Caring is Cold Comfort Pt. 04


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"Brother you are magnificent. Know that I am not acting, and that everything I say here is true." She got comfortable. "Remember when Kacy would come over, her skirt too short, a few extra buttons undone on her blouse. She was showing off for me, an enticement. But you of course looked, every guy does. But she took all that, went back to school and told all the girls how you were this fat pervert. I think she knew, unconsciously maybe, of my interest in you, and was jealous."

Bobbi sat and appeared to ponder it. "Or maybe deep down she truly is cruel. Girls fight differently sometimes. They'll use words to hurt you, destroy you, you'll be assassinated and not realize it. You'll just be sitting home alone for prom wondering why no one would even talk to you." She wiped a tear from her eye. "Either way, she cock blocked you, and you never even knew it. The reason you couldn't get dates in high school is because all girls talk about is guys, comparing, contrasting, gossiping. Once the rumors circulated about you, none of them wanted anything to do with you. Except her, later, when I made her a gift for you, so you might fuck me as well. Even then her true self came out, she got between me and you, cut you off from me, all while still coming over to my place. More than willing, at my suggestion to lick my pussy, or do all manner of lesbo shit."

She kissed me on the cheek. "I tell you all this because, whatever happens in the future, should she and I get in the same room with you, and I ask about her new crush, Robert Darby, you will remember this, and also recall my humble request." She bit her finger and gave a little giggle. "Dominate the bitch! Make her yours now and forever. Deep down she wants it, or she wouldn't still be hanging around. Don't just take her, dominate her, subjugate her."

"Own her and be the man I know you are. Fool everyone else, fool even yourself, but know that you don't fool me. You're the one that runs this show. Now choose."

She licks her hand in front of me and stands up.


"He's banged up pretty good actually, but he was doing alright. I should probably go see him tomorrow. The dumbass tried to fight two guys at once." Kacy kept digging.

'No, not Kacy,' I thought, 'Kitten.'

Bobbi found my gaze in the mirror and she smiled. She won, and she knew it, as she had not just spent the last couple of hours showing me exactly who I really was?

And who I was, unfortunately for poor Kitten, was not the sort of man to spare anyone much sort of sympathy right now. 'It's true,' I thought as I looked her over, still chattering, her arms crossed. 'She destroyed my reputation and never said a word about it. She was willing to fuck me why, to get into my sister's panties? She used me. She never loved me.' I thought of all those nights spent together.

'No, she felt something, but it's all suspect now. It's over.' There was a pain in my chest, and in the process of pushing it down deep, with all the other hurts men hide away, something else rose up to take its place.

"Show her the real you," I recalled my father telling me. I knew at that moment I was done living in the in-between.

I interrupted her. "Kacy."

"Yes babe," she replied, and I fumed.

'Babe? Are all girls this fake,' I asked myself as I held the only real one I knew in my embrace. I appraised Kitten, gorgeous and noted when she looked at me now the fire was gone from her eyes. The next move was natural. "Kacy is a kinky kitten."

Her face slackened as her eyes closed. Bobbi cackled and lurched free from my grasp, nearly careening into the girl before grabbing her sweater and tugging it over her blonde hair.

Kitten was wearing the see through blue floral bra I had bought her months ago. Bobbi hooked her fingers under the cups of the garment and pulled them up violently, she almost jerked Kitten from her feet while my sister caused Kitten's breasts to jiggle and bounce as they flopped free.

"Look Bubba, these are your titties now, they belong to you." She clasped and pinched Kitten's nipples as she disparaged the girl's beautiful breasts.

"Don't," I whispered as I heard my sister say cruel things and found it to be erotic as fuck and it fit in accordance with the dark emotion bubbling up inside me. 'Kitten does belong to me,' and Bobbi was showing her off, mocking her. 'And she deserves it,' I thought, 'she came to my house, revealing her body and hating me for looking, to the point she ruined my reputation at school. Well, I will look all I want now. More than that. I'll show her off to the world, and not in some playful, flirty way.'

I walked over to the camera and adjusted it so it recorded Bobbi and Kitten now. "Make her titties bounce. I liked seeing them wobble like that." My sister did as I asked, and she laughed as she did it. She grew bored with that and began to unbutton Kitten's jeans, revealing the panties that matched her bra.

