Can't We Let Him Stay? Pt. 01

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An old face interupts their first night alone together...
8.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/16/2024
Created 04/04/2024
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Two years I'd been dating Sarah, two wonderful years. We'd been each other's only friend throughout high school and I finally worked up the courage to ask her out after we graduated. She was a shy girl, bullied most of her life by all of the so-called popular kids.

When she was younger, it was her ginger hair or her weight that she was picked on for. Then puberty hit her hard, filling out her chest so fast she was buying new bras almost every other week. People said the worst things about her, implying her larger breasts meant she was a whore or that she'd already been with a hundred guys.

I knew she was really a pure girl, a pure tormented soul just like me. We didn't need anyone else to make it through high school and we wouldn't need anyone else to make it through the rest of our lives!

Sarah went on to study nursing at university like the kind spirit she was, but I focused on finding a job. I knew if I could work my way to a job that played well enough we could start our lives together, with just the two of us.

It had been a hard start to our new relationship, our hours in the day never seemed to line up as she studied and I worked whatever job I could get. We sneaked in what time we could together, with late night phone calls and the occasional dinner date. It was hard being apart for so long, but the longing only strengthened our love for each other.

Now I finally had a job that played well enough to support both of us. We both moved out of our homes and into an apartment. It was close to the university, which was great for Sarah because neither of us could drive yet. Even though it would take me three buses to get to work, I was happy just knowing we were living together.

My long hours and her studies would still take up our time, but we would be spending every night together from now on. I was anxious but excited to finally consummate our love after waiting all this time and after spending our first wonderful night together, I would make things official. I already had the ring, and I already knew we'd spend our lives together. This time tomorrow Sarah will be my fiancée.

"That's the last of them." I told her, wiping the sweat off my brow as I finished bringing in our moving boxes.

"Thanks for bringing them all in, Liam, you're the best boyfriend ever!" Sarah exclaimed from the couch.

Sarah didn't like pet names, not after everything she'd been called in school, so we referred to each other by our first names. I would have liked to use something cute or sweet, but I understood why she was against it.

I watched her, lying down on the couch with her head in a nursing textbook. She'd been through quite the transformation these past few years, slimming down to a much more shapely form. Her weight had never bothered me, but Sarah said her course had inspired her to take better care of her body.

I stared at her plump ass pressed tight against her leggings, but felt too guilty to linger on it. She was always the most beautiful girl to me, but now I was sure any guy would agree she looked amazing. As her body slimmed down, her breasts remained the same size, always pressing tight against the new shirts she wore.

I moved to lie down next to her, cuddling the love of my life and gently kissing her neck.

"You're so beautiful." I told her. "Maybe you could take a study break and we could break in the new bed?"

"You'll have to wait for tonight mister!" She told me with a smile on her face. "I want to make sure everything is perfect before we make love together."

She was right of course, I was being impatient. Our first time needed to be a magical moment and there wasn't any rush, we had the rest of our lives to spend together.

I leaned closer to kiss her lips, but was stopped by the sudden knocking at our door.

"Were we expecting anyone?" It wasn't like we had any friends to invite to a housewarming, who could it be?

"Could you go check? Maybe it's the neighbour's saying hello?"

I wish I had just stayed there, lying with Sarah until the knocking stopped. Instead, I went to the front door, opening our lives to the man that was behind it.

"Hey guys, long time no see"

Just the sound of his voice sent chills down my spine. He'd put on even more muscle since high school, showing off his arms with a white wife beater. The tight shorts he wore left little to the imagination with the large bulge pushing out of them. His face and body may have matured, but I'd never forget the sound of his voice.

"What are you doing here Callum." I said firmly, without any of the fear I would have once had.

"Relax dweeb, I'm not going to pants you or make you drink out of the toilet like I used to. I've changed since school."

That wide grin on his face told me otherwise, the bastard couldn't have changed that much. He enjoyed watching me squirm as he brought up my past humiliations, but I wasn't about to take it now.

"Well it was nice to see you but we're busy!" I tried to push the door shut on him but he fought back, keeping it open with a casual ease.

"Who's that Liam?" Sarah asked, walking over to the door.

