. "Please baby I am begging you, let Kelli out."

I had heard enough. I am sorry Girls but Kelli is staying locked away. I left them sitting there as I headed back to the hotel.

I decided I wanted a drink. I headed out to a local bar for a few drinks.

As I walked in I saw a couple of the guys from the construction crew playing pool.

They looked up and saw me and waved me over. They invited me to play a few games with them and as the beers disappeared and we talked a little. One of the guys patted me on the back. "Man you are one lucky dog working with all those hot women. Shit you must walk around all day with a boner."

I laughed along with them. "Yeah you're not wrong actually. They are a pretty sexy bunch."

"Hell yeah," Pete snorted. "It's a bit disappointing that the boss chick isn't around a bit more, fuck she is hot." Marcus the other guy snickered. "Hell yeah man if she played her cards right she could have me!"

The pair looked at me. "Come on mate, what's she like? She looks fucking sexy."

Pete opened his phone and went to Facebook where he opened up Kelli's page and started scrolling through some of the photos. They stopped on one Siobhan had taken at the show with me in lingerie. They were just about beating of there in the pub as they looked at the different photos.

I grinned inwardly. Siobhan really was spending a lot of time keeping my fans happy.

It was throwing out time before I left; I had to get a taxi because I was so drunk.

That night I did a lot of thinking. I felt like shit. I missed Lauren, and if I was honest I missed Alecia as well. The time we had spent together had been amazing and not just the sex. I had developed real feelings for her. I missed Kelli as well. Nothing had gone right since I pushed Kelli back into the closet. I was fucked. If I could take my time back I might have done things differently. I really only pushed Kelli away to piss off Lauren. I had cut my nose off to spite my face. It was just my stupid stubbornness and pride.

The next morning I was late when I rocked up the guys gave me shit about being late. Pete guffawed. "Bet you were having a dawn breaker." I was blushing bright red which only made matters worse.

We got started on the day's work. By the time the crew was in full swing Candy and the team were just arriving. Candy and I hugged and she held me tight. "Love you sweetie she whispered."

About morning tea I got a call from Leanne one of our biggest customers, she wanted to come to site for an impromptu meeting as she had one of her friends who was also in the business and was interested in buying a full range of our collection. It would be our biggest single order ever. I tried to get her to defer the meeting or just meet with Candy but she was adamant. Realising what I had to do I stalled her until later in the afternoon.

I ran out of my office catching Candy by the arm as I ran by. She was stumbling along beside me as I dragged her I hissed. "Candy I need to bring Kelli back quick smart."

She yelled at me as she tripped up. "Slow down before I break my neck. What's going on?" I explained the situation and she laughed. "Yeah about time, let's get you back to my place and we will get started."

We finished up and headed to her place which was nearby. She went into overdrive doing my makeup; she worked fast blending a nice daytime look, not to dark. She pulled out a dress which was absolutely stunning; it was part of a new range she had been working on at home. She pulled it on and zipped me up; it was just about a perfect fit. She smiled saying whenever she designs a new dress she always uses my measurements. Candy didn't have any breast forms, but she had a little push up bra that fit well, as she was playing with my chest trying to squeeze my chest to form a breast shape, she gave them a little squeeze. "Shit girl these little puppies are starting to feel good." When I looked she was right I had man boobs and they were much bigger than I remember bloody hell. Once the bra was fitted I was amazed at the fullness, even without the falsies I had a nice cup, it wasn't full but it was noticeable. I was stunned by the look. It was perfect for a daytime meeting. The only thing she didn't have was shoes in my size. We had to take a detour on the way back to the factory so Candy could run in and buy me a pair.

She picked a silver pair of two inch pumps and a pair of pantyhose. I hate pantyhose but at short notice it was better than nothing. Fuck I was so nervous, but excited at the same time, I couldn't help staring at my reflection as we walked past every window. I loved the flow of the dress, it flowed and floated. It would be dangerous on a windy day.

Candy caught me posing in front of the mirror staring at my reflection and she chuckled. "Jeez you really are a girl." That was it I blushed bright red again.

As we were walking into the factory Siobhan was coming back from lunch, when she saw me she rushed up and gave me a hug. Thank god Kelli, I'm so glad you're back, oh my god I am glad to see you. I have been stalling so many of our clients; can I tell them you will see them? It's important Kelli it really is. Some of them are getting cold feet. We need you to get them back on side."

That afternoon I caught up on weeks of negligence. They were right, as Kelli I instantly felt more relaxed and in control. It became so much easier.

It also felt good to be Kelli. I had really missed this.