"Her pussy belongs to you now, too, Bubba. Look." Bobbi nearly ripped the underwear off her as she tugged them to the side, this left Kitten's trimmed vagina on display. Bobbi began to shove fingers inside the girl. One, two, three, before she strained with the fourth finger. I saw the discomfort on Kitten's face and knew there was a chance she might slip out of the trance she was in if it went much further.

"Don't," I said, more loudly this time.

Bobbi pretended to not hear me. "She's already soaked from seeing me naked, and look at this big pussy! I can almost get my whole hand- "

"Stop," I shouted. "You will stop denigrating her. She's fucking beautiful, nothing's wrong with her body, and we won't pretend otherwise unless I decide so. And as you said, that body belongs to me, you will stop hurting her. That's my property you're damaging." I looked away. 'God help me, she did this just for me to say that.' I found in that moment that I didn't care if I didn't care.

But then Bobbi went and screwed up. She jeered. "Don't be weak now, this is your chance to really hurt her. If you won't then I'll make you! Bubba, Bubba is... Bubba is... I can't- "she screamed as she realized what I must have done when I had her under my command earlier. "You took the memory, no, the words! Bubba is... Bubba is the best brother ever!" She smiled and sauntered over to me as my hidden command kicked in. She was now the sexy little sister willing to serve. Only the flicker of emotion across her face told of the struggle going on inside her. It soon went away, and I knew then that she had embraced the new her. Her unconscious desire to be mine, manifested by the stated agreement to give me control, compounded with the hypnotic command and the subliminals playing from my laptop.

Why fight it then, did she hate Kacy that much? I had to shake my head in disbelief. She had everything she wanted, me, us now complete, united. Kacy, her rival, reduced to Kitten with me as her owner. 'Why would she do all that? Why risk throwing it all away?'

'Only one reason,' I thought. I kissed her as she pressed her naked body against me. "You wanted it all, you greedy little thing."

Bobbi smiled as she looked up at me. "Always, it's what I am. It's my nature. You know that."

"Yes," I had to admit it. It's important to be honest with one's self. "I suppose I do." I swatted Bobbi on the ass. "Get her clothes back on and then strip her again while I record. I really liked seeing her getting exposed like that."

"You loved it when her titties bounced around, and when I had my fingers in her" she said. There was my naughty little sister, observant as always.

I scratched my chin. Kacy's rapid exposure had resembled one of my great fantasies. "I may have to teach you some moves. There are some videos I like out there, girls fighting. Sometimes they tear each other's clothes off. Most are staged but there are some real ones as well."

Bobbi turned and said over her shoulder, "and you want me to practice for what?"

I smiled. "When's your school prom again? March? I'll get to go this time, with Kitten there. Meanwhile, there's plenty of time to choreograph a fight, get the right dresses, et cetera. I think everyone at your school, after seeing her pics, should get to see her titties bounce like that, don't you? Maybe watch as her hair gets pulled and her panties get torn off, if the fight isn't broken up before then? I know she probably has a reputation as a badass given her martial arts training. Imagine what people will say when they see her get dominated and stripped by little old you? Deep down you liked it when you knew everyone saw her nude. It's okay to admit it, we are past hiding anything now."

Bobbi giggled and nodded. "And they'll see all of me too? I don't know how I feel about that."

"Don't worry Bobbi, by the time that rolls around, you'll be more than willing to do whatever I ask. You and Kitten both."

'God help me, no, more like god help them.' I noticed then that at some point before I had begun stroking my dick. I shrugged and kept on doing it. 'Yes, I'll help them reach their true potential and find their real selves. Even if I must make that for them. Yes indeed.'

Fap. Fap. Fap.

Coda: Six Months Later

The smell of salt hung heavy in the air as the gulls called from above the din of the crashing surf. Beyond the rolling dunes of powdered sand, the sun sent down rays of light strong enough to scorch the skin and to illuminate all that occurred beneath it.

At a non-descript spot along the beach nestled between two piers, a small crowd gathered. Comprised almost entirely of men, the hooted and hollered and recorded as two girls laughingly tussled between the waves.

One girl, tiny save for her humongous breasts, struggled and failed to keep her large areolas and nipples from escaping her itsy- bitsy bikini top. Invariably, after repairing one "slip" another would occur, much to the delight of the men looking on.

Embarrassed though she appeared to be, her predicament was more favorable than her opponent. The taller girl, a striking blonde with an athletic build and a face beautiful by any measure, had the misfortune to wear a strapless top to the beach. Her bright red nipples were often displayed, which caused her constant consternation.