I looked back to explain when I realised how revealing her clothes currently were. Her tight black leggings had ridden up as she was lying on the couch and now they pressed tight into her crotch. She was probably too innocent to be aware of it, but she was flashing her camel toe to Callum plain as day.

Almost as bad was the tight low cut top she had on, the shirt didn't quite fit her and her cleavage poured out of it. I was happy she was comfortable dressing like that around me, but I hated the idea of Callum getting to see it.

"God damn ginger tits, why didn't you look this good back in high school? Maybe you wouldn't had to have ended up with this loser." He laughed, pushing his way through the door while putting me on the back. "Just teasing of course, you're both great together and this is a real nice place."

Names like ginger tits were the reason Sarah had trouble being intimate. Now Callum was here acting like all his bullying was just one big joke.

"We were actually still moving in, how did you find where we lived?"

Callum walked right past us and slammed his butt down on the couch, causing all of Sarah's books to go flying off.

"I was going to visit both of you individually, but your family told me you had just moved out." He put his dirty feel up on the couch with him, leaning back as we both stood flabbergasted. "Do you mind getting me a drink, I wanted to give you guys an apology."

The nerve of this man to barge into our home and demand a drink! I was about to scream at him to get out when I heard Sarah reply.

"Of course, what can we get you?" She smiled at him with that genuine kindness I'd only ever seen on her.

"A bourbon or whisky would be great."

"No problem! I'll get a glass ready and can you grab that bottle of whisky your dad gave us Liam?"

That bottle was one of the most expensive things we owned! We weren't really big drinkers, but I wasn't about to give the man who tormented us our best drink.

"Maybe some soft drink would be better, it's a bit early to start drinking."

"Nonsense, it's not a work day. Besides, it's not like we were going to have it anyways." Sarah was bending over to open the box with our glasses in it, giving Callum a perfect view of her hanging breasts.

"Get two glasses then." Callum said, not even hiding the fact that he was staring at her. "I'd feel awkward being the only one drinking."

"Two glasses it is!" She twirled around and walked into the kitchen, her ass swaying in her tight pants as she moved.

Not left with much choice, I pulled out the bottle and followed her.

"Can't we just kick him out?" I asked Sarah now that we were far enough away. "This is the guy that made both of our lives hell!"

"Oh it wasn't that bad, and he says he wants to apologise! I think it's our duty to hear him out."

I didn't want to spoil our first night together with any arguing, so I dropped the issue. We'd let him have one drink, say what he wanted to say and then be down with it. Just a small bump before our blissful life together.

"Could you maybe go get changed at least, your outfit is just a little revealing." I told her while she poured the drinks.

"Oh really? I didn't notice! I'll go out something more comfortable on, you bring these out to him."

The cups were filled to the brim, a sizable chunk of the bottle gone. Like a servant I brought out the drinks to Callum, placing them on the coffee table next to the couch. Then with all the couch space taken up by Callum's legs, I sat down on the old recliner we had.

Callum wordlessly sipped on his drink and I wasn't about to start any small talk. We both sat in an uncomfortable silence while we waited for Sarah to return.

Sarah left our bedroom wearing a new set of silk pyjamas I'd never seen before. The sleeveless spaghetti strap top really amplified her cleavage, helped more by the tight bra she was thankfully still wearing. The shorts were more like a pair of underwear with the amount they covered and would surely show off some of her ass cheeks should she bend over.

"What do you think, pretty sexy right?" Sarah said, posing herself seductively.

"Fuck me, where was this sexy bitch hiding. Those legs are incredible!" Callum cleared on from the couch.

"Oh umm, thanks Callum." Sarah was visibly blushing. "But I was asking Liam, I got these for our first night together!"

"Wow, you really look amazing. But maybe you could have worn them without a guest here?"

"I'm sure he doesn't mind, I just wanted to look nice for you." Sarah gave me that pout she did whenever I'd unintentionally upset her.

"Mmm baby I don't mind at all, take a seat and I'll tell you what I'm here for." He pulled his legs off the couch and was patting the space next to him.

Thankfully Sarah sat down on the other end but without missing a beat Callum slid across to be beside her. Seeing her soft bare thighs press up against Callum's made my skin crawl, but I held my tongue. This was about to be over soon, I told myself, then I can spend the night admiring Sarah's outfit.