The day had raced by and it was late. The construction crew supervisor turned up looking for Michael. I said he had to take a couple of days off due to a family emergency. He was looking at me with an admiring gaze. "Well who do we talk to about issues with the job?"

I gave him a smile. "I guess it will have to be me."

"OK well we have a couple of issues which don't make sense and we could use some guidance. Can you come and have a look?"

"Sure can," I muttered, I pulled on my jacket and followed him out to the work front. He dragged me into the site office. There were electrical drawings spread everywhere. I asked. "OK what's the problem."

He scratched his head. "Well we don't think the electrical supply cables are big enough. With the new air con units in place the current is going to be too high. These drawings don't allow for the new air cons."

As I looked through the drawings I could see they were right. I did some quick calculations. "OK we can continue to run the internal circuits from the existing circuit board. The supply cables can handle the extra lights and power sockets. Sewing machines don't draw that much continuous load. We will have to split the incoming supplies and install a new distribution board and junction boxes for the air cons. I will ring around tomorrow for a new distribution board and bigger cables. Let's focus on the lighting circuits for the time being."

The look on their faces said it all. They were thinking how does she know that? I could see their minds working. It was all doable but to stay on time we would have to work Saturday. The supervisor said he wasn't sure he could get the team together but would talk to them. I asked. "Would it help if I talked to them?"

He smiled. "It sure wouldn't hurt,"

So we went out and I asked the guys if they would be able to get in on Saturday. I offered double time and a bonus if we came in on schedule. There were some smiling faces and Pete piped up asking if I would be in as well.

I could almost hear his gears turning. "Yes I will be here, I wouldn't miss it," The rest of the team all agreed they would be in as well. Crisis averted.

Next up was Leanne who was already a customer. She arrived with her friend the new prospective customer. The moment she walked into my office I was stunned. Leanne is an attractive middle aged woman but the woman with her was beautiful. She was in her late forties but with a fabulously svelte figure and exquisite classical features. Her hair was raven black and her skin was an olive complexion with high defined cheekbones. She was absolutely stunning. We kissed as they entered my office. I made us all a cup of coffee and we chatted. It turns out Diane runs a small boutique shopping chain. She had six stores spread around the local region. She specialised in alternative styles. She didn't carry mainstream brands and labels. She wanted to keep her business as select and elite as possible. She liked what we were doing from the first time she saw our designs. As we chatted I called in Candy so Dianne could meet the actual designer.

Diane was really taken with Candy. I left Leanne with Siobhan and walked Diane around our facility. As we walked it was obvious she was impressed.

By the time she left I had a feeling she was sold even although she hadn't committed to anything.

It had been a long day and Candy walked into my office sitting down on the edge of my desk. "Wow you always manage to amaze me. Well done today you nailed it girl."

I was pretty tired it had turned out to be a pretty stressful day. I was leaning back in my chair. "Candy I want to see the rest of these new designs you have been working on. I have to say if they are as good as this one it's going to be a winner. Depending on how many designs you have we could do another show, if we get in early it could be a lead in to a summer range."

She was smiling and nodded. "Well I don't have a full range, but if Kelli was here to look after the sewing room for a few days I could possibly have something by the end of next week. Come on sweetie, I saw you today, you love this, you haven't been happy recently. This is who you really are, that's the reality sweetie you can't hide from it; you just need to own it."

She headed for the door. I still had a couple of hours work left. I needed to adjust the accounts, spreadsheets and profit and loss statements. It was surprising how far ahead we were. My god we were making a profit even considering the fact we were miles behind with production. The meeting today had gone well and it looked really promising.

As I was making the adjustments a new email popped up it was Diane the lady from today. She was placing an order, and it was huge. There was a PS on her note. She wanted to go out together sometime. Bloody hell it was amazing. My mind was spinning. I couldn't stop smiling. I wanted to celebrate. I called Candy to tell her. I heard her squeal but she already had plans. I tried Siobhan but she was busy. In frustration I rang Karla. She like me was ecstatic with the news but like everyone else she was busy. I sighed. "Oh well looks like a night in by myself." Karla probed. "Why don't you ring Lauren or Alecia, I know they are at home doing nothing because I just spoke to them."

"I don't know, things have been horrible between us lately. I haven't even spoken to either of them for a week."

She comforted me. "I don't know what really happened between you three, but I know Lauren loves you. She was in tears the other day she misses you and wants you back in her life. Can I suggest that you give it another chance? Surely it's worth giving it another shot. If Alecia really likes you she will get used to Michael eventually.

By the time we had finished talking she had convinced me.

I decided to ring Lauren and tell her the good news. The moment she answered and she realised it was me her voice lifted and she sounded really happy. I explained the reason for my call. I heard her talking to Alecia. She asked. "So what are you doing?"