Worse than that, however, was her matching bikini bottoms. Pink in color, the poor girl had to always adjust them whenever she and the brunette would grapple as the smaller girl fought dirty. She pulled them to the side or down altogether, exposing the blonde to the crowd.

And humiliating her.

Thirty yards away, camped out on a towel strategically located to offer a great view of the struggle in the water, sat a hulking young man, adorned in a T shirt and swim trunks, upon which rested a woman's wide brimmed hat, all to better hide his growing erection. Beside him was another blonde woman. She laughed at the girls playing in the water, relishing their predicament.

"I love it when your sister tries to wear that bikini top in public, there is no way she couldn't pop out of it," she said into the young man's ear with a breathy whisper.

He smiled and blatantly reached across to the woman's own bikini top and slid the triangle of fabric to the side until her puffy brown nipple spilled out. "Like that," he asked. But he was only half interested in the scene in the water and the blonde next to him. His mind was elsewhere, a common occurrence for him as of late.

She yelped but waited for his nod before tucking herself back in. She laughed, a hearty, free sound. He snapped out of his ennui as his dick became harder. He patted her on her head for her restraint. "Good girl," he told her and watched as she beamed in pride.

"What about Kitten," he asked.

"I need to teach her about what to wear to the beach. Any girl her age should know you can't go swimming in a strapless top unless you plan to fall out everywhere. It's almost like she intends for it to happen. Then her pussy is flapping in the breeze, the girl has no decency!"

The young man nodded. "I agree. I think you should join Bobbi next time Kitten is punished. Will serve her right, and don't worry, if its within reason, Kitten can take it. The girl is a trooper."

The woman nodded," oh trust me, I know." She then leaned her head on the young man's shoulder as she sneaked her hand under the hat. She found her intended target and flexed her fingers around him and pumped up and down.

"Touch them, I'm begging you." The woman spotted the girls then, after hearing his words. They were jogging back through the throng of onlookers. Many of those guys were cat calling as the young man tensed. She herself also perked up, as this was one of the many kinks the guy beside her had.

'If anyone puts a finger on them, blood will flow, and then we will fuck all night long,' she thought with a smile. "Yes, please touch them," she moaned. The girls got closer and she moaned again. Neither of them was entirely covered up top after running and Kitten was still showing elsewhere.

The girls stopped before the young man, their chests heaving, before they sat on the towel next to him. The brunette burrowed into his other arm. Her breast was pressed into him so tightly it had flattened and bulged out the sides of her top until her large areola was showing again and her prominent nipple was pressed into his flesh. As for the blonde she crossed her legs as she sat in a lotus pose, this caused the other blonde to chuckle.

"Kitten, your left pussy lip is hanging out."

"Mom!" Kitten turned bright red, until her skin nearly matched the shade of her nipples peeking from above her bikini top.

Beside him, the young man's sister; the brunette, jumped in as well. "Yeah, and your ugly, weird looking nipples are showing too!"

The young man sighed. Try as he might, he couldn't stop his sister from getting in her verbal digs on the beautiful blonde girl.

"Shush Bobbi," he said as he saw Kitten pout. He remembered all the great times with her, and took pity, as he always did. "Kitten has sexy breasts. In fact, out of all of you, she is easily in my top four favorite pair of titties of anyone sitting on this blanket."

All three women cheered at his tired joke, but as he watched, he saw the trembling of Kitten's shoulders and knew that she was struggling maintain her proper outlook. 'Time already,' he thought and perked up even more. He touched her knee with a tender shyness. "Kacy may speak candidly," he told her; fully aware of how much both of them needed this.

"I fucking hate you! And mom, please fight him" her voice broke. "Daddy! Dear god don't make me..." She buried her face in her hands and sobbed. Beside him Kacy's mom rolled her eyes and Bobbi snickered. "Why? What did I ever do to you," she huffed, and one curious male nearby stepped forward, no doubt to defend the fair maiden in her moment of need.

He was stopped by the glare in Bobbi's eyes. "Fuck off or get fucked up, needle dick. You don't want any of this," she told him before she nuzzled her head against her brother's bicep.

The man threw up his hands and walked away.

Bubba took his time answering the question, as he was always thinking it over, the reasons, the justifications, juxtaposed against the parameters of his perversion. He liked this answer though.