"So I wanted to apologise for my behaviour." Callum started, before quickly adding. "Oh don't forget to drink Sarah."

It was maybe the first time he'd called her by her real name, and that fact must have flustered her. Without hesitating she took the whisky and started downing it like a regular drink. She somehow managed to down half the glass before stopping herself.

"Mmhhff, wow that's got quite the burn." She said, clearly struggling after drinking so much. "I kinda like it though, makes my mouth feel all tingly."

"Well seeing you makes another part of me feel all tingly." He gave her a wink as her blushing intensified.

I wasn't about to let the bastard flirt with my soon to be fiancée, so I tried to interrupt him.

"Pass it over, I want to try some."

"I thought it was too early to drink?" Callum retorted, his eyes staring me down.

"That's right Liam and I don't think you'd like it anyways. You know how you always prefer the fruity drinks." Sarah added, going back for a smaller sip of the whisky.

It was a gift from my own father and I wasn't even allowed to try a sip. My frustrations continued to boil but I didn't say any more.

"So you want to apologise." I said, trying to hurry this along.

"Right, yes." Callum slipped his hand on the back of the couch above Sarah, one step away from wrapping it around her. "I wanted to tell you guys that, looking back on it, I was an asshole to you."

Sarah was looking up at him with wide eyes, she was clearly buying his every word. I could tell better that there must be a reason for his sudden change of heart.

"To both of you." He continued. "So I'm sorry. I'm sorry for treating you like that."

"That's it?" I asked. "After years of torment that's all you have?"

"I think it's enough!" Sarah interjected. "I accept the apology Callum, it's all water under the bridge!"

She was more animated than she usually was, likely already tipsy from the drink. She was leaning against him now and without anyone noticing he had slipped his hand down around her. His muscled hands pressing against her soft arms.

"There is one more thing." Callum said, staring me in the eyes. "I need a place to crash for a day or two."

"Absolutely not!" I said without hesitation, I wasn't about to let him ruin our first night alone together!

"Hang on a second, let's hear him out. Is there none else you can go to?" She asked with her innocent genuine concern. Leaning over comfortably close to him as she asked.

He had slipped his hand off her arm now and was rubbing up and down her sides. His hand sliding under her loose top to touch her bare flesh. I told myself she would never allow that kind of touching if she was sober, but there were bigger issues right now.

"I'm being kicked out by my parents and none of my friends have space right now. If I could just stay for a little while I'd be able to get back on my feet!" His hand was resting high up her shirt now, if I didn't know any better I might think it was holding one of her breasts. There was no way Sarah would allow that though, I hadn't even been able to touch them yet.

"A few nights won't be so bad, and maybe we could use the time to mend past wounds!" Sarah gave my puppy dog eyes but I just couldn't let her get her way this time.

"But what about our romantic night together?" I pleaded, hoping the thought of us being finally getting physical would win her over.

"It wouldn't feel right after kicking someone in need to the curb." She took on a firmer tone, not something I'd heard from her often.

"I won't be a burden to you guys, and I can really make up for everything I put you through." He said, somehow making out as if his staying here would be a favour to us!

Sarah stared me down, the tipsiness on her face starting to creep in. Callum's hand was still high up her shirt somewhere, and at this point I wasn't sure she realised it was even on her body. The man claimed he wouldn't be any trouble but he was already causing more tension in our relationship than we'd experienced these past two years.

"Please Liam, I don't mind waiting a little bit more." She asked, her mind already firmly made up.

"Can't we let him stay?"

"Fine, he can stay. But just for tonight!" It killed me to let this dirtbag stay here at all, but one night couldn't be that bad.

"Yay!" Sarah cooed, jumping up to give me a hug. "Thanks Liam, it's really the right thing to do."

I was never one to turn down a hug from Sarah, but I was also keenly aware of how she was positioned. With me still sitting on the recliner, Sarah had to bend down to embrace me. Her ass would be bent over, facing Callum head on. The thin silky material stretching up her ass and exposing it to him.

"Well how about we all start unpacking these boxes then!" I said, standing up off the recliner and out of Sarah's hug.