I was honest and admitted that everyone else was busy and I just wanted to share the news and celebrate.

"You should have called us first you pig. Come around tonight and we will all celebrate. The only catch is you will have to do the cooking!"

I hung up the phone and straightened out my dress and jumped in the car and drove home, stopping only to pick up some booze and some groceries.

Alecia and Lauren were in the lounge, watching something on TV they were laughing and joking. As I walked in I called out and they looked up but by then I was already in the kitchen plonking down my armful of supplies.

I poured myself a glass of wine and poured a couple of fresh ones for the girls, I placed the drinks on a tray, sucked in a deep breath and walked into the lounge. I was leaning over in front of them placing the tray on the coffee table before there was even any recognition that I was in the room. All of a sudden Alecia screeched. "Oh my god Kelli, oh god you look divine!"

Lauren followed suit, and a big smile passed over her face. "Oh my god baby it's so good to have you back." She jumped up into my arms. "Where the hell have you been? What took so long?"

I explained I had stopped to get something to cook for dinner. I knew they wouldn't have anything in the house. Alecia clapped her hands. "Oh thank god I am so sick of take- away's and pizza." Lauren burst out laughing. "Kelli you will never know how much we have missed you. I have put on five pounds."

I left them in the lounge while I went in to start preparing dinner. As I was getting it ready they both came in and hugged me and we kissed. I told them all about the new order. They stayed in the kitchen talking, cuddling and kissing as I got the food. I had read a recipe for Grilled Tequila Garlic-Lime Flank Steak and was giving it a go.

The girls were bubbling and giggling as we cooked up a storm. By the time we sat down to eat things were buzzing.

Alecia smiled. "God it's so nice to see you looking so happy and you look incredibly sexy."

I sucked in a deep breath. "I have to say it feels nice to be home. I am so sick of fighting. Can we just start again?"

That night we restarted our new marriage and we sealed it with a night of passion. It started in the lounge with Alecia sitting in my lap. Her tongue wrestling with mine. God that feeling of her lipstick covered lips sliding over mine, her channel perfume floating over us like a sensuous cloud was just so stimulating. She wriggled her hips on my hardening cock. She wriggled and writhed as Lauren walked behind us. She leaned down and her lips slid over mine and then onto Alecia's and they kissed. Fuck this was fantasy personified. Her hot breath was driving me crazy and Alecia was giggling sexily. "Kelli are you enjoying this?"

Lauren had slid her hands over Alecia's breasts and was mauling them brutally, pulling her blouse open and her sumptuous flesh flowed out. She laughed as she lifted up and pushed her nipples into my open salivating mouth.

Lauren snuck behind Alecia and worked her hand down her arse under her quivering cheeks. I felt her hands playing with her slit. She swapped from playing with Alecia's pussy to squeezing my cock. First one then the other. She slipped my dick out from inside my panties and rubbed it all over Alecia's wet open slit. Alecia was wriggling and writhing. I felt the tip slide into her as she let out a long. "Oooooooooooh god yes."

Lauren massaged my balls under Alecia's arse as she started to bump up and down on me. Riding me like we were in the grand derby. She crushed her snatch hard down on my lap until I couldn't hold back. I pulled her back into our kiss and her tongue fucked my mouth as she fucked herself on my cock. It was too much and before I could stop myself I was flooding her with gallons of hot sticky goo.

As we tried to regather our composure Lauren grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me into a deep soul wrenching kiss. "Come on bitch we are going to bed I need some of that. I hope you have been saving up."

The next day was a great day, Candy was so happy to see Kelli walk in through the door she spent most of the day walking and talking with me. The construction crew were flat out and going well. It seemed even Siobhan was also more comfortable knowing I was around.

As the day was drawing to a close and I relived the previous night my cock started to throb and pulse I raced out to my car and raced home hoping for a replay.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Never seen anyone get gas lighted this hard before. Why is Lauren in this story? She's so god awful.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Sorry, can’t get into this. This Lauren is a selfish arrogant manipulative bitch who should be locked up in a psychiatric ward at a correctional facility.

This shit is twisted.

Dark_RavenDark_Ravenalmost 4 years ago
Great writing, but...

Your writing is superb!

However, from a feel-good standpoint, the story kinda sucks. The wife is a manipulative bitch who tries to place the blame for all her failings on her husband. She's been cheating on him for 8 months while denying it. She's forcing him into crossdressing against his will, and constantly getting pissed off at him when he says he's uncomfortable and doesn't want to take it further. She's obviously giving him female hormones (the daily 'vitamins') without his knowledge. She's literally a criminal for that. There is absolutely no redeeming quality about her, and you've not given the reader any reason to do anything but hate her guts. Lastly, she even gets her way with having her girlfriend move in with them.