"In my Intro to Philosophy class we covered Plato, and the Republic," he paused as Kacy's mother gave up on stroking him off and instead nuzzled against his other arm.

"Ohh so smart and strong. Educate my daughter please."

"Anyway," he continued, "in the Republic Socrates describes the ideal society, and in doing that, through metaphor, he compares it to a just man comprised of three distinct attributes. The gut," he pointed to his sister, "is all need and want. It is physical craving. Then there is you," he pointed at Kacy, "the heart. The guardian, the fighter. The spirit, you animate the body, as without you no needs or wants get fulfilled."

"Then there is me, the mind, that which pursues higher needs and wants, and directs you and Bobbi to attain them. I am, of course, the ruler over the other two. You follow me Kacy?"

Her lips pulled back from her teeth in a feral expression. She snarled. "What does that have to do with me exposing myself in public, or online, or at school?" Her voice caught then, and she gazed downward and mumbled under her breath until she looked back up with a visage so ferocious Bubba felt his balls retract. "What does that have to do with you making me want to... want to..." Kacy struggled to fight back the tears. "Fuck my dad!"

He reached across and took hold of her hands. He knew that if he hadn't already broken her, she would have fought him then, to the death if need be. "Shh, look at you, so fierce, even now. You have no idea what that does to me, how much I admire your strength, what a great boost it is to my ego to know that a woman like you belongs to me? I broke you, and still you fight."

Bubba didn't wait for a reply. "Listen, years ago you did a bad thing and ruined my name, you made my high school years a private hell, out of jealousy."

"Not all, I didn't..." she whispered. "We were dumb kids, I was confused, and scared, and you kept looking at me constantly and were so huge, even back then. It creeped me out. I didn't feel safe around you. Way to prove me wrong!"

"You weren't wrong," Bubba surprised himself with the admission and immediately felt the rightness of it. "The fantasies I had of you back then, well you are living some of them now. I merely mention it to illustrate that your morality is skewed, as is the ethics of most people, into something self-serving. You scorch the earth in your righteousness, my little paladin. You walked over me trying to chase after my sister here and in doing so you immolated me."

"But in all those years you spent trying to get into Bobbi's panties, you never gave me a second thought. Yet she still got her hooks into you, and made you desire me, hell, love me even, how? Because despite your disgust for me, you would fuck me to have her. And a girl who would do that, would tell all sorts of stories. Stories about brothers and sisters bonding, loving, fucking. And hey, I'm just a fat, perverted loser, my name is already shit. But I will destroy anyone whoever tries to hurt Bobbi or her reputation."

She fumed, "I would never!" She struggled; her nails dug into his palms. "You had her flash people at school. You show her off like some whore!"

"Only to eliminate her anxiety, until now she enjoys it. Just as I will help eliminate your hypocrisy until you begin to enjoy it too. And by that, I mean incest of course. Because that is what the mind does, I discern the best path to achieve what must be done."

Bubba turned and shoved his tongue down the older blonde's throat. They kissed passionately for over a minute before he broke away. "Thank you, Jeannie, I think you'll have to give your daughter kissing lessons again soon. As for you Kacy, I promise you, once you're done seducing your father, I won't have to hold you in my thrall anymore, as you'll be truly free."

Kacy was utterly disgusted. She beseeched her mother, "momma fight him, please!" When the older blonde continued to stare at her blankly, Kacy only whispered to herself, "no, no, no," as her hands shook. She then shuddered and glared at Bubba with such open hostility he felt what it was like to stand in front of an open furnace. "Bullshit! You know you just want to keep me, that this is what this is all about! And free? Free from what?" Kacy grabbed her stomach and began to retch. "I feel sick."

Bubba forced away his desire to touch her again. "You'll be free from the judgment of society, having realized that all taboos are merely manufactured. And you will be free from yourself, all that bothersome self-loathing at the need for your restraint." He admitted defeat before he smiled and lifted her chin up and held it at an angle that caused him to see himself reflected in her eyes. Her expression was one of revulsion so obvious his initial inclination was to apologize. He recalled the day, months before, when he realized that her expression was a manipulative projection. She was not disgusted with him; she was disgusted by her overwhelming sexual attraction to him; and mirrored that emotion on her face as a defense. It was exactly that insight that explained so much of her behavior that unlocked the following truth. 'That's when I realized she and I could be together in spirit, if I just made her more like me,' he thought.