"Oh you wouldn't want us doing any of that." Callum said, standing up and putting himself between us. "We've been drinking."

"He's got a point Liam, I'm already feeling a bit dizzy. Why don't you finish up while I entertain our guest!"

Sarah might be a bit tipsy, but I couldn't believe a guy like Callum would get drunk so easily. Still, if I was putting everything away it would be a great excuse to not have to talk to him all night.

"Alright, guess I'll get started then."

"A toast then." Callum said, putting Sarah's drink back into her hands. "To having one hell of a house-warming party!"

He crashed his glass into Sarah's, putting far more force into it than was necessary. The intensity of it must have taken her by surprise, because the entire glass was knocked backwards drenching her boobs in whisky.

"Oh, silly me!" Sarah giggled as she looked down at her cleavage. "Do we have anything out to dry this up Liam?"

"Give me one second! I think we have some towels right here." It surprised me how unphased she was right now, but maybe that was just the alcohol in her?

"No time for that kid." Callum said, stripping out of his wife beater. Without hesitation he started drying her boobs, the thin layer of fabric the only thing separating his hands from her soft flesh.

"I don't know why I ever teased you about these milk bags." He said with his hand plunged down my girlfriend's cleavage. "They really are beautiful."

"Get your hands off her chest now!" I fumed at him. Did he really think this kind of behaviour was appropriate?

"Relax guy, I'm just cleaning her up." Callum pulled off her, innocently having his hands I'm the air. "Even sacrificed my shirt to do it."

"Relax Liam, he wasn't touching me or anything. You don't have to be so defensive of me." I hated that she was taking his side, she didn't understand how perverted some boys could be.

"I just don't think it's appropriate for your hands to be near her chest."

"We're all adults here Liam, a little touching won't kill anyone. Besides, her tits are so big I'd have to leave the room to not have my hands near them!" Callum acted like it was a joke but I know this was the exact thing Sarah hated the mo-

"Ohh stop it you!" Sarah giggled, smiling at the comment he had made.

Was she really drunk enough to laugh something like that off? I knew she normally hated the term 'tits' so she must have really been under its effects.

"Looks like a few drops hit your shirt." Callum pointed to her chest, but I couldn't see anything from where I was.

"Mmm? Oh I see! Yes, I'll need to put this in the wash right away."

My jaw almost dropped as I watched Sarah strip off her shirt right in front of Liam. Her lacy black bra filled out by the pale white mountains of her breasts. She took her time pulling the dress over her head, keeping her chest raised up and outwards towards Callum.

"The washers all set up, right Liam?" She asked, casually.

"Y-yeah, Ummmm maybe put on a new shirt first?" I'd never seen her act like this and frankly, I didn't know how to handle it.

"With a material like this it's better to wash it right away, I won't be a moment!"

She was walking away and I turned my attention to Callum. That bastard was staring right at her ass as she entered the laundry. That damn mocking smirk of his never leaving his annoying face.

"I better go help her out." He said, walking away without even looking at me.

"Who knows what she'll do when she's drunk like this..."

They were in there for far longer than they needed to be. I could hear muffled giggling and talking through the door, and maybe even a slapping sound at one point? Had Callum tried something, leaving Sarah to slap him in retaliation?

I wanted desperately to barge in and see what was happening, but I already knew what would happen. Sarah would say I didn't trust her, or that I was being overprotective. She was clearly in a mood tonight and I wasn't about to let any suspicions ruin our perfect lives together.

Eventually they came out of the room, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Sarah wasn't just shirtless anymore, she had also taken off her shorts! Now she was only wearing her bra and a matching lacy thong that made her ass look even bigger than it already was.

"See, I told you he'd love them!" Sarah said to Callum, clearly catching me staring at her.

"Guess you're right then, you win the bet." Callum said, draping his arm around her again.

"What's going on!" I really could believe how they were acting, even with Sarah having a bit to drink.

"Callum didn't think you'd appreciate these." She gestured down to her exposed lower half. "But I knew you would, so we had a little bet about it."

"That's not... why are you just in your underwear now!" Was I crazy, how didn't she get that was what I was talking about?