IMO, the story would have been better if he dumped the bitch and got together with Candy or even Siobahn. That would make the story more about Michael and less about Lauren getting her way with everything.

Also, the scene where he dresses up in a maid's outfit and Lauren suddenly starts acting like a dominatrix had zero context, so it felt really out of place given what we know of Lauren's personality up to that point.

If you were intent on keeping Lauren's personality the way you've written it so far, it would have been much easier to take if Michael was a lot more submissive. At least then readers could have taken it as a classic Dom/Sub story. Or perhaps it would have been better if it was posted under NonConsent/Reluctance category.

LisaBrooksLisaBrooksalmost 5 years ago
Hard To Be Two

My first thought was the pain Michael has had with the stance of not being gay! I understand and have lived it! His turmoil is real! Not being gay is real! That alone can be a conundrum! The other reality is being honest and being open can result in family shunning your life style! Not to say more being a transgender can be difficult! Getting back to the story I'm glad Kelli is back! She is in control and feels so much better being Kelli!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Why when Michael is dressed as Kelli and gets in those situations she doesn't say I'M A LESBIAN !!!! which would still have some guys saying a night with them and her mind would change but they would really know they had little chance. And for Lauren, the conniving one, she has an end game which is once she can get Michael laid by guy, the door will be open for her to be the true slut she is and picking up men and saying this one is for all of us which I think will kinda piss off Alecia being a lipstick lesbian which is why she likes Kelli because now in male clothes that is the way she sees Michael Lauren is TOXIC and should be treated as such and what type of job does she have

Joann69Joann69almost 5 years ago
Kelli and Lauren

Kelli is trying to become herself and Lauren needs to let her and quit calling her by him he and start using her she

And maybe have Sandy find out that Lauren is feeding her oestrogen

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
your characters are terrible people.

First off Candy isn't gay, she's a woman and likes men, calling her gay is implying she's really just a man. Then there's Lauren she's just a horrible emotionally abusive person and everyone pushes the main character back to her despite her abuse. Candy knows first hand how hard being trans can be but has zero empathy for the main characters struggles and it makes her seem like a terrible person too. I like the story and sometimes it feels like its going some where but then just dives back into abuse.

RhondaParker54RhondaParker54almost 5 years ago

When will Lauren realise the Kelli is like the majority of cross-dressers, heterosexual. If she wants Kelli to want a cock to introduce her to a shemale if anything might change her outlook this might.

Santa51455Santa51455almost 5 years ago

She is very conniving bitch. That said she did see something in Micheal that the others are now seeing. Kelli is the real person here, I do believe in karma and I hope Lauren in the end gets hers. This story is really enjoyable. Keeps you wanting more.

Jb423Jb423almost 5 years ago

Curious when Michael/ kelly will learn that Lauren has been giving her hormones.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Why does Lauren not respect any boundaries? Why doesn't she ever ask what Kelli/Michael wants? If she loves him/her so much, she would. I feel good that Michael is evolving at his own pace, setting his boundaries. Fuck Lauren

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

keep writing it is getting good the need to back off a bit on pushing him onto guys and let thing progress slowly maybe work him into guys yet but keep having sex with him as well

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Hormone pills

The hormones that we suspect were introduced early in the story with Lauren giving new vitamins to Michael. Soon afterwords he started to get more emotional, while as Michael and as Kelli. Lauren is a bad person, and it feels like the mental barrages she keeps throwing at Kelli/Michael are all part of a scheme to mentally break her down. It has gone from a great crossdresser story into a sad gaslighting story. I hope it turns around soon.

PatricBluPatricBlualmost 5 years ago

this episode is lacking it needs more of everything One error I noticed is I do not know of any perfume named channel, but know of one named Chanel

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

So you gave us the solution stop pushing guys on Kelli , listen to her, love her respect her be a friend be suportive, when she says no to guys.

It's the author that is destroying Kelli's mental health.

All Kelli has to do is say the truth, I am into girls, most people will respect that.

Lauren Alecia Candy SIobhanň Karla are not listening to Kelli and her needs.

Someone earlier posted that Lauren was giving Michael hormones I must have missed that .

If someone could tell me which chapter and page the hormones treatment started?

Or I will have to start reading from the beginning.

With all the fighting and Michael staying away and Michael doing the cooking how is Michael is getting the hormones into his body to make man boobs grow. And what size will Kelli's breast be the size the his mothers breasts or as long as Michael is taking hormones his breast will continue grow?

